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曹禺戏剧《原野》的经典化道路是异常曲折的,评论界经历了否定到渐渐理解和赞赏的过程,不同的导演也用自己的智慧创造出他们所理解的《原野》。《原野》受到了观众的热烈追捧,《原野》就在不同时代、不同身份的人们的接受下,逐渐奠定了它的经典地位。  相似文献   

该文主要探讨《雷雨》早期接受史上作者本意与接受者理解之间的错位现象 ,认为这种错位可以归结为生存论 /神秘主义视界与现世理性主义视界之间的错位 ,它同时也表现为“祛除巫魅”的现代性与广义的浪漫主义现代性 ,以及“诗”与“社会问题剧”之间的错位。并指出曹禺的生存论 /神秘主义视界不仅是其艺术个性和艺术力量的根本 ,而且具有独特的社会批判功能。  相似文献   

焦母是《原野》中的戏剧人物,是曹禺笔下的悲剧女性之一,也是他所描绘的"恶母"形象之一.提及焦母,习惯性被读者们称为是"恶"的化身,给这一角色贴上标签.人物都是具多面性的,焦母也无例外,细化而言,在她身上并非仅有恶,焦母是多方矛盾和特殊环境影响下的牺牲者,她的结局是悲惨的,也是令人深感同情的.文章从多方面对焦母这一角色进...  相似文献   

两极思维,即由两个或两个以上要素构成的对待性思维,是人类最基本最原始的逻辑思维方式。文章认为,《世说新语》人物品评的一个重要特点是:采用两极思维的品评模式。两极思维方式在先秦的文史哲著作中有着详尽的体现,《世说新语》对此既有所继承,又表现出自身的特点。它通过人物语言和才性的不同角度、不同方面的对比,呈现了绚烂多姿的色彩,魏晋士人人物品评的风尚和评价标准是两极思维模式产生的主要原因。《世说新语》人物品评的两极思维模式对后代的小说创作产生了深远的影响  相似文献   

自川版本诞生以来,《原野》已成为一种多版本的存在,但学界对《原野》的版本问题关注不够,研究薄弱,呈现出不全面、不系统、不深入的状况,这使继续深入推进《原野》的版本研究显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

仇虎是一个有着血海深亿的旧式农民。善良淳朴和愚昧迷信集于一身,但善良淳朴是其性格的本质。仇虎形象不仅是真实的,而且有较大的艺术概括性。  相似文献   

《原野》是曹禺的第三个戏剧生命,深受西方表现主义艺思潮的影响,戏剧中意象纷呈、隐意深奥。“森林”、“老屋”和“金子铺的地方”是《原野》意象群中的主要意象。  相似文献   

曹禺的《原野》与奥斯特洛夫斯基的《大雷雨》在人物形象、意象、人物关系诸方面的相似,为两文可比性的确立提供了依据,但两剧在主题、人物形象真实性和悲剧原因等方面也存在一定差异。其相似性既说明了《原野》对《大雷雨》的模仿或是后者对前者直接影响的存在,同时也为中外文化共通性提供了一个实例。  相似文献   

《原野》是话剧大师曹禺于抗日战争前夕创作的现代话剧经典。自出版以来,不同时期的导演对其进行了跨媒介、跨剧种的改编与排演,都产生了很大的反响,成为现代经典文化传播中的盛事。由《原野》改编的成功实践可以看出,现代文化经典对于整个中国文化史的赓续与新生具有不容忽视的重要作用。所以,在进行地域文化传承与保护的时候,也应重视对现代文学经典的发掘与传承。  相似文献   

Although many studies have evaluated the gains in knowledge resulting from various programs and models, the affective effects of such interventions have been largely ignored. Positive affect, however, can serve to motivate cognitive learning. This study investigated how students felt about two types of career education instructional models: field exposure and didactic. Students who received field exposure training felt more positive about their training experience than students who received didactic instruction. This difference may be one reason why field exposure training has been found to be effective in producing cognitive gains relative to more traditional, didactic approaches.  相似文献   

Although statistics instructors have attempted to improve the cognitive aspects of instruction, particularly with respect to assessments, relatively little attention has been paid to non-cognitive issues, including students' attitudes, feelings, beliefs, perceptions, motivations, and interests. Thus, the purpose of the present study was to determine (1) the methods of statistics assessments that students most prefer; (2) the methods of statistics assessment that students feel induce the least amount of anxiety; (3) the methods of statistics assessments that students most rate as inducing higher-order thinking; (4) the characteristics of students with the most negative overall attitudes toward statistics assessments; and (5) how students rate performance assessments and authentic assessments. Findings revealed that students appear most to prefer statistics examinations in which at least limited supporting material is permitted. Interestingly, assessments in which some form of supporting material is allowed appeared to be more popular than are examinations with no time constraints. However, examinations that are untimed and in which supporting material is allowed were regarded best as inducing the least amount of anxiety, as increasing levels of performance, and as promoting higher-order thinking. Overall, students tended to rate performance assessments the most highly. Unfortunately, authentic assessments were not rated as highly as were performance assessments. Canonical correlation analyses suggested that age, the number of college-level mathematics courses, the number of years elapsed since students' last statistics class, and levels of statistics anxiety are determinants of these attitudes. The implications of these findings are discussed, and recommendations for future research are presented.  相似文献   

西方传教士对太平天国的态度经历了从期望“传播圣教和宣传福音”,到“改正太平天国的许多错误”。进而污蔑敌视太平天国三个阶段.充当了各资本主义国家探听太平天国虚实、镇压太平军的先驱,此外,传教士纷纷赶赴和悄悄离开天京这一现象。反映了拜上帝教与基督教的普同性与特异性。  相似文献   

改革开放以来我国经济高速发展的同时,城乡收入差距也逐渐拉大。导致城乡收入差距的制度性原因主要有两个方面,一是二元税制结构成为阻碍农村发展的障碍,二是体制转轨将城乡贫富差距进一步拉大。这种制度性原因引起的贫富差距有负面影响,因此必须控制,本文提出了缩小城乡贫富差距的四个手段。  相似文献   

This study investigated mathematical behaviors on inequality tasks using two alternative response measures in preschool subjects. With the sympton response, one response measure, age groups five, six, and seven significantly differed from age groups three to four. Using the verbal response, the second measure, age groups six and seven significantly differed from age groups three, four, and five. Developmental notions in the acquisition of mathematical tasks of inequality on conserving behavior were supported. With the symptom response other significant main and interaction effects were noted and described.  相似文献   

为了解大学生对同性恋成因的认识及态度,采用自编调查问卷,对3所高校的540名文、理、工科大学生进行了调查研究。调查结果表明:大学生能够从主观动机、负面经历和环境影响等7个方面对同性恋进行归因;大学生对同性恋的态度存在性别差异和学科差异,主要受情感和认知的影响,对同性恋的认识越全面,态度就越宽容,反之就越反感。  相似文献   

杜甫与陶渊明都曾胸怀大志,都因理想破灭而辞官,而且杜甫心仪陶渊明,诗中大量化用陶渊明的诗句,并一再表现出归隐的念头,二人的经历及情趣表现出极大的相似性.但二人辞官后的心态有着本质的不同.陶渊明对现实彻底失望,坚决归隐,追求个人的自由,守护心灵的安宁,完全是出世的心态;杜甫则身在江湖,心存魏阙,忧患社稷民生,渴望供职朝廷,是积极的入世心态.因而,杜甫并非陶渊明的继踵者.二人出世入世的不同心态深刻反映出晋宋与李唐时代精神的差异.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the acquisition of a four‐year college degree impacts police officer attitudes toward abuse of authority. This research also explores whether level of higher education and the timing of degree completion alter this potential attitudinal impact of a bachelor’s degree. Using data from a nationally representative survey sample, the study finds that officers with a pre‐service bachelor’s degree hold attitudes that are less supportive of abuse of authority, although the effect is fairly small in magnitude. These effects remain regardless of when officers receive their degree and across varying levels of higher education (i.e., associate’s degree, attending some college). These findings suggest that higher education has a beneficial impact related to police officer abuse of authority attitudes.  相似文献   

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