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How well doctoral students in special education are prepared to evaluate research as evidence‐based practice (EBP) is likely to impact their careers, as well as the teachers they will train. In developing a method for evaluating the readiness of small cohort groups of doctoral students to apply a research‐based model of EBP, an instrument and procedure were refined in a pilot evaluation and implemented within a multiple baseline design across participants. Participants’ independent and instrument‐guided performance in rating published research was compared to the ratings of two experts in single‐case research design, yielding proportions of agreement across evaluation conditions. Results indicated group readiness to independently conduct the EBP evaluation and individual differences in readiness indicating the need for remediation.  相似文献   

Single‐case research methods provide a basis for demonstrating that an intervention produces a reliable change in a targeted outcome for individual cases. To supplement visual analysis of data in single‐case studies, researchers frequently report statistics—often referred to as effect sizes—to summarize study findings. The recent proliferation of effect sizes used in single‐case research can be confusing. In this article, after reviewing single‐case research, we provide an overview of common types of effect sizes used in single‐case research, including overlap metrics and within‐ and between‐participant effect sizes, and conclude with examples of these effect sizes in the single‐case literature. Our take‐home message is that effect sizes are useful complements to visual analysis when interpreting results of single‐case design research studies.  相似文献   

This article discusses the practical and ethical challenges and benefits of using social media and video‐based research methods – also known as Photovoice – to investigate contemporary Communication Design education. The two visual research methods discussed include the social media mobile application Snapchat® and participant‐generated GoPro® video filming. The investigation focused on understanding students’ on‐the‐ground, lived experiences of studio learning within two distinctive higher education case study settings in the United Kingdom and Australia. This study employed Participatory Action Research (PAR) as an inquiry process and incorporated a methodological framework involving a combination of narrative inquiry, visual Participatory Design (PD) and visual ethnography. The findings of this study revealed the impact of specialised studio and classroom‐based Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) on student learning and engagement as the participants expressed differing responses to their own learning and community of practice at each site. The choice of arts‐based educational research methods used for this study allowed the relationships between place, lived experience, and community to be explored. Students, in effect, became investigators of their own practice through engagement in a rigorous set of visual methods, which placed the tools directly into their hands.  相似文献   

A number of issues in contemporary distance education are reviewed from the perspectives of distance education as practice and as a field of study. In the practice of distance education, government agendas are supplanted by institutional agendas, the clientele shifts from undergraduate second‐chance learners to fee‐paying postgraduates, and the models and methods are under challenge by the online revolution. As a soft–applied field of study, distance education research is susceptible to externally set agendas and prone to external criticism. Distance educators need to address these externally defined issues in terms that speak to its critics.  相似文献   

There are some important ambiguities in discussions about the implications of ‘evidence‐based practice’, both for educational research and for the work of teachers. In this paper we explore several of these through examining the Evidence‐based Practice in Science Education (EPSE) study—part of the Teaching and Learning Research Programme (TLRP), a major UK research initiative that is explicitly committed to improving the contribution of educational research to policymaking and practice. The field of science education is in some ways a critical case, given that the notion of evidence‐based practice treats scientific research as a privileged source of evidence. We examine the assumptions built into the EPSE study, and how these relate to the classical medical model of evidence‐based practice, and to some other approaches to educational research that are concerned with closing the gap with practice.  相似文献   

This study examined how specific guidelines and heuristics have been used to identify methodological rigor associated with single‐case research designs based on quality indicators developed by Horner et al. Specifically, this article describes how literature reviews have applied Horner et al.'s quality indicators and evidence‐based criteria. Ten literature reviews were examined to ascertain how literature review teams (a) used the criteria recommended by Horner et al. as meeting the 5‐3‐20 evidence‐based practice (EBP) thresholds (five studies conducted across three different research teams that include a minimum of 20 participants) to assess single‐case methodological rigor; and (b) applied the 5‐3‐20 thresholds to determine whether the independent variables reviewed qualified as potential effective practices. The 10 literature reviews included 120 single‐case designs. This study found that 33% of the reviewed single‐case designs met Horner et al.'s quality indicator criteria. Three of the literature reviews concluded that examined practices met criteria to qualify as an EBP. Recommendations related to quality indicator criteria and EBP established by the literature review teams as well as directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The author analyses the relationship between theory and practice in teacher education by means of a grid, constructed from two traditional distinctions of knowledge made in philosophy. It is argued that the experiential knowledge of that and how underlies all education, but that it must be expanded by mediated knowledge of that and how. This knowledge originates from scientific research. In order to understand the epistemic nature of research‐based knowledge, intending teachers must learn methods of inquiry and apply them to research questions which they themselves have posed. Secondly, the application involves putting the theoretical and thinking models of teaching into practice in classroom teaching. As a concrete example, the author reviews how theory and practice are integrated in the Finnish system of teacher education.  相似文献   

我国诸多法学院校开设的诊所法律教育课程普遍存在认识不足、课程设置单一、经费和案源不足等诸多问题,应从加深对诊所法律教育的认识、采用多种教学方法、内挖外引地筹集资金和扩展丰富的案源等方面予以完善,以培养具有法律职业技能、职业道德和社会责任感的法律共同体.  相似文献   

Theory, practice, and research are all espoused to be core values within counselor education. The authors assert that research needs to become directly associated with theory and practice for it to be a concurrent core value. Action research is most simply defined as a form of research that is practitioner based. The authors propose infusing action research throughout master's‐level curricula as a means of promoting research as a core value concurrent with theory and practice. A case illustration of an action research investigation in a Professional and Ethical Issues in Mental Health Counseling course is described.  相似文献   

在法学、医学等学科中得到广泛认可的案例教学法进入师范教育领域已20余年,但相关研究表现出研究成果数量少、内容单一狭小等特点。要使案例教学法在师范教育中发挥其可能的作用,必须正视其存在的诸多不足,系统、深入地开展相关研究。  相似文献   

近年来,国内对成人转化学习的研究从舶来译介、基础理论研究向本土化、应用型研究过渡,但在将转化学习理论运用于成人教育领域的实践性研究中,存在研究范围窄化、研究方法单一化,研究内容以思辨为主,对工作场所教育的应用性和实践性案例研究较为鲜见。通过重点介绍美国学者将转化学习理论中的批判性反思以及故事讲述法、行动学习法运用到工作场所教育的实际案例,以期对国内成人转化学习从理论进一步走向实践提供指导和参考。  相似文献   

Mind, brain, and education is a field developed with two key purposes: (1) to accelerate the knowledge developed through research by using an interdisciplinary approach, and (2) to create a bridge to connect and apply this knowledge to educational practice. While great progress has been made with regard to the interdisciplinary efforts of mind, brain and education, a chasm remains between the fields of science and educational practice. This article presents the case for bridging that chasm through the development of a translational and bidirectional framework that allows the fields of science and educational practice to access and influence each other. The characteristics of such a framework are proposed as theory‐driven and perspective‐neutral, interdisciplinary and interdependent, grounded in the science of development, context‐sensitive, and allowing for falsifiability. Potential enablers for the successful implementation of such a framework are proposed.  相似文献   



According to Kuhn, normal scientific work is developed not mainly from basic axioms, but by the development of the fundamental examples and demonstrations of the paradigm. For disciplines still at the research frontier, education can also only be example‐based rather than axiomatic, but for disciplines which have become classical, such as Newtonian mechanics, teaching should be performed using more formal methods. In practice this does not appear to be the case, and a number of simple problems in mechanics are cited where example‐based teaching commonly leads to misunderstanding. A recommendation is made for more direct teaching of the basic principles of mechanics.  相似文献   

This article presents a critical case study of an inner city state school that for a decade (1940s–1950s) attracted the interest of a wide contingency of educationalists, policy makers, researchers, artists and various press and film media. It has been argued that if we are to progress ‘social alternatives’ in education, researchers need to construct ‘critical case studies of possibilities’ drawing inspiration from traces of experimental and utopian practice in schools from the past as well as the present. The article demonstrates how this might be achieved through research that questions dominant narratives, goes beyond the public accounts of particular sites of experimentation and explores multiple‐narratives embedded in the records of past practice. The authors argue that such situated counter‐currents in the history of education are necessary both to inform our collective notions of past experience and enrich our regard for future possibilities.  相似文献   

This article, written by Leda Kamenopoulou of Roehampton University, reports a research project on deafblindness and inclusion in education. Deafblindness is a rare and therefore significantly under‐explored disability. Even less systematic research has focused on deafblind young people enrolled in mainstream schools. The study presented here used a multiple case study and mixed methods design to explore the social inclusion and participation of four deafblind pupils in mainstream placements. Interviews were conducted with the pupils, their parents and selected teachers regarding their peer interactions and relationships. Semi‐structured observations of peer interactions during school breaks were also conducted to complement interview data, but due to space constraints, these are not discussed here. Findings from the interviews suggest that the young people were socially present in their schools, but all faced certain issues in terms of being fully included. Both barriers to and facilitators of social inclusion and participation are discussed with reference to implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a longitudinal study of developments in use of the Internet by science student‐teachers on Post Graduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) courses in five higher education institution–school partnerships in England. These are 1‐year, full‐time, teacher training courses for graduate scientists. The aim of the research was to examine changes in attitudes to, and use of, the Internet to support science teaching and the perceived challenges and barriers to practice in schools, against a background of high national expectations reflected in the qualification standards of the teacher education courses. The research has involved nearly 600 student‐teachers, representing between 7% and 8% of those training on PGCE science courses in England, and has employed mixed methods, with questionnaires serving as the main basis for analysing trends, and focus groups and case studies used to gain deeper insight to the particular issues identified. The process has been an iterative one, with the outcomes of each year’s research being used to inform further research and course developments in the institutions involved. The findings indicate that attitudes and confidence in use of the Internet have improved over the period, with evidence of increased application directly in the classroom. However, in addition to some of the generic technological issues that may hinder developments in the use of Information and Communication Technology in schools, there are continuing concerns relating to limited pedagogical guidance and availability of good role models. The implications of this for developments in science teacher education programmes are discussed.  相似文献   


This paper addresses the nature of reflective classroom practice in a setting where action research has been undertaken by both the student teachers and the teaching practice supervisor. It is based on a cross‐case study of the processes through which student teachers learn to teach. Specifically, the analysis focuses on how student teachers reflect on their experiences in learning to teach. The data are based on student teachers’ reported thoughts about their learning over a period of one year. The results contribute to the understanding of reflective classroom practice by highlighting first student teachers’ perceptions about learning to teach and second their reviews on classroom practice. The discussion also adds to the literature on teacher development taken from the novice‐expert research tradition. Accordingly, implications for curriculum development in teacher education are drawn.  相似文献   

Single‐subject experimental research (SSER), one of the most commonly used research methods in special education and applied behaviour analysis, is a scientific, rigorous and valid method to evaluate the effectiveness of behavioural, educational and psychological treatments. However, studies using single‐subject experimental research designs are often excluded from meta‐analyses of evidence‐based practices due to the lack of methodological consensus on the type of effect size indices to be used to determine treatment effect. To promote the use of effect size indices as an adjunct to visual analysis, this article describes four nonoverlap methods (PND, IRD, PEM‐T and Tau‐U) and demonstrates their application to data obtained from studies employing different SSER designs. Advantages and disadvantages of each method are highlighted and considerations for selecting the most appropriate method are provided for researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

受终身教育思潮的影响,成人闲暇教育逐步进入人们的研究视野,诸多学者对此进行了积极的探讨,并在基础理论、区域实践、不同职业人群和推进策略等方面都取得了丰富的成果,为成人闲暇教育学科体系构建奠定了基础。揭示成人闲暇教育研究中存在的理论研究薄弱、研究体系欠缺、学科交叉不足、使用方法单一等问题,对其领域的拓展和质量的提升具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

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