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周鑫 《文教资料》2011,(34):122-123
动画运动规律是一门理论性和实践性很强的课程.也是动漫设计与制作专业的一门必修专业基础课。作者结合本门课程的教学实践经验.阐述了课程教学方法,重点在于教学环节的设置与教学过程中以学生为主体、教师为导向,改革教学方法,培养学生主动观察主动学习的能力.采用灵活的教学方法,达到更好的教学效果。  相似文献   

语文课堂教学不仅是一门科学.更是一门艺术。课堂教学方法历来是教师和教学研究工作者关心的课题。在课程改革开展之际.要让课堂真正成为学生学会学习、学会生活、学会创造的场所。需要语文教师不断提高课堂教学艺术与技巧。  相似文献   

王伟 《考试周刊》2011,(66):13-13
公共关系学是一门新兴的综合性学科,是一门实践性很强的交叉性学科.公共关系的教学不应局限于单一的教学方式。作者从高职高专学校公共关系教学的现状、教学方法改革、考试方式改革三个方面阐述了自己在教学过程中的尝试,为培养掌握公共关系操作技能与技巧的应用性人才提供参考。  相似文献   

语文课堂教学不仅是一门科学.更是一门艺术。课堂教学方法历来是教师和教学研究工作者关心的课题。在课程改革开展之际.要让课堂真正成为学生学会学习、学会生活、学会创造的场所。需要语文教师不断提高课堂教学艺术与技巧。  相似文献   

李国艳 《学周刊C版》2014,(7):183-183
作文教学是小学语文教学的重要组成部分.而且搞好语文作文教学是提高小学生的语文实践能力的关键因素.语文是一门工具学科.也是一门艺术学科。我们小学语文教师应紧跟课程改革的步伐.深入研究新课程理念下的小学语文作文教学思路.科学指导学生写作技巧,利用现代化的教育技术手段.整合优质作文资源,启迪学生思维,培养学生创作灵感.综合提高小举生酌写作水平。  相似文献   

“数据结构”是计算机专业应用型人才培养方案中一门重要的专业课.传统的教学方法显示出许多不足,跟不上应用型人才培养的需求.从传统数据结构的教学内容、讲授方式人手,分析传统数据结构教学中存在的问题,提出从教学内容的改革、教学方法的改革、师资队伍的建设、考核机制的改革及其他辅助教学措施等方面人手的几种数据结构教学的改革方案.  相似文献   

杜庆军 《学周刊C版》2011,(4):190-191
中等职业教育是为生产一线培养应用型、技能型人才.所以职业学校的教学中理论教学应以“必须、够用”为度,强化“实践教学”,体现职教特色.建筑构造是建筑专业重要的一门专业课程,通过教学内容、教学方法、考试方法的改革.努力为社会培养出合格的建设者。  相似文献   

李凤双  曾芳 《文教资料》2010,(31):47-48
中国当代文学是高校中文专业开设的一门重要课程.但在具体教学过程中该门课却体现出诸多不足.如教师株守传统教材,教学方法单一,缺乏创新,考核方式死板.无法充分调动学生学习的积极性和主动性。为了改变这种状况.必须转变教育教学观念,改革原有的课程体系、教学内容和教学模式,因而教改势在必行。  相似文献   

教学效率是学校教育水平的体现.随着新课程改革的不断深入.学校的各个学科改革呈现了全新的面貌。教师要用全新的教育理念来审视课堂教学.把教学效率作为教学的重点。体育作为中学的一门学科.有着自己独特的优势。体育教师要利用学科特点.结合学生的学习情况,提高体育教学的效率。  相似文献   

随着小学教育改革工作的不断推进,素质教育成了小学数学教育改革的重点,并且随着改革工作的推进,素质教育已经逐渐渗透到小学数学教学过程中.数学是一门基础学科,在素质教育中占有重要的比重.因此,本文将分析素质教育在小学数学教学中的应用,以供相关人士参考、交流.  相似文献   

Inadequate science knowledge of preservice teachers enrolled in science methods courses not only limits their mastery of effective teaching practices, but also may foster negative attitudes toward science teaching. This study investigated the influence of science knowledge upon attitudes toward science teaching in a one-semester elementary science methods course by embedding a videodisk-based instructional component to remediate knowledge deficiencies. Preservice teachers in the experimental group first learned core concepts in physical and earth science through a series of 24 interactive videodisk lessons and then used the concepts as a foundation for preparing and presenting model science lessons. Results showed that the experimental group overcame their initial knowledge deficiencies by mastering the core concepts presented (mean proportion correct on mastery test = 0.91), with multivariate covariance analysis confirming that the experimentals gain in science knowledge was significantly greater than comparable controls in the parallel science methods sections. Additionally, as a result of mastering the core concepts underlying earth science, preservice teachers using the videodisk instruction also displayed significantly greater confidence in their understanding of science knowledge and more positive attitudes toward science teaching at the elementary levels. Implications for improving elementary science teaching through preservice and in-service training are discussed.  相似文献   

Dispositions supporting the teaching of science as structured inquiry by four elementary candidates are presented. Candidates were studied during student teaching based on their positive attitudes toward teaching science with reform-based materials in their methods course. Personal learning histories informed their attitudes, values, and beliefs about the teaching and learning of science through structured inquiry. Supportive dispositions included curiosity and questioning, investigating first-hand, learning together, and active learning. These dispositions supported early science teaching despite candidates limited science content knowledge, and may contribute to candidates’ further learning of science.  相似文献   

讨论了科学探究作为一种教学理念和学习方式,对于学生科学素质的培养、科学思想的形成的作用和意义;讨论了实施科学探究教学的途径和方法。指出,科学探究式教学的意义在于通过教学,使得学生领悟科学探究的精神,掌握科学探究的方法,增强科学探究意识,培养科学探究能力。在教学中,要注意发挥学生的主动性、积极性,通过课堂的教学活动和日常生活,使得学生形成运用科学理论研究、解释自然现象的意识和习惯,积极、主动地培养自己的科学探究才能,不断提高科学探究水平。  相似文献   

This study investigated contextual changes in perceptions of science teaching self-efficacy through pre-, post- and retrospective administrations of the Science Teaching Expectancy Belief Instrument (STEBI-B) among preservice elementary teachers when exposed to a science teaching methods course. Findings revealed that the number of postsecondary science courses completed, and prior school science experiences had a significant main effect on personal science teaching efficacy (PSTE) but not science teaching outcome expectancy (STOE). There was no evidence for significant interaction effects between variables on both efficacy subscales. The implications of this study relate to organization, structure, and dynamics of elementary science teacher preparation.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine benefits and challenges of teaching through videoconferencing in the context of students’ field placement experiences, particularly as it relates to an inquiry-based approach to teaching and learning math and science. In the context of mathematics and science methods courses, preservice teachers, with the supervision of professors, field placement supervisors and cooperating teachers, taught a series of math and science lessons via video conferencing to 5th grade classes in a major urban public school. Two major results of this study indicate that: (1) teaching through videoconferencing highlights strengths and weaknesses in questioning skill techniques that are at the heart of an inquiry-based approach; (2) teaching through videoconferencing raises the intellectual challenge of teaching and allows preservice teachers to look face to face into their limited understanding of the content matter in math and science.  相似文献   

社会科学研究方法既是一门理论科学,也是一门实践性很强的实践科学.作为社会科学相关专业的基础课,其教学改革的成功与否,直接关系到能否完成培养、造就一支更高水平科研后续队伍及繁荣与发展社会科学的重任.通过详细分析社会科学研究方法课程设置的主要特点,对当前中国高校社会科学研究方法教学中存在的问题进行反思,结合教学实际情况,提出了社会科学研究方法课程教学改革的必要性及其基本思路.  相似文献   

理科教育对于培养军事高科技人才具有举足轻重的地位,理科实践教学作为培养学生创新能力的重要环节,是高质量理科教育体系的重要组成部分。本文在全面分析国内外著名军事院校理科实践教学现状的基础上,针对理科学科特点和当前存在的主要问题,提出了军队院校理科实践教学的基本思路,即从观念转变、课程设置、案例建设、评价体系几个方面构建立体化实践教学体系,培养高科技新型军事人才。  相似文献   

浙江省课程改革要突破科学教学发展瓶颈,其师训策略必须从科学本体(理、化、生、地)知识、科学教学论、思维科学、信息科学和科学和技术与社会(STS)知识五个方面来重组优化现有的、来自分科的教师队伍的知识结构。  相似文献   

In many developed countries of the world, pupil attitudes to school science decline progressively across the age range of secondary schooling while fewer students are choosing to study science at higher levels and as a career. Responses to these developments have included proposals to reform the curriculum, pedagogy, and the nature of pupil discussion in science lessons. We support such changes but argue that far greater use needs to be made of out‐of‐school sites in the teaching of science. Such usage will result in a school science education that is more valid and more motivating. We present an “evolutionary model” of science teaching that looks at where learning and teaching take place, and draws together thinking about the history of science and developments in the nature of learning over the past 100 years or so. Our contention is that laboratory‐based school science teaching needs to be complemented by out‐of‐school science learning that draws on the actual world (e.g., through fieldtrips), the presented world (e.g., in science centres, botanic gardens, zoos and science museums), and the virtual worlds that are increasingly available through information technologies.  相似文献   

产学研结合是西北农林科技大学动物科学专业国家级实验教学示范中心专业课程教育的重要特征之一。目前,产学研紧密结合是我校动物科学专业办学的主要模式,是培养动物科学专业本科生人才的根本途径。动物科学专业经过毕业生调研、用人单位回访和多年教学实践,逐步探索出基于产学研结合的"请进来、走出去"互动式教学模式。  相似文献   

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