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ARP期骗病毒在校园网内的频繁爆发致使校园网用户上网时断时续,甚至导致网络瘫痪,并对用户信息安全造成严重威胁.通过在接入层交换机上进行相应配置,可以有效的防范校园网ARP欺骗病毒.本文根据我校校园的实际情况,就此问题提出一些解决方案.  相似文献   

本文讨论NT浏览服务器的工作机制并分析了浏览器的故障原因,提出了用设置注册表解决的方案。  相似文献   

Families can help prevent violence through nurturing empathy in their children. This article provides the framework for supporting families in becoming active in their children’s development of empathy. Strategies are provided that help parents and family implement empathy development.  相似文献   

美国中小学校园欺凌的防治经历了从"报应性正义"到"修复性正义"的理论变迁.作为修复性正义的典型措施,同辈调解遵循"由学生主导,为学生服务"的理念,将校园欺凌置于学生冲突框架之下,旨在通过同辈调解员化解同辈冲突,从而实现防治校园欺凌的目标.经过40余年的发展,美国同辈调解在规划设计、遴选模式、培训体系和调解流程等方面已相当成熟,并且在减少校园冲突和欺凌现象,改善校园学习氛围,以及提升学生冲突解决能力等方面卓有成效.美国同辈调解在实践中也无可避免地存在着调解能力、适用范围、资金支持等方面的问题与局限.  相似文献   

Controversy currently exists on whether boys are in crises and, if so, what to do about it. Research is reviewed that indicates that boys have problems that affect their emotional and interpersonal functioning. Psychoeducational and preventive programs for boys are recommended as a call to action in schools. Thematic areas for boys' programming are enumerated including life skills and issues with masculinity ideology and gender role conflict. An example of a program that promotes positive and affirmative masculinity is given. Some of the barriers and strategies to implement programs for boys are discussed. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

针对网吧、机关、校园网等内部网频受ARP攻击骚扰这一现象,分析了ARP欺骗原理并提出了解决办法。  相似文献   

存货在企业管理和会计核算中占有重要地位,对存货项目认定的真实性、正确性程度直接影响到会计报表的质量,进而影响报表的使用效果。存货审计在会计报表审计中同样占有重要地位,存货审计所执行的审计程序的适当性影响对整个会计报表发表审计意见。存货审计风险的防范是注册会计师必然关注的重点。  相似文献   

Topwith—Ⅱ是一种PWM/MOSFET二合一的新型集成芯片,采用它制作高频开关电源,不仅简化了电路,同时可以改善电源的电磁兼容性能,降低制作成本,本文介绍一种用TOP223Y制作的稳压电源。  相似文献   

本文对模拟电子开关的常用特性进行了回顾,并对传统的电子继电器、集成模拟开关CD4066的各种相关特性进行了测试、分析;提出了采用光耦器件作为电子开关的想法,并以光耦器件TLP181为例进行了各种开关特性的测试、分析和对比,为光耦器件应用于电子开关领域提供了具体的的数据。  相似文献   

学术腐败问题是我国当前学术界一个迫切需要解决的问题,本文拟从防治学术腐败的基础,即学术的"源头"--研究生学术腐败问题入手来探讨此问题,旨在揭示现状、分析原因并提出一些解决思路.  相似文献   

Changes to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (Public Law 108-446) (now known as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004, H.R. 1350 (passed both houses of Congress 11/19/04; signed by President Bush 12/3/04) [Google Scholar]: IDEA) mandated new requirements for providing discipline to students with disabilities. These changes led to simplified procedures when students with disabilities commit infractions of the school code. A review of potential legal dilemmas, however, challenges the simplicity of the revised procedures and may actually underscore new legal entanglements to parents and school officials. We discuss what we know about discipline and reasons for an interest in discipline applications, potential legal complications resulting from the reauthorized IDEA, and implications of prevention strategies for students with disabilities demonstrating problem behaviors.  相似文献   

本文主要通过对诈骗被害人被害的积极和消极两方面原因类型的分析,点明了研究诈骗罪被害预防的重要意义。从宏观,中观和微观三个层次,以及事前预防,事中预防,事后预防三个方面提出了诈骗罪被害预防的措施。  相似文献   

1 隔离式 图1、图2是利用导管口与液体互不接触,即使液面上方压强减小,也不会倒吸,缺点是吸收不够充分;图3是利用气体逸出后再溶于水,而气体难溶于导管出口处的下层液体,既保证了气体的吸收,又不影响导气管内压强,该装置若用于洗气时,应将烧杯改为洗气瓶.  相似文献   

资产评估在市场经济社会中具有重要的作用,它是增强社会经济活动力,维护市场经济秩序的有效手段。但在我国目前市场经济体制尚不完善的情况下,资产评估存在一定的风险。从资产评估的特点、表现形式入手,对防范资产评估风险问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

Research has determined that the prevention of alcohol-exposed pregnancies (AEP) must occur preconceptually, either by reducing alcohol intake in women planning pregnancy or at risk for becoming pregnant, or by preventing pregnancy in women drinking at risky levels. One such AEP prevention programme with non-pregnant American-Indian (AI) women is the Oglala Sioux Tribe (OST) Changing High-risk alcohOl use and Increasing Contraception Effectiveness Study (CHOICES) Programme, which shows promise in reducing AEP risk in AI women aged 18 or older. A community needs assessment was conducted with key informant interviews and focus groups with an emphasis on how to expand OST CHOICES. To identify relevant inter-related themes, a content analysis was conducted on qualitative feedback from the focus groups and interviews. Altogether, key informant interviews were completed with 25 health and social service professionals. Eight focus groups were held with 58 AI participants, including adult women of child-bearing age, elder women, and adult men. Several sub-themes regarding the prevention of AEP with youth were identified, expanding the OST CHOICES curriculum into the schools, and the role of family and culture within AEP prevention.  相似文献   

文章从砌体构造、温度影响和施工技术等三方面,讨论了砖混结构房屋顶层墙体裂缝的处理方法和预防控制措施.  相似文献   

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