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中国高校分类标准及指标体系设计   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
高校分类标准是指用来区分高校性质、任务、能级的准则和参照系,是用于判断高校类型和层次的定性化尺度;高校分类指标是指在分类标准基础上用于测量或反映高校性质、任务、能级及发展现状的数量指征。高校分类标准及指标,应当从输入、多元的视角来设计。本文尝试从培养目标及学科专业、人才培养、科学研究、社会服务、学生成份、教师队伍、经济(地理)区域、宏观管理等八个维度,来设计中国高校的多元分类标准及指标体系。  相似文献   

针对在产品方案评价指标体系中对于定量指标性能评价存在的不足,提出了改进的信息含量的定量指标性能评价方法,该方法得到的评价值与顾客对方案评价值的期望紧密相关,体现了顾客需求驱动的特点。文中还以工业高速平缝机为实例,验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

我国刑法中衡量犯罪数额标准大都是静态的数字,这些静态数字无法适应经济快速发展的社会,因而这样的标准是不科学的。犯罪数额的大小应是一个与当时当地的人均年收入相比较的动态数额标准。  相似文献   

Indeterminacy in the use of preset criteria for assessment and grading   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
When assessment tasks are set for students in universities and colleges, a common practice is to advise them of the criteria that will be used for grading their responses. Various schemes for using multiple criteria have been widely advocated in the literature. Each scheme is designed to offer clear benefits for students. Breaking down holistic judgments into more manageable parts is seen as a way to increase openness for students and achieve more objectivity in grading. However, such approaches do not adequately represent the full complexity of multi‐criterion qualitative judgments, and can lead to distorted grading decisions. Six anomalies in the ways assessors approach the grading task are identified, together with several likely contributing factors. Overall, the conclusion is that explicit grading models do not have as strong a theoretical foundation as is commonly supposed, and that holistic appraisal merits further investigation.  相似文献   

试论我国文学旅游资源的概念及分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文学旅游资源是人文旅游资源的重要组成部分,但是其含义和分类一直有争议,本文试着以旅游的角度,从我国文学旅游资源的内涵和外延入手,结合旅游三要素,对文学旅游资源进行了初步的分类。  相似文献   

This article will outline the motives for the implementation of peer assessment as put into action at the first year of the Civil Engineering course of the University of Minho. The implementation of new assessment methods was a consequence of the successful implementation of peer assessment at other engineering courses. During the semester, three assessment moments took place, in which students assessed the work of their peers. Assessment criteria were defined in a negotiation process between students and teacher. The students subsequently graded the work of their colleagues and had to provide a clear justification for each given grade. The aim of this method is to involve students in the subject, enhance their motivation and deepen their learning. Advantages and disadvantages of peer assessment are discussed. The results that have been obtained so far draw attention to the nature of assessment criteria and the corresponding explicitness.  相似文献   

成语研究是词汇学界的热点,研究得较为充分、成熟,但仍然存在许多分歧。对成语划分的各个流派作系统梳爬,可以发现,成语标准的改进,应从语用上加以规定。  相似文献   

高职思想政治教育评价作为思想政治教育总过程的有机组成部分,是指以思想政治教育的目标为依据,根据社会对思想政治教育的要求和教育客体的实际,运用有效的评价技术和手段对思想政治教育效果进行测量、分析、比较,并给予价值判断的过程。在高职院校思想政治教育活动中,教育评价活动是对教育决策和教育实施所取得的效果,以及存在利弊的直接反应,既承担着对以往思想政治教育进行分析评估,也承担着对今后思想政治教育活动进行校正和指导的任务。确立科学的思想政治教育评价标准,则是完成上述任务的根本保证。总体上看,高职思想政治教育评价标准确立的基本依据主要体现在评价标准的合法性、针对性、有效性和可操作性四个方面。  相似文献   

The reproduction characteristics of 343 sows in six different breeding groups were analyzed to estimate the crossbreeding parameters. The results indicated that the ovulation rate and the weights of uterus and ovary are mainly determined by the additive genetic effects while the nonadditive genetic effects play an important role in embryonal traits and litter performance. The heterosis effects in the first litter are larger than those in the second litter because of heterosis x environment interaction. The results also showed the existence of a highly significant maternal heterosis effect on the fertility traits of sows.  相似文献   

朱大星 《家教指南》2011,(2):104-107
历代书目对诸子类典籍的分类多有不同。本文主要依据《汉书·艺文志》,《隋书·经籍志》、《通志》、《四库全书总目》等书目的分类,结合敦煌文献所存诸子写卷的内容及数量等,对敦煌诸子文献作了界定和分类。  相似文献   

讨论了一类中立型微分方程最终正解的存在性和不存在性,一些已知的结果被扩充和改进。  相似文献   

通过RFID射频电子标签,将不同生产阶段的猪信息输入到计算机信息管理平台,通过网络运行与管理,使猪生产管理信息化、数字化,提高养猪企业管理能力及经济效益。  相似文献   

在学习型社会的背景下,追寻一个合乎社会与人类发展的高等教育院校分类的视角有着应然的现实意义。教育哲学是一门探寻教育价值的学科,通过教育哲学的角度来思考高校的分类,能深刻地揭示此角度是否符合教育的本真,是否符合人类发展的根本意义。本文从教育哲学理论的角度来分析高等教育院校分类现状,并提出了当今高等教育院校分类的走向。  相似文献   

The performance of cats, guinea pigs, and mice in a delayed alternation paradigm was compared both during initial learning and following a 10-day retention interval. The testing situation (a modified T-maze), the length of the delay period (10 sec), and the amount of training per session and per week were kept identical for all three species. The results indicated that (1) animals of all three species acquired the task within similar time spans, (2) a considerable variance was apparent in the performance of individual animals independent of their species, and (3) guinea pigs, as a group, appeared to need a somewhat longer time to acquire delayed alternation than did mice and cats. Relearning of the task following the 10-day interval seemed to follow similar laws in all three species.  相似文献   

美国《数学评论》的分类体系《数学主题分类表》(Mathematical Subject Classification),是国际数学界影响最大使用最广的数学专业分类表。数学工作者可以使用美国数学会在网站上提供的Mathematical Subject Classification为自己的数学论文标引分类号,也可从该分类途径检索网上的数学信息。  相似文献   

项目组在明确调研目的,确定调研对象的基础上,采用了多种方法组织实施了调研。经调研,已初步形成了一个关于物业管理处主任和物业管理员岗位技能标准体系,并提出了对教学改革的启示。  相似文献   

对周口师院体育系332名学生进行手反应时测验,用所测数据进行多种统计运算,制定出评分标准和评价标准,供素质评定和选材参考。  相似文献   

建立终身教育资历框架是我国目前一项重要的教育举措,构建基于资历框架的教师行业资历等级和标准是其中重要的组成部分,有助于促进教师专业发展、推动教师终身学习。本研究采用文献研究法和专家访谈法,提出了由4个等级、4个维度和10个要素组成的教师行业资历等和标准,能够与国际及国内已有的资历框架有效对接,构建了我国基于资历框架的教师行业资历等级和标准。教师行业资历等级和标准既是针对教师专业发展的评价框架,又是认证和转化学习成果的工具,是一套系统的方法和工具。期望本研究的成果能够为教师专业发展项目提供评价与认证框架,为贯通教师职前培养与职后培训、构建教师终身学习体系提供参考框架。  相似文献   

评价可以看作为一种对话活动.马丁·布伯提出了三种对话方式真正的对话、技术性的对话和装扮成对话的独白.从这一视角看,教育评价史就是从独白走向对话的发展过程.教育评价将转向一种面向教育生活的平等的、理解的和生成性的对话活动.对<历史与社会课程标准(一)>的评价活动正是这一理念转向的注脚.  相似文献   

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