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突发公共卫生事件在人类历史上由来已久。在我国,随着近年来突发公共卫生事件的增多,建立突发事件应急体制和相关法律,研究应对突发公共卫生事件的预警机制以及理论和技术支撑,也越来越受到重视。本文分析在应对突发公共卫生事件中危机管理模式的意义和作用,笔者就此浅谈危机管理模式作用。  相似文献   

王博  朱玉春 《科学学研究》2020,38(7):1161-1166
随着人类生产和生活方式的改变,突发性公共卫生危机对人类构成的威胁正在渐渐逼近,新型冠状病毒肺炎已向人类发出急迫警示。本文在对我国现有突发公共卫生事件管理体系论述的基础上,就新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控中存在的地方政府突发性公共卫生危机事件应急能力欠缺、应急物资供给迟滞、有效社会动员不足和公众传染病防控意识弱化问题进行了分析,并提出在坚持以人为本、依法治理和人与自然和谐相处的思想指导下,基于中国特色社会主义制度优势,从突发性公共卫生危机预防体系、应急机制、社会动员机制、资金投入和国际合作机制方面进行改革与完善我国现有公共卫生危机管理体系的思路,以提升我国应对突发性公共卫生事件的能力,实现公共卫生危机治理现代化。  相似文献   

通过研究网络舆情演进规律和基层调研资料,构建了舆情反应力、舆情引导力、舆情控制力等3个维度的地方政府应对网络舆情危机预警评估指标体系,实现网络舆情预警由趋势性预警到防御性预警的转变,为地方政府应对网络舆情提供决策参考。  相似文献   

关于加强公共卫生体系建设及应对突发事件的建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
SARS的爆发流行,是无数次生物性灾难中最新的一次。历史上的全球鼠疫、流感大流行曾导致数千万甚至上亿人感染或死亡。有毒化学物质和核辐射这类非生物因素,一旦出现大范围严重污染,也同样波及区域蒙受灭顶之灾。上个世纪90年代的印度博帕尔毒气严重泄漏和前苏联(现乌克兰)切尔诺贝利核电站爆炸引发的生灵涂炭、田园荒芜的人间悲剧,至今令世人记忆犹新。我国就疾病而言,正承受着双重负担,虽然一些传染病被控制或消除,但一些新的传染病正在肆虐,原已被控制的传染病又在死灰复燃,传染病仍是威胁人民健康的主要危险因素。慢性非传染性疾病,如…  相似文献   

本文从公共卫生和流行病学的角度探讨了美国为什 么能够逃过这次SARS浩劫的原因,并以此为切入点,介绍了美国的公共卫生应对体系。作者 据此结合国情提出中国应该建立什么样公共卫生应对体系的建议。  相似文献   

谢宜勤  张程 《科学大众》2021,(2):163-164
本文基于对公共卫生事件下一例大学生心理危机事件的干预,并顺利化解,总结探讨了有效开展大学生心理危机干预的方法和途径,提出了进一步做好大学生心理危机干预工作的相关启示.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情(简称新冠肺炎疫情)的全球蔓延引发了各领域学者对于突发公共卫生事件科学应对的思考。文章以新冠肺炎疫情为例,以微博为研究对象,旨在探讨突发公共卫生事件中公众的信息需求对于危机治理的影响机制。[方法/过程]首先,对新冠肺炎疫情及微博舆情做出阶段划分,进而利用质性分析结合层次聚类法从微博文本数据中抽取公众信息需求并跟踪其演变,最终结合相关理论探索性地建立了突发公共卫生事件公众信息需求模型。[结果/结论]突发公共卫生事件中公众的信息需求主要围绕风险认知、行为规范、情感、行为四个方面,通过社交媒体可以准确追踪公众信息需求并向公众提供所需信息,信息需求的满足最终促使公众自发参与危机治理。  相似文献   

介绍了企业危机的早期预警,探讨了将情景分析法应用于企业危机早期预警的步骤。  相似文献   

社会心理层面的"羞耻心"弱化和缺失标志着社会文明出现了危机状况,表现为社会关系松弛化、人情冷漠、社会安全感和社会归属感下降等社会问题现象。在当代中国的语境背景下,沿着民主、科学和公平这三个方面进行观念灌输和社会行动载体建设,乃是应对社会文明危机的一个公共治理路径选择。  相似文献   

采用神经网络和联机分析处理(On-Line Analytical Processing,OLAP)等技术相结合,提出了一种新的高校图书馆危机与预警系统模型。实验证明,这个模型对危机的判定准确率较高,具有一定的科学性和实用性。  相似文献   

The research system is highly dependent upon the resources provided by the political system. Rising costs of research projects and the emergence of financial problems in government have triggered a reduction in direct support to public research organisations (PROs). The aim of this paper is to analyse how a group of Spanish public research organisations affected by the reduction in direct transfers of State funds have reacted to this situation. By reviewing the PROs’ responses, an institutionalist argument is built up based on the degree and type of autonomy which the centres and researchers enjoy. Factors which explain the diversity in response of the centres in their funding strategies are: (a) the political autonomy of the PROs with respect to their tutelary ministries, and (b) the autonomy of the researchers within the organisation, the nature of the individual incentive programmes and their level of dependence on collective resources.  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of gender-specific emotional responses on information sharing behaviors are of great importance for swift, clear, and accurate public health crisis communication, but remains underexplored. This study fills this gap by investigating gender-specific anxiety- and anger-related emotional responses and their effects on the virality of crisis information by creatively drawing on social role theory, integrated crisis communication modeling, and text mining. The theoretical model is tested using two datasets (Changsheng vaccine crisis with 2,423,074 textual data and COVID-19 pandemic with 893,930 textual data) collected from Weibo, a leading social media platform in China. Females express significantly high anxiety and anger levels (p value<0.001) during the Changsheng fake vaccine crisis, while express significantly higher levels of anxiety during COVID-19 than males (p value<0.001), but not anger (p value=0.13). Regression analysis suggests that the virality of crisis information is significantly strengthened when the level of anger in posts of males is high or the level of anxiety in posts of females is high for both crises. However, such gender-specific virality differences of anger/anxiety expressions are violated once females have large numbers of followers (influencers). Furthermore, the gender-specific emotional effects on crisis information are more significantly enhanced for male influencers than female influencers. This study contributes to the literature on gender-specific emotional characteristics of crisis communication on social media and provides implications for practice.  相似文献   

公共危机管理过程中的非营利组织参与   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张晓军  齐海丽 《学会》2007,(2):23-26
随着危机事件的频繁发生,如何应对公共危机成为政府面临的一个重大问题。在公共危机治理的过程中,单独依靠政府的力量是不够的,非营利组织自身的特征使其在处理公共危机的过程中具有先天的优势。但是目前我国的非营利组织在参与危机管理过程中存在着严重的不足,没有发挥出应有的效能。可以通过政府扶持和非营利组织自身能力建设这两方面来保证非营利组织的作用得以充分的发挥,最终使得非营利组织能与政府组织和其他社会力量通力合作,确保危机的顺利解决。  相似文献   

With the advent of the era of “we media,” many people's opinions have become easily accessible. Public health emergencies have always been an important aspect of public opinion exchange and emotional communication. In view of this sudden group panic, public opinion cannot be effectively monitored, controlled or guided. This makes it easy to amplify the beliefs and irrationality of social emotions, that threaten social security and stability. Considering the important role of opinion leaders in micro-blogs and users’ interest in micro-blog information, a SIR model of public opinion propagation is constructed based on the novel coronavirus pneumonia model and micro-blog's public health emergencies information. The parameters of the model are calculated by combining the actual crawl data from the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic period, and the trends in the evolution of public opinion are simulated by MATLAB. The simulation results are consistent with the actual development of public opinion dissemination, which shows the effectiveness of the model. These research findings can help the government understand the principles that guide the propagation of public opinion and advise an appropriate time to control and correctly guide public opinion.  相似文献   

The design of information systems is related to the design of organizations as expressed in legislation. A case study in public health serves as example. Suggestions are made for improving bureaucracies.  相似文献   

水是人类生存的必要条件,饮用水是否清洁直接关系到人民的健康。目前,我国共有饮用水源地超过3100个,划定饮用水源保护区5716个。据中国环境监测总站2006年6月发布的《一百一十三个环境保护重点城市集中式饮用水源地水质月报》,环境保护重点城市中就有16个水质全部不达标;有74个饮用水源地不达标,超过饮用水源地总数的1/5:有5.27亿吨水量不达标.占重点城市总取水量的近1/3。  相似文献   

国外科技创新体系建设措施及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建设和完善国家科技创新体系是各国政府当前最优先的任务之一.各国制定了促进创新的战略和计划,成立了专司创新的政府机构,通过出台计划、减免税收等措施激励企业自主创新、扩大国际科技合作范围并重视培养和吸引优秀的科技创新人才,这些措施有力地促进了各国科技创新体系建设并为中国科技创新体系建设提供了有益的参考.中国应通过创新管理机构专门化、企业创新政策系统化、国际科技合作全面化、科技人才政策网络化和创新文化建设制度化等措施加快科技创新体系建设.  相似文献   

Ethics and Information Technology - The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the long-standing public health practice of contact tracing into the public spotlight. While contact tracing and case...  相似文献   

异常处理机制是一种用来处理和检测异常的机制,目前已成为C 等面向对象程序设计语言的一个基本设施.奉文首先对C 异常处理机制进行了简单的讨论,然后详细介绍了一个异常处理统计工具的设计与实现.  相似文献   

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