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The Interactive Two Feedback Loops Model (Narciss, 2008, 2013) suggests that not only providing external feedback but also prompting students to generate internal feedback may influence learning and motivation. This study aims at investigating the effects of internal and external feedback on achievement, strategy, and motivation in concept learning. Using a 2 × 3 experimental design with 121 teacher students we investigated the effects of combining internal feedback (i.e. self-explaining why a task solution is correct or incorrect) with three types of external feedback (no feedback; knowledge of result (KR); KR + knowledge about mistakes (KM)). Combining internal and external types of feedback was more beneficial for concept learning achievement, strategy use, as well as students’ intrinsic motivation, and perceived competence, than providing either internal or external feedback. Most notably, if students are asked to generate internal feedback in terms of self-explaining their responses, simple external KR feedback is as beneficial as elaborated KM-feedback.  相似文献   

We aimed at measuring the impact of a school-based sleep education program (ENSOM: ‘EN’ for ‘ENfant’ and SOM for ‘SOMmeil’ in French) on sleep, cognitive functioning and academic performance in children. In contrast with existing sleep education programs, ENSOM was designed by sleep experts with the intent of being autonomously achieved by teachers. One-hundred and thirty children aged 8–9 years took part in control versus ENSOM interventions. Compared to the control intervention, total sleep time was extended by 31 min per night, sleep efficiency improved by 2.9%, and sleep latency and wake after sleep onset were shortened by 7.7 and 4.5 min respectively after the ENSOM program. Sleep improvement remained significant at one-year follow-up. Attention, executive functioning, academic performance and parents' sleep knowledge also improved significantly. Given the frequency of sleep curtailment in children, school-based programs could be an efficient method to implement sleep education on a large scale.  相似文献   

This study analyzes gains in cognitive components of learning competence with respect to cohorts based on ability tracking in a Czech longitudinal study. Propensity score matching is used to form parallelized samples of academic and non-academic track students and to eliminate the effect of selective school intake. We applied regression models on the total scores to test for the overall track effect. Furthermore, we analyze scores and gains on the subscores and check for differential item functioning in Grade 6 and in change to Grade 9. While after 3 years, no significant difference between the two tracks was apparent in the total learning competence score, we did, however, find significant differences in some subscores and in the functioning of some items. We argue that item-level analysis is important for deeper understanding of the tracking implications and may provide the basis for more precise evidence-based decisions regarding the tracking policy.  相似文献   

This eye-tracking study investigates how novice and expert teachers' noticing of classroom management events differs in two formats of instruction. 20 novices and 20 experts participated in the study, watching short video clips of whole-group and partner work teaching situations. Their retrospective verbal reports were analyzed for events identified as note-worthy along with their allocation of visual attention as indicators of their noticing. Experts noticed more classroom management events in the partner work format than novices. Furthermore, their noticing was characterized by a focus on student-related events. Similarly, their gaze prioritized students more than novices', particularly in the partner work format. In contrast, novice teachers' attention was more drawn to the teacher in both formats of instruction. The results show that expertise in teachers’ noticing of classroom management is characterized by a focus on students with the partner work format being more challenging for novice teachers.  相似文献   

There is a growing body of research on the role of linguistic features (LF) in comprehension and performance in science and math. Of particular interest is which LF facilitate or hinder comprehension. In this systematic review, we provide an overview of findings on LF at the word, sentence and text levels, on comprehension and performance in science and math. Our literature search revealed n = 40 articles included in this review. Overall, the role of LF in comprehension and performance in science and math is complex, with findings varying across the different LF. For each LF, we discuss the findings and uncover remaining questions. In the general discussion, we uncover strengths and weaknesses of previous research and discuss open questions before making eight recommendations and identifying tasks for future research aiming to understand the complex nature of LF.  相似文献   

Environmental Citizen Science (CS) initiatives have been largely embraced in K-12 education, as they are often hypothesized to improve students' knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviours to act as “environmental citizens” according to the notion of Environmental Citizenship (EC). However, the potential of environmental CS initiatives to promote Education for Environmental Citizenship (EEC) has not been systematically explored. At the same time, environmental CS initiatives for educational purposes are highly heterogenous and learning is enacted in diverse ways, according to the participatory and the pedagogical components underpinning each initiative. To address the complexity of the field, this review study adopts the PRISMA methodology to synthesize thirty-four empirical studies (n = 34) retrieved from a systematic review of the literature covering the last two decades (2000–2020). The reviewed environmental CS initiatives were subjected to a content analysis to identify their impact on students' EC (e.g., EC competences, actions, outcomes), as well as to unveil the CS initiatives' constitutional components in terms of (a) Participation (e.g., types of students' contributions, level of data collection, frequency of students' participation, modes of student engagement, forms of students’ involvement), and (b) Pedagogy (e.g., learning goals, educational contexts, learning mechanisms, EEC pedagogy). Our analysis shed light to the three territories (Participation, Pedagogy, Environmental Citizenship) underpinning the reviewed CS initiatives as well as to their interrelations. We reflect on these findings, and we provide directions for future research to guide the development of more successful environmental CS initiatives in K-12 education, serving as a vehicle for EC.  相似文献   

Academic enjoyment is an important educational construct given that it benefits students' engagement, persistence, wellbeing, and mental health. In this study, we examine two factors that determine this crucial emotion, namely student- and class-level achievement. Past research has been restricted to single-country or single-domain examinations of secondary school students, limiting generalizability of findings. To bridge this gap, we utilize the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study and the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (TIMSS-PIRLS) combined 2011 data (N = 180,084 4th-grade students, 37 countries). Our results provide robust evidence that student-level achievement positively predicts enjoyment in math, science, and reading, while the effects of class-level achievement are negative—the Happy-Fish-Little-Pond Effect. These results showed relative universality across the domains and countries examined.  相似文献   

The study aims to investigate the effects of delivery modalities on psychometric characteristics and student performance on cognitive tests. A first study assessed the inductive reasoning ability of 715 students under the supervision of teachers. A second study examined 731 students’ performance on the application of the control-of-variables strategy in basic physics but without teacher supervision due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Rasch measurement showed that the online format fitted to the data better in the unidimensional model across two conditions. Under teacher supervision, paper-based testing was better than online testing in terms of reliability and total scores, but contradictory findings were found in turn without teacher supervision. Although measurement invariance was confirmed between two versions at item level, the differential bundle functioning analysis supported the online groups on the item bundles constructed of figure-related materials. Response time was also discussed as an advantage of technology-based assessment for test development.  相似文献   

This study discusses the generalizability of gender differences in the second language competences of European adolescents across three languages, three skills and fourteen countries. In most cases, females do better than males but the effect sizes are small or medium at best (Cohen's ds < −0.46). However, English appears rather gender-neutral on average, with males sometimes outperforming females. We also found evidence for cross-skill variation: writing turns out to be more prone to gender differences than listening or reading. Thirdly, we found cross-country variation in the gender gap, which supports the hypothesis that gender is primarily a social factor rather than a biological factor in learning. Multilevel mediation analyses with constituents of motivation indeed show that in most cases where females outperform males, up to 60% of this advantage can be explained by the differential appeal of the students' L2 course and by the instrumental, integrative and intrinsic value that students attribute to the L2.  相似文献   

We examined whether children’s facial emotion recognition ability predicted their academic attainment over time, and whether peer relationships mediated that association. A secondary aim was to test whether the putative causal pathways would be significantly different for boys and girls. The model was tested using data from The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC), a prospective longitudinal cohort population. Facial emotion recognition ability was assessed using the Diagnostic Assessment of Non-Verbal Accuracy (DANVA) at age 8.5 years while academic attainment was measured using data on UK Key Stage 4 (General Certificate of Secondary Education) at 16 years (outcome). The teacher’s version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire was used to measure children’s peer relationship problems at 10–11 years (mediator). We adjusted for area-level socio-economic status and child’s early academic attainment, and examined whether mediation was moderated by sex. The results showed that low facial emotion recognition ability in childhood was associated with low academic attainment at age 16 years. There was evidence of mediation via peer problems, with an estimated 19% of the total effect mediated by errors in emotion recognition. Further analyses showed that there was no difference in mediation for boys versus girls. The findings suggest that children’s facial emotion recognition ability and peer relationships should be potential targets for programmes that aim to improve children’s educational attainment and their social and emotional competence.  相似文献   

Research on the impact of immersive virtual reality (I-VR) technology on learning has become necessary with the decreasing cost of virtual reality technologies and the development of high-quality head-mounted displays. This meta-analysis investigates the overall effect size by combining the results of primary experimental studies that reveal the effect of I-VR on learning outcomes. Besides, effect sizes were calculated based on measuring moment, types of measurement, education level, the field of education, control group educational resources, and immersion type subgroups. One hundred five independent results were calculated from 48 primary studies published between 2016 and September 2020, including 39 randomized controlled trials and nine quasi-experimental studies. The sample size of primary studies includes 3179 students, 847 from K12, and 2332 from higher education. Random effects model was used in the calculation of effect size. As a result of the meta-analysis, it was determined that the overall effect size on the learning outcomes of I-VR was small (g = 0.38). Additionally, according to the subgroup analysis results, it was revealed that I-VR significantly differentiated effect size based on educational level, the field of education, and computer-based/traditional sources. There was no significant difference in terms of the other subgroups.  相似文献   

In game-based learning, adaptive scaffolding can enhance the learning of domain-specific skills, known as first-order scaffolding, and self-regulatory skills, known as second-order scaffolding. To design adaptive scaffolding, we need indicators that identify learning opportunities. Therefore we investigated how indicators of performance and self-regulation relate to overall game performance in a medical emergency simulation game. These indicators have the potential to guide the design of adaptive first-order and second-order scaffolding, respectively. Twenty-six fourth-year medical students played 116 game sessions. Using a multilevel model, we investigated the relationship between overall game performance and a range of online and offline measures. For first-order scaffolding, accuracy, systematicity and thoroughness were found to be valid indicators; for second-order scaffolding, high global self-regulatory scores and frequent monitoring were found to be valid indicators. These indicators can be included in future algorithms for adaptive scaffolding in game-based learning.  相似文献   

This paper presents a systematic literature review of School-University Partnerships (SUPs) that aim to promote changes in teaching and learning practices. Our analysis focuses on the evaluation of such SUPs, throughout their development process (from Exploration to Implementation and Sustainability). Our results highlight the nonlinearity of such development processes. The evaluation of the SUPs mainly relied on qualitative approaches and occurred primarily during the Implementation phase. Furthermore, the evaluation instruments used have seldom been validated or reused within the research community. Future research can focus on the development of reliable evaluation instruments, useable throughout the lifecycle of SUPs, to guide their decision-making.  相似文献   

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