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This investigation examined trajectories of interest and disgust related to a biology dissection class. Three hundred and two secondary students completed ratings of disgust sensitivity and individual interest in the topic of the heart approximately one week before a dissection class. States of disgust and interest were recorded before, during, and after the dissection, and again four weeks later. Overall, girls expressed higher disgust sensitivity than boys, but showed similar levels of individual interest in the heart topic. Individual interest was negatively related to feelings of disgust prior to and during the dissection while feelings of disgust at the beginning of the class negatively predicted students’ interest during the dissection. These findings extend knowledge of the interactive influences of students’ affective experiences during a specific curriculum task and provide a complementary perspective to research findings on emotions relating to achievement outcomes.  相似文献   

In this paper we have set out to search for similarities and differences between the Nordic countries concerning patterns of competencies defined as scientific literacy in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) study. The first part focuses on gender differences concerning the two types of competencies, understanding of scientific concepts versus skills in scientific reasoning, based on analyses of sum scores of groups of items. The second part focuses on differences and similarities between countries based on item‐by‐item analyses. Correlations between each Nordic country (as well as the Nordic group as a whole) and every other country have been used to look for a Nordic pattern. In the last part cluster analysis has been used to see how countries establish clusters and whether these clusters represent meaningful groups in a geographical, cultural or political context.  相似文献   

Multiple approaches to measuring preschool children's literacy interest and engagement (i.e., parent-, teacher-, child-reported child literacy interest and observer-reported child literacy engagement) were examined in a sample of 167 four- and five-year-old children (M = 56.62 months, SD = 6.01) enrolled in Head Start. Associations among measures as well as gender differences and dimensions of preschooler's literacy interest and engagement were examined across measures. Measures were not strongly associated. There were small, but significant correlations between parents’ and teachers’ reports of children's literacy interest, and teachers’ reports of children's literacy interest and observers’ reports of children's literacy engagement. Gender differences were found for parent- and teacher-report measures, with teachers and parents rating girls higher on interest. Patterns of factor loadings differed between adult and child measures. Implications of findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Reading is a key competence for knowledge acquisition and learning processes. One important source of reading motivation is interest. Even though students' text-based interest often differs by gender, it remains unclear which text factors underlie these differences and whether text-based interest relates to reading comprehension among boys and girls. In a sample of 514 elementary students (47.2% girls), this study examined whether text topic, protagonists' gender, and text difficulty affect boys' and girls' text-based interest and whether interest and reading comprehension are intertwined. Based on a repeated within-subject design using fourteen narrative texts, the results indicated that boys' interest was higher in texts with male-attributed topics, male protagonists, and in more difficult texts. In contrast, girls’ interest was only affected by text difficulty. Text-based interest and reading comprehension were significantly related, albeit stronger for boys than for girls. The findings are discussed regarding future implications for research and educational practice.  相似文献   

This study compares and contrasts teachers' and parents' construal of children's behaviour, drawn from the general population rather than clinical extremes. Questionnaire data were obtained from parents and teachers on the same 3–7 year old children via nurseries and mainstream schools. Item reduction followed standard psychometric approaches. Varimax‐rotated principal components analysis was undertaken on dichotomised teacher and parent responses, giving a four‐factor solution as most appropriate both for teachers and parents (aggression; anxiety; context‐directed behaviour; social maturity/communicativeness). The low correlation found between parents and teachers on corresponding factors suggests strong divergence of perspectives and/or situation‐dependence of behaviours. Reliability was high enough to not provide the explanation – i.e., serial correlations over three months within each respondent type were relatively strong. However, slight changes also took place over time: teacher ratings of anxiety differentiated out into anxiety proper and social maturity, while ratings of aggression and non‐context‐directed (‘inappropriate’) behaviour integrated towards a single factor which may reflect “threat to classroom order”. Implications for parent–teacher communication are discussed.  相似文献   

The current study used a longitudinal design to model initial interest and utility-value as antecedents of developing interest and course proficiency. Using measures from four time points across one academic year and competency assessed at the beginning of the previous year, we examined direct and mediated contributions of utility-value, self-efficacy, and self-concept for the development of domain interest. Japanese tertiary students (n = 614; Female = 129) undertaking a compulsory year-long study of English as a foreign language participated. Students reported motivation (interest, utility-value and competence beliefs of self-efficacy and self-concept) for studying English as a foreign language. In addition, the design allowed detection of reciprocal effects: the forward effect of interest on competence beliefs and in turn the forward effects of competence beliefs on interest. Initial domain interest indicated direct and/or mediated effects for all constructs, while self-efficacy indicated a reciprocal relationship with domain interest. Profile analyses (LPA) identified 3 motivation profiles that were stable across two semesters. Testing a mover-stayer model (LPTA) indicated some movement between the low and medium intensity profiles of motivation.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the qualitatively different moments of engagement and disengagement experienced by students at upper-secondary school in academic situations. Further, we examined between-student differences in the occurrence of these moments and their associations with both momentary task performance and overall academic achievement. By means of multilevel latent profile analysis (MLPA) we examined 1392 momentary experiences of 130 students, collected via experience sampling method (ESM). We identified six types of (dis)engagement moments varying within students from moment to moment: high engagement, moderate engagement, indifferent engagement, anxious engagement, anxious disengagement and bored disengagement. In addition, we identified four student profiles: highly engaged, moderately engaged, indifferently engaged and anxious. Whereas the engagement moments were related to momentary task performance, there were no differences between the student profiles in academic achievement. These results shed light on the nuanced nature of engagement and disengagement, and how they vary across individuals and situations.  相似文献   

Numerous research studies have highlighted the significant impact of domain knowledge and individual interest on learning. However, much of this prior research has neglected several important issues regarding the dynamic interplay of domain knowledge and individual interest both within and between domains as well as across developmental stages of learners. Situated within the Model of Domain Learning, this investigation seeks to respond to those issues. We studied the scores of 267 undergraduate and graduate students representing a variety of majors and programs. Results indicate that domain knowledge and individual interest are related differently for the domains of statistics and psychology. Further, findings indicate that when examining multiple domains of learning (e.g., statistics and psychology), the relationship between domain knowledge and interest changes as an artifact of both students’ academic level of preparation in undergraduate and graduate programs and their academic specialization. Based on these results, we offer implications for future research.  相似文献   

谈等倾干涉和等厚干涉的异同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对等倾干涉和等厚干涉的干涉条纹作了比较归纳出等倾干涉和等厚干涉条纹的主要异同点  相似文献   

本文以美国语言学家Herbert等人的研究成果为参照,结合我们搜集的818例汉语同意类称赞答语实例,对比分析旨在阐述英汉文化背景下人们在称赞答语中“同意”应答策略的使用方面体现出的共性与异性,并提出了三种具有中国文化特征的“同意”应答策略:赞扬降级、假问以及原因性接受。  相似文献   

毛泽东、邓小平是我国20世纪两位伟大政治经济家和思想家,在反腐败思想方面,两人有诸多相同点和不同点:相同点主要表现在理论基础、原则立场及廉政重点上;不同点主要表现在产生腐败现象原因分析的视点、反腐的手段与方法和结构体系上。  相似文献   

纵观中国和西方美学理论与实践的发展历程,不同的历史文化背景和民族文化心理,造成了中西在审丑观和审丑艺术实践上的明显差异.中国侧重于对丑美并存和对比性关系的认知,往往以丑反衬美,美是艺术表现的终极目的,而丑只是一种艺术表现手段.西方则不仅将艺术创造中的审丑视为能引起快感的观照生活与求知的过程,而且发展到把丑看作社会现实与心灵现实更真实的本质的显现形式,其审丑艺术的表现显得更为直接和普遍.  相似文献   

在不同的文化背景、社会习俗、民族风情、宗教信仰等因素的影响下,颜色包含着不同的文化内涵。相同颜色词的语用意义在英汉两种不同的语言中可以是对等的、有语用冲突的或者属于文化空白的。因此,对颜色词的正确翻译应该在考虑到中西文化的异同的前提下,尽量异中求同。  相似文献   

从2005年起我国不少高校借鉴欧美著名高校的住宿学院制,在所在学校开始实行书院制,借此开始了对我国高校传统学校管理模式的创新和转变。但详细对比之下,不难发现目前我国的书院制与国外的住宿学院制仍存在较大差别,这些差别竟又是此番借鉴能否成功的关键所在。  相似文献   

古代中国和朝鲜半岛都通过官学对知识分子进行儒化教育,二者同根同源。本文主要是对中国和朝鲜半岛的儒学教育机构进行比较,选取了明代的国子监和李朝成均馆作为考察对象,希图通过对其教育目标、学生和学官情况、开设课程等方面的比较以启迪现代教育。  相似文献   

在英汉两种语言中,往往会出现同一种动物,它们的概念意义相同,但内涵意义却有显著差异。本文试图通过列举英汉动物词汇文化涵义的异同,总结其产生差异的原因,从而提醒读者在交际中考虑到动物词汇的概念意义与文化涵义,避免在交际中由于错误理解而产生误会。  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of a three-year longitudinal study (Grades 9–11; N?=?756 students in German secondary schools; mean starting age?=?14.7 years) that explores the development of and the interplay between upper-secondary students’ individual interest and conceptual understanding in chemistry. Students’ individual interest was assessed in seven dimensions of school science activities (realistic, investigative, artistic, social, conventional, and networking) according to Dierks et al.'s RIASEC+N model. The data was collected annually using paper-and-pencil questionnaires. In order to analyse the longitudinal relation between students’ academic interest and conceptual understanding, Eccles et al.'s Expectancy-Value Theoretical Model of Achievement Choices (EEVT) was utilised and seven bivariate cross-lagged models were performed to investigate the assumed reciprocal relations between both constructs. Regarding the developmental progression of individual interest and conceptual knowledge, latent growth curve models indicate a small decrease in all of the seven dimensions of students’ interest in school science activities and concomitant a moderate growth of students’ conceptual understanding. Moreover, structural equation modelling suggests weak reciprocal relations between students’ conceptual understanding and their interest in investigative, social and networking school science activities, respectively. Furthermore, students’ interest in enterprising activities predicted their subsequent conceptual understanding. No systematic pattern of cross-lagged effects between the three remaining interest dimensions and conceptual understanding were found. The results indicate that school science activities, which provide the potential for cognitively activating learning opportunities, could enhance the relation between students’ interest and conceptual understanding. Implications for teaching practice and further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Motivation and emotion are of critical importance for students' academic learning and achievement. Drawing on Eccles and Wigfield's situated expectancy-value theory and Pekrun's control-value theory, we examined to what extent specific expectancy-value appraisals related to studentsʼ achievement emotions. We collected intensive state data of N = 95 university students over one semester in an online learning environment. Students' appraisals were analyzed on different aggregation levels in a hierarchical design, which accounts for variability within learning situations and between students. Our results corroborated theoretical assumptions that expectancy-value appraisals are positively associated with positive emotions and negatively with negative emotions. However, we found that students experienced positive emotions in learning situations of high intrinsic and utility value, but not in situations of high attainment value. Examining appraisal combinations and discrete emotions, we found that particularly studentsʼ perceived costs moderated the relationship between expectancy and frustration and boredom on the situation level.  相似文献   

关于中国文化深层结构的特点,从黑格尔到德里达,西方学界形成了一种偏见,认为中国没有理性,没有哲学。前辈中国学者在物质、制度和思想层面上都发现了中西文化存在着若干异同,但他们忽略了理性在中西文明中起到的作用。理性有不同的内容和类别。不同的理性类别组成不同的理性结构。虽然理性的爆发是轴心时代中西文明的共同特点,但它们表现出来的理性结构却不尽相同。古代西方的理性结构包括逻辑理性、自然理性、实践理性/道德理性、审美理性,但缺少历史理性,其理性结构以纯粹理性为主导,逻辑理性居于统治地位。中国的理性结构包括历史理性、自然理性、道德理性,有逻辑思想,但却未发展出逻辑理性,其中历史理性占有支配地位。逻辑理性主宰了西方的思维,历史理性引领了中国的思维。这种理性结构的不同是中西思维不同的根本原因所在。中西文明之别,关键也就在于理性结构的不同。西方文明中逻辑理性占主导和中国文明中历史理性占主导,其根本在于二分法的不同。中西的二分法之不同,其部分原因则可溯源于各自语言之不同。语言特点不同,是中西文化不同之源头。  相似文献   

Teaching practices are pivotal for student learning. Due to pedagogical traditions and national cultures, the structure of teaching practices may differ across countries. This study investigates the structure of teaching practices across 12 countries grouped into four major linguistic/cultural clusters. First, factor analysis is applied to investigate if the theoretical distinction between teacher-directed and student-centred practices is generalizable across countries. Then, network analysis is used to explore how individual classroom assessment practices relate to either teacher-directed or student-centred practices. Main findings include that: (1) teacher-directed and student-centred practices are two distinct factors across countries; (2) the overall structure and connectivity of teaching practices differs across countries, with smaller differences within linguistic/cultural clusters; and (3) assessment practices with the aim to structure and guide learning strongly relate to teacher-directed practices, whereas assessment practices with the aim to individualize instruction more relate to student-centred practices. We discuss the global patterning and implications.  相似文献   

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