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从经济学的角度,分别用单时期、两时期、多时期的消费模型来分析大学生的消费行为,得出目前大学生的诸多消费现象只是一般的大众消费行为的结论,人们不必过多担忧。并且提出大学生应该树立正确的消费观,既要提倡艰苦朴素的精神,也要重视理财能力的培养。  相似文献   

当前的高校发展已经迎来了协同创新的大科学时代,校企合作进入深度融合阶段。对高校与企业深度合作与融合的国内外现状进行比较和分析,可以发现我国高校在教育模式、体制改革、大学科技园建设、校企资源共享、建立全通道式融合模式、发挥企业作用等方面还需要重点突破。此外,还要在转变观念、培养持续性学习的理念、成立专门机构和建立多样的校企合作模式等方面促进校企深度合作与融合。  相似文献   

大学生价值观伴随着社会转型发生的变迁可以划分为三个阶段:20世纪70年代末至80年代末,大学生主体意识觉醒,爱国情感浓厚,但缺乏民族精神,同时新旧价值观更替引发大学生思想迷茫和困惑;20世纪90年代初中期,计划经济向市场经济转变,大学生爱国主义进一步深化,民族精神意识强烈,个体价值得到张扬,但功利主义、实用主义价值观盛行;20世纪90年代末至新世纪,全球化背景下大学生价值观出现多元化,同时网络文化对大学生的价值观念产生强烈的冲击。  相似文献   

回顾与展望:建国后高校校园文化的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新中国建立60年来,我国高校校园文化建设历经了由初创、曲折发展到日臻成熟三个时期。各个时期有不同的内涵与表现形式,总结这三个时期的校园文化,可以对将来高校校园文化的进一步发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

中世纪巴黎大学与社会之间的关系问题在高等教育研究中具有重要意义.引入社会角色概念,分析中世纪巴黎大学可以看到:诞生之初,大学与教会之间存在广泛的互动关系;大学满足了教会对宗教人才与信仰知识的期望;大学在行为模式方面具有极强的宗教性.在随后的发展中,世俗权力对大学控制不断增强;世俗希望大学培养世俗人才以抗衡教会;大学在行为模式上也趋于世俗化.巴黎大学处于宗教角色与世俗角色冲突之中,然而这种冲突却对大学自治、学术自由、组织结构等发挥着积极作用.  相似文献   

本文在建构主义学习理论基础上,提出自正模型假说.该假说认为二语习得生成可以表示为以下六步:翻译——比较——分析——自正——记忆——重现,并把该假说应用于大学英语教学实践.文章在分析自正模型假说概念的基础上,对自正模型假说在大学英语教学中实践、自正模型假说理论依据等进行了分析  相似文献   

Starting from the “Teachers' Rights and Duties Act” of 27th April 1972, a milestone in the thirty years' history of teacher training in the People's Republic of Poland, the paper outlines the differences and problems resulting from the second World War and the subsequent rapid increase in the demand for teachers. This exposition is supplemented by a table showing the number of pupils and students per type of school and university in the periods 1950–51 and 1973–74, and the number of teachers per type of school and university in the same periods. To overcome the difficult situation in teacher training, efforts were made since 1967, especially by the “Educational and Psychological Sciences Committee”, to design and implement a uniform academic education system for teachers at all types of school. The recommendations made in this connection were adopted by the Sejm (the Polish Parliament) in the “Charter of Teachers' Rights and Duties”. At the same time higher rates of pay for all categories of teachers were introduced. The new curricula for the uniform four-year study courses leading to the Master's degree have been applied since the academic year 1973–74. The proportions and contents of the individual study sectors are listed.  相似文献   

The features of Korean higher education development are related to sociocultural tradition (Confucian tradition), the model university ideas, and economic development in Korea. The modern university ideas adopted in Korean are based on the German model which was established by the Japanese colonial government and drawing on the US university model after the World War II. However, the modern university ideas are intertwined with socio-cultural factors and have been embedded in current Korean universities. As well as the western ideas and the Confucian tradition, the growth of Korean higher education has relied upon the rapid growth of the Korean economy. Education development is well aligned with economic development in Korea thanks to government policy initiatives. This framework can be applied in the analysis of higher education development in other countries. Higher education development cannot be solely explained by individual cultural, historical or economic factor. These three factors are interlinked and influence the development of Korean higher education.  相似文献   

Conclusion In sum, two generalizations emerge from the research presented here. First, three months of Grade 13 do not contribute significantly to university relevant skills. Second, high school teacher strikes for periods of three months may not have significantly deleterious consequences for students who continue on to university. These conclusions must be qualified by the specific characteristics of time, place, and sample, as well as considered in the light of the alternative interpretations discussed in the text. Nevertheless, they are important results which could not have been predicted prior to the study.  相似文献   

Graduation rates (GRs) remain one of the most frequently applied measures of institutional performance. This paper analyzes the relationship between university characteristics and GRs in Spain, using a dataset for the entire public university system over the period 1998–2008. Since we observe the same university over several years, we address the problem of institutional unobserved heterogeneity for the first time. The main findings that can be drawn from our results are that university features, such as expenditure, student–teacher ratio and financial-aid to students are important in accounting for GRs. Surprisingly, student ability has no significant impact explaining graduation, a result that can be justified given the features of the Spanish university system.  相似文献   

试论高校贷款的财务管理   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为了扩大办学规模,学校利用贷款资金进行学校基础设施建设.要明确贷款是负债,必须还本付息,树立资金成本和财务风险意识.突破不允许编制赤字预算规定的限制,提出建立以现金流量平衡的预算方法,将贷款资金纳入学校预算管理.提出增设有关会计科目,对贷款本金和利息进行会计核算.依据学校财力对贷款规模进行控制,提出控制贷款规模的财务指标,进一步强化贷款资金的日常管理.  相似文献   

大学学科结构的演进及其特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章认为,大学学科是以结构形式存在的,因此,大学学科具有结构性特征.本文将大学学科结构的演进轨迹分为四个阶段,并总结了各阶段的特征。  相似文献   

应用技术大学创业教育要立足于区域经济社会发展需要,并应针对当前存在的认知偏差等问题,积极探寻解决路径,既要紧密结合学科专业特点,又要把握工程、生产实践需求,开展对外交流,走出一条以深化理念认知为先导,优化人才培养方案,强化师资培养,完善创业实践平台,为区域经济建设和社会发展培养应用型、复合型、创新型人才的有别于研究型大学的创业教育之路。  相似文献   

在分析大学生就业指导的现状及问题的基础上提出构建“四层、四阶”全方位大学生就业指导模式。旨在构建以学生为中心,将就业指导服务分为四个不同层次;将大学四年分为不同时期的四阶指导,并对指导程序设定、人员的培训、指导内容和方式做了详细的说明。  相似文献   

为了解大学生"目标设置"(即"我要做")与"自我效能感"(即"我能做")的水平,并探讨这两种变量对大学生"冰山模型素质能力"(即"应知能力、应会能力和应变能力")的影响,以"冰山模型素质能力"调查表对A大学226名有效被试进行了问卷调查。数据统计显示,大学生的"目标设置"与"自我效能感"都较低,并和"冰山模型素质能力"存在正相关。研究表明,高校应当把大学生生涯规划教育贯穿于大学教育的各个阶段,并通过多种形式增强大学生的自我效能感。  相似文献   

This study adapts Levels 1 and 2 of Kirkpatrick’s model of training evaluation to evaluate learning outcomes of an English as a second language (ESL) paragraph writing course offered by a major Asian university. The study uses a combination of surveys and writing tests administered at the beginning and end of the course. The survey evaluated changes in students’ perception of their skills, attitude, and knowledge (SAK), and the writing tests measured their writing ability. Rasch measurement was applied to examine the psychometric validity of the instruments. The measured abilities were successively subjected to path modeling to evaluate Levels 1 and 2 of the model. The students reported that the module was enjoyable and useful. In addition, their self-perceived level of skills and knowledge developed across time alongside their writing scores but their attitude remained unchanged. Limitations of Kirkpatrick’s model as well as lack of solid frameworks for evaluating educational effectiveness in applied linguistics are discussed.  相似文献   

试论大学校长任期   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄明东  刘永  郭梅 《教育研究》2005,26(5):50-53
大学校长的任期和大学的发展有密切的关系,大学校长应有一个较长的任期。我国大学校长的任期较短,这在一定程度上影响了大学的发展。大学的可持续发展必须要有较长的校长任期做保障,大学校长要有自己独到的教育思想,要制定学校章程。  相似文献   

提高工程人才培养质量是高等工程教育面临的一个迫切需要解决的难题。我校在服务地方经济建设的过程中结合自身行业优势对人才培养模式进行了一系列改革与实践探索,通过树立"服务地方、开放办学"的办学理念,确立"责任共担"的培养观念和"大工程观"的教育观念,依托行业优势、实施校地合作,践行"导入需求、嵌入课程、植入平台、介入培养、回归工程"的培养思路,创建了由一体化的培养体系、多样化的培养方式、多元化的培养平台、工程化的师资队伍和系统化的培养机制构成的"五化"工程类应用型创新人才培养新模式。  相似文献   

沈健  胡娟 《教育科学》2012,28(3):48-53
回顾高等教育经历对个人收入影响的历史变动轨迹,探讨高等教育回报"价值"变化趋势,对高等教育的未来发展有着较强的参考价值和启示意义。本文利用中国社会综合调查2006(CGSS2006)数据,比较研究了上世纪80、90年代、新世纪三个时期大学毕业生的教育个人回报率变化情况。结果表明,随着时间推进高等教育回报率在不断提高,但如果考虑大学生"毕业后未能就业"群体规模与比例激增的现实情况,相对而言新世纪大学生的"价值"在"明升暗降"。  相似文献   

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