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Language characteristics of the Korean Minority are weakening.This is caused by both social development and language development.The main problems are lacking language environment,and a decreasing number of people who use the language accompanied by an increasing number of Korean students who choose Han schools.Therefore,in Yanbian area,great importance should be attached to education of the Korean language.Efforts should be made to increase the number of students and build up a teaching body so as to promote healthy development of education for the Korean minority.  相似文献   

国内朝鲜语自然语言处理的研究起步较晚,基础研究相对薄弱,在介绍自然语言处理发展历程的基础上,重点对朝鲜语自然语言处理的研究现状进行了分析,并对其未来的发展趋势进行总结,希望为今后朝鲜语自然语言处理的发展提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的发展,学习韩语的人群也越来越多,这就促使很多高职院校成立了与韩语教学有关的专业。但是,除母语之外的任何一种语种的学习都会遇到很多的问题,这也是当前学生在学习韩语过程中感觉难度大的原因之一。为了能够进一步了解高职院校韩语教学情况,本文从当前高职院校韩语教学现状出发,找到影响高职院校韩语教学质量的因素,并提出几点关于高职院校韩语教学的创新策略,为改革高职院校韩语教学过程提供理论指导。  相似文献   

韩语阅读能力是一项重要的韩语语言基本能力。韩语阅读教学是培养学生能够快速成为具有专业知识技能和外语交际能力人才的有效途径。本文从分析影响韩语专业学生提高阅读能力的问题人手,有针对性地提出了多种行之有效的提高韩语阅读能力的教学方法。  相似文献   

Native English speaking language teachers who live and work in various parts of the world often express a desire to learn the language of their host country. Without sustained levels of motivation, however, their desires are unlikely to be realized. This article reports the findings of a longitudinal case study of an American English language instructor working at a South Korean university. It examines the factors that impacted her motivation to learn Korean, and explores the ebbs and flows that characterized her motivation over a one-year period. Findings revealed that while the participant did express a desire to learn Korean and formulated learning goals, the action necessary to achieve these goals did not occur. This article draws on the L2 Motivational Self System and the Process Model of L2 Motivation to provide a dual theoretical perspective on the findings.  相似文献   

少数民族媒体语言中的外来词形式多样、来源广泛。本文以朝鲜语为例,根据2011年8月《人民网(朝鲜语版)》和《延边电视台(网络版)》的语料,对在标题中含有外来词的文本进行了深入的分析,考察朝鲜语媒体语言中外来词的使用情况,提出朝鲜语媒体语言应规范使用外来词,外来词的借入与使用都应符合受众的认知心理和语言的经济原则。  相似文献   

2005年,韩国《国语基本法实行令》颁布,标志着韩国语作为外语教学教师资格制度正式建立。韩国语教师资格分为1、2、3级,1级为最高。韩国语教育副专业毕业生及韩国语教育培训课程结业者通过考试可获得3级证书。韩国语教育专业本科生、硕士生毕业后可获得2级证书。非韩国语教育专业毕业生须参加规定的培训课程并通过韩国语教育能力检定考试可获得3级证书。2级、3级证书获得者经过规定的时间和教学经历可晋升为更高等级。  相似文献   

敬语法是韩语的重要特征之一,其结构复杂且表现形式很丰富,如何正确使用敬语是韩语教学中的重点和难点。通过对韩语敬语法的研究,进一步解释敬语法定义、分类、表现形式以及所受的制约,从而让学习者正确使用敬语进行交流。  相似文献   

朝鲜民族深受汉民族文化的影响,长期以来借用汉字来记录自己民族的语言,因此在朝鲜语语汇中约有50%-70%的汉字词。而这些汉字词成为朝鲜语不可缺少的重要的组成部分。通过采取比较研究的方法,较系统地阐明了朝鲜语汉字词的来源。分析了朝鲜语汉字词与汉语词汇的异同,探讨了理解记忆和把握朝鲜语汉字词的新方法。  相似文献   

汉语和韩国语的礼貌表达有其共性和个性。汉语礼貌表达用词汇形式,主要用有限的敬谦词以及称谓表现;而韩国语除词汇形式外,还用丰富的词尾和助词等语法形式表现。汉韩礼貌表达出现这种差异的主要原因在于汉语和韩国语的语言类型不同,汉语属于孤立语,缺乏形态,而韩国语属于黏着语,形态丰富。  相似文献   

通过对韩国观光专门学校部分汉语班学生汉语学习的问卷调查研究,并结合面谈访问,了解了这些学生的汉语学习环境、他们所采取的学习策略以及所达到的学习效果,试图为他们更有效地学习汉语给出一些具体可行的办法.  相似文献   

任何语言都需要表达数量概念。虽然在不同的语言体系中,对数量概念的表达有一定的差异,但是这些差异不单单是语音上的,更多的差异可以体现在不同语言的对比中。个体量词是人类语言中可以用来表达基本而且常用的数量关系,汉语和韩语中都包含丰富而完备的个体量词,但是在词法和句法层面并不完全相同。我们将从个体量词入手将汉语与韩语中的个体量词加以比较,可以对汉语和韩语都有更为深入的理解,促进对于汉语和汉语学习与研究。  相似文献   

高职院校韩语课程的目标是使学生具有韩语实际运用能力和跨文化交际能力。作为语言和文化综合载体的韩语电影蕴藏着丰富的学习资源。依据Krashen的二语习得理论,将韩语电影教学引入韩语视听说课堂有着其必要性和可行性,探讨韩语电影在教学中的应用也可以为韩语视听说教学提供一套行之有效的授课方案。  相似文献   

This study examined the importance of morphological awareness in Korean–English biliteracy acquisition. English is an opaque orthographic system, in which letters and sounds have indirect correspondences. Korean Hangul, on the other hand, is a transparent orthographic system where there are direct letter-sound correspondences. Sixty-five children from Grades 2 to 4 were tested on a set of comparable Korean and English tasks tapping into oral vocabulary, phonemic awareness, morphological awareness, real word reading, and passage reading comprehension. Results showed that morphological awareness explained a significant amount of variance in word reading and reading comprehension within both Korean Hangul and English, suggesting that morphological awareness is important not only in an opaque orthography but also in a transparent orthography. Furthermore, morphological awareness in one language uniquely predicted a significant amount of variance in reading real words in the other language, suggesting that morphological awareness facilitates word reading across different orthographies.  相似文献   

"韩国式汉语"具备一套独特的语音、词汇和语法的规则体系,学习者是这套规则的创造者,并基于这套自己建立起来的规则体系,有意识地、创造性地运用目的语从事各种交际活动。正确辨认和分析此类错误的类型及来源,在对外汉语教学中具有十分重要的实践意义,它为教师提供了研究韩国学生的学习过程、学习策略和学习步骤等方面的资料,从而能够对症下药,成功地帮助学生克服"韩国式汉语"倾向,使学生真正地掌握规范汉语。  相似文献   

韩语精读课程是韩语专业的主干课程,是韩语教育课程的核心部分。精读课程既要传授语言知识又要培养学生听说读写译等各方面的能力,使学生达到利用韩语进行交际的最终目的。所以找到合适的教学法便成了实施精读教学的一个关键问题。本文根据精读课程的特点分基础和高级两个阶段,提出了几种行之有效的教学法。  相似文献   

随着“汉语热”在世界的日趋升温,越来越多的外国学生涌入我国学习汉语,但他们大多学习周期短,对语言的预定目标却不低.如何快速有效地帮助留学生们提高他们的汉语学习能力,也日益成为了汉语教学工作者们迫切需要解决的问题.笔者以任教院校的韩国留学生为例,总结归纳对外汉语教学中成功的经验,就以上问题提出自己的看法与意见.在分析本校韩国留学生特点及研究吸取以往汉语教学专家学者正确观点的基础上,与同事们确立了自己的对外汉语教学的四条原则,即实践性原则、交际性原则、针对性原则和趣味性原则,并在这四条教学原则的指导下,采取了行之有效的具体教学措施,取得了良好的教学效果.  相似文献   

语音学习是外语学习和外语教学的关键。本文从发音部位和发音方法两个方面,对韩.汉辅音进行对比,找出韩语辅音学习时的易错音,并加以分析,旨在对韩语学习、韩语教学有所帮助。  相似文献   

The current study examined how a North Korean defector attending a college in South Korea transformed her identity while learning English. This study was grounded in the notion of second language learning as a struggle of a socially constituted being in which the language learner constantly structures and restructures his or her social identity. Data were collected through journals and interviews with the defector. Data analysis revealed that the North Korean defector experienced an identity transformation: from being a resisting North Korean who wanted to maintain her North Korean identity by consciously ignoring English education to being a struggling English learner who eventually yielded to the need for English learning; then an active learner who found English learning valuable and meaningful; and finally, a visionary who aimed to care about those in need, particularly English learning needs. During the identity transformation process, the defector constantly negotiated her identities in response to multiple social factors. Based on these findings, the present study offers pedagogical suggestions for English education for North Korean defectors.  相似文献   

本文从韩中语言的特性出发,建议启用汉字,研发一种新的现代韩中汉字笔谈交流的沟通方法,从而修复半个多世纪以来被阻断的传统汉字笔谈交流。  相似文献   

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