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Studies with adults suggest that implicit preferences favoring White versus Black individuals can be reduced through exposure to positive Black exemplars. However, it remains unclear whether developmental differences exist in the capacity for these biases to be changed. This study included 369 children and examined whether their implicit racial bias would be reduced following exposure to positive Black exemplars. Results showed that children's implicit pro‐White bias was reduced following exposure to positive Black exemplars, but only for older children (Mage = ~10 years). Younger children's (Mage = ~7 years) implicit bias was not affected by this intervention. These results suggest developmental differences in the malleability of implicit racial biases and point to possible age differences in intervention effectiveness.  相似文献   

内隐刻板印象是内隐社会认知的重要研究领域,关于内隐刻板印象的研究已经涉及到了地域、性别、职业和种族等领域,但是鲜有关于产品的产地刻板印象的内隐研究。本研究选择大学生群体为研究对象,以大学生对国内外的笔记本电脑品牌的内隐产地刻板印象为研究内容,以IAT测验为研究方法,以Inquisit软件为主要的研究工具,对IAT测验数据进行了相关的统计检验和统计分析,最终得出以下结论:大学生这样一个接受高等教育的群体中,也确实存在着对国内外笔记本电脑品牌的内隐产地刻板印象,对国外品牌存在着无意识的偏好,对国内品牌存在着无意识的偏见。  相似文献   

Implicit bias, unconscious beliefs based upon stereotypes and prejudices, has emerged as a useful way to understand and explain issues of discrimination, particularly involving race. The influence of implicit bias has been explored in various academic disciplines and numerous contexts, including education. Despite the burgeoning research literature, there is limited research on the role implicit bias plays within the classroom. The goal of this special issue is to broaden and challenge the current thinking on teacher implicit bias and attitudes as well as their influence on students.  相似文献   

This research investigated the relation between racial categorization and implicit racial bias in majority and minority children. Chinese and Indian 3- to 7-year-olds from Singapore (= 158) categorized Chinese and Indian faces by race and had their implicit and explicit racial biases measured. Majority Chinese children, but not minority Indian children, showed implicit bias favoring own race. Regardless of ethnicity, children's racial categorization performance correlated positively with implicit racial bias. Also, Chinese children, but not Indian children, displayed explicit bias favoring own race. Furthermore, children's explicit bias was unrelated to racial categorization performance and implicit bias. The findings support a perceptual–social linkage in the emergence of implicit racial bias and have implications for designing programs to promote interracial harmony.  相似文献   


Recent research provides evidence that teachers’ implicit bias may impact school discipline but has poorly defined discipline. This research examines if implicit bias impacts 7 discrete types of disciplinary decisions, ranging from punitive to rehabilitative. A survey featuring racial priming was administered to teachers (n = 287). Results suggest that implicit racial processing has more impact on punitive disciplinary decisions over rehabilitative ones. Interestingly, teachers were harsher against White students, which is counterintuitive to what we know about anti-Black implicit bias and racial disparities in discipline. Results suggests that social desirability is a powerful force that attempts to override anti-Black bias in certain contexts but could lead to a harmful lowering of expectations for Black students.


Racial inequity has long been an issue in the educational system. In recent years, researchers and policy makers have begun to recognize the role of implicit bias in the disproportionate number of African American children who are suspended or expelled from school. Particular attention is being given to the use of exclusionary practices in early childhood settings. This article defines implicit bias, its relationship to exclusionary practices in early education programs, and offers specific recommendations for teachers, practitioners, administrators, and policy makers as they attempt to reduce the effect of implicit bias on suspension and expulsion policies within states, districts, and schools.  相似文献   

Kant's over‐reliance on universal reason and his subjection of free will to the moral law can be seen as normalising a particular and restrictive view of autonomous human existence—a view implicit in liberal accounts of education. Drawing on Nietzsche's critique of Kantian thought, this paper argues that the transcendental and unattainable realm of Kantian reason is insufficient as a sole basis for moral thought and action or as the basis of respect for others as ‘ends‐in‐themselves’. For Nietzsche, the possibility for each individual goes well beyond compliance with any imposed system of values, his metaphorical ‘death of God’ leaving room for creativity and difference.  相似文献   

Since it was introduced in 1972, the concept of rhetorical sensitivity has generated much interest among communication scholars. However, the theoretical assumptions underlying the concept remain unarticulated. This essay identifies the assumptions implicit in the concept of rhetorical sensitivity and examines how these assumptions extend traditional rhetorical thought in useful ways to interpersonal communication.  相似文献   

In this critical theoretical conceptualization situated in Disability Critical Race Theory (Annamma, Connor, & Ferri, 2013), we identify the current education system as a series of dysfunctional education ecologies. We next analyze how dysfunctional education ecologies are maintained through implicit bias, consider how these biases may impact classroom interactions, and reframe bias as dysconscious racism (King, 1991). Finally, we explore how school personnel can use transformative praxis (Freire, 1970) to actively dismantle these dysfunctional education ecologies through a shift in both their epistemological and axiological commitments to develop functional ecologies of learning by enacting a DisCrit Classroom Ecology.  相似文献   

Past research has shown that hostile schemas and adverse experiences predict the hostile attributional bias. This research proposes that seemingly nonhostile beliefs (implicit theories about the malleability of personality) may also play a role in shaping it. Study 1 meta‐analytically summarized 11 original tests of this hypothesis (N = 1,659), and showed that among diverse adolescents aged 13–16 a fixed or entity theory about personality traits predicted greater hostile attributional biases, which mediated an effect on aggressive desires. Study 2 experimentally changed adolescents' implicit theories toward a malleable or incremental view and showed a reduction in hostile intent attributions. Study 3 delivered an incremental theory intervention that reduced hostile intent attributions and aggressive desires over an 8‐month period.  相似文献   

This study examined the development of implicit race attitudes in American and Japanese children and adults. Implicit ingroup bias was present early in both populations, and remained stable at each age tested (age 6, 10, and adult). Similarity in magnitude and developmental course across these 2 populations suggests that implicit intergroup bias is an early-emerging and fundamental aspect of human social cognition. However, implicit race attitudes toward favored outgroups are more positive in older than in younger participants, indicating that "cultural prestige" enjoyed by a group moderates implicit bias as greater knowledge of group status is acquired. These results demonstrate (a) the ready presence, (b) early cultural invariance, and (c) subsequent cultural moderation of implicit attitudes toward own and other groups.  相似文献   

This study tracked the long-term effect of perceptual individuation training on reducing 5-year-old Chinese children's (= 95, Mage = 5.64 years) implicit pro-Asian/anti-Black racial bias. Initial training to individuate other-race Black faces, followed by supplementary training occurring 1 week later, resulted in a long-term reduction of pro-Asian/anti-Black bias (70 days). In contrast, training Chinese children to recognize White or Asian faces had no effect on pro-Asian/anti-Black bias. Theoretically, the finding that individuation training can have a long-term effect on reducing implicit racial bias in preschoolers suggests that a developmentally early causal linkage between perceptual and social processing of faces is not a transitory phenomenon. Practically, the data point to an effective intervention method for reducing implicit racism in young children.  相似文献   

The UK coalition Government's call to end the ‘bias’ towards inclusion represents a shift in ‘policy speak’ as the new administration attempts to re‐narrate special education by putting forward a ‘reasonable and sensible’ solution to the ‘problem of inclusion’. However, implicit in the call is the assumption that there has, in fact, been a ‘bias towards inclusion’ in education policy and practice; here, that assumption is challenged. Using a critical disability studies perspective, Katherine Runswick‐Cole, who is a research fellow in Disability Studies and Psychology in the Research Institute of Health and Social Change at Manchester Metropolitan University, draws on the concept of ableism and critiques of neo‐liberal market systems in education to reveal and explore the persistent barriers to inclusive education embedded within the education system. It is argued that although there may have been an inclusive education policy rhetoric, this rhetoric is rooted in conceptual incongruities which, rather than promoting inclusion, undermine an inclusive approach to education.  相似文献   

老子提出的“无为而治”是其政治伦理思想的核心,也是教育之道。文章分析了教育中的“无为而治”,既是教育教学的一种理念,也是一种艺术和策略。作为一种教育理念,“无为而治”指的是在教育教学过程中,教育者应遵循学生身心发展规律,因势利导,在潜移默化中将教育内容传输给受教育者。这对当前高校开展的隐性思想政治教育有一定的启示作用,并对增强思想政治教育的实效性,具有一定的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

The assimilation theory of meaningful verbal learning and retention and the distinctions between rote and meaningful learning and between reception and discovery learning are reviewed in the light of some recent research on advance organizers, adjunct questions, and cognitive style. An attempt is made to reply to some of the frequently‐made criticisms of the author's research methodology in his studies of advance organizers and retroactive interference in meaningful prose learning and retention. Finally, an assessment is made of freedom of psychological inquiry in the United States and of equality of access to APA journals; and it is suggested that the neobehavioristic orientation in American school learning theory has been artificially kept alive by editorial bias on the part of APA journals, by neobehavioristic bias on the part of reviewers for research funding agencies, and by implicit pressures exerted on graduate students in educational psychology doctoral programs.  相似文献   

Two studies examined whether social norms and children's concern for self-presentation affect their intergroup attitudes. Study 1 examined racial intergroup attitudes and normative beliefs among children aged 6 to 16 years (n=155). Accountability (i.e., public self-focus) was experimentally manipulated, and intergroup attitudes were assessed using explicit and implicit measures. Study 2 (n = 134) replicated Study 1, focusing on national intergroup attitudes. Both studies showed that children below 10 years old were externally motivated to inhibit their in-group bias under high public self-focus. Older children were internally motivated to suppress their bias as they showed implicit but not explicit bias. Study 1, in contrast to Study 2, showed that children with low norm internalization suppressed their out-group prejudice under high public self-focus.  相似文献   

Two methods of local linear observed‐score equating for use with anchor‐test and single‐group designs are introduced. In an empirical study, the two methods were compared with the current traditional linear methods for observed‐score equating. As a criterion, the bias in the equated scores relative to true equating based on Lord's (1980) definition of equity was used. The local method for the anchor‐test design yielded minimum bias, even for considerable variation of the relative difficulties of the two test forms and the length of the anchor test. Among the traditional methods, the method of chain equating performed best. The local method for single‐group designs yielded equated scores with bias comparable to the traditional methods. This method, however, appears to be of theoretical interest because it forces us to rethink the relationship between score equating and regression.  相似文献   

Standard setting is defined as the identification of certain points on a mark scale with particular performance standards, with the intention of enhancing the inferences that are warranted from the test scores. It is argued that the selection of both the points on the mark‐scales and the performance standards with which they are equated are arbitrary and are driven by a set of values (which are often implicit). In ‘high‐stakes’ settings, it is shown how the values implicit in the standard can come to dominate the values inherent in the domain they represent. The validation of standards must therefore include consideration of their consequences as well as their meanings. It is then argued that standards, where they exist, cannot be accounted for purely in terms of norm‐referenced or criterion‐referenced interpretations, but exist rather by virtue of a shared construct in a community of practice. These theoretical positions are then developed to classify standard‐setting methods along two dimensions, the first relating to the role of performance data in the setting of standards and the second relating to the extent to which the meanings or the consequences of the assessment are emphasised in the process.  相似文献   

毒品问题已成为国际性的社会问题。近年来有关吸毒的外显认知研究受到了挑战,内隐认知的研究开始逐渐引起学者的关注。有关吸毒的内隐认知主要包括内隐态度、注意偏向与联想记忆,其研究方法涉及到内隐联想测验、外部情绪西蒙作业、联想记忆任务、STROOP任务、探测任务、视觉搜索任务和闪动典范等等。吸毒的内隐认知研究对预防与矫治工作有启示作用。另外,各种内隐认知测量方法之间的关系,以及吸毒的内隐认知和外显认知之间的关系有待进一步探讨。  相似文献   

This study explores explicit and implicit gender‐science stereotypes and affective attitudes towards science in a sample of Chinese secondary school students. The results showed that (1) gender‐science stereotyping was more and more apparent as the specialization of science subjects progresses through secondary school, becoming stronger from the 10th grade; girls were more inclined to stereotype than boys while this gender difference decreased with increasing grade; (2) girls tend to have an implicit science‐unpleasant/humanities‐pleasant association from the 8th grade, while boys showed a negative implicit attitude towards science up to the 11th grade. In self‐report, girls preferred humanities to science, while boys preferred science to humanities; (3) implicit affective attitude was closely related to implicit stereotype. In particular, implicit affective attitude has a stronger predictive power on stereotype than the other way around, the result of which may have more significance for girls.  相似文献   

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