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主体的信念状态随着世界的改变和新信息的输入等因素在不断地演化,对于信念状态变化规律的描述和形式刻画在一定程度上可以帮助我们模拟人类等具有的高级智能,从而为计算机人工智能这样的学科提供理论基础,对哲学、逻辑学等本身的发展也有一定的理论意义。这里我们考察具有足够推理能力的完全自省主体在信念修正过程中对Moore-型信息的处理规律,即把相应主体信念状态的Moore-型断定作为新信息输入,用来修正原来的信念状态。经典的AGM理论可以较好地刻画不含模态算子的客观信息的修正。然而,如果把主体信念状态中的信息和用来修正的新信息的形式扩大到模态的情况,"成功"和"一致性"公设不可能同时成立。为此,我们首先讨论自省主体i在自己的信念状态和客观事实的信念的不同组合情况下,对涉及自身信念状态的Moore-型信息A∧┐BiA的修正可能与结果。然后选出其中有意义的过程,定义和说明一种弱化的"成功"版本——"不成功修正";并且在继承经典AGM某些公设的基础上,给出上述修正过程的局部描述。此外,我们还将结合动态信念逻辑等工具,试图给出上述修正过程的逻辑表达。  相似文献   

在许多多主体偏好逻辑系统中,主体之间是没有联系的,因而无法描述主体间的偏好互动。借鉴"The Logic in the Community"一文中称为"群体压力"的例子对偏好的影响,本文在"The Logic in the Community"所提出的系统构架上,加入偏好算子和两个动态算子,通过构造归约公理说明这些算子可以被无偿添加,并借助这些规约公理证明了系统的完全性。  相似文献   

一直以来,在认知科学的发展历程中,以内省为代表的第一人称方法是存在争议的。一方面,内省所面临的问题是KK原则失效。从形式上看,公理4所表达的KK原则也不足以完全刻画内省。基于此,可采用通过增加时态算子对内省进行限制的方法解决这一问题。另一方面,人们普遍认为内省是私人所具有的行为,不可以作为客观判断的依据,但是如果所有主体都是理性的,可以对自己的行为进行内省,那么理性主体就足以完成内省。可以通过采用主体内省程度层级划分的形式对内省进行扩展,从而使主体的知识、信念与主体的认知状态保持一致。  相似文献   

认知逻辑处理的是关于知识和信念等认知概念的逻辑性质和关系的问题,多主体的自认知逻辑系统,是在单主体唯一知道逻辑系统的基础上进行的扩充。现将单主体的K45系统扩充为多主体的K45n系统,并介绍了该系统的语法规则和稳定集以及典范模型的语义和证明理论,同时也对该系统的可靠性和完全性进行了证明。  相似文献   

为了修正分层OWL(web ontology language)本体,通过定义新的冲突分层和基于整数线性规划(ILP)的切割函数扩展了核修正算子.基于ILP的模型考虑了最小化线性目标函数的优化问题,适合于修正本体时移除最少数量的公理.基于该切割函数,提出了一个修正算法,将ILP应用到所有最小的不协调保持子集(MIPS)上.该算法虽然能够经常找到用于移除的最少公理,但计算MIPS非常耗时.因此,又提出另一个改进的修正算法用于逐个处理不可满足概念.实验结果表明:提出的基于ILP的修正算法比经常使用的基于碰集树的算法更加高效;改进的修正算法能够达到更高的效率,但可能会删除更多的公理.  相似文献   

信息流和主体间互动是近年来动态认知逻辑研究的主要问题。主体的知识和信念随着信息的更新而改变,比如宣告p成立之后主体知道p。信息是不断更新变化的,受信息变化的影响,主体的知识和信念也是动态变化的,绝不是静态的。信息变化的形式是多种多样的,动态认知逻辑在静态的认知和信念等逻辑的基础上,引入新的动态算子,建立形式系统,研究模型上的变化,以此研究主体根据信息变化进行的推理。  相似文献   

一、知信行和谐发展的体育教学模式的形成知信行和谐发展模式是改变人类健康相关行为的模式之一,它将人类行为的改变分为获取知识,产生信念及形成行为三个连续过程,即知识——信念——行为。知(知识和学习)是基础,信(信念和态度)是动力,行(促进健康行为)是目标。运动与健康课程教学过程是认知过程、情感过程和意志过程的统一。它既是运动技能的学习认知过程,又是健康意识的形成发展过程。其本质是以学习掌握体育知识和运动技能为先导的健康意识、体育态度和体育行为的形成过程。知信行理论认为:要达到行为改变这个目标,  相似文献   

文章通过对一个案例的研究,展示了教师实践性知识获得的过程。教师实践性知识包括四个关键因素:主体、问题情境、行动中的反思和信念。本文的主体是作者自己,因此文章还探讨了自我研究以及叙事作为研究和发展教师实践性知识的方法。  相似文献   

喻穹  刘博 《函授教育》2003,7(5):93-96
公共教育知识转化为教师个体知识,是指教师将获得的公共教育理论知识内化为个体内在素质、外化为个体行为能力、指导实际的过程。一个实现了知识转化的教师,会形成正确的教育观念以及运用教育理论观察、分析和评价教育形象、教育问题的能力,形成了固定的、整体的教育信念,能反思自己的教学行为。但教师原有的知识结构中的观念、公共教育知识本身的可转化性及将公共教育知识转化为教师个体知识的教育承担者都会影响转化的发生。  相似文献   

公共教育知识转化为教师个体知识,是指教师将获得的公共教育理论知识内化为个体内在素质、外化为个体行为能力、指导实际的过程。一个实现了知识转化的教师,会形成正确的教育观念以及运用教育理论观察、分析和评价教育形象、教育问题的能力,形成了固定的、整体的教育信念,能反思自己的教学行为。但教师原有的知识结构中的观念、公共教育知识本身的可转化性及将公共教育知识转化为教师个体知识的教育承担都会影响转化的发生。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThegenerationofwasteswillbeincreasedwiththerapiddevelopmentoftechnologiesandindustrialpractices.Alargeamountofhazardousortoxicwastesisgeneratedintheprocessingin dustry(Nathanson ,1 986) .Althoughconvention alend of pipewastetreatmenthasprovedtobe…  相似文献   

Sociocultural and cognitive perspectives hold to epistemically different views on knowledge acquisition and change. While sociocultural perspectives point to social experience as the principal source of knowledge, cognitive perspectives emphasize the importance of the individual mind and reasoning as the primary source of knowledge. Herein, I argue that both sociocultural and cognitive influences are critical catalysts in conceptual change and that integration of these components is vital to learning. As a mechanism for supporting this contention, I explore the epistemic views of students and the role those views play in knowledge acquisition and change. Specifically, I propose a framework built on students' understandings of the relations between belief and knowledge within the change process. In over-viewing the framework, I consider potential catalysts for knowledge acquisition and change. Finally, I highlight two instructional approaches that effectively integrate the social and cognitive dimensions of change.  相似文献   

Students in three sections of a high school biology course were taught a unit on evolution and natural selection. Prior to instruction, students were pretested to determine their (a) reflective reasoning skill, (b) strength of religious commitment, (c) prior declarative knowledge of evolution and natural selection, and (d) beliefs in evolution or special creation and related religiously oriented beliefs. Following instruction the measures of declarative knowledge and beliefs were readministered. The study was designed to test (a) the hypothesis that the acquisition of domain-specific concepts and the modification of nonscientific beliefs largely depends upon reflective reasoning skill, not prior declarative knowledge; and (b) the hypothesis that strength of religious commitment and a belief in special creation hinder the acquisition of scientific beliefs. Although instruction produced no overall shift toward a belief in evolution, as predicted, reflective reasoning skill was significantly related to initial scientific beliefs, and reflective reasoning skill, but not prior declarative knowledge, was significantly related to gains in declarative knowledge. Reflective reasoning skill, however, was not significantly related to changes in beliefs. Also as predicted, strength of religious commitment was negatively correlated with initial belief in evolution and with a change in belief toward evolution. Interrelationships among the study's major variables, as well as educational implications, are discussed.  相似文献   

我国建设世界一流大学的政策经历了从重点建设到协同创新共五个阶段的变迁历程,根据倡议联盟框架的分析,不同的倡议联盟在建设世界一流大学的政策中都会拥有不同的政策参与者和信念体系,以中央政府为核心的倡议联盟在政策制定中发挥着主导作用。基于此,建设世界一流大学应从信念重组和制度重构两个方面入手:一方面,重组建设世界一流大学的政策信念体系,回归世界一流大学的本质属性和精神内核;另一方面,重构世界一流大学的制度安排,把大学治理结构的构建作为切入点来为世界一流大学的建设构筑新路径。  相似文献   

Technology is changing not only our material reality, but also our social roles and power positions within the social structure. Whilst its increasingly widespread applications in industry, on the one hand, facilitate production processes they also contribute to the marginalisation and displacement of particular groups of people within the labour force (Sivanandan, 1989; Pollert, 1988). Thus, technology can “embody specific forms of power and authority” (Winner, 1986, p. 19). This article considers the view that Technology as a reconstituted subject in the National Curriculum in England and Wales functions to a large extent as a means of naturalising evolving work practices and specific worker awarenesses required within the technological production process. It also serves to legitimate real and symbolic differences created between the new ‘technical’ knowledge elites and the functionaries within the production process. The accommodation in the technology curriculum of new structural changes occurring within society can then be regarded as an attempt by the state to rationalise, in pupils’ consciousness, the basis of a reformulated capitalist economic order.  相似文献   

万力勇 《现代教育技术》2005,15(5):18-20,13
知识管理可被看作是一种整合信息的过程,从不完全的信息中抽取其意义并更新,条文化(编码化)过程(codification)将知识转化为可供访问和应用的格式,使其尽可能具有组织性、清晰性、便捷性和易于理解。实践社区(communitiesofpractice)是有共同知识和经验的一群人的集合。既然学习包括了知识的条文化和获取、技能、策略、态度和行为,如上所述的知识管理、信息的条文化和实践社区都将在学习中应用。学习环境是管理知识的场所,我们分析了几种不同的学习环境模型,但是没有哪种模型能兼具知识管理、信息的条文化和实践社区这些特征,本文提出了一种新的模型构架,并且开发了一种环境来应用这种模型。  相似文献   

Traditionally education has to contend with the problem that knowledge acquisition does not guarantee the successful application of that same knowledge. Yet, according to Whitehead, the ultimate goal of education should be to teach students to learn to apply knowledge. Furthermore, one is confronted with the problem that discipline-specific knowledge and skills are insufficient to respond adequately in a situation with discipline-transcending, new and unknown problems. Next to disciplinespecific knowledge and skills, more general knowledge and skills are needed in the area of e.g., communication, problem-solving, use of information, analysis, decision-making. General knowledge and skills, however, offer no guarantee whatsoever that somebody also has sufficient discipline-specific expertise at his disposal.These are the problems that Nijenrode University wants to solve with a new curriculum for management education. In the curriculum developed by Nijenrode, students learn to apply heuristics in the area of general skills and meta-skills (reflecting and learning-to-learn) in interaction with a varying discipline-specific learning content. In this context, discipline-specific knowledge and skills on the one hand, and general skills and meta-skills on the other hand are, in relation to each other, both the objective as well as the means. The student learns the one thing with the help of the other and vice versa, by means of a continuing process of contextualization and decontextualization. The curriculum is a response to the challenge confronting management education to prepare students for future management positions in a world which is characterized by continuous change. The response may be interesting for other types of vocational and professional education as well.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a knolledge-based system for waste minimization in metal finishing and electroplating industries—MEPPI (minimization of environmental problems in processing industries) waste minimization techniques, such as process modification, raw materials reduction and resource recycling and recovery, and suggests its implementation in industries rather than end-of-pipe treatment. The data for process analysis, materials balance for each unit, and test data collection, should be inputed into MEPPI first. One can then obtain information on which unit will generate wastes, what kind waste will be produced, and the waste amount and content. Further analysis of this information can reveal if each unit is operating ideally and if the whole process is in the best state. MEPPI can indicate the possibility of waste minimization in every unit, provide all kinds of waste recovery and recycling methods for users to select from, and can reduce raw materials consumption so that the loading on the end-of-pipe treatment plant will be diminished. Realization of waste minimization will improve the economics of industries. MEPPI is a rich-database, friendly-interactive system integrating waste minimization audit calculation and waste minimization technique in a computer package. It can help designers to estimate the waste of a new factory and also process management or operators to minimize the release of hazardous or toxic waste into the environment. Project supported by the Sino Software Research Center of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.  相似文献   

赛博空间伦理学研究人们在赛博空间中的行为应遵守的道德准则和规范,赛博空间因智能系统的应用引起了复杂的道德选择,从而使道德问题具有了全新的维度。哈姆林克从"人性"出发,用现实生活中的"平等"概念来建构赛博空间的道德性,他的基本假设是人有理性对自己的信念进行批判,从而有能力在赛博空间中展开"伦理对话"寻找符合共同利益的道德。这个假设在应用上是有局限的,我们还需要考虑赛博空间内外行为的差异这个现状,为此我们需要对其进行修改。我们认为,行为者的信念在一个由其他人设定的现实中受到其他信念的限制,赛博空间中某种交往的条件限制着需要形成这些潜在信念条件的证据的可用性。  相似文献   

我们的现代性道德教化转向的历程乃是一个传统与现代相互纠缠的过程,生命、生命意识的遮蔽与凸显始终是贯穿其中的交互性主题。今天,我们一方面要反思威权性教化传统在现实中的沉积,同时又要警惕消费主义、重商主义和流行文化等可能构成的对个体生命的新的遮蔽。  相似文献   

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