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利益相关者视角下的图书馆电子借阅服务研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 以图书馆提供电子借阅服务过程中所涉及的利益相关者为研究对象,厘清各利益相关者的利益关系,提出建立基于社会平衡机制的图书馆电子借阅服务系统的主要路径。[方法/过程] 介绍图书馆电子书和电子借阅的发展现状,引入利益相关者理论分析作者、提供商、图书馆与用户之间的利益关系。[结果/结论] 研究发现图书馆电子借阅服务涉及作者与提供商的商业利益、图书馆提供信息资源的权利和用户获取知识的权利,不同利益主体存在既冲突又合作的关系;图书馆电子借阅服务系统不够成熟,产生明显的资源供需失衡问题。提出以下建议:完善法律制度,维护公共利益;扶持电子书产业发展,规范市场行为;建立许可协议标准模板,保护各方利益;控制采购成本,促进电子书资源利用;发挥电子书优势,促进电子书阅读推广。  相似文献   

首次比较系统地梳理了西方文献学的基本概念、理论体系和方法论特征。首先辨析了"文献学"及其各种相关概念的中英文对译问题。其次分析了西方文献学的基本发展脉络,指出西方文献学的发展经历了早期文献整理活动、中世纪的文献传承、近代文献整理方法奠基以及文献理论的完善与科学化几个阶段。最后探讨了西方文献学的学科体系和理论方法特征,指出了近代西方文献学的科学化与思辨性倾向,以及语言学与解释学两种研究路向。西方文献学的丰富成果为中国文献学在理论和方法创新方面提供了十分有益的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 探寻新时代情报学与情报工作的内涵,重新认识情报学与情报工作当前和未来的新定位。[方法/过程] 总结"情报学与情报工作发展论坛(2017)",解读《情报学与情报工作发展南京共识》,提出情报学与情报工作未来发展的主要特点与总体趋向。[结果/结论] 在变化的时代面前,情报学与情报工作需要转型与变革,突破以文献为基础的学科固有范式,拓展以情报交流为特征的学科边界,从而以智能情报分析为核心,以技术开发应用为手段,以大数据为核心能力,以数据科学为新的增长点,构建情报学与情报工作新的核心能力与竞争力。  相似文献   

档案即历史,人事档案就是个人历史记录的反映,它为用人单位考察个人提供参考,但如果不能合理管理与利用高校人事档案就会给用人单位造成一定损失甚至对整个社会产生不良影响。本文分别从思想认识和具体实践方面对沈阳事件中显现出的高校人事档案管理与利用漏洞进行思考,其中思想认识上从改变“重藏轻用”的观念、增强主动服务意识、树立合作意识和档案信息资源共享意识、打破监管意识淡薄的局面四个方面展开探讨,具体实践上则从完善高校人事档案管理法制法规、加强高校人事档案信息沟通、对高校人事档案管理及利用进行监管三个方面进行分析。最后本文结合“互联网+”的时代背景,提出要与时俱进地适应高校人事档案管理与利用的发展趋势。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]一个社区是否强大,有赖于该社区民众的内力,这种内力就是韧性。韧性是一种适应并应对变化的能力。一个有韧性的人,不仅有危机意识,有开放的心态,而且有应对变化和解决问题的素养。图书馆服务不仅潜移默化地提升民众的韧性素养,而且为他们提供了有利于学习和交流的安全舒适的空间。[方法/过程]从图书馆所处的社会背景及其需求出发,聚焦韧性与可持续发展、阅读与信息服务在韧性培育中所起的作用、韧性社会与图书馆发展3个方面的问题,通过分析图书馆的社会功能及其在社会发展尤其是在抵御风险过程中应有的作用,进一步表明图书馆与韧性社会建设之间的关联,并提出可化为具体行动的对策和建议。[结果/结论]首先,要充分认识图书馆开展韧性素养教育的意义,并以此为切入点,努力拓展图书馆参与并融入社会的发展空间。图书馆要以社会需求为导向,将各种相关服务拓展到社会、家庭和个人。图书馆不仅要开展韧性素养教育,而且要为民众提升信息素养、媒体素养、技术素养以及职业素养等创造有利条件,为他们提供和谐安全的分享和交流空间。其次,要着力创新韧性素养教育活动,开拓新的服务项目。图书馆在继续开展阅读推广活动的同时,也应将阅读推广中积累起来的成功经验和最佳实践有效应用到韧性素养活动中,并通过参与社区韧性建设,拓展图书馆服务社区的新空间和新技能。最后,要大力提升图书馆应对各类风险和危机的能力及馆员自身的韧性素养。图书馆要树立大安全观和危机管理意识,増强抵御各类风险和危机的能力。韧性素养教育的过程也是馆员自我学习和锻炼的过程,要紧紧抓住这一机遇,努力以更强大、更坚定的职业韧性投入并服务于韧性社会建设。  相似文献   

Lewis Wickes Hine exploited the powerful impact of the visual image to arouse the reforming spirit among the middle and upper classes and to inspire them to do something about the living and working conditions of thousands of America's poor. Hine was acquainted with many of the men and women who were involved in the Progressive social reform campaigns that were popular in the United States during the early twentieth century. A trained sociologist, he became interested in photography while teaching at the Ethical Culture School. Hine quickly realized that photographs could be powerful instruments of social reform and was able to effectively combine his interests in social welfare and photography. Hine believed that this efforts as a photographer should be guided by a social conscience and referred to his work as "social photography." His photographs of men, women and children enduring dangerous and inhuman working conditions were both sensitive and intense. As a result of his social conscience and artistic commitment Hine raised the cultural and social awareness of his contemporaries and made a significant contribution to social reform efforts in the United States.  相似文献   

There has been a long-standing debate among scholars, policy-makers, politicians and journalists about the relationship between terrorism and the news media for whom terrorism is usually a newsworthy story. A primary focus of the debate is to investigate the media–terrorism symbiotic relationship. This paper explores this relationship through a qualitative, thematic analysis of how British TV news channels covered a major terrorist incident after the 9/11 – Mumbai attacks 2008. It examines the interpretive theme of ‘awe, terror and chaos’, and how it is selected, prioritized and developed in the presentation of the events which spread over a period of more than 72 hours. Additionally, it considers the kind of political and organizational factors that might shape or modify the editorial decision-making processes and ideological assumptions that may lie behind such coverage. Ultimately, the study maintains that British TV news outlets play an important role in mediating terrorist messages and focus primarily on images of terror and violence during the coverage of Mumbai attacks. While there are key differences between public and commercial TV news in the style and presentation of coverage, with the former being more careful in approach, the news channels concentrate on televising death and injury and the propagation of chaos and confusion in the affected city.  相似文献   


The history of the almanac in Croatia is reconstructed through primary research in bibliographic and archival sources. The almanac is a vehicle for knowledge communication in informal contexts, engaging both oral tradition and literary forms traceable to medieval literacy and ways of structuring knowledge. The history of the almanac in Croatia reflects the changing context of the book trade, literacy, and the evolution of language. Four main stages are identified: (1) the beginning of the annual almanac in the seventeenth century; astrological almanacs reflecting the sensibility of the Baroque period; (2) the Enlightenment's stimulation of almanac publishing in the spirit of contemporary secular reforms in agriculture and education; (3) nineteenth-and twentieth-century almanac trade, showing complex and overlapping networks for the production, distribution and appropriation of printed almanacs;(4) roughly the end of World War II, when the almanac slowly moved out of the role of a popular mass medium and into specialized niches represented by regional, diaspora, and religious almanacs.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 研究中国内地31个省区在社会科学合作中实力和地位的变化过程,有利于相关部门掌握省区间的社会科学合作动态,为科技管理者布局地区研究规划、进行科学决策提供参考依据。[方法/过程] 利用1998-2017年中国SSCI论文数据,构建中国内地31个省区间社会科学合作网络,运用社会网络分析和多维标度方法,分析省区间社会科学合作网络核心-边缘结构的演化过程。[结果/结论] 1998-2017年中国内地31个省区间社会科学合作强度逐步提高;省区间社会科学合作网络具有明显的核心-边缘结构,越来越多的省区加入到合作网络的核心、半核心区域,边缘区域省区的数量大幅减少;各区域社会科学合作研究的主要领域是经济与商学、心理学、健康学与环境学;内地跨省区的社会科学合作主要集中在核心区域中的省区之间、核心区域与半核心区域的省区之间。  相似文献   

《清代学者象传》是中国国家博物馆馆藏书画特色藏品,记录了清代主要学者肖像及传记,是了解清代学者形象的重要文献.关于这套画册的缘起与生成、选录与编纂的标准、画成之后的刊印和发行、传播与影响等,在学术界未能引起足够的关注.本文即在梳理时人与后人文献的基础上,尽可能厘清叶衍兰、叶恭绰等人编著《清代学者象传》的来龙去脉.《清代...  相似文献   

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