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长期以来,隐喻只被修辞学家视为研究的焦点。现在人们逐渐认识到隐喻这一具有语义和语用的语言现象,必须通过语境知识来体现其本体和喻体之间的互动关系。文章通过解释隐喻理解中互动的特点,分析影响隐喻理解的因素,阐述语境对隐喻理解的作用和影响。  相似文献   

曹军 《巢湖学院学报》2006,8(1):143-147
隐喻发生的语境和隐喻的语义预设相互影响,决定了隐喻的理解。语境确定了语言表达式是否需要隐喻理解。语境还在在表达式的语义基础上,生成合理的隐喻理解的视角,决定隐喻意义的产生,参与并决定了到隐喻表达式的合适性和可接受性。语境包含了隐喻合理理解所需的一切必要因素。  相似文献   

在交际中,听者的知识结构对语境的认知程度,及语境信息的数量、质量都对隐喻的理解过程产生重要的影响。  相似文献   

马小宇 《考试周刊》2012,(76):15-16
隐喻在日常生活中很普遍。它不仅仅是一种语言现象.更重要的是一种人类的认知现象。隐喻作为一种语义异常句.它违反了某种语义的选择限制,很难从字面上去理解,只有在一定的语境中,隐喻才能得到解释。关于如何理解情境中的隐喻.本文从心理学的角度谈谈隐喻的识别.隐喻的情境推断及影响隐喻理解的因素。  相似文献   

语境是语用学研究的一个基本概念,不同学者对其有不同的认识。综观国内外学者的各种不同观点,文章从认知角度对主观语境进行了界定并探讨主观语境在隐喻识别及理解两个方面发挥的重要作用,提出以下几点:(1)交际者在语境中发挥主观能动性;(2)新隐喻的识别要结合一定的语境,隐喻的识别与交际者的个性、爱好等即主观语境密切相关;(3)主观语境不同,隐喻理解的视角也不同。  相似文献   

本文旨在探讨语境对理解隐喻这一现象的重要性.文章从知识结构、文化及环境三个角度对此进行了分析.  相似文献   

认知语境作为认知语言学的一个组成部分,正适应了语言发展的客观要求,它强调对语言的理解应建立在人总体认知的基础上.隐喻是一种非常生动的语言表达形式因隐喻是一种话语现象,只有在具体的语境中才能对其加以辨认和理解.本文正是在此基础上探讨认知语境对隐喻理解的作用.  相似文献   

语言分为隐喻语言和非隐喻语言,非隐喻语言的理解离不开特定的语言环境,隐喻性语言更是如此.隐喻理解被看作是从始源域向目标域的映射,这种映射要在一定的认知语境下才能发生.从主观语境与客观语境两大方面探讨语境对隐喻理解的重要影响,得出结论:正确理解隐喻,离不开对语境的理解.  相似文献   

隐喻理解是隐喻研究中的一个重要部分,隐喻的理解离不开语境的参与.文章试运用Sperber和Wilson关于认知语境的理论来分析隐喻理解,提出隐喻的理解过程是听者根据相关原则,在自己的认知语境中选择出最具语境效应的假设,来推导出说者隐舍的信息意图.  相似文献   

语境作为语言存在的载体,制约和影响着语言的表达和理解。语境并不是预先给定的一系列静止的因素,而是动态的,是人对与语言使用有关的知识的认知化概念化的知识结构。在话语理解过程中,只是选取某一特定语境。这一特定语境的选择是通过寻求最佳关联性来实现的。关联理论认为,人类认知和语言交际以最佳关联为取向。任何交际行为的双方都想传递最佳相关的假定或期待,听话人则想以最小的认知努力来获取最大的语境效果,推导出说话人的交际意图。隐喻作为重要的认知过程,其表达和理解也不能脱离特定的认知语境。  相似文献   

歌词修辞中通常会蕴合作者隐蔽的见解,除了一目了然的“显意识”,还隐藏着不易理解的“晦意识”.这是隐喻在歌词语篇中的“语用意义”和“语言概念”延伸后的意义,将修辞的手法和隐喻的认知手段结合起来,是理解歌词和发掘歌词的多义性的重要途径.  相似文献   

Studying metaphor with students from similar fields but from different specializations may seem an overwhelming experience. However, the use of a contextualized poster where the images are more important than the actual words has demonstrated how the use of images in the classroom is a valuable tool. Analysis of a questionnaire handed out to a sample of 'English for Specific Purposes' students confirmed these conclusions. The following paper deals with the pedagogical implications that the use of a poster has proved to have with a multidisciplinary group of students.  相似文献   

We investigated what impact elaborated feedback has on sixth graders' deep-level comprehension of texts within a computer-based assessment. Experiment 1 (N = 566) focused on the contents of computer-provided elaborated feedback (i.e. inference-prompts, error explanations, or monitoring-prompt) using a control-group design. Results showed that none of the feedback treatments had an effect on performance. This appeared to result from participants' low commitment to processing the feedback. Experiment 2 (N = 251) focused on the feedback presentation type by varying computer-mediated and person-mediated inference-prompts within a control-group design. Results showed that only the person-mediated inference-prompts had significant effects on performance with respect to the correction of initially false answers to comprehension questions and the performance on subsequent test questions. Findings of both experiments indicate the impact of inference-prompts on text comprehension within performance assessments, highlighting the need to explicitly account for motivational issues in feedback interventions on higher-order reading processes.  相似文献   

Drawing on sociocultural theory, and a large number of empirical studies conducted on the effectiveness of scaffolding on second or foreign language learning, the authors investigated the application of different forms of scaffolding to improve listening comprehension of the Iranian intermediate English as a foreign language (EFL) learners. To this end, 90 intermediate EFL learners were randomly assigned to 2 experimental groups and a control group. During 15 treatment sessions of listening comprehension instruction, expert peers in the first experimental group assisted their less knowledgeable peers in their listening comprehension tasks. The participants in the second experimental group were asked to assist their coequal peers while doing the listening comprehension tasks, but the participants in group 3 did not interact with each other or even their teacher and no scaffolding scheme was used when they were doing the listening comprehension tasks. One-way analysis of variance and post hoc analyses revealed that the expert peers' scaffolding was the most effective procedure for the intermediate EFL learners' listening comprehension development. Furthermore, coequal peers' scaffolding was proved to be the second effective procedure for the listening comprehension improvement. The findings underscore the relative efficacy of different forms of scaffolding procedure and the superiority of the expert peers' scaffolding over coequals' scaffolding. The qualitative analysis of the recorded data indicated that the implicit scaffolding strategies were more frequently used by the expert peers. However, the explicit scaffolding strategies were more frequently used to by the coequals. The findings of the study underscore the positive potentiality of scaffolding in its different forms for the EFL learners' listening comprehension development.  相似文献   

In two predictive-learning experiments, we investigated the role of the informational value of contexts for the formation of context-specific extinction learning. The contexts were each composed of two elements from two dimensions, A and B. In Phase 1 of each experiment, participants received acquisition training with a target cue Z in context A1B1 (the numbers assign particular values on the context dimensions). In Phase 2, participants were trained with conditional discriminations between two other cues, X and Y, for which only one of the two context dimensions was relevant. In a third phase, participants received extinction trials with cue Z in context A2B2. During a final test phase, we observed that a partial change of the extinction context disrupted extinction performance when the extinction context was changed on the dimension that had been trained as being relevant for the conditional discrimination. However, when the extinction context was changed on the irrelevant context dimension, extinction performance was not affected. Our results are consistent with the idea that relevant contexts receive more attention than do irrelevant contexts, leading to stronger context-specific processing of information learned in the former than in the latter type of contexts.  相似文献   

隐喻是一种语言现象也是一种认知现象。由于中英两种语言文化中隐喻现象存在许多的相似之处和差异的地方,本文将从几个方面来对比中英文化里存在的隐喻现象,也将根据关联理论的翻译观来探析隐喻的翻译问题。  相似文献   

In the past fifteen years, expenditure on educational research and development in the United States has totalled 2.5 billion (US) dollars, but this amounts to only half a per cent of all educational expenditure. The agencies involved include a number of federal agencies (of which the National Institute of Education, established in 1972, is the main one), state agencies, colleges and universities, and specially created new institutions (R & D centers, regional educational laboratories).The initiative in research has shifted, since 1965, from the researchers themselves to the funding agencies, which operate both hard styles of funding (inviting bids for a prescribed project) and soft (declaring a general programme area).Teachers and policy makers are usually unaware of research findings, even when these form the basis of their decisions.Recent development of R & D is best understood as reflecting an over-riding concern with maximising its impact. Five strands of development illustrate this concern: development work, especially in curriculum; evaluation; the long-term effect of fundamental research; dissemination; and the growing attention given to study of the process of social inquiry.The complexity of the decentralized, loosely-coupled US system of education makes the impact of research difficult to identify and uncertain to forecast.
Zusammenfassung In den USA beliefen sich die Staatsausgaben für Bildungsforschung und -entwicklung (R & D) in den letzten fünfzehn Jahren auf insgesamt 2,5 Milliarden Dollar. Dieser Betrag stellt jedoch nur 0,5% des Gesamtaufwands für Bildung dar. Zu den Stellen, die sich mit R & D befassen, gehören verschiedene Bundeseinrichtungen (vor allem das im Jahre 1972 errichtete National Institute of Education), staatliche Institutionen, Colleges und Universitäten sowie speziell für diesen Zweck gegründete neue Institutionen (R & D Zentren, regionale erziehungswissenschaftliche Laboratorien).Seit 1965 hat sich die Initiative für solche Forschung von den Forschern selbst auf die finanzierenden Organisationen verlagert. Diese betreiben sowohl eine harte (Vergabe von feststehenden Projekten) als auch eine weiche Finanzierungspolitik (Festsetzung eines allgemeinen Programmbereichs).Lehrer und Bildungspolitiker wissen gewöhnlich nichts von den Forschungsergebnissen, selbst wenn diese die Grundlage ihrer Entscheidungen bilden.Die neuere Entwicklung des R & D ist am besten als Reflektion eines überragenden Interesses an seiner maximalen Auswirkung zu verstehen. Fünf Stränge bezeugen dieses Interesse: Entwicklungsarbeit, besonders Curriculum-Entwicklung; Evaluation; die Langzeit-Wirkung von Grundforschung; und die wachsende Aufmerksamkeit, die dem Studium des Prozesses sozialer Untersuchung gewidmet wird.Wegen der Kompliziertheit des dezentralisierten, lose zusammenhängenden Bildungssystems der USA sind die Auswirkungen der Forschung schwer festzustellen und nicht mit Sicherheit vorauszusagen.

Résumé Au cours de ces quinze dernières années, les dépenses relatives à la recherche et au développement en matière d'éducation aux Etats-Unis ont atteint 2,5 billions de dollars, toutefois cette somme ne représente que 0,5% de l'ensemble des dépenses afférentes à l'éducation. Les organismes officiels concernés comprennent un grand nombre d'organismes fédéraux (dont l'Institut national d'éducation, fondé en 1972, est le plus important), des organismes d'état, des collèges et des universités, ainsi que de nouvelles institutions créées spécialement à cet effet (centres R & D, laboratoires régionaux pour l'éducation).L'initiative dans le domaine de la recherche est passée, depuis 1965, des chercheurs eux-mêmes aux organismes officiels de financement dont le style va de la manière forte (sollicitant des soumissions pour un projet imposé) à la manière douce (décidant du champ du programme général).Les enseignants et les décisionnaires sont généralement tenus dans l'ignorance des résultats de la recherche, même lorsque ceux-ci constituent la base de leurs décisions.Le développement récent de la R & D, portant son impact au maximum, peut être regardé comme le reflet d'un intérêt des plus attentifs. Cinq plages de développement illustrent cet intérêt: tout d'abord travail de développement, principalement dans le curriculum; l'évaluation; l'effet à long-terme de la recherche fondamentale; la diffusion; et l'attention croissante portée à l'étude du processus de l'enquête sociale.La complexité du système américain d'éducation, décentralisé et couplé de façon relâchée fait qu'il est difficile d'identifier l'impact de la recherche et également de le prévoir.

本文认为隐喻、移位法与拟人法这三个英语辞格是人类思维中三种性质不同的方式的产物,并分析了其表现形式的不同。  相似文献   

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