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<正>The Torch Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals for Yi people. Known as the Oriental Carnival, the Torch Festival carries forward Yi people’s primitive worship of fire and their time-honored fire-related traditions.  相似文献   

<正>Traditional dwellings of Yi People, an ethnic minority group distributed in southwest China, are diverse and unique in style and type. A typical  相似文献   

项红 《寻根》2009,(2):54-58
《查姆》的流传地区和主要内容 史诗《查姆》以彝文手抄本的形式流传在云南楚雄彝族自治州双柏县的底土、新资、妥甸,红河哈尼族彝族自治州的石屏、建水、元阳,玉溪地区的新平、峨山等地,是彝族民间为死者办丧事时所诵念的经书。  相似文献   

杨红君 《寻根》2010,(6):106-114
<正>比较视野中的彝族民间文学在悠悠的历史长河中,彝族人民不仅创造了丰富的物质财富,而且创造了独放异彩的民间文学,它是彝族悠久、灿烂文化的一个重要组成部分。广泛流传于民间的彝族民间文学,不仅题材广泛、内容丰富、形式多样,而且具有鲜明的民族特色  相似文献   

王倩倩 《寻根》2021,(2):41-43
一 岑巩县位于贵州省东部,地处黔中山区与湘西丘陵之间的斜坡地带.岑巩县有仡佬族、土家族、苗族、侗族等,当地旅游资源比较丰富,思州傩戏等民俗活动独具特色,有多个重点民族文化旅游村寨,风景名胜众多.  相似文献   

李宏荣 《寻根》2010,(5):83-85
<正>听着醉人的彝歌走进云南武定罗婺彝家山寨里,在千年传唱的武定罗婺彝家动人歌谣中,最让人心醉的是与火把盛节有关的那支古歌谣:从前山上的歌啊,被风吹走了,从前河边的舞啊,被水淹没了,从前石头里生出来的火啊,传下来哟,阿依迭古(阿依迭古,彝族传说中火神的名字)。  相似文献   

姚小鸥 《寻根》2004,(2):34-37
《周易》本是我国先秦时代的占筮书。自从孔子作《易传》以来,学者又相继挖掘出其中深湛的哲学内涵。至于人们留意到《周易》中的古歌,是较晚近的事情了。对《周易》古歌进行系统的研究,则开始于20世纪新文化运动以后。这一研究拓展了《周易》研究的领域,扩充了先秦诗学研究的范围,对《易》学和《诗》学两个重要领域的研究都产生了推动作用。  相似文献   

<正>Ancestors of the Yi ethnic group invented a solar calendar in which seasons of the year are determined based on solar movement and the direction of the upper...  相似文献   

<正>Traditional costumes of Yi people,as symbolic carriers of their ethnic culture,record the history,traditions,customs and social life of the ethnic group.  相似文献   

凉山彝族火把节   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
罗凉昭 《寻根》2005,(1):15-18
每年农历六月二十四日至二十六日是凉山彝族的传统节日——火把节,是彝族最隆重、最喜庆的日子。这一天,人们穿上盛装,高举着用松脂、山蒿捆扎成的火把,以本民族特有的形式狂欢游乐,祈求风调雨顺,五谷丰登。在为期三天的节日里,人们扶老携幼,涌上街头,聚会村间。千里凉山纵情欢歌,沉浸在一片欢乐的海洋中。  相似文献   

Over the sweep of history,a great variety of theatre buildings have been built within guild halls,ancestral temples,folk deity temples and monasteries in the province of Guizhou.Among them,  相似文献   

Inhabitants in Guizhou, in particular, local Buyi and Yilao people, dwell in stone buildings, as the region is a mountainous area full of rocks. Houses of Buyi people are diverse in styles and shapes, They are built at riverside, onmountain slopes or in caves. Building materials used also vary, including stone slates, thatches, rammed earth and wood and bamboo. Traditional houses in Guizhou Plateau usually have stone foundations and wooden or bamboo structures, which are cost-saving and look beautiful and elegant, Most stilted houses of Buyi people have stone steps in the front side, The ground floor is made of thick stone.  相似文献   

站在凉山望彝族   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马尚林 《寻根》2005,(1):19-23
凉山彝族自治州位于四川省西南部,面积约63000平方公里,北起雅安、甘孜两地州南缘,南接攀枝花市,东西分别与云南省为邻,东北与乐山、宜宾两地接壤。州内设16县1市,西昌市为自治州首府所在地。自治州西跨横断山脉,东抵四川盆地,北负大渡河,南临金沙江,地势西北较高,东南较低,北部宽而南部窄,以雅砻江为界,可分为两大地形区:西部为高原区,东部为山地区;  相似文献   

Sheep and goats, major livestock in Guizhou Steppe of southwest China, are of both practical and social value for local dwellers. As sheep is pronounced similar as "auspicious" in Chinese, its image is widely applied to every aspect of local society, including religious rites, calendar calculation, arts creation and architecture. Thus a sheep-related culture has been developed and prospered.  相似文献   

The dog is one of the earliest animals that mankind tamed and became man's close friend as early as in the primitive fishing and hunting age,according to historians.Panhu,a divine dog,is even a totem that Miao people worship.Today,Miao people surnamed Tian Still don't eat dog meat.It is said that the dog understand human feelings and raising and loving dogs has become part of human customs and culture. There are many entries about the dog in the Guizhou Section of China Cultural Relics Maps compiled by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage.  相似文献   

林文 《寻根》2005,(1):9-14
在漫长的历史长河中,彝族人民创造了灿烂的民族文化,孕育了浓郁醇厚的民族风情。彝族在人生礼仪上表现出来的风土人情,反映了他们在生活进程中自然形成的生活习惯与文化传统。随着社会的发展和推进,彝族人民的习俗也有一定的变迁,一些阻碍时代进步的习俗正在逐渐被淘汰,而体现优良传统的民风民俗则日臻丰富和完善。  相似文献   

凉山彝族的宗教信仰属原始宗教的范畴。其信仰主要有灵魂崇拜、祖先崇拜、灵物崇拜,等等。宗教的主持者有毕摩和苏尼两种。宗教活动包括占卜、祭祀和巫术等。  相似文献   

汤漳平  许晶 《寻根》2008,(6):131-137
文化是由人所创造的,因此,在谈到闽南文化和客家文化之前,先要讲到闽南人和客家人。  相似文献   

Guizhou Province, located in southwest China, features diverse landforms with undulating mountains, stretching ditches and valleys and crisscross waterways. Over the sweep of history, various types of bridges have been designed and built, with distinctive local characteristics.  相似文献   

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