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幽默是一种不可或缺的文学素养,也是脱口秀作者风格、才气和智慧的直接反映。对于观众来说,禁忌幽默更是脱口秀作品魅力的重要来源。因此,对禁忌幽默话语的语言特点进行总结与研究,使更多中国观众充分领略禁忌幽默话语的独特魅力至关重要。对禁忌幽默话语的语言特点进行总结和归纳,应参照语言学派的翻译单位层次体系,从音位层、词汇层以及修辞层进行,通过介绍其鲜明的语言特点为大家提供禁忌幽默话语的概貌,为后续研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

目前教会史的区域研究主要集中于长江沿岸各省,对北方特别是"山东省之入口"的烟台则研究很薄弱,但这并不代表教会势力不强大,也不代表影响不深。近代美北长老会在烟台办教育、开医院、办实业等,足迹遍布烟台各地。文章尝试着对其活动进行梳理,拾遗补阙,抛砖引玉,以此来说明作为外力的传教士对烟台迈向近代所起的作用。  相似文献   

美国阅读教学改革所受质疑评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国低年级儿童阅读教学改革已进入第三年,其推广的阅读教学法实施效果不理想,受到了各方的质疑.民众批评该教学法:缺乏科学性,违背教学规律,有失公正,限制了教师及学校的活动空间.该阅读教学法过于"标准化"及教学改革的政治化倾向是其遭受指责的根本原因,民众对阅读教学的批评将导致美国新的阅读教学改革的产生.  相似文献   

在考察学前教育对儿童发展的积极影响时,人们引用最多的是美国佩里幼儿园项目、芝加哥儿童家长中心、卡罗莱纳初学者项目等示范项目.然而,事实上这些示范项目都主要是针对低收入家庭儿童的,其产生的显著效果并不具普遍性.借鉴这些示范项目的成功经验,我国政府在学前教育领域的政策与投入应加大对社会处境不利儿童的关注;应充分考虑文化背景对教育效果的影响机制,而不能一味照搬这些示范项目;应审慎对待这些示范项目的研究结论,引导公众建立对幼儿教育的合理期待.  相似文献   

Male teamsport athletes have traditionally been described as some of the most homophobic and femphobic men in North American culture. However, in this ethnographic research of an education-based soccer team at a small Catholic university in a rural part of Middle America, I use inclusive masculinity theory to highlight that a softer version of masculinity is in operation. I use participant observation and 22 in-depth interviews to show that these men are gay friendly, that they avoid fights, and that they use reciprocal disclosure and homosocial tactility to emotionally bond. Although the type of masculinity the men on this team exhibit retains some orthodox behaviours, it is nonetheless far removed from the traditional model of hegemonic masculinity commonly attributed to teamsport athletes found in American institutes of sport and education.  相似文献   

在一些文化里,友谊意即两人之间一种强烈的,一世之久的情感。在这些文化里,友谊发展得慢,因为要持久。但美国是个急速变化的社会,有些研究发现每年每五个美国家庭之中,就有一个家庭搬家。美国人的友谊建立得快,但也可能改变得快。从美国来的人可能刚开始看起来很亲切。美国人常能很容易地和陌生人聊天,他们交换关于自己的家庭、兴趣和工作的个人资料,他们可能热情地微笑说"祝你有愉快的一天"或是"待会儿见",而同学也  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out to compare the spelling of children who speak General American English and children who speak Southern British English. The first dialect is rhotic (/r/may occur after a vowel in a syllable), and the second is nonrhotic (/r/may not occur in this context). Young children's spelling errors reflected the characteristics of their dialect. For example, American children with spelling ages of about 6–7½ often misspelled hurt as "hrt" whereas British children of similar spelling levels were more likely to misspell it as "hut." Such errors were uncommon by spelling ages of greater than 7½. Even at these spelling ages, however, the British children made overgeneralization errors that reflected their dialect. For example, they sometimes spelled bath as "barth" based on the fact that bath contains the same vowel sound as card in their dialect. The results show that phonology plays an important role in children's spelling development.  相似文献   

This essay draws upon the work of Northrop Frye to show that stories enacting the American Dream contain elements associated with romance, and briefly traces how Ronald Reagan and conservatives utilized the romance of the American Dream to the point that many Americans associated it exclusively with conservatism. The essay then details how Barack Obama, in his 2004 Democratic Convention keynote address, recast the American dream from a conservative to a liberal story.  相似文献   

Walt Disney World is the happiest place in the world and it attracts people of all ages everywhere,especially the kid and parents.I took my internship there.As a cast member,I found that it can reflect a novel method,a new relationship that is different from what we Chinese knew and that could be used as a source of reference between parents and kids.  相似文献   

根据大受欢迎的英国同名情景喜剧改编的美剧《办公室的故事》在美国大获成功。这部电视剧围绕着一群在普通小镇办公室中工作的平凡白领之间的关系和交流以及在那儿发生的不可思议的怪事展开。本剧以纪录片的拍摄手法完成,这让它在美国电视剧中显得十分特别。  相似文献   

深入分析美国21个州制定的0~3岁婴幼儿早期学习指南中运动子领域的具体内容发现,各州的指南都非常重视婴幼儿动作发展的连续性和可期待性,在婴幼儿精细动作的发展方面突出强调了手部(包括手臂和手掌)动作由整合到分化的发展过程,同时也强调婴幼儿生活自理能力的提高。美国的经验值得我们借鉴。我们还要注意0~3岁婴幼儿学习指南的制定要尽可能详细具体,以便教育者能较为准确地判断婴幼儿的发展水平。  相似文献   

对于文化的定义是丰富多彩的。它包括文学、艺术、音乐、历史,或是宗教信仰,传统习俗等。而体育文化作为风俗习惯的一部分,从一个层面反映了一个国家的文化,我们发现,作为世界范围内影响力最大的体育联盟的NBA,生动的反映了美国文化三个特征——多元性、侵略性和个体性。  相似文献   

Language is a key component part of culture. It reflects culture. As a variety of British English, American English,especially American words reflect American culture, including their custom, their view of value, their character traits. Being amelting pot, American words melt a lot of loanwords. The exaggerated use of words shows Americans are self-confidence.They also use beautified words to show their wish to life, to future. They can use common words, usually slang to express spe-cial ideas. By doing so, they create something new and original. Learning American English, especially studying Americanwords, we can see some typical traits of American culture.  相似文献   

众所周知,美国高等教育的发展处于世界领先地位,但在本国无法得到普遍认可,被认为处在前所未有的"危机"当中。本文分析了美国高等教育"危机"的三个来源及产生的影响,得出的启示有助于理性分析我国高等教育发展中出现的各样问题。  相似文献   

美国超验主义探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
超验主义是美国社会发展的特定产物,从它诞生到发展壮大的一百多年以来,其思想早已渗透到了美国文化的每一个角落,成为美国文学中不可或缺的一部分。如果我们想要进一步的了解美国文化,就必须对美国的超验主义精神加以学习。本文主要阐述了美国超验主义的起源、哲学含义以及美国超验主义的核心,以增进我们对美国超验主义的了解,从而更好地了解美国文化。  相似文献   

美国教育中的幽默   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在美国,幽默被认定为教师"最强有力的教学策略"之一,并认为它对教育具有多方面的作用,美国许多教师在教学中频繁地使用幽默.本文介绍了美国教育中幽默应用的状况,重点在于展示美国在幽默对教育的作用方面所进行的相关研究,以期对我国的快乐教育提供借鉴.  相似文献   

Study of cultural difference of paralanguage use between Chinese and American TV talk show hosts is important for intercultural communication. The result shows that American TV talk show host uses more paralanguage signals than her Chinese counterpart. And American host uses more types of paralanguage signals than her Chinese counterpart. The difference of paralangue use indicates the cultural difference between China and America on the values of equality vs. hierarchy and individualism vs. collectivism. The study is significant in that it helps us to understand the hidden cultural values in TV talk shows and promotes nonverbal communication.  相似文献   

以美国中小学为个案,着重分析服务学习的概念、实施案例,并评述实施效果。首先,在概念分析里概括出服务学习的核心内涵。其次,通过实例描述服务学习活动开展的两种不同形式,揭示出结合学科进行的服务学习明显地侧重学生学业的发展,而独立的项目更侧重学生公民品质方面的发展。最后,指出服务学习在学生学业成绩和公民责任感等方面起到积极的作用,以及批评的意见,指出影响其效果的资金、标准化考试等外部制约因素。  相似文献   

《Assessing Writing》2005,10(1):61-73
Estimates indicate that as much as 80% of an engineer's work time is spent on communicating. Studies done by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the University of Arizona show that engineering firms, as well as ECE graduates, rank writing ability as the most important skill in determining engineers’ success, even above the much more obvious technical skills that are the focus of much engineering education. Arizona's ECE Department began teaching its senior-level capstone design courses as “writing emphasis” courses to assist students in developing their writing skills prior to graduation, as well as to link communication skills and coursework to create graduates proficient in both written and oral communication. This paper describes a portfolio assessment that has been developed specifically for this context and population, and argues that this portfolio assessment demonstrates several advantages frequently called for in theory but rarely made operational. This program has provided an unusually rich practical application, showing how portfolio assessment changes assessment from a mere rating of limited and often costly tests to a continuous, integrated, and appropriate activity directly related to learning itself, while at the same time, developing the data about student.  相似文献   

自18世纪末叶获得独立以来,美国人就把自身看成一个肩负有特殊历史使命的民族,有责任把自由的思想带给全人类。但结合历史及其外交实践,我们会发现,美国外交常常奉行一种机会主义与实用主义,并不是总有一条硬标准。  相似文献   

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