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We explored predictors of attitudes toward psychological help seeking among 103 student service members and veterans (SSM/V). Results showed that self‐stigma, public stigma, and gender significantly predicted attitudes toward psychological help seeking. A test of mediation revealed that self‐stigma fully mediated the relationship between public stigma and attitudes toward psychological help seeking. Implications for college counseling professionals who serve SSM/V are discussed.  相似文献   

Help‐seeking (HS) students and non‐help‐seeking (NHS) students were compared on their perceptions of (a) their own level of mental health functioning and (b) the average level of mental health functioning of their (NHS or HS) peers. Results showed that NHS students' perceptions of HS students' self‐ratings were similar to HS students' self‐ratings of functioning but that HS students underestimated the level of functioning of their NHS peers. Implications of the findings for campus outreach and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined cross‐cultural differences in depression expression and help‐seeking behavior among college students in the United States and Korea. Results indicated that the Korean students showed more somatization tendency, negative affect, and negative help‐seeking behavior. Negative help‐seeking behavior of Korean students was shown to relate to somatization. Counseling implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of acculturation, beliefs about mental illness, and selected demographic variables on the help‐seeking attitudes of 120 Turkish students who were attending college in the United States. The authors maintain that if mental health professionals increase their understanding of Turkish international students, they can then develop more effective services for this population.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The authors determined the food safety knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of undergraduates (n = 1122) on an urban college campus using a previously piloted survey tool. Data obtained found that while students reported high levels of confidence in their ability to engage in safe food handling practices, their knowledge and self‐reported behaviors indicated that they were not actually engaging in safe food handling practices. Students were particularly lacking knowledge with respect to proper temperatures for cooking, reheating, and refrigerating foods. The data were further analyzed to determine differences in food safety knowledge and practices between populations of different demographics within the students. Differences were found between male and female students, Caucasian and Asian students, and students who had worked in food service compared with those who had not. A final aspect of this study evaluated the effectiveness of a social marketing campaign to increase awareness of safe food handling practices among college undergraduates. A cross‐sectional, quasi‐experimental, pre‐ and posttest design was used. Following the baseline knowledge survey described previously, a social marketing campaign developed for young adults was implemented on the campus over a 4‐wk period that included promotional events and incentives. Postcampaign survey results indicated increases in food safety knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors, particularly with respect to appropriate temperatures for cooking and refrigeration and found that e‐mails and posters may be effective ways to communicate food safety messages to this population.  相似文献   

Student athletes' demands increase their risk for experiencing mental health concerns (Ryan et al., 2018). Risk factors for student athletes include coping with athletic success and failure; balancing dual roles; dealing with identity confusion; and experiencing isolation, injury, career termination, and burnout (Beauchemin, 2012; G. T. Brown, 2014). Using the social ecological model, we review factors that interfere with student athletes' help‐seeking behaviors and propose recommendations for the ways counselors can address these barriers in the roles of educator, advocate, and therapist.  相似文献   

This investigation tested the psychometric properties of the Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help Scale-Short Form (ATSPPH-SF; Fisher and Farina [Journal of College Student Development, 36, 368–373, 1995]) in a sample of 338 Mainland Chinese college students. Using back-translation, the ATSPPH-SF was translated into simplified Chinese. Confirmatory factor analysis did not support the original one-factor model. Subsequently, exploratory factor analysis suggested a 7-item, two-factor model; however, the new factor structure yielded poor reliability coefficients, below .60. Results suggest that the help-seeking construct as operationalized by the ATSPPH-SF may not be valid for the Chinese population. The importance of designing indigenous instruments for help-seeking attitudes is discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the psychometric properties of the Sexual Orientation Counselor Competency Scale (SOCCS), an instrument that measures the attitudes, skills, and knowledge of counselors who work with lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals. Internal consistency of the SOCCS was .90, and 1‐week test‐retest reliability was .84. Criterion, concurrent, and divergent validity tests established the SOCCS as a psychometrically sound instrument.  相似文献   

For Latina/o undergraduates, ethnic identity is an important construct linked to self‐esteem and educational attainment. Internalized and perceived racism have been hypothesized to hinder ethnic identity development in Latina/o undergraduates. To assess if internalized and perceived racism were inversely related to ethnic identity, the author conducted a hierarchical linear regression with 373 Latina/o undergraduates. There was a significant relationship between internalized racism and ethnic identity. Findings indicate a need to challenge internalized racism in Latina/o undergraduates.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to investigate the usefulness of person‐fit analysis in validating student score inferences in a cognitive diagnostic assessment. In this study, a two‐stage procedure was used to evaluate person fit for a diagnostic test in the domain of statistical hypothesis testing. In the first stage, the person‐fit statistic, the hierarchy consistency index (HCI; Cui, 2007 ; Cui & Leighton, 2009 ), was used to identify the misfitting student item‐score vectors. In the second stage, students’ verbal reports were collected to provide additional information about students’ response processes so as to reveal the actual causes of misfits. This two‐stage procedure helped to identify the misfits of item‐score vectors to the cognitive model used in the design and analysis of the diagnostic test, and to discover the reasons of misfits so that students’ problem‐solving strategies were better understood and their performances were interpreted in a more meaningful way.  相似文献   

Cultural adaptation may influence Latino youth substance use (SU) development, yet few longitudinal studies have examined cultural change over time and adolescent SU outcomes. Using longitudinal data collected annually across ages 10–16 from 674 Mexican‐origin youth (50% female), the authors characterized cultural adaptation patterns for language use (English and Spanish use), values (American values and familism values), and identity (ethnic pride), and examined whether these cultural adaptation patterns were associated with differential SU risk. Youth with increasing bilingualism and high/stable family values had lower SU risk compared to youth who primarily spoke English and endorsed decreasing family values, respectively. Ethnic pride trajectories were not associated with SU. Findings highlight the importance of considering cultural change related to Latino youth SU.  相似文献   

In this paper we argue that to improve schools we must change the relationships between teachers, parents, and students to render these more satisfying to all parties. Using data collected as part of a long‐term project, we show that certain aspects of teacher practice have a strong impact upon student and parent attitudes, and hence upon their ratings of schools; we contend that improving schools requires attention to these powerful attitudinal levers of change.  相似文献   

De la Torre and Deng suggested a resampling‐based approach for person‐fit assessment (PFA). The approach involves the use of the statistic, a corrected expected a posteriori estimate of the examinee ability, and the Monte Carlo (MC) resampling method. The Type I error rate of the approach was closer to the nominal level than that of the traditional approach of using along with the assumption of a standard normal null distribution. This article suggests a generalized resampling‐based approach for PFA that allows one to employ or another person‐fit statistic (PFS) based on item response theory, the corrected expected a posteriori estimate or another ability estimate, and the MC method or another resampling method. The suggested approach includes the approach of de la Torre and Deng as a special case. Several approaches belonging to the generalized approach perform very similarly to the approach of de la Torre and Deng's in two simulation studies and in applications to three real data sets, irrespective of the PFS used. The generalized approach promises to be useful to those interested in resampling‐based PFA.  相似文献   

金庸的作品在华人读者中影响面甚广,其受欢迎的程度持久不衰。誉高而毁至,随后出现的一些不满、批评和论争的声音亦不足怪。那么如何看待论争以及由此而引发的诸如通俗文学与雅文学之关系、文学批评应遵循的原则、批评家的心态等文学理论批评的问题,以及如何探讨并评价金庸武侠小说正面和负面的影响,乃是当今文学研究者应重视的问题。  相似文献   

市场经济体制的建立 ,为商品化文学提供了适宜的生存条件。马克思主义经典作家对文学的商品化倾向和商品化文学的态度是既承认又批判。商品化文学是一种大众文化的话语形式 ,是一种低调的文化文本 ,难以提升人的精神  相似文献   

Response accuracy and response time data can be analyzed with a joint model to measure ability and speed of working, while accounting for relationships between item and person characteristics. In this study, person‐fit statistics are proposed for joint models to detect aberrant response accuracy and/or response time patterns. The person‐fit tests take the correlation between ability and speed into account, as well as the correlation between item characteristics. They are posited as Bayesian significance tests, which have the advantage that the extremeness of a test statistic value is quantified by a posterior probability. The person‐fit tests can be computed as by‐products of a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. Simulation studies were conducted in order to evaluate their performance. For all person‐fit tests, the simulation studies showed good detection rates in identifying aberrant patterns. A real data example is given to illustrate the person‐fit statistics for the evaluation of the joint model.  相似文献   

Success in postsecondary education requires proficiency with academic online information seeking. Navigating the internet to find information is a complicated task that is vulnerable to lapses in attention. This study examined the relationships among Canadian graduate students' self‐reported behavioral inattention symptoms, awareness and regulation of attentional focus (meta‐attention), and online academic information seeking abilities. One‐hundred and thirteen (99 female) graduate students (83 master's level, 27 doctoral level) completed an online self‐report questionnaire examining domain‐ and strategic‐experience, behavioral inattention symptoms, meta‐attention, and online information seeking ability. Results indicated that self‐reported inattention symptoms, both components of meta‐attention and domain experience each significantly predicted unique variance in online information seeking ability. Implications for research and intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

This study sought to determine the attitudes and teaching self‐efficacy of pre‐service teachers towards the inclusion of students with disabilities into regular classrooms. A questionnaire was administered to 194 pre‐service Pakistani teachers (male 73, female 121) enrolled in a 1‐year teacher education programme at a government university in Pakistan. Overall, male pre‐service teachers expressed more positive attitudes than their female counterparts regarding the inclusion of students with disabilities in regular classrooms. Surprisingly, those pre‐service teachers majoring in special education did not express more positive attitudes towards inclusion than their counterparts who were preparing to teach in mainstream schools. However, participants with training in special education, knowledge of disability legislation, teaching experience and personal experience with a disability reported higher levels of self‐efficacy towards teaching within inclusive settings. The findings of the study are discussed with possible implications for policy‐makers and teacher educators in Pakistan and other countries in the South Asian region.  相似文献   

张琰 《太原大学学报》2014,(1):14-17,29
历史文化型城市文化类型繁杂多样,城市文化个性难以明确、独具特色的城市旅游形象难以定位。太原市可通过从内在精神层面挖掘多维文化内核,以整合多维文化的方式,找出贯穿于多维文化中的核心文化,并结合竞争分析与旅游资源梳理,找出历史文化型城市定位个性旅游形象的方法。  相似文献   

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