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《义务教育数学课程标准(2011年版)》(以下简称为“修改稿”)在课程设计思路中指出:“在数学教学中,应当注重发展学生的数感、符号意识、空间观念、几何直观、数据分析观念、运算能力、推理能力和模型思想”,并将“数据分析观念”作为义务教育阶段数学教育的八个关键词之一进行了阐述。可见,发展“数据分析观念”这一培养学生数学素养的核心内容十分重要。那么,什么是数据分析观念?如何发展学生的数据分析观念?本文将结合案例加以阐述。  相似文献   

《义务教育数学课程标准(2011年版)》(以下简称为"修改稿")在课程设计思路中指出:"在数学教学中,应当注重发展学生的数感、符号意识、空间观念、几何直观、数据分析观念、运算能力、推理能力和模型思想",并将"数据分析观念"作为义务教育阶段数学教育的八个关键词之一进行了阐述。可见,发展"数据分析观念"这一培养学生数学素养的核心内容十分重要。那么,什么是数据分析观念?如何发展学生的数据分析观念?本文将结合案例加以阐述。  相似文献   

正《义务教育数学课程标准(2011年版)》(以下简称为“修改稿”)在课程设计思路中指出:“在数学教学中,应当注重发展学生的数感、符号意识、空间观念、几何直观、数据分析观念、运算能力、推理能力和模型思想”,并将“数据分析观念”作为义务教育阶段数学教育的八个关健词之一进行了阐述.可见,发展“数据分析观念”这一培养学生数学素养的核心内容十分重要.那么,什么是数据分析观念?如何发展学生的数据分析观念?本文将结合案例加以阐述.  相似文献   

数据分析观念是数学核心概念之一,也是数学课堂教学的重要目标。教师可以从创设问题情境让学生经历搜集整理的过程,借助统计图表、实践应用等方面培养学生的数据分析观念,提升学生的数据分析能力。  相似文献   

培养学生的数据分析意识,发展学生的数据分析观念,是小学数学教学的重要使命之一。数学教学中,教师要紧扣生活,引领学生感知数据;引导实践,促进学生感悟数据;引领反思,促进学生构建数据,使学生的数据分析意识不断得到培养,促进学生数据分析观念的形成。  相似文献   

尹伊 《学苑教育》2022,(17):69-71
数据分析观念是义务教育阶段数学课程最需要培养的核心素养之一。新课程改革下,教师应紧扣课堂数学目标,创设数学情境,在教学中渗透数据分析观念,调动学生自主学习的积极性。基于此,本文在阐释数据分析知识的内容分布及课程目标的基础上,结合教学实例探讨了指向数据分析观念的小学数学情境创设策略,最后提出了相关注意事项,通过隐性知识的发掘,增强学生的数据分析观念,体会统计的意义和价值。  相似文献   

随着新课改的推行,在小学数学教学中,"数据分析"已经成为重要的教学内容。经过众多数学教师的不断总结与摸索探究,数学教师与学生对"数据分析"都有了更进一步的认识,数学教师也想出了诸多培养学生"数据分析观念"的教学策略,培养学生"数据分析观念"不单单是教会学生如何绘制统计图和求平均数等基本数学技能,也要让学生参与到教学实践当中,通过亲身经历领悟"数据分析观念",增强学生对"数据分析"的掌握与运用,使学生的数学核心素养得到提升。本文对小学数学教学中"数据分析观念"核心素养的培养进行简单分析,并提出几点培养策略,希望可以为小学数学教学提供一些有价值的参考。  相似文献   

数据分析观念是数学学科的核心素养之一。对学生数据分析观念进行合理的测量和评价需要选择适合的载体。高质量的试题可以为判断和评价学生数据分析观念的发展层次提供很好的范例。  相似文献   

林敏 《中学科技》2023,(15):58-60
<正>数据分析观念的培养是小学数学教学中的重要内容,同时也是促进小学生数学思维培养的关键环节。在新课标教育改革的背景下,小学数学教师应积极应用信息技术,加强对学生数据分析观念的培养,本文对其在教学中的策略进行了探索,谨供广大教师参考。一、小学生数据分析观念在对学生进行数据分析观念培养时,要了解学生的认知基础,才能够有针对性地开展教学。从当前小学数学教学的实际情况来看,小学生对于数据分析观念的认识相对缺乏。  相似文献   

资讯收集、数据处理是小学数学学习能力之一。在小学数学统计知识教学中,这是培养学生数据分析观念的重要学习内容。笔者从教学实践出发,结合教学案例探讨在统计知识学习中,如何逐步发展学生的数据分析观念。  相似文献   

“数学化”的数学教学及其策略探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“数学化”教学就是以“数学化”为核心的数学教学,其实质就是激发学生数学地组织现实世界的过程。它是有效数学教学的核心和数学课程改革的关键。文章提出了实施“数学化”教学的三条主要策略,即教学要源于数学现实又要升华数学现实,要注重培养学生的数学建模能力,以及要尊重学生差异并促其个性化地实现数学知识的“再创造”。  相似文献   

Pupil voice is an emerging force for change and improvement in many UK schools, but what is not fully understood is how best to access pupil voice within the specific context of secondary mathematics departments. This paper presents a research project designed to use pupils as co-researchers in increasing knowledge about how to improve learning in mathematics. Pupils within the school were selected and trained as “Ambassadors” to understand and disseminate innovative ways of learning mathematics into their school environment and to act to allow the voice of all the pupils in their year group to be heard. The project was intended both to raise the pupils’ awareness of how learning mathematics could be different and to enable them to voice their newly informed opinions about how best they learned mathematics. The pupils’ current feelings about the way that they were taught mathematics were explored, but the focus of the project was on enabling the pupils to make informed decisions about how they felt their learning could be improved. The pupils’ awareness of different ways of learning mathematics was raised by introducing them to alternative teaching approaches. The data generated were initially analysed by the pupils themselves in order to inform their teachers about their views and subsequently constant comparison analysis resulted in the outcomes reported here. The outcomes indicate that the students could have an important role in enabling schools to develop their teaching and improve their pupils’ mathematical learning when that voice is both informed and authorised.  相似文献   

It is generally observed in the literature of school effectiveness research that there are two broadly categorized factors influencing pupil achievement. However, the results of the studies based on empirically collected data vary from country to country and from time to time. Premised on this inconsistency of results and gaps in knowledge of this field in Cambodian education, this study was conducted in order to examine the effect of pupil factor on their mathematics achievement. The data were collected from pupils by means of questionnaires and a mathematics test. After controlling such factors as pupils’ poverty during the research design, the results of the step wise regression analysis showed that pupils’ interest in mathematics was a significantly positive contributor to their performance. Pupils’ absence frequency, gender, grade repetition and preschool attendance had significantly negative effects on their mathematics outcome.  相似文献   

The vast international literature on the effects of different types of ability grouping on self‐concept and pupils' attitudes towards school has focused on pupils from single year groups. This article aimed to explore year group differences in pupils' self‐concept and attitudes towards school as influenced by ability grouping. The study was cross‐sectional in design and measured attitudes towards school and mathematics, general and school self‐concept and preferences for different kinds of grouping in 234 pupils from years 7 through 10 attending a mixed comprehensive school. The findings indicated that mathematics self‐concept was consistently lower than school and general self‐concept; all aspects of self‐concept increased up to Year 9 and then declined in Year 10, pupils in the higher sets tended to have higher self‐concepts; pupil preferences for setting were greater in the higher year groups, as was the extent to which the top set was perceived to be the best. A substantial proportion of pupils wanted to move set, usually to a higher set. Set placement itself did not appear to have a consistent effect on attitudes towards mathematics. This seemed to be mediated by the quality of teaching.  相似文献   

The present study takes an interdisciplinary mathematics–physics approach to the acquisition of the concept of angle by children in Grades 3–5. This paper first presents the theoretical framework we developed, then we analyse the concept of angle and the difficulties pupils have with it. Finally, we report three experimental physics‐based teaching sequences tested in three classrooms. We showed that at the end of each teaching sequence the pupils had a good grasp of the concept of angle, they had truly appropriated the physics knowledge at play, and many pupils are enable to successfully grasp new physics situations in which the angle plays a highly meaningful role. Using a physics framework to introduce angles in problem situations is then pertinent: by interrelating different spaces, pupils were able to acquire skills in the domains of mathematics, physics, and modelling. In conclusion, we discuss the respective merits of each problem situation proposed.  相似文献   

2021年天津市初中毕业生学业考试数学命题把握时代精神,积极落实立德树人根本任务,体现社会主义核心价值观,认真贯彻课程标准理念,突出对数学思维能力、应用意识、核心素养的考查,发挥了教学与评价的育人功能。今后的课堂教学应努力研究课程标准和教材,注重知识生成的思维过程教学,设计激发学生潜能的有效活动,以培育学生的数学核心素养为基准,更好地发挥评价的导向作用。  相似文献   

随着我国近年来教育改革的不断深入,教学理念中也开始融入全新的核心素养理念。核心素养理念的提出不仅与素质教育要求相符,更为学生日后的数学知识学习奠定了基础。因此当前阶段积极完善核心素养理念下的灵动课堂构建成了教育重点。本文主要对核心素养理念下的灵动课堂构建进行分析,希望能为初中的数学教学工作开展提供一些有益建议。  相似文献   

This study explored Israeli elementary school mathematics teachers’ perceptions of their professional needs, with the purpose of developing in-service training courses which cater to these needs. Eighty-four teachers responded to the questionnaire and were interviewed. The results indicate that the respondents’ main needs are associated with strengthening their didactical knowledge capability of dealing with emotional aspects that relate to pupils’ learning of mathematics. Although most of the respondents lack formal mathematics education, they attribute less importance to their need to enhance knowledge in the field. In light of Israeli pupils’ relatively low attainments in mathematics, the authors believe that the education system should require teachers to expand their mathematics knowledge and that only teachers with appropriate knowledge will be permitted to teach the discipline.  相似文献   

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