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<正> "Wuthering Heights" is the representative work of Emily Bronte. According to some comments, "Wuthering Heights" should be changed into "Withering Heights" because of the rudeness and madness appearing in the work. In my opinion, "Wuthering Heights" is a work of genius indeed. It shows a permanent charm in art. The structure of the novel, the characters, the narration, the techniques,the bloodline between the wrirer's novel and poetry,the deep relationship with German romanticism and the work's theme, style, symbol, and the use of vision and so on, all these become the topics of the scholars. In one time appears an "Emily craze." Here Ⅰ want to put forward my own understanding of such a great work.  相似文献   

The authors of this paper compared the views of Slovenian and Portuguese preschool teachers about the importance of play and movement for the preschool children. In the paper, they focused on the question: Does physical activity of preschool teachers (spontaneous or planned) impact the planning and implementation of movement activities in their kindergarten group? They also analyzed the influence of subjective theories on the planning of movement activities and the realization of the curriculum objectives in the field of movement. Most of the preschool teachers in Slovenia and Portugal give priority to natural forms of movement in nature and play, allowing the movement of the fingers, palms, and hands. Research has shown a link between physical activity of preschool teachers and their views on the importance of the implementation of the movement activities of preschool children. The authors also noted that the quality of the implementation of the education process in kindergartens in the area of movement activities depends on their subjective theories to a great extent and on the level of professional competence referred to the discussed topic.  相似文献   

毛绍磊 《海外英语》2013,(4X):120-122
Through the analysis of the denotations and connotations of Chinese" 羊 "and its various English synonyms- "sheep","goat","ram","ewe"and"lamb",this paper aims to make a comparative study on the translation of Chinese"五羊" from the perspective of comparative literature.  相似文献   

Controversial as it is ,the abstract concept of traslation equivalence is of effective use in translation studies as it makes the analyses of translation more specific and more accessible. This essay attempts to present a few in -depth reflections on translatin equivalence, in which three categories of equivalence are put forward according to the understanding on the part of this writer, viz, equivalence before translating. equivalence in translating and equivalence after translating, This narration, in the final analysis, identifies and verifies the theoretical importance and significance of the term "translation equivalence" in translation studies.  相似文献   

黄平 《海外英语》2012,(7):64-67
This corpus-based study aims to explore if the high frequently used word "really" is at a risk of overused,underused or misused in the writing of Chinese learners.Then draw attention on English learning and teaching and raise learners’ awareness of the structural and collocation complexity of words.  相似文献   

吴盈  汪蓝翎 《海外英语》2014,(8):236-237
Slavery is probably the gloomiest page in human history,full of the nonhuman actions of white slaveholders and the misery of African Americans.After escaping from slavery successfully,Frederick Douglass present the inhumanity of such a world in"Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass."The work is generally held as one of the most famous narratives of former slaves during the same period.Basing on a close discussion of the work,this paper would try to figure out what strategies Douglass has used to build the authenticity of his narration.  相似文献   

刘丽曼 《海外英语》2012,(11):183-184,199
"A Farewell to Arms" is one of the most famous works written by Ernest Hemingway.It displays two main interwaving themes of war and love by the narration of a young soldier ’ s experience and his love affairs with a beautiful nurse in the first world war.The novel reflects the author ’ s strong hatred of war and exposes that the war is the real root of the couple ’ s tragedy in this novel and the "Lost Generation " in the real society.  相似文献   

宋菲 《海外英语》2012,(14):232-233
This thesis focuses on different Chinese and western attitudes towards"Face"in communication.Based on Brown-Levinson’s Face Theory and the study on each definition of"Face"and its causes,it is concluded that Chinese people place emphasis on"collective face",whereas Westerners pay attention to"individual face".There is a mixture of factors that result in these salient differences,which should trace back to their long-existing historical,cultural and linguistic diversity.With the discussion on various aspects of the"face",there will be a better understanding of between Chinese and western intercultural communication.  相似文献   

夏静林 《海外英语》2013,(3X):214-215
This essay illustrates neo-realistic features in Snow Child.This short story inherits and develops"the typical character in the typical environment"and the traditional linear time order in realistic works.At the same time,it has some changes and transcendent.It uses real brands,events and goods in reality to create a-true to-life picture of the contemporary world.It explores deeper in character’s psychology and creates a circular narration with three flashbacks.  相似文献   

散文的叙述问题历来被研究者忽视,这种狭隘偏执的文学观念应予改变.文章首先指出叙述学的“话语”分析与文体学的“文体”分析有不少重合之处.其次,分析小说和散文在叙述上的异同.第三,强调现代散文应改变单一、僵硬、狭隘的叙述观念,建立与现代人的心理和思想感情相匹配的现代叙事方式.在此基础上,文章细致而清晰地梳理现代散文叙述模式的演变:一是叙述方式从一元到多元,二是呈现型叙述取替概括型叙述,此外,还有隐喻性叙述、跳跃断裂式叙述,以及反讽戏谑叙述,等等.这些叙述模式的演变,拓展了散文的艺术空间,不仅给了我们某种艺术革命的新启示,而且有可能使散文获得与小说和诗歌平起平坐的自信  相似文献   

郁达夫以“情调”来结构小说,采用单一的主人公为表现中心,运用直抒胸臆和内心独白的手法及情绪化的语言,使其小说呈现出任其自然的文体美。  相似文献   

"伤痕小说"本是新中国成立以来前所未有的个人化叙事,是从个人立场出发的对历史之痛的叙述.但这种伤痛不仅仅是个人性的,也是属于整个民族的,个人性的历史记忆便同时又成了对于公共事件的叙述,个人之痛成为公共痛苦.由于痛苦的公共性和对历史感的关注,最终,个人化历史叙事反而成为更加"集体性"的宏大叙事.  相似文献   

虚构,既是一个故事材料问题,也是一个叙述方式问题。面对同样的非虚构题材,因采用不同的叙述方式,会一定程度地发生实录与虚构分野。因此,报告文学的生命线———不可虚构性,不仅应该从其对象的真实性中去寻找,还应该从叙述本身的真实性中去寻找。同时,报告文学的"新闻性",也不仅是叙述对象范畴,还应该从写作姿态、叙述方式上理解。因而,不是"展现"(showing)式叙述,而是以作为叙述者的记者的行走、采访等"在场"的"讲述"(telling)式叙述构成其主导性的叙述方式。这应该成为报告文学文体叙事学的基本规定性。  相似文献   

南阳盆地的神话说到底是一则关于爱的叙述,当“爱”变成宗教,就产生悲剧,南阳盆地的文学世界里始终氤氲着一股挥之不去的悲剧气氛。迥然不同于传统史诗型叙述,周大新的非历史叙述在《第二十幕》里臻于成熟。  相似文献   

阿来的小说《尘埃落定》和《遥远的温泉》有着明显的诗化叙事倾向,其诗化叙事艺术又具有颠覆传统叙事性小说的理性规范的特征,主要表现为多重叙事视角叠置,非性格化典型化叙事,叙事逻辑的颠覆,非中心化叙事等方面。阿来小说的叙事诗化倾向有着自身的独特原因及价值。  相似文献   

《伤逝》是“东方伟大的叙事诗”,是鲁迅先生独特艺术的杰作。本文试从叙事学理论,即叙述角度、叙述方式、叙述语言三方面,对《伤逝》散文化、诗化的抒情小说文体予以详细解读。  相似文献   

王朔“新京味小说”的叙述方式彻底摆脱了以往“京味”小说的建构程式和审美规范 ,建构出一种迥异于旧“京味小说”的叙述模式。这一点在其小说文本对叙述者的设置上表现得最为明显。其小说大量设置的第一人称叙事者“我”是一种“另类”形象 ,从根本上颠覆和否定了传统的正面价值。同时 ,其小说叙事具有强烈的“倾诉性”特征 ,叙述者“我”本身反映出作家强烈的反讽倾向。这些叙事特征都从某些侧面拆解了王朔小说文本的深度  相似文献   

本文运用现代叙事学的相关理论,以我国史传叙事传统为参照系,对《世说新语》的叙事特征进行了剖析,勾勒出《世说新语》“变史家为说家”的大致脉络,并进一步揭示其现代意义上的小说特质.  相似文献   

莫言的小说创作推动并且完整地反映了当代新历史主义叙事思潮的发展与演变过程。首先,这一思潮并非完全意义上的舶来品,中国传统小说中的历史叙事即有很多“新”意,结构主义等理论对当代小说叙事观念的影响早就表现在小说写作中;第二,《红高粱家族》明显地反映了由“启蒙历史主义”到“新历史主义”叙事的过渡;第三,作为新历史主义叙事的代表作的《丰乳肥臀》,体现了这类叙事的各种典范的特点与成就;第四,《檀香刑》又重现了鲁迅式的“血的历史”的主题,具有文化反思与启蒙的双重意义,因而又可以看成是“重返历史主义”的叙事典范。  相似文献   

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