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In the present paper, we propose an alternative, based on constructivism, to the conventional way of teaching basic physics courses at the university level. We call this approach ‘coherent teaching’ and the underlying philosophy of teaching science and engineering ‘need-based learning’. We have been applying this philosophy in practice in a basic physics course at the Department of Engineering Physics and Mathematics of Helsinki University of Technology. Here we present the main ideas of the new approach and how we have implemented them, as well as discuss how coherent teaching has affected the students' opinions about the course and how it has changed the learning results.  相似文献   

新社会要求现代人在社会活动中具有主体思想、主体意识和主体精神。因此,如何提高以主体性为核心的人的整体素质,发挥人的主动性和能动性是我们教育工作者应优先考虑的问题。  相似文献   

电子科技大学大学物理教研室探索大学物理教学方法和内容改革,形成“数字化、结构化、探究式”的教学模式,以精品课程建设为契机,深化工科大学物理教学改革,实现传统教育向素质教育的转变和人才培养。  相似文献   

针对课程改革中大学物理课程所面临的新问题,提出了大学物理课程的教学创新应以市场需求为方向,以人为本为核心,以多元结合教学为模式。唯有如此,才能体现出大学物理在大学课程中的应有价值。  相似文献   

物理教学中的自主学习课堂教学模式简论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自主学习是引导学生做学习的主人、促进学生自主发展的一种教育思想。在物理教学中实施自主学习教学模式有助于培养学生的创新意识和实践能力。自主学习具有能动性、独立性和创新性三个特点,构建自主学习教学模式应遵循目标性原则、主体性原则、创新性原则和合作性原则。依据学生学习的特点和前人的一些研究,构建了物理教学的五环节自主学习课堂教学模式,并指出实施自主学习教学模式应注意的问题:教师要转变观念、明确责任;教学要尊重个体差异;重视实验教学;教学过程要保证学生自主学习的时间。  相似文献   

对于物理教育来说,美育是指物理教师借助物理学中的科学美向学生施加审美影响,让他们感受、鉴赏、创造科学美,以达到塑造学生的心灵,提高他们鉴赏和创造科学美的能力的过程.没有美育的教育是不完全的教育,不贯彻美学的物理教学也是不完全的教育.  相似文献   

Effective teaching methods-- Project-based learning in physics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper presents results of the research of new effective teaching methods in physics and science. It is found out that it is necessary to educate pre-service teachers in approaches stressing the importance of the own activity of students, in competences how to create an interdisciplinary project. Project-based physics teaching and learning seems to be one of the most effective methods for teaching science for understanding. It is necessary to provide in-service teachers instruction (seminars) and prepare sample projects with proposals how to develop, run and evaluate interdisciplinary projects. Projects are important "real-world" physics modules, modern physics and everyday life problems can be integrated into the high school curriculum. Examples of projects that were worked out are presented.  相似文献   

Active learning methods can be appropriate in engineering, as their methodology promotes meta-cognition, independent learning and problem-solving skills. Problem-based learning is the educational process by which problem-solving activities and instructor's guidance facilitate learning. Its key characteristic involves posing a ‘concrete problem’ to initiate the learning process, generally implemented by small groups of students. Many universities have developed and used active methodologies successfully in the teaching–learning process. During the past few years, the University of the Basque Country has promoted the use of active methodologies through several teacher training programmes. In this paper, we describe and analyse the results of the educational experience using the problem-based learning (PBL) method in a physics course for undergraduates enrolled in the technical telecommunications engineering degree programme. From an instructors’ perspective, PBL strengths include better student attitude in class and increased instructor–student and student–student interactions. The students emphasised developing teamwork and communication skills in a good learning atmosphere as positive aspects.  相似文献   

在阐述自主学习内涵和意义的基础上,提出在普通物理教学过程中开展自主学习的途径,以期提高大学生的自主学习意识和能力,为他们的终身学习打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

根据新课程标准的要求,中学物理的教学要加强与科学、技术、社会的联系,将学生培养成为关心社会和适应社会生活的人。为此,开展STS教育能够培养学生的科学、技术、社会意识,能最大限度地发挥学生的主观能动性,使学生充分观察、接触和了解社会。本文将结合物理教学的实际,对如何渗透STS教育进行一些简单的探讨。  相似文献   

科学有效的教学质量评价是加强本科院校教学管理和提高教学质量的重要手段.为找出影响课堂教学效果的主要因素,利于教师教学水平的提高,采用模糊层次分析法(FAHP)对细胞生物学课堂教学效果进行综合评价.  相似文献   

多媒体技术在大学物理教学应用中存在的问题及对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了多媒体教学的优势和教学中容易带来的问题,探索了更好地发挥多媒体教学作用的方法和原则。  相似文献   

大学物理实验教学中多媒体课件的应用探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今社会以多媒体为代表的信息技术迅速发展,促进了学校教学内容、教学方法和教学模式等的一系列改革。大学物理实验借助多媒体教学和计算机辅助设计的综合实验教学的方法,有效地改善了物理实验教学模式,将多媒体技术中的多维立体优势同传统的物理实验教学模式充分结合起来,发挥计算机仿真的数据结果不受实验环境影响的优势,对于物理理论课中的知识有了更加形象的感性认识,加深了对知识的理解。这不仅可满足教学中对于实验观察和分析的要求,还可以培养激发学生学习的主观能动性,对提高课堂教学质量有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

梁志国 《教育学报》2004,(12):39-41
角色扮演为物理教学和学生全面发展提供了良好的平台 ,在物理教学中具有独特的价值。在实际教学中 ,角色扮演主要是学生的行为 ,但教师的组织工作必不可少  相似文献   

生本教育物理课堂教学实践证明:只有把学习的权力交还给学生,学生才能主动探究。教师要构建开放型的生本课堂,激发学生探究学匀的兴趣,引导学生整体感悟,提高学生自主探究和合作探究能力。  相似文献   

英国 GCE物理 A级考试相当于我国的高招物理考试 ,但又有所不同。本文介绍了它的考试评价目标、考试内容和考试方案 ,对其特点进行了简要概括 ,供我国的高中物理课程改革和高考改革借鉴。  相似文献   

从提高大学物理教学质量入手,分析了大学物理教学现状,对大学物理教学的改革与实践进行了探讨.研究内容包括三个方面:教师综合素质的提高、立体化教学资源的建设、教学模式的实践和教学评价体系的改进.  相似文献   

This study presents new ways of visualising technology-enhanced collaborative inquiry-based learning (CIBL) processes in an undergraduate physics course. The data included screen-capture videos from a technology-enhanced learning environment and audio recordings of discussions between students. We performed a thematic analysis based on the phases of inquiry-based learning (IBL). The thematic analysis was complemented by a content analysis, in which we analysed whether the utilisation of technological tools was on a deep-level, surface-level, or non-existent basis. Student participation was measured in terms of frequency of contributions as well as in terms of impact. We visualised the sequence of the face-to-face interactions of two groups of five students by focussing on the temporal aspects of IBL, technology enhancement and collaborative learning. First, instead of the amount of time the groups spent on a specific IBL phase, the between-group differences in the most frequent transitions between the IBL phases determined their differential progress in the CIBL process. Second, we found that the transitions were triggered by the groups’ ways of utilising technological tools either at the deep level or at the surface level. Finally, we found that the level of participation inequity remained stable throughout the CIBL process. As a result, only some of the members of the groups played a role in the most frequent transitions. Furthermore, this study reveals the need for scaffolds focussing on inquiry, technological and collaborative skills at the beginning of the learning process.  相似文献   

该文阐述了前沿物理教育的特点,并就前沿物理教育对大学生素质教育和能力培养的作用和意义进行了探讨。  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce the methodology that we have followed to convert traditional notes into interactive online materials. The idea behind this has been to make self-consistent and interactive online materials capable of motivating the students to get involved in the learning process. For this purpose, we have used the e-learning environment Moodle, which is a platform with a high interactivity potential. We conclude that the academic performance reaches its maximum when correctly combining self-organising with minimum teacher guidance.  相似文献   

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