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The identity-language link has been widely recognised. In Heritage Language research, the complex entanglement between Chinese ethnic identity and Chinese Heritage Language has gained increasing attention in recent decades. Both social psychological and poststructural schools have offered meaningful insights into this field, but have also received criticism from other perspectives. To think through these two camps of scholarship, this paper draws on Bourdieu’s sociological notion of habitus and zooms in on the visible racial identity of Chinese looks. To unveil the dynamics and nature of this particular form of Chinese identity in relation to Chinese Heritage Language learning, the author first surveyed 230 young Chinese Australian adults and then interviewed five of them. The survey result indicated that perceptions of Chinese looks were significantly related to Chinese Heritage Language proficiency. In addition, the theme of looking Chinese repeatedly emerged from the interview data. Participants considered looking Chinese as an integral part of their Chinese identity, reported powerful others’ stereotypical perception that looking Chinese necessarily meant being able to speak Chinese, and indicated that these internal and external understandings of looking Chinese came to shape their Chinese Heritage Language learning.  相似文献   

Social diversity is now commonplace in many communities in today’s globalised world. This diversity can be seen in any classroom of learners, and international studies have shown the complex ways in which disabilities, race, ethnicity, gender and social class can determine a child’s opportunity to succeed or fail in the education system. In Hong Kong, like in many educational contexts around the world, teachers are grappling with increasing diversity amongst their students, including teaching students with special educational needs (SEN) and non-Chinese speaking students (NCS) living in Hong Kong. This paper examines how three primary TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) teachers are constructing identities as inclusive practitioners as they grapple with enacting the inclusive education policy recently introduced into Hong Kong schools. The data are drawn from a small-scale collaborative reflective inquiry for teacher professional development. Drawing upon a sociocultural and critical framing of identity theory, we trace the three teachers’ identity construction as EFL teachers and inclusive education practitioners. We view the role of discourse, self-positioning and social context as key processes in teacher identity formation. Implications for furthering the development of inclusive education in EFL classrooms are offered.  相似文献   

Conversations about Visual Arts: Facilitating Oral Language   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Visual arts, such as drawings, are attractive to most young children. Marks left on paper by young children contain meaning. Although it is known that children’s oral language could be enhanced through communication with adults, rarely is there a series of dialogues between adults and young children about their drawings. Often heard instead are simple comments given by adults like “It is a neat picture!” “You did a great job painting!” Yet, dialogic communication between adults and young children could not only help facilitate children’s oral language, but also bring about many other merits. Regrettably, little literature addresses oral language facilitation about visual arts. This article describes the significance of facilitating children’s oral language via adults’ talking with young children about their visual arts based on Otto’s (Literacy development in early childhood: reflective teaching for birth to age eight, 3edn. Pearson Education Inc, Upper Saddle River, 2008) linguistic scaffolding strategies and Halliday’s (Language in a social perspective: explorations in the functions of language. Edward Arnold Model of Language Functions, London, 1973). Implications and suggestions for future research are given at the end of this paper.  相似文献   

本文将Norton关于"身份认同"的定义及"二语投资理论"作为理论基础,以Miller的"语言使用-社会成员关系-社会环境"图表为分析工具,来阐述在动态多元的社会情境下,悉尼大学中国留学生中的CETers和non-CETers的语言实践与他们的身份认同之间的关系。通过分析比较这两类学生的语言实践情况的相似性和差异性,来研究社会背景是如何影响他们语言实践以及身份认同的。  相似文献   

美国华裔女作家伍慧明的处女作《骨》讲述了华裔一家在美国唐人街生活的故事。家中二女儿安娜的自杀引发了小说的叙事者蕾拉对整个家族历史的回忆,展现了华裔移民在美国生存所面临的双重文化带来的困境与压力。经过痛苦、挣扎、迷茫之后,蕾拉最终做出自己的选择,并成功的通过构建文化"第三空间"来确立自己的双重文化身份。本论文用霍米.巴巴的后殖民理论来分析蕾拉通过构建文化"第三空间"来确立自身文化身份的策略。  相似文献   

本论文旨在运用阿恩·奈斯的深生态理论分析休斯在《乌鸦》诗集中对人与自然关系的探究,以及他为乌鸦角色所建构的深生态的自我实现之路。休斯认为,人类只有摒弃以人类为中心的妄自尊大,并将深生态思想内在化,才有可能与所有其他生物建立牢固的身份认同。这种身份认同意味着人类精神世界与外在世界的重新统一,是唯一能解救当前西方文明正遭遇的环境与社会危机的出路。  相似文献   

角色认知是身份认同的基础。新生代乡村教师开始或即将迈入"不惑之年"却遭遇角色认知的困惑,表征为行走在城乡之间的"边缘人"、身陷乡村却心寄城市的"异乡人"以及疏远乡村社会生活的"旁观者"。帕特南的社会资本与新生代乡村教师身份认同具有高度的逻辑契合和深度的内在关联,是促进身份认同的重要资源。其中,互惠规范是新生代乡村教师身份认同的制度保障,社会信任是新生代乡村教师身份认同的心理基础,关系网络是新生代乡村教师身份认同的社会桥梁。基于此,建立"普遍互惠"规范、提升"单薄信任"水平以及拓宽"横向关系"网络,进而建构新生代乡村教师身份认同"不惑"的制度保障之路、内生动力之路以及现实效用之路。  相似文献   

In early childhood, the body is frequently used as a pedagogical reference point to establish, affirm and stabilize children’s gendered and racialized identities. Through this naming of the body, identities are disciplined to fit the social expectations and norms that circulate in educational settings. This article uses data from a case study in an early childhood setting to show how material bodies are not only subject to disciplinary regimes but are also sites of agency for varied practices of embodiment. Embodiment, in this sense, functions as a technology of identity and social belonging rather than as a state of being. Finally, the ‘technologies of self’ used by children presented certain dilemmas to teachers who wished to collaborate with children to establish inclusive communities and to respect children’s agency.  相似文献   

"关系主义现象"作为一个历时性范畴,在农耕社会表现为伦理本位,在近现代社会表现为"伦理与市场混合主导"取向;作为社会和文化现象,"关系主义"根植于中国传统社会心理的深层结构,是集体生活中一种共有的思维方式和价值观,并表现为一定的社会行为模式;作为一种先行存在物,"关系"对人的社会行为具有主导性,直接影响和支配着人们的社会行为选择;"关系主义"又是中国社会运行中最为基本的"潜规则",它与"显规则"并行,常常结合在一起发挥作用,构成了中国人独特的行动逻辑准则。面对泛滥的"关系主义现象",我们应当坚持批判的立场,通过强化社会建设和社会管理,从源头上消除"关系主义现象"发生的社会和文化土壤。  相似文献   

"以人为本"道德理念包含尊重人的生命和生存权利、崇尚人的价值和人格尊严、关心群众疾苦、维护人民利益以及一切向人民负责的内涵。社会管理缺少"以人为本"道德理念对于政府职能转变以及社会稳定具有消极影响。将"以人为本"道德理念应用于社会管理,需要落实提升公务员素质、完善社会组织自我管理的运行机制、建立基层人民参与社会管理的保障机制等具体措施。  相似文献   

This article investigates the identity construction process of China’s rural-urban migrant children through analyses of their discourses and of their use of language. Rural children have relocated to the urban centers with their parents on a massive scale over the past decades as China has undergone rapid economic changes. Many migrant children are able to attend urban public schools, and their identity construction emerges as an important issue that attracts increasing public and scholarly attention. This study draws on ethnographic data and presents four examples to illustrate the complex process of migrant identity construction. The results show that the migrant children deploy a range of linguistic features and claim multiple identities; in order for their identities to be established in social reality, they have to go through negotiation processes in which their identities are evaluated, ratified, challenged, or denied. Language is at the center of such processes.  相似文献   

"差点儿"与"差点儿没"这两种格式是对外汉语教学中的重点和难点,文章将在相关文献资料的基础上,采用语义、句法和语用三个平面的研究方法,从对外汉语教学的角度总结"差点儿"与"差点儿没"的格式意义,并提出判断"差点儿没"格式意义的三个标准,即主观企望与否、客观事实或篇章含义和说话者的语气和焦点问题。通过语料统计分析、教材考查和教师访谈分析"差点儿"与"差点儿没"在对外汉语教学中出现的问题,提出"差点儿"与"差点儿没"的教学对策。  相似文献   

《天路历程》是漫长的18世纪极具社会影响力的作品之一。作者约翰·班扬在这部宗教寓言中将基于个人主体性的信仰选择视为个人宗教身份及社会权威建构的驱动力,并在"救赎""名利场"这两个命题中揭示了权力与权威个人主体化的过程。班扬认为,个人救赎是基于个人认知,自主选择的信仰之路,并在神意指引下,独自面对各种考验,直至灵性的成长;同时,个人救赎是在与他者,以及社会这类"名利场"的互动中得到验证,并以推动属灵社会的建构为目标。班扬的作品深受读者喜爱,并参与新兴资产阶级个人主义深度契合,对社会精神建构有着深远影响。《天路历程》在文本传播与社会影响这两个层面揭示了个人主体性之于文学公共领域建构的重要意义。  相似文献   


Much has been written about creativity in education policy and about how the concept is mediated in institutions like schools and universities. Although constructs like ‘creative teachers’ and ‘teachers that foster creativity’ are highly prevalent in the literature, there are few situated and contextualised accounts of what such constructs mean to the protagonist. The extent to which teachers co-opt or align themselves with discourses of creativity can be recast as a question of identity: What beliefs on creativity and associated practices are constitutive of one’s ‘teacher identity?’ This article draws on previous work that translates Foucault’s writings on ethical self-formation into an ‘identity grid’, and foregrounds the experiences of one teaching deputy-principal, to offer an account of how one teacher pursues particular practices congruent with his visions of a creative teacher. To identify rationales for actions undertaken, and to engage with situational factors of this teacher’s work, performativity and its problematic steering influences also informs this analysis. The article highlights the productive capacity of engagement with ethical self-formation, through identifying the potential it offers to access an individual-centric perspective in understanding how central concepts like creativity are negotiated and incorporated into accounts of the ‘teaching self’.  相似文献   

语言是民族的核心要素,语言认同是民族认同的重要基础。对丽江玉湖村纳西族语言使用情况调查发现,目前丽江玉湖村纳西族族群成员母语水平较好,母语使用频率高,族群认可度较高,族群成员存在共同的文化心理,这些因素在影响着他们对母语的认同。研究表明:民族语言使用的本质是民族身份认同,民族语言使用的前提是母语认同;语言态度是影响民族认同的重要因素,语言水平是影响民族认同的间接因素。  相似文献   


The benefits of reading for pleasure and positive reader identities have been well established in previous research. However, much discussion regarding young people’s reading is underpinned by a discourse of deficit, placing emphasis on what young people should be reading. In an attempt to move away from this discourse, this article considers reading in the context of young people’s broader social and cultural worlds, exploring the role of the peer group in young people’s development of a reader identity. The article argues that the reading practices young people engage in are part of their broader social and cultural participation and, consequently, part of a broader project of identity formation. By highlighting the complexity of young people’s development of a reader identity and the meaning ascribed to specific reading practices, the findings challenge deficit models of young people’s reading lives, which underpin attempts to redistribute cultural capital through educational and cultural policy.  相似文献   

Language issues and social inclusion consistently remain two major concerns for member countries of the European Union (EU). Despite an increasing awareness of the importance of language learning in migrants’ social inclusion, and the promotion of language policies at European and national levels, there is still a lack of common actions at the European level. Challenged by questions as to whether language learning should be prioritised as a human right or as human capital building, how host/mainstream language learning can be reinforced while respecting language diversity, and other problems, member countries still need to find solutions. Confronting these dilemmas, this study analyses the relationship and interactions between language learning and immigrants’ social inclusion in different contexts. It explores the potential of enhancing the effectiveness of language policies via a dialogue between policies and practices in different national contexts and research studies in the field of language and social inclusion. The research data are derived from two databases created by a European policy for active social inclusion project called INCLUDE. This project ran from 2013 to 2016 under the EU’s lifelong learning programme, with funding support from the European Commission. Through an analysis of these two project databases, the paper reviews recent national language policies and their effect on the social inclusion of migrants. In the second part of her article, the author interprets the process of language learning and social inclusion using poststructuralist theories of language and identity.  相似文献   

Policy Watch     
UK higher education (HE) has become increasingly diverse. Despite the clear social, economic and pedagogical benefits of diversity, it can also be challenging for identity as it may bring about psychological change and compel both the ‘dominant majority’ and ‘minorities’ to adjust to the presence, identities and worldviews of the other. Drawing upon Identity Process Theory from social psychology, the present article explores the potential challenges to identity in a diverse HE context and how students may subsequently cope with these challenges. After a brief overview of Identity Process Theory, two case studies are presented that focus on how social class and ethnic/religious diversity can impact identity. The more general aim of this article is to develop the basic tools for enhancing students’ learning experience in a diverse HE context. It is suggested that HE institutions need to support students from diverse backgrounds in ways that are conducive to a positive identity, and that they must facilitate a shared superordinate identity which can be viewed as inclusive and available to all, regardless of class, ethnicity, religion or any other identity.  相似文献   

在“新文科与外语学科建设”研讨会暨《外语教学理论与实践》2021 年编委会上,著名学者许钧、 王守仁、杨金才进行了主旨发言。许钧以自己主编的《翻译概论》为例,阐述了外语教学中的不变与变。王守仁阐释了他提出的“新外语”理念,强调不能满足于跨学科融合,而首先必须创新做强外语学科,融合传播与外语将是外语教学改革的一个重要路径。杨金才以英语专业为例,阐述了他对新外语教育中“不变与变”的理解。  相似文献   

对来华留学生的中华文化认同教育是提升国家文化软实力的重要途径之一.基于浙江省五所高校的来华留学生调查问卷数据分析,目前高校留学生对中华文化的认同总体趋于积极正向,且汉语水平对留学生中华文化认同的影响较显著.针对来华留学生中华文化认同的现状,应在树立文化平等意识的基础上,通过加强语言与文化教学的融合、优化对外汉语教学策略...  相似文献   

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