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书籍是人们生活中不可缺少的信息媒体,随着现代社会和科学技术的发展,书籍设计也随之发生了巨大的变化,特别是在书籍设计的观念上,形式上有了更深层次的认识。文章从书籍设计的审美原则,书籍设计的形式风格和形式美的构成法则等三个方面论述书籍设计的艺术美;解析书籍设计中的技术与技术美的原则;探讨形式美和技术美的融合在书籍设计中的作用和意义。  相似文献   

Reforms in engineering education have caused a shift from the traditional stand-alone course in technical communication for Engineering students towards communication training integrated in courses and design projects that allows students to develop four layers of competence. This shift creates opportunities for realistic and situated learning, but offers challenges for assessment of communication competence at student, course and program levels. On the basis of a detailed definition of communicative competence, three formats for integrated communication training are described: Linked to design projects, integrated in design projects and integrated at program level. Assessment of communication competence in these formats is constrained by their characteristics with regard to student motivation, individual and group work, and situated learning.  相似文献   

Reforms in engineering education have caused a shift from the traditional stand-alone course in technical communication for Engineering students towards communication training integrated in courses and design projects that allows students to develop four layers of competence. This shift creates opportunities for realistic and situated learning, but offers challenges for assessment of communication competence at student, course and program levels. On the basis of a detailed definition of communicative competence, three formats for integrated communication training are described: Linked to design projects, integrated in design projects and integrated at program level. Assessment of communication competence in these formats is constrained by their characteristics with regard to student motivation, individual and group work, and situated learning.  相似文献   

《物流基础》是物流管理专业的第一门专业课程,在整个物流管理专业系统教育中具有重要的基础性地位,对培养学生对物流工作及学习专业核心课程的兴趣、解决问题以及良好职业素养的初步形成有着重要的支撑作用。本文结合柳州职业技术学院国家高职示范性建设重点专业物流管理专业基础必修课《物流基础》改革的实践,按照服务核心课程、形成职业素养的出发点探讨课程的改革设计。  相似文献   

毕业设计是高职教育与生产实践和社会实践相结合的重要过程,是对学生综合职业能力的全面检验和考核,是学生完成学校教育进入职场的最后教育环节。文章以高职教育特色为背景,面对高职毕业设计课程的现状,从功能、内容、形式、管理等方面对高职毕业设计进行深化分析,提出"毕业包"的创新概念。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a collective case study of three blended courses taught by different instructors in a higher education institution, with the purpose of identifying the different types of blend and how the blend supports student learning. Based on the instructors’ and students’ interviews, and document analysis of course outlines, two major principles, consolidation and extension, differentiating the design of the three courses, are identified. The consolidation principle emphasises designing different types of activities for students to think again, so that their knowledge can be consolidated. The extension principle emphasises the extension of the space of learning and catering the diverse needs of students. There are also design principles commonly found, with the emphases on student autonomy, interaction and feedback, and the awareness of student diversity. The findings contribute to the design of blended learning, especially on how the face-to-face and online components can be combined.  相似文献   

本文立足于跨文化视角,阐述一种作为文化过程的教学设计思想,也就是说,教学设计中要注意以下三个原则:使知识结构可视化;分享可视化的知识结构,促生儿童参与有意义的课堂学习;元认知分析.  相似文献   

电大网络教材的设计与编写浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在电大远程教育教学模式的改革中,精心设计和编写网络教材是一个重要的环节。基于建构主义理论,网络教材的设计和编写要以学生为中心,要为学生创设真实的学习情境,增强“导”的功能,发挥互动交流的作用,以促使学生对知识的主动探索、主动发现和对意义的主动建构。作为网络教材的设计者和编写者,要不断提高学科水平、设计和编写水平,为学习者提供高质量的网络教材。  相似文献   

把"职业技能"作为技能课程培训教学的主线,满足不同层次培训学生的需求,强调培训教师素质考核;树立校企合作与交流的思想,构建合作平台;建立职业技能培训课程评价方法,保障技能培训效果;根据工种开发专业能力的教学模式。  相似文献   

“两课”教师担负着使青年大学生全面了解马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论基本原理,江泽民“三个代表”重要思想和引导青年学生树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,法纪观的重要任务,因此,对“两课”教师的职业技能就提出了更高的要求。本文拟对这个问题作一些探讨。  相似文献   

The emphasis of this paper is on the derivation of design principles from qualitative analysis of student reflections based on their participation in authentic, collaborative and technology-mediated activities. This paper reports on the initial phases of a design-based research project at a comprehensive university in South Africa where the authentic nature of the activities contributed to the depth of student reflections and ultimately led to meaningful design principles based entirely on the experiences of students. Students’ reflective reports were analysed for their content using simple inductive coding techniques leading to the identification of themes and the derivation of design principles from further refinement of these themes. These design principles, therefore, have their origins in the specific theories underpinning the learning activities that were used in the teaching and learning process, and contribute once again in an innovative way to this same body of knowledge. This theory-driven praxis thus makes a contribution to both educational theory and teaching practice which is applicable across a variety of contexts and sectors worldwide. More importantly, this can be seen as meaningful research that is socially responsible, with a high theoretical and practical value, and of relevance to a wider international audience.  相似文献   

高等职业技术教育既是高等教育,又是职业教育。各个专业的人才培养规格、职业定位比较明确、 具体,实用性较强,这就要求课程设置以及课程教学内容都要体现职业倾向性。外语作为一种辅助技能已不仅仅 是求职者的优势,而成为必需。高等职业技术教育外语教学同样应与学生的未来职业联结起来,外语课也应体现 一定的职业倾向性。  相似文献   

In architectural design education, the most significant part in the curriculum is the design studio, where students learn how to design. Critique has a crucial role in the design studio, and in determining the best and most beneficial critique type for the architectural design education process. Student attitudes toward critiques and student satisfaction level with each critique technique are also significant. To that end, this article explores design studio learning by reviewing the design learning process and types of design critiques. Focusing on three critique techniques used in design education (desk critiques, pin‐up critiques and group critiques), the article analyses correlations between student attitudes toward each technique and its contribution to the design process. Research was conducted with 84 third‐year interior architecture students from the 2014–15 Fall semester at a university. No statistically significant differences were found between group and pin‐up critiques in terms of students’ preferences and their final performance scores; however, there was a statistically significant relationship between student preferences toward desk critiques and student success. Furthermore, the contribution of a critique technique to the design process was found to be highly correlated with student preference for this technique.  相似文献   

Design Elements for a CSCL Environment in a Teacher Training Programme   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the design of a Telematic Learning Environment (TLE) in which student teachers learn collaboratively, we consider three clusters of design elements as important: the Telematic Work Environment, the guidance of the instructor and the task instruction. We will have a look at the way group and task behaviour, triggered by these design elements influence the collaborative outcomes. Experiments have revealed that the technical environment is not as important as we had expected beforehand. This research shows that the task instruction (pre-imposed structure, role taking and intrinsic motivation for the task) and the group process itself have far more impact on the online collaborative work of the student teachers.  相似文献   

电子技术课程设计教学改革探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
电子技术课程设计是电气与控制类工科专业本科生的技术基础课程。鉴于电子技术,大规模集成电路和计算机技术的发展日新月异,提出对电子技术课程设计从教学文件的修改和完善、教学模式与教学手段改革、鼓励学生积极参加科技创新活动、加强师资队伍建设、积极开展教研活动等方面不断进行改革,才能紧跟时代步伐。  相似文献   

一年导师制对提高工科专业毕业设计(论文)质量的尝试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毕业设计(论文)是工科专业实践性教学环节中的重中之重,本文针对当前毕业设计(论文)等实践教学环节普遍薄弱,择业对毕业设计(论文)工作形成较大冲击,进行了毕业班一年导师制的有益摸索和实践,并提出相应的建议和要求。  相似文献   

在当前的信息化时代中,高校需要一个方便实用的学生信息管理系统来规范学生管理及相关数据的统计和分析,这将会大大提升学生管理水平,优化资源,降低成本,并可使政治辅导员、班主任等学生工作者从繁琐的事务性工作中解放出来,从而提高工作效率。本文分析了学生信息管理系统模型构建的技术要求、功能架构、系统架构等要素,阐述了系统子模块的功能设计问题,最后讨论了系统模型的可扩展性问题及其对教学管理的影响。  相似文献   

Backward design is a course creation method that encourages teachers to identify their goals for student understanding and measurable objectives for learning from the outset. In this article we explore the application of backward design to the production of scholarly articles. Specifically, we report on a writing group program that encourages group goal setting and the acquisition of skills required to achieve these goals. We discuss the relationships between backward design principles and the development of scholarship for publication as well as offer suggestions of best practices for academic writers.  相似文献   

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