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版画的艺术表现对技法具有很大的依赖性。版画技法的独特性、技法产生的各种艺术效果的欣赏价值,是其它画种所不具备的。从传统版画到现代版画,技法和技法在版画艺术中的意义不断发展演变。形式可以脱离主题独立存在,但是技法不能脱离艺术表现。  相似文献   

版画创作是一个复杂的过程.是为了通过技巧使情感成为可以观看的形象,版画家创作版画时,其情感和技巧贯穿创作始终,情感是版画创作的灵魂,而技巧是情感的载体.情感有效的控制技巧的运用.使技巧完成情感的完美再现。当版画家在创作时心、手、眼能够和谐配合.即达到技巧与情感的平衡统一.就必然能够创作出好的艺术作品。  相似文献   

本文通过对版画创作过程中技法与情感内容、语言的探索,提出对偶然性因素的看法和其他的感想,意在说明在创作中,情感的表现对作品的重要性。  相似文献   

在现当代艺术领域不断拓宽与膨胀的环境下,版画艺术也朝着多元化的方向发展。纸版画作为版画艺术里的一个门类,在创作中同样也面临着制版技法的革新与创作思维的突破。一直以来,纸版画由于在制版技法上的简单划一,在创作思维上的局限与纯粹,越来越受到专业版画创作者的轻视,从而成为了一种在初学版画者间流行的画种。纸版画是一种综合性的版画,它的单纯与纯粹在画面的表现上具有强烈的视觉冲击力,在内容与题材的表现上具有宽泛的创作语言形式。纸版画的制版技法在创作中是一个至关重要的环节,直接决定着纸版画的精良程度。可见,对纸版画创作中的制版技法进行深入的探索与研究是纸版画发展与创新的必然要求。  相似文献   

本文通过对目前在杭高校开展的木刻版画课程的调查,以及亲身教授木刻版画课程的经验总结,提出学习和了解木刻版画技法的意义,指出提高木刻版画技法趣味性在当前高校木刻版画课程教学普及中的重要作用,并对如何加强木刻版画趣味性进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

乾隆姑苏版区别于传统民间版画,是受明清时期中西文化交流中由传教士带来的"泰西法"影响下产生的桃花坞木版年画。它将西洋画中的透视法、明暗造型等技法与中国民间传统版画技法相融合,是清中期桃花坞木版年画兴盛期的一种特殊形态。从美术学角度可以看出,姑苏版中的"泰西法"有其独特的视觉文化价值。  相似文献   

【清代版画(上)】中国传统的版画是将画稿反刻在以梨木、枣木等做成的书版上,再经涂墨、刷印而成。制作时运用挑,刻、铲、刮等技法,将画稿原作的形与神尽现于  相似文献   

综合技法所创造出的艺术效果,正以其独有的美感、灵活的表现形式,丰富着艺术家的版画艺术的语言。本文论述了版画教学中运用综合技法的重要性,介绍了相关的策略与方法。  相似文献   

刘永夫 《文教资料》2010,(17):78-81
版画在中国有着悠久的历史,起先是作为文化传播工具,后发展成一门独立的艺术,也就是现在所说的版画、原创版画。创作铜版画最基本的就是必备准确熟练的技术,但是技术是为表现主题而服务的,受人的精神感情支配,我们往往会过于注重技巧在画面上中的运用而忽视主题思想的表现,从而影响版画艺术的提高。现代版画更重视构思和艺术效果,技术是丰富画面的重要元素,构思是画面的内涵和主观情感,只有把技术和情感更好地结合起来,才能创作出优秀的作品。  相似文献   

水印版画以其表现技法和悠久的历史具有独特的艺术魅力。水印版画走入课堂,有助于学生进一步了解和掌握水印版画,并加深其对中国传统艺术的理解。  相似文献   

人工智能时代传统高等教育受到了一定的挑战,高校作为知识普及和技能传授主要场域之地位正在消解,教师传道授业解惑的主体和权威地位不断被削弱,传统高等教育教学内容和方式正在发生转变,社会对人才的需求急剧转向。现代教育的过程本质上是一个价值传导过程,而不仅仅是技能传授过程。人工智能对高等教育主体性的削弱须通过价值判断教育予以弥补,智能系统难以具备表征人类主体性的价值判断能力,价值判断能力体现着高等教育的总体精神和实质目的,必须充分重视高等教育中的价值判断教育,掌握提高学生价值判断能力的方法,保持学校和教师的价值判断教育主体地位,适当平衡技能教育与价值教育,以培养学生的价值判断能力。  相似文献   

The present study investigated whether text structure inference skill (i.e., the ability to infer overall text structure) has unique predictive value for expository text comprehension on top of the variance accounted for by sentence reading fluency, linguistic knowledge and metacognitive knowledge. Furthermore, it was examined whether the unique predictive value of text structure inference skill differs between monolingual and bilingual Dutch students or students who vary in reading proficiency, reading fluency or linguistic knowledge levels. One hundred fifty-one eighth graders took tests that tapped into their expository text comprehension, sentence reading fluency, linguistic knowledge, metacognitive knowledge, and text structure inference skill. Multilevel regression analyses revealed that text structure inference skill has no unique predictive value for eighth graders’ expository text comprehension controlling for reading fluency, linguistic knowledge and metacognitive knowledge. However, text structure inference skill has unique predictive value for expository text comprehension in models that do not include both knowledge of connectives and metacognitive knowledge as control variables, stressing the importance of these two cognitions for text structure inference skill. Moreover, the predictive value of text structure inference skill does not depend on readers’ language backgrounds or on their reading proficiency, reading fluency or vocabulary knowledge levels. We conclude our paper with the limitations of our study as well as the research and practical implications.  相似文献   

This article describes several cautions and recommendations in regard to the use of skill-training programs. Whether the value of skill training is being overestimated is explored through a discussion of the process of skill training, skills vs. self as instrument, and perceptual psychology.  相似文献   

我国跳远起跳技术的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
通过查阅大量有关跳远起跳技术分析方面的文献资料,从跳远的助跑速度、着板技术、支撑技术、缓冲机制和摆动技术5个方面进行分析,得出:高速助跑是跳远取得优异成绩的前提;着板技术和支撑技术的好坏主要体现在“扇面角”的大小及其变化趋势上;缓冲是完成爆发性蹬伸动作的前提和准备;摆动技术,尤其是“摆”与“蹬”的协调配和相当关键。但仅从起跳技术的某一方面或某一层面进行研究还不足以揭示起跳技术的全部特征,今后的研究将更加综合化、系统化,从而提高研究的理论意义和实践价值。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide another perspective on the problematic nature of the concept of skill and in particular a tendency to place a lower value on certain types of job in the service sector than those in other industries. Qualitative research was conducted in three service industries in Australia, comprising interviews with key industry stakeholders, case studies in two companies for each of four occupations, and validation by a forum of industry experts. We present evidence of the existence of substantial levels of skill in occupations which are traditionally considered low-skilled. The data are utilised to create a new model which represents factors which contribute to perceptions of skill in occupations. The analysis extends and deepens current understanding of aspects of skill, primarily, but not only, building on social construction theory to posit a new model for analysing skill. New factors are added to the analysis of skill in occupations. The project was exploratory and covered only four occupations in three industry areas. The method could be utilised in a broader-scale project. The paper is designed to contribute to debates on the nature of skill and also has policy and practical implications in the fields of human resource practice and training.  相似文献   

技能社会是我国在全面建成小康社会、全面迈进社会主义现代化建设的新时期提出的一种教育和社会革新理念。技能社会是以技能为本质与核心,以技能形成体系为重要载体,以技能共同体为建设逻辑的社会。在技能社会的建设中,应基于不同的技能形成体系,构建适应区域差异、产业差异、企业技术创新差异的多样化技能社会。在技能社会的建设中,以技能为核心的价值共同体是技能社会建设的目标指向,以共赢为根本的利益共同体是技能社会建设的实践要求,以主体共在均衡为关键的命运共同体是技能社会建设的结构承当。  相似文献   

通过对来自全国不同地区的新进技术员工问卷调查,从社会交换理论视角实证研究了此类员工政治技能对工作压力的影响机制。得到的结论是:政治技能对工作压力会产生直接或间接影响;政治技能对领导.成员交换、组织支持感具有直接正向影响;领导.成员交换、组织支持感在政治技能对工作压力的影响中起到完全中介作用。上述发现,清晰提示了新进技术员工政治技能对工作压力影响的作用机理,对改善企业内部对新进员工的人力资源管理具有较高参考价值。  相似文献   

Students' different perceptions of task values influence their learning experience and achievement in physical education. Framed using the subjective task value construct, this study was conducted to determine the extent to which male and female Chinese middle schoolers with different body sizes differed in their perception of the task values. A second goal of the study was to identify the extent to which the task values along with gender and body size predicted students' performance on knowledge and physical skill tests. Data from a random sample of students (N = 860) from eight Chinese middle schools revealed that the boys appreciated intrinsic (p = .001) and utility values (p = 02); both boys and girls, however, equally appreciated the attainment value (p = .73). The boys performed better in physical skill tests than the girls (p = .001), whereas the girls scored higher in knowledge tests than the boys (p = .04). Regression analyses revealed that gender is the only predictor for performance on both knowledge and skill tests. Utility value and body size were predictors for skill, not for knowledge. These findings indicate that Chinese middle school boys and girls differed in valuing and achieving in physical education. The findings imply that Chinese boys need to strengthen cognitive learning and girls need to strengthen psychomotor skill development in physical education.  相似文献   

加强实践教学 提高职业教育教学质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学质量是一所职业院校的生命线,而职业院校的质量价值取向在于学生的职业能力。因此,只有加强实践教学,才能确保职业教育教学质量。  相似文献   

林超然的《1990年代黑龙江文学研究》是一部颇见功力和才华的学术著作,其深入探究了黑龙江文学多声部组合的复杂性,形象地指出了它的独特价值和夺人魅力。  相似文献   

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