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The current study explored whether a reading intervention combining flexibly applied multisyllabic word‐decoding strategies with evidence‐based fluency strategies was effective in improving the science text reading skills of upper‐elementary struggling readers. Four students, three in fourth and one in fifth grade, participated in the study. A delayed multiple baseline design was utilized, with a staggered 3‐week baseline followed by 8 weeks of reading intervention. Three students demonstrated small to moderate gains in reading fluency on science instructional passages, but no generalized gains in reading fluency on standardized passages. All students demonstrated direct gains in multisyllabic word‐decoding accuracy on science instructional passages, but no generalized gains in decoding accuracy on standardized passages. Participating students rated the intervention favorably and perceived gains in their reading skills. These findings support the use of science curricular passages when implementing reading interventions to enhance students’ ability to access the curriculum.  相似文献   

This study explored the responsiveness of children at risk of reading problems in Year 1 to a phonics intervention delivered by teaching assistants (TAs). Based on their non‐word decoding skills in the immediate post‐tests, 74 children were clustered together at the high end as ‘treatment responders’ (n = 49) and at the low end as ‘treatment non‐responders’ (n = 25) and were followed up at the end of Key Stage 1, 16 months after the intervention finished. The treatment‐responder group was superior in all areas of rated attainment and, unlike the non‐responders, achieved national averages in most teacher ratings of attainment. These results suggest that experienced TAs can help two out of three children at risk of reading difficulties.  相似文献   

This meta‐analysis synthesized 26 published single‐case design (SCD) studies on Tier 2 behavior interventions implemented within the educational framework of school‐wide positive behavioral interventions and supports. We used Tau‐U indices to determine the overall magnitudes of effect of the Tier 2 behavior interventions and the potential variables that moderate improved student behavioral outcomes. The 26 studies that were analyzed included a total of 243 student participants. The studies were evaluated to determine whether and to what extent they met What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) SCD standards. Of these, 10 studies were confirmed as meeting WWC SCD standards with or without reservations. Notable findings were that outcomes for students in kindergarten and secondary grade levels were limited, and insufficient screening methods were used to identify and select students needing Tier 2 interventions. The results indicate that the literature reports Tier 2 interventions with effect sizes ranging from 0.26 to 0.98. Average effect size for social skills instruction was found to be large, whereas Check‐in/Check‐out, group contingency, and intervention packages had medium effect sizes. Moderator analyses indicated different effect sizes across intervention types, outcomes, and implementers. The results are discussed in relation to implications for practice, limitations, and future research.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the relationship between benchmark scores from two curriculum‐based measurement probes in mathematics (M‐CBM) and student performance on a state‐mandated high‐stakes test. Participants were 298 students enrolled in grades 7 and 8 in a rural southeastern school. Specifically, we calculated the criterion‐related and predictive validity of benchmark scores from CBM probes measuring math computation and math reasoning skills. Results of this study suggest that math reasoning probes have strong concurrent and predictive validity. The study also provides evidence that calculation skills, while important, do not have strong predictive strength at the secondary level when a state math assessment is the criterion. When reading comprehension skill is taken into account, math reasoning scores explained the greatest amount of variance in the criterion measure. Computation scores explained less than 5% of the variance in the high‐stakes test, suggesting that it may have limitations as a universal screening measure for secondary students.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the classification accuracy of a second grade oral reading fluency curriculum‐based measure (R‐CBM) in predicting third grade state test performance. It also compared the long‐term classification accuracy of local and publisher‐recommended R‐CBM cut scores. Participants were 266 students who were divided into a calibration sample (n = 170) and two cross‐validation samples (n = 46; n = 50), respectively. Using calibration sample data, local fall, winter, and spring R‐CBM cut scores for predicting students’ state test performance were developed using three methods: discriminant analysis (DA), logistic regression (LR), and receiver operating characteristic curve analysis (ROC). The classification accuracy of local and publisher‐recommended cut scores was evaluated across subsamples. Only DA and ROC produced cut scores that maintained adequate sensitivity (≥.70) across cohorts; however, LR and publisher‐recommended scores had higher levels of specificity and overall correct classification. Implications for developing local cut scores are discussed.  相似文献   

Basic literacy skills underlie much future adult functioning, and are targeted in children through a variety of means. Children with identified special needs in reading were exposed to a self‐paced computer‐based reading programme that focused on improving phonetic ability. Exposure was limited to three, 40‐minute sessions a week, for 10 weeks. The children were assessed in terms of their reading, spelling and mathematics abilities before the programme commenced, and immediately after the programme terminated. The programme improved reading and spelling by about eight months, but had no impact on mathematics. The results suggest that brief exposure to a self‐paced phonetic computer‐based teaching programme had some benefits for the sample.  相似文献   

The present study sought to evaluate the effects of a reading strategy instructional program on the reading competence of third‐grade students. Students were instructed in fluent and strategic reading by trained research assistants in whole class settings and subsequently worked on expository text material together with peers. Their reading competence was assessed continuously: in the baseline phase prior to the intervention (4 times), while the intervention was in place (8 times), and after the end of the intervention (4 times). Additionally, reading competence in the wait list control students was assessed 8 times during the same time period. Accordingly, within‐ and between‐group comparisons of students’ test scores were conducted on the data, with both resulting in significant positive effects on the reading competence of intervention students. This research provides an example of how to strengthen the validity of quasiexperimental intervention research through the addition of design features like multiple measurement points.  相似文献   

Peer‐mediated interventions (PMIs) have been shown to be effective for increasing adaptive social and academic behaviours of children and youth. Although PMI efficacy is generally well supported, there have been relatively few published intervention studies that focus on elementary, middle and high school students with emotional and behavioural disorders (EBD). The present review examines selected empirical literature in order to identify characteristics and relative efficacy of PMI. Findings of 12 peer‐reviewed journal papers including research designs and outcomes were examined. Results provide support for the efficacy of PMI for improving behavioural and social skills of students with EBD. Recommendations include further research on PMI for high school students and longitudinal research of PMI.  相似文献   

That symbol naming speed is an importantcorrelate of reading skill has been generallyacknowledged. Just what contribution it makesand why is a much more difficult question. Wesuggest that the search for such answers isbest developed within a broad model of readingskill acquisition. We propose an informalmodel and review evidence for several of itslinks. The major lines of influence arehypothesized to flow from cognitive abilities(mediated by instructional factors) tointermediate and final reading outcomes. Theoutcomes at each level, however, are affectedby outcomes at other levels, and in other wayscombine to complicate the picture. Use of sucha model may focus our research questions morefinely and lead to a more preciseconceptualization of the basis for naming speed– reading relationships.  相似文献   

Teacher intervention is an important factor in stopping bullying. Several studies indicate that teachers who believe they are capable of stopping bullying intervene more often in bullying. But this finding has only been based on hypothetical situations. It remains unclear if these results can be replicated in bullying interventions that the teachers actually performed. In addition, some studies claim that self‐efficacy is only connected to teacher intervention in direct forms of bullying, rather than indirect forms. In the current study, teachers' self‐efficacy in bullying interventions and the probability that they will intervene is investigated using self‐reported real‐life bullying situations in a sample of German teachers. Results show that teachers who feel more confident in dealing with bullying report intervening more often in bullying episodes they observed. Teacher training should include discussions of real‐life experiences to promote teachers' self‐efficacy beliefs and increase the probability of teacher intervention.  相似文献   

Applied behaviour analysis (ABA)‐based programmes are endorsed as the gold standard for treatment of children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) in most of North America. This is not the case in most of Europe, where instead a non‐specified ‘eclectic’ approach is adopted. We explored the social validity of ABA‐based interventions with 15 European families who had experience with home‐based, mainly self‐managed, ABA‐based programmes for their own child/ren with ASD. The results of the study highlighted the overwhelmingly positive impact that ABA‐based interventions had on their children in areas such as social skills, challenging behaviour, communication, gross and fine motor skills, concentration, interaction, independence, overall quality of life and, most importantly, a feeling of hope for the future. Implications for European policy on ASD are discussed.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effectiveness of a web‐based personalized feedback program using an objective measure of alcohol‐related consequences. Participants were assigned to either the intervention group or an assessment‐only control group during university orientation. Sanctions received for campus alcohol policy violations were tracked over the academic year. Results indicated high‐risk drinkers in the control group received significantly more sanctions than other students. Results support the effectiveness of web‐based interventions.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of a quasi‐experimental project on fifth grade English learners' achievement in state‐mandated standards‐based science and English reading assessment. A total of 166 treatment students and 80 comparison students from four randomized intermediate schools participated in the current project. The intervention consisted of on‐going professional development and specific instructional science lessons with inquiry‐based learning, direct and explicit vocabulary instruction, integration of reading and writing, and enrichment components including integration of technology, take‐home science activities, and university scientists mentoring. Results suggested a significant and positive intervention effect in favor of the treatment students as reflected in higher performance in district‐wide curriculum‐based tests of science and reading and standardized tests of oral reading fluency. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 49: 987–1011, 2012  相似文献   

Vocabulary knowledge has been shown to be a predictor of academic success, posing a challenge for children and young people with language disorder. Language disorder can persist into adolescence and yet there is limited evidence on how to support the vocabulary skills of adolescents with language disorder in a mainstream setting. This article describes an experimental study aimed at investigating the feasibility of a whole‐class approach to increase the understanding and use of curriculum vocabulary in adolescents with language disorder. Ten curriculum words were taught by the science teacher using a phonological‐semantic approach, and 10 matched same‐topic words were taught using routine teaching practice. Progress was made post‐intervention in word knowledge of both low‐frequency experimental and control words, with significantly greater change in knowledge of the experimental words. Most students, and the teacher, viewed the phonological‐semantic word‐learning approach favourably.  相似文献   

This paper explores how job‐embedded professional development supported a Year 1 teacher as he enacted his growing expertise in the teaching of guided reading. By analysing coaching conversations focussed on the teacher's guided reading practices, we studied the way his teaching developed over a 7‐month period. Our findings suggest the teacher gained deeper understandings in the domain of reading, which allowed him to be more responsive to children during guided reading. We discuss the factors that enhanced or inhibited his ability to implement what he learned and offer suggestions for supporting teachers through job‐embedded professional development.  相似文献   

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