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Historical buildings and castles that have been turned nowadays into museums, as an exhibition area for precious cultural heritage (CH) items, need more attention since they are CH objects by themselves. Moreover, the preservation techniques require often, significant interventions; however such changes are not always possible or are very limited. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of outdoor air pollution on the composition of particulate matter and gases inside the museum of Wawel Castle in Cracow, Poland. During this study a combination of micro and trace analysis techniques were applied, including energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA). An intensive transport of air pollutants coupled with accumulation of the particles inside the museum was noticed (considerably higher in winter than summer). A high content of carbon and organic matter agglomerated with inorganic particles was determined. Those particles are of special concern because of their adhesive properties and reactivity. It was also noted that the conditions inside the museum favour the reaction of the particles with gaseous pollutants. It was especially the case for nitrate particles.  相似文献   

Zhaozhou is not very far from Beijing.Aftera journey of four hours by train and one hour bybus,I arrived at Zhaozhou in Hebei province inMay 2004 to take part in a pen conferenceorganized and sponsored by a dotcom companywhich runs an essay website. Zhaozhou is famed for two ancient relics.Oneis the Zhaozhou Bridge,the largest and oldeststone arch bridge in the world built in the SuiDynasty(581—618),and the other the Bailin ZenTemple(Cypress Grove Temple).  相似文献   

In the valley of Nine Dragon river that zigzags through the southern Fujian Province, thousands of castles dot the rural countryside. These castles are not aristocratic fortresses that are a common sight in some European countries. Castles in southern Fujian Province are family or village residential units.  相似文献   

Xiahe, a village in Wenling of Eastern China's Zhejiang Province, used to feature nothing unusual. It was just another village in the southern Zhejiang province known for its wealth, the quiet landscape of rivers and ponds and rice pads and wooded hills. But it looks unusual at present because 40-odd villas have appeared in the village.These new-sprung villas are the outcome of a pilot project launched by the local government. Fifty-four villages have been chosen to transform traditional villages into  相似文献   

Dragon dance dates back to the Han Dynasty. Like many other ancient cultural wonders that grow on imagination and inspiration of folk artists through centuries, dragon dance has evolved into colorful variations across the vast land. Dragon dance in Zhejiang testifies to the magic of this particular cultural evolution.  相似文献   

On the rainy morning of 25th September 2001, Chen Yaodong came to Chemnitz, Germany. The major purpose of his European trip was to visit overseas Chinese from his hometown, Qingtian, a county in south Zhejiang province. Meanwhile he had a long-cherished dream to fulfil: He wanted to find his Mom after 51 years of separation and he would stop over at Chemnitz to see whether he could find her.  相似文献   

Shanghai has many unique wonders to boast. One of them is a great number of collectors, who amass a great variety of things. Back in 2001, a general show of folk collections in Shanghai testified to the fascinating fact.  相似文献   

Kim Sin is son of Kim Ku, a founding father of Korea in modern times. Kim Ku escaped to China after the September 18th incident in 1931. Hunted by Japanese special agents, Kim went into hiding in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province. In 1933, Kim Ku sent for his mother and his 12-year-old son Kim Sin from Korea. Kim the junior came and spent 15 years in China. The following is Kim Sin's China story. -Editor  相似文献   

Olga Bykova is a beauty. No matter where she goes, she attracts eyeballs. At the 2001 West Lake Friendship Award Issuing Ceremony, she again became the focus of public attention not because of her beauty, but because of her outstanding work as a ballet teacher at Zhejiang Art Academy.Olga Bykova came to Hangzhou with  相似文献   

Every day at 5:45 am, Doctor Health speaks on Zhejiang People's Radio to hundreds of thousands of listeners. The popular program is composed of two parts. The first part is devoted to health issues and the second is assigned for calls from listeners. Listeners phone in to ask for information and obtain second medical opinions. Doctor Health does her best to offer her opinions and give medical advice. The program is so popular that it is extremely difficult for one to get through to the program hostess.  相似文献   

ThesecondhalfofayearinUSAaboundswithimportantfestivals.OneofthereasonsourdaughterwantedustobeinUSAinthesecondhalfoftheyearwasforustoseethesefestivals.ThefirstimportantcelebrationwewitnessedwasontheIndependenceDay.WesawhowordinaryAmericanscelebratedit.Afterlunchthatday,wewenttovisitourdaughter'sfriendWendyinanothercity.Thecelebrationwasheldonalawn.Abandwasplaying.Thelawnwasdottedwithtablesandchairsandseveralawnings.Peoplesatroundthetablesandchatted.Somedanced.Thiscelebrationwasfundedbyab…  相似文献   

The Lakeview Teahouse is a favorite hangoutfor tea drinkers. It is popular for its uniquelocation right by the West Lake, and for its greatvariety of tea and top-class service. In March2000, the Lakeview Teahouse opened its branchteahouse in the Lakeview Hotel, a four-starlakeside hotel.Zhu Jiaji, founder and CEO of the LakeviewTeahouse, knew he faced new challenges in theunprecedented venture. It was unprecedentedbecause there had never been such a teahouse ina star-rated hotel in Hang…  相似文献   

Suzhou, a city of history and culture near Shanghai, is famed for its century-old gardens. Most of these architectural and landscaping wonders were private creations. Each garden tells stories of ups and downs in dynasties. And each embodies the best in China's architecture, painting, sculpture, rockery, miniaturized landscape, poetry and couplets, and furniture. These gardens were known as the landscape art in China. Suzhou with a history of 2500  相似文献   

I love cats and love to have them around. They are docile, understanding and sympathetic. Engraved in my memories is the morn cat that gave birth to her first batch of kittens. I remember clearly how she groaned, how she shrieked, how her eyes showed nervousness and sought help from me.Today, the cat, a great grandmother, is 14 years old. I enjoy the cats of four generations at home. I love photographing their joy and anger. I have all kinds of photographs hanging around all over the rooms. Some pictures find their way into newspapers and magazines. The grandmother has even appeared on TV. The documentary was even aired in a TV station in  相似文献   

We have visited our relatives in Melbourne several times in the past few years.On each tour we did some sightseeingthere.This time,we went to Adelaide.We toured Kangaroo Island first.But our purpose there was not to see kangaroos but sea lions.We went dir…  相似文献   

Lizhu, a prosperous rural town in Shaoxing,Zhejiang Province, is celebrated in China as thehometown of Chinese Spring Orchids. Legendhas it that Goujian, the king of the Yue kingdom,first planted orchids in the nearby mountains morethan 2,400 years ago. Wang Xizhi, a greatcalligrapher of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420AD), often trekked into the mountains in searchof rare orchids. In the Southern Song Dynasty(1127-1278), there were farmers in Lizhu whomade a living out of orchids by s…  相似文献   

There are many Chinatowns in the United States. In each Chinatown across America there stands a memorial archway ablaze with bright colors. All these orient-looking archways symbolize not only the ancient Chinese roots but also achievements and contributions by Chinese immigrants in the young nation that is called the United States of America.In the 1850s, the gold rush in California attracted immigrants from all over the world. More than 100,000 from China rushed there too. Most of these gold hunters were poor farmers from China,  相似文献   

I watched four bullfights in Spain one afternoon last year. Before that, I had admired matadors very much. Afterwards, I began to believe that something new should be introduced into bullfighting.It was a makeshift arena in a plaza, with four thousand seats. I learned that a ticket cost 40 EU dollars. It looked as if the audience were attending a picnic, celebrating one of the best days in their lives. They arrived with fresh flowers and wine. Women and children were in colorful dresses. Men were dressed either in suits or in jeans, most wearing hats and each carrying a wine bag or a beer jug.  相似文献   

Dachau is a must for visitors to Munich, Germany, for the name stands for a horrific concentration camp from 1933-1945. We visited it in the summer of 2001.A highway stretched straightforward in the suburbs of Dachau, flanked by thick trees on one side and on the other side by Dachau concentration camp, one of the 30-plus concentration camps during the years of the Third Reich. We saw the high walls punctuated by guard towers. There was a wide dry ditch between the surrounding wall and the camp proper. On the camp was a tall  相似文献   

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