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Launched in 1994, the Bairen Program is a major initiative of CAS to speed up its cultivation of disciplinary pacesetters and bridge the generation gap of scientific personnel. As a pioneering move of its kind in this country, the Program is noted for its ambitious goals, high standards and strong support.  相似文献   

Until recently, the concept of a postdoctoral scholar (postdoc) was new in China although it first appeared about 125 years ago, when Johns Hopkins University adopted an ap prenticeship model of high-level training.  相似文献   

The year 2002 witnessed thetenth year of S&T coopera-tion between CAS and theRussian Academy of Sciences(RAS).Led by RAS President Prof. Yu.Osipov, on December 18, 1992, adelegation of Russian scientists vis-ited China and concluded a proto-col for S&T cooperation betweenthe two academies. Since then, thesucceeding decade saw a mountingmomentum of diverse and frequentexchanges between the two sides.In 2002, for example, CAS sentmore than 600 scientists to Russia,a record number for …  相似文献   

This article gives an introductory account on the development of research facilities at the CAS over the past six years since the initiation of the Knowledge Innovation Program in 1998 and during the period of the national 10th Five-year Plan in particular. In addition, it expounds the key points for the future work at the CAS in this regard.  相似文献   

An international master's program on integrated dryland management has been launched recently at the Cold and Arid Regions Environmental & Engineering Research Institute (CAREERI) of CAS.  相似文献   

本文全面地介绍了中国科学院实施ARP项目的背景、意义、建设目标、任务和实施方案,特别突出了ARP项目与管理创新的密切联系,有助于深入了解中国科学院信息化建设和发展的总体思路.  相似文献   

郭慕孙先生(生平见附)突然离去,尽管事实就在眼前,但一直不愿相信这是真的。送走先生的几天里,脑海中时时浮现出先生的音容笑貌,总感觉他仍然在家里忙碌着。先生离去前两天我去看望他,并没有感觉到丝毫的异常,他依旧同往常一样叮嘱两件事:一是推动介尺度科学,不要因暂时的困  相似文献   

金属研究所创建于1953年,首任所长由留英回国的著名物理冶金学家李薰博士担任。建所50年来,金属研究所坚持材料科学与工程的研究方向,在材料科学研究和为国民经济及国防建设服务两方面均取得了重要成就。1999年5月,按照中国科学院知识创新工程试点的统一部署,在“东北高性能材料研究发展基地”建设中,原金属研究所与原金属腐蚀与防护研究所整合建立新的金属研究所(以下简称金属所)。整合后的金属所以“建设国际一流水平研究所”为目标,以“创新材料技术,攀登科技高峰,培育杰出人才,服务经济国防”为使命,调整学科布局、优化学术环境、倡导创…  相似文献   

Reorganization of CAS institutes was conducted over the past four years. For example, with the merger of the former Institute of Mathematics,Institute of Applied Mathematics, Institute of Systems Science and Institute of Computational Mathematics & Scientific/Engineering Computing, an Academy of Mathematics & System Sciences was formed. In the Shanghai area, the eight former biological institutes was regrouped into four institutes and one center,which formed the newly established Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences.  相似文献   

加快科技园区建设 ,是中国科学院实施知识创新工程一项基础性工作 ,也是知识创新工程五大目标之一和重要组成部分。搞好园区建设 ,直接关系到吸引和培养高科技人才、实现知识创新工程的目标。加快科技园区建设 ,必将有力地推进知识创新工程的进展 ,从而大大提高科技创新能力。中国科学院党组和院领导对科技园区建设十分重视。在 2 0 0 1年 3月下发了《中国科学院关于进一步加快研究所园区改造工作的意见》。 4月又召开了中国科学院“十五”基本建设工作会议。会上 ,施尔畏秘书长作了关于加快园区建设的专题报告。路甬祥院长、陈宜瑜副院长到…  相似文献   

CAS has decided to readjust the way of implementing its Century Program (or Hundred-Talents Program), to give more independence to research institutes in head hunting and guarantee the support for the Program recruits on a selective basis.  相似文献   

CAS at 70     
To celebrate its 70~(th) birthday, the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) reviews its development and picks out 40 milestone ST achievements and hallmark advances scored by its scientists over the past 40 years, as a salute to the Opening-up and Reform of China. BCAS is presenting part of them in installments. Please turn to page 195 for detail.  相似文献   

高文  黄钧 《中国科学院院刊》2002,17(5):390-392,402
时代的发展对人才的培养提出了新的要求。2 1世纪 ,面对经济的日益全球化和信息技术的飞速发展 ,人才的培养不再仅是专业知识的简单灌输 ,更重要的是创新能力与创新意识的培养 ,是将已有知识组织起来进行创新能力的培养。这就要求高等教育在不断提高办学水平的同时 ,要走现代化  相似文献   

After the successful completion of its 2003-2004 operation task at 8 am, April 30, the 15-year-old Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC), is out of service, giving way to its major upgrade program, BEPCⅡ.  相似文献   

1煤基液体燃料合成浆态床工业化技术的开发 我国是产煤大国,进入21世纪以来,煤炭在我国能源消费结构中仍占60%以上,并且产量大大过剩,整体效益大幅度滑坡.同时,每年需进口数千万吨原油,预计到2010年需进口1.6亿吨原油.原油供需矛盾日益突出,已关系到国家能源战略安全.如此大的缺口单靠进口石油已不现实,利用我国丰富的煤炭资源,通过煤液化合成油实现我国油品基本自给是目前最现实可行的方法.  相似文献   

中国科学院的知识创新工程与能力提升   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为中国最高科研机构,中国科学院在国家创新体系中承担着重要的角色和作用.其1998年开始实施的知识创新工程距今已经十年.这一工程增加了国家对科学院的科技投入,并同时引发了中国科学院的改革和开放.为此,本文力图定量地分析,投入增加、改革与开放对提高科学院科技竞争力的影响.  相似文献   

CAS at a Glance     
<正>Soft Landing on the Far Side of the Moon On January 3, 2019, the Chang’e 4 probe sent back photos of the Von Karman crater in the South Pole-Aitken basin, after its successful soft landing, the first ever by a man-made vehicle, on the surface of the far side of the moon. This feat was hailed as opening a new chapter in mankind’s lunar exploration. CAS researchers made significant contributions to the mission.  相似文献   

CAS launched a plan to develop key laboratories in 1984.  相似文献   

CAS launched a plan to develop key laboratories in 1984. By now, it is home to one State laboratory, 55 State key laboratories (including laboratories under the joint sponsorship of CAS and Ministry of Education) and CAS key laboratories. Besides, the preparatory work for establishing three new State laboratories is under way.  相似文献   

With the support form Chinese government, CAS has been undertaking several national megascience projects in line with both the requirements of the national socioeconomic development and cuttingedge development of science and technology in the world.  相似文献   

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