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利益驱动使个体呈现出道德冷漠。道德冷漠将道德参与者割裂为独立的个体,忽略了人际交往的交互性与集结性。关怀伦理既突出对人的感性层面的关怀,更强调对人的内在关系性关怀,因此,关怀伦理能有效消解社会道德冷漠现象。以关怀伦理为视角探讨道德冷漠的消解,需要对道德动机移置,伦理关系共建,真实心理满足和关怀行为强化,进行深入的研究。  相似文献   

师生关系一直是一个热门话题,很多学者提出要建立民主、平等、和谐的师生关系。基于导师与研究生关系的复杂性,需要通过一个新视角来审视导师与研究生的关系,即关怀性师生关系。如果甲是关怀者,乙是被关怀者,甲关怀乙,乙意识到甲的关怀并作出反应,乙的反应被甲接受,那么关怀性师生关系就成功建立起来了。构建关怀性师生关系有倾听、包容、交流等方式,这对改善导师与研究生的关系具有重要意义。  相似文献   

创造性思维是以感知、记忆、思考、联想、理解等能力为基础,以综合性、探索性和求新性特征的高级心理活动. 一、激发学生"创造"动机 1.情景激励法 在教学"数学与体育"一节时,先用多媒体演示:1.笑笑与淘气分别从起跑线的A、B位置出发,沿半圆走到C、D,问他们俩人走过的路程一样长吗?为什么?学生很快就作出正确回答2.小明、小红、小华、小丽分别从起跑线的A、B、C、D位置出发,沿半圆走到A(')、B(’)、C(')、D(')你能求出每相邻的两个同学的距离是多少吗?学生一下子进入热烈讨论的状态,答案是各种各样的.在当时创设了问题的情景下,马上就调动了学生积极探求知识的欲望.  相似文献   

代入上式即得命题1.以下是命题1的几个等价命题.其中A,B∈R.命题2sin2A sin2B 2sinAsinBcos(A B)sin2(A B)命题3cos2A cos2B-2cosAcosBcos(A B)=sin2(A B)命题4sin2A+cos2B-2sinAcosBsin(A+B)=cos2(A B);命题5cos’A+sin’B—ZcosAsinBsin(A+B)一。。S\A十B);台四6sin’A+sin’B—ZsinAsinBcos(A—B)一幻DZ(A—B);命囹7COS’A+COS’B—ZCOOACOSBCOS(A—B)=sin’(a一B);命囹8sin’A+cos’B—ZsinAcosBsin(A—B)一COSZ(A—B);今囹@。。s’A+sin’B+ZcosAsinBsin…  相似文献   

以某高校360名大学生为被试,采用自尊量表、内在—外在心理控制源量表和网络游戏动机问卷,探讨自尊水平、内外控特征与大学生网络游戏动机的关系。结果表明:(1)男生的网络游戏动机显著高于女生,但在娱乐动机维度上不存在显著差异;大三学生的网络游戏动机总平均分显著高于大四学生,大一和大三学生的自我肯定动机得分显著高于大四学生。(2)男女生的自尊水平不存在显著差异,但男生的外控性显著高于女生;大二和大三学生的自尊得分显著高于大四的学生。(3)自尊与逃避归属存在显著负相关,内外控与网络游戏动机总平均分、自我肯定、逃避归属存在显著正相关;低自尊者在逃避归属维度得分显著高于高自尊者,高外控者在自我肯定、逃避归属维度得分显著高于高内控者。  相似文献   

关怀伦理主张关系的和谐,把行动的注意力从道德自我必须转向他人,对他人现实的关注,注重在具体的情境中看重的是关怀行动的结果。老年人成为伦理关怀的被关怀者、接受者,关怀者要尊重和洞察被关怀者的精神需求,并付诸于实际行动的关怀、照顾、体贴。同时,被关怀者要以积极的心态对关怀方的关怀作出回应,主动接受关怀。以"关怀"维系人与人之间的关系、人与自然之间的关系、人与自我的关系,从关怀伦理的维度关怀老龄者是从我国国情出发,分析老龄问题的一种有益尝试和建构路径。  相似文献   

本试卷分第1卷(选择题)和第11卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分。考试时间120分钟。第I卷;。@。。的#;一、选择回:本大刁共20小回,每小田1.5分,井30分。在每小囹列出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。1.(史记·商君列传)载:“商君相秦十年,宗室贵戚多怨望”。这主要是因为商微变法A.允许工商者入仕为官B.准许土地自由买卖C.承认土地归私人所有D.规定按军功授爵赐田2.下列战役中,战场地理位置最南的是A.牧野之战B.核下之战C.巨鹿之战I3.官渡之战3.刘知几的《史通)是一部A.历史学理论著作B.唐朝断代史C.典章制度沿…  相似文献   

比较两个数的大小,有以下三个方法:(1)若1-A≤1-B或A-B≥0,则A≥B.(2)若A>0,B>0,且(A/B)≥1,则A≥B.(3)若A≤B,B≤C,则A≤C;若A≥B,B≥C,则A≥C.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空(共25小题,每小题1分;满分25分)A)从A,B,C,D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。1.journey A.pour B.honourC.burst D.broad2.paths A.healthy B.eightyC.youths D.months3.butter A.pure B.fortunateC.future D.dust4.parent A.spear B.wearC.carry D.patient5.longer A.London B.proveC.lock D.lonelyB)从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。6.After the flood,a new theatre was put up____there had once been a station.  相似文献   

上一讲的两个练习有一些难度,下面给出答案.第4页左下 1.以A为一端的线段,有4条; 以B为一端的线段,有3条; 以C为一端的线段,有2条; 以D为一端的线段,有1条.共 4 3 2 1—10(条). 2.(1)这样的点在C点左,右两侧,距C点1个单位长; (2)这样的点在B点左侧,B与C之间,距B1.8 个单位长.  相似文献   

论大学生被关怀者品质的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代大学生被关怀者品质令人担忧,迫切需要加强大学生被关怀者品质教育。论文阐释了被关怀者品质及其构成要素。然后就被关怀者品质养成的知情意三个心理过程作了解释,最后从体验关怀、理解关怀、感激关怀和回报关怀四个方面论述了大学生被关怀者品质的培养。  相似文献   

The need to revolutionize geriatric nursing is dawning. However, there is a negative view regarding this nursing field. The dearth of literature on the use of theatrical films to surface universal realities in a care-driven profession has led to this attempt of bringing to reality the essences of caring, carer, and cared-for and their interactions with each other. This paper presents an innovation of selecting a film (Away From Her) to surface the essences, or lebenswelt, of three universal realities: caring, carer, and cared-for. Content analysis and appreciative inquiry were utilized to achieve the objectives of this study. This bold attempt to tap the field of art, particularly films, has led to the genesis of three themes that resulted from the interaction of the objects under study. The C3 (Carer-Caring-Cared-for) Interaction Model crystallizes the nexus between and among living, learning, and loving in geriatric practice.  相似文献   

美国教育学家内尔.诺丁斯倡导教育必须培养会关心人、爱人,并且可爱的人,被学术界称为关怀道德教育理论。国内外关于诺丁斯关怀道德教育理论的研究成果颇丰。从诺丁斯的"关心性"关系这个新的视角入手,诺丁斯关怀道德教育理论的核心是"关心性"关系,包括关心者与被关心者,其目标是培养会关心的人,要求保持以关心的连续性为原则,并以多种方法为实现途径。这种全新的对"学会关心"理论的认识,对我国的道德教育改革有所启示。  相似文献   

Caring, as a universal human phenomenon, should permeate elementary, secondary and tertiary level instruction. The practice of teaching, especially at the tertiary level, is not only substantial and procedural but relational as well. To teach with a heart is the essence that makes teaching a form of caring. When teaching is viewed as a form of caring, teachers become relational geniuses in their own right. This study is an attempt to segment Filipino college students’ views (n=1000) of their teachers’ caring behavior and their orientations as cared-for individuals. The identified clusters of teacher roles that indicate caring behavior imply that acts of teaching become acts of caring depending on how the teachers, theefficient cause of education, perform their ordinary tasks in the context ofextraordinariness. Such extraordinariness spells out a big difference in the way teachers practice the so-calledsingle loop caring or caring visibility anddouble- loop caring or caring presence. The former refers to teaching from the heart while the latter pertains to teaching with a heart. Interestingly, the extent to which teachers’ caring behavior is felt and experienced by the students positively shapes their orientations as cared-for individuals.  相似文献   

人口老龄化背景下河北省社区养老研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人口老龄化背景下,我国原有养老模式已经无法满足养老需要,社区养老应运而生。目前河北省社区养老在认识、资金、设施和服务方面存在一定的薄弱环节。要使社区养老健康发展,就必须处理好四方面的关系:政府与其他社会力量的关系;不同层次养老需求之间的关系;社区养老与职业教育的关系;社会化养老与传统伦理的关系。  相似文献   

Research on teacher-student relationships shows their impact on students. However, it typically focuses on teachers’ interactions and instruction, with less attention to motivations/feelings. Specifically, almost no quantitative research has focused on teachers’ caring for students, despite its potential importance. The present multilevel study, comprising 675 students in ages 15–17 and their 33 homeroom teachers, linked students’ feelings that their teacher cares for them with their self-esteem, well-being, and school engagement and indicated that teacher-student relationships quality mediates these links. Furthermore, students’ reports on teachers’ caring were associated with teachers’ sense of meaning at work, suggesting its role in enhancing caring.  相似文献   

现在的学校考试重在记忆性质的“知识”这一低浅层次,而忽视了它的文化精神层面,即学生通过考试体验和提升自身价值的人文需求。人文关怀是用人的方式去理解人、对待人、关怀人。学校考试缺乏人文关怀的原因主要是考试目标只注重认知领域,教师在教学中忽视情感教育等,因此考试应从考试环境、教师监考、试卷编制和考试评价四个方面体现人文关怀。  相似文献   

“教育者”的本质诉求及其基本要义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"教育者"并非是一个由外在规范所构成的身份性概念,而是一个有其内在本质诉求的文化性概念。对人之成长的真正关怀的教育性意向以及对于文化在启迪人生成长方面所发挥作用的文化自觉使一个人成为"真正的教育者",这构成了教育者的真正本质。  相似文献   

This article explores primary school teachers' conceptions of caring within teaching and discusses the relevance of an ethic of care for teaching. Thirty-two Swiss and English primary school teachers participated in this exploratory study. The methodology included semi-structured interviews as well as image-based approaches employing photographs and drawings. Caring within teaching can be understood in a range of ways: caring as commitment, caring as relatedness, caring as physical care, caring as expressing affection, such as giving a cuddle, caring as parenting and caring as mothering. The author suggests that these definitions of caring within teaching can be placed along a continuum. Caring understood as mothering at one end of this continuum is distinctly associated with traditional Western notions of femininities whereas caring as commitment is non-gender-specific. Caring as relatedness can be linked with the concept of ethic of care, which has been conceptualised as a moral perspective more often held by women. The findings of this study challenge this view, as an ethic of care understood as responsibility for and relatedness to their pupils emerged amongst men as well as women.  相似文献   

党内关怀思想及建立党内关怀机制初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
党内关怀思想就是指中国共产党为了共同的奋斗目标和最高理想,充分发挥广大共产党员的先锋模范作用,不断提高党的战斗力乖凝聚力,而对广大党员和基层干部在政治上、思想上、精神上、生活上、心理上进行关心、引导、激励、帮助、疏导的一系列理论原则和思想方法。党的十七大报告,对党内关怀思想进行了新的阐述,形成了较为完整的思想体系,标志着党内关怀思想的成熟。落实党内关怀思想就要建立健全党内关怀机制。研究党内关怀思想及建立党内关怀机制具有重要的现实意义与理论意义。  相似文献   

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