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论述了指数分布族的一致最优检验是存在的,并给出一致最优检验及样本容量确定的方法步骤,求出了常见分布的一致最优检验.  相似文献   

针对农残检验的自动化监控薄弱环境,笔者开发了农药残留检验站的计算机管理系统.本文描述了该系统的流程结构及关键技术,该系统采用层次化、结构化的模型框架,实现了检验数据的输入、输出检验报告、统计分析、报表输出等功能.该系统的实施使农残检验机构实现了检验流程的电子化和远程数据传输,提高了蔬菜农药残留的检验效率.  相似文献   

以用人单位对医学检验技术专业人才需求为切入点,上海城建职业学院医学检验专业毕业生在上海市及生源地的用人单位为研究对象,通过问卷形式调查了各单位对掌握分子生物学课程知识的人才需求、对该课程的重要性评价以及对分子生物学课程相关知识点的重要性评价。通过调查对上海及生源地医疗卫生单位分子检验技术人才的现状及需求有了一定的了解,调查结果显示所有用人单位对具备分子生物学检验知识人才均有旺盛的需求,医院及基层医疗机构(社区卫生服务中心)等传统的医学检验毕业生对口单位对分子检验人才的需求远不如第三方检验机构、生物制药公司等用人单位,高职医学检验专业分子生物学课程在制订培养目标、课程结构内容等方面应该与用人单位实际需求接轨,培养出适应社会需求的医学检验专业人才。  相似文献   

以进化算法为优化手段 ,疲劳累积失效概率增量为约束条件 ,检验费用为目标函数 ,检验时间间隔及检验方式为优化变量 ,根据船体构件本身的疲劳特性进行疲劳破损检验优化研究 ,选出检验费用最少的最优检验方案 ,给出了计算实例和检验方案的比较 .结果表明 ,本文提出的方法能选出兼顾安全性和经济性的最优检验方案  相似文献   

文章讨论了射钉器的分类、结构与击发机理,指导我们检验改制射钉枪,辨析原射钉器的结构检验和改制部位的检验的方法及重点,最后通过试射实验,判明了改制射钉枪的致伤力。  相似文献   

主要介绍了假设检验中的各种参数信息,包括显著性水平α的最佳选择方法,Z检验统计量及相关参数,单总体t检验统计量参数和卡方检验的统计量参数,P值检验的参数.对每个参数的意义做了简要的讨论,对使用假设检验解决问题提供一定的理论指导.  相似文献   

基于多元回归数学模型的分析应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在多元回归数学模型基础上,分别给出一元和多元情况下的应用实例.并运用MATLAB中的相应函数,快速地求得正规方程系数矩阵、逆矩阵及回归系数,同时提出了多元回归模型的检验过程,包括R检验、F检验和T检验以及具体的使用方法,最后提出了多元回归方法的应用步骤.  相似文献   

随着进口数量的增长,对进口木材的检验监管及相关的研究工作也提出了新的课题.因此,必须进一步加强对进境木材的检验检疫、监管及相关的研究工作.  相似文献   

高职医学检验专业是培养具有医学检验技术专业所必需的基础理论和医学基本知识及从事医学检验技术专业领域实际工作的基本技能,具备从事医学检验技术专业及相关职业群的一线工作能力,德智体美全面发展的高素质应用型检验人才。  相似文献   

高职医学检验专业是培养具有医学检验技术专业所必需的基础理论和医学基本知识及从事医学检验技术专业领域实际工作的基本技能,具备从事医学检验技术专业及相关职业群的一线工作能力,德智体美全面发展的高素质应用型检验人才。  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of students with autism are being educated in mainstream schools. However, outcomes for students with autism are poor when compared to typical students and students with other developmental disabilities. In order to better understand facilitators and barriers to success at school for students with autism, research into the attitudes of key stakeholders, educators, parents, people with autism, to inclusion in mainstream schools for students with autism, was reviewed. Key themes emerging included attitudes to inclusion, the characteristics of autism and social communication in particular and interaction with the school environment, and consequent student problem behaviour. Level of knowledge and understanding of school staff emerged as the primary issue with all stakeholders identifying the need for more training. Other support needs identified included the need for structural support, resources and funding. Parents, in particular, identified the need for a collaborative approach to the education process. The findings highlight the need to translate theory into practice to increase capacity in schools to provide effective educational programmes for students with autism.  相似文献   

Adjustments are considered necessary for students with disabilities to be fully included in classroom instruction, classroom assessment and external accountability tests. The 67 item Checklist of Learning and Assessment Adjustments for Students (CLAAS), translated for the Chinese community, was used by 74 teachers from Macau and Mainland China to document their application of adjustments for 319 students with special educational needs across these three settings. Results indicated consistently large gaps between adjustment use in classrooms compared with national tests, with the allowable adjustments for public testing reportedly used very little. Findings also provided evidence for the content validity of the checklist for teachers of students with disabilities in China and its utility in documenting applied adjustments. This study also indicates the potential for CLAAS to provide teachers across China with a comprehensive list of adjustments, to reflect on and review adjustment decision-making and assessment protocols for all students.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship of different measures of syntactic complexity with rated quality for two genres of text produced by middle school students. It was hypothesized that different measures would be associated with distinct aspects of syntactic complexity; words per clause with greater use of structures more typical of expository texts, and clauses per T-unit with structures more typical of conversational or narrative registers. A sample of 41 seventh and eighth grade students from suburban middle schools composed a narrative and persuasive essays. Texts were rated for quality and coded for syntactic features including words per clause and clauses per T-unit. Syntactic complexity as measured in words per clause was positively correlated with quality for essays but not for narratives. Clauses per T-unit was positively correlated with quality for narratives, but negatively correlated with quality for essays. The relationships between syntactic complexity and text quality were thus found to be dependent both on the genre of the text, and the measure of syntactic complexity used.  相似文献   

Spirituality is of acknowledged and profound importance to children from mainstream school populations, but has been overlooked in respect of children with special needs. This article explores the issues related to spirituality and disabilities, and the relationship between spirituality and education for students with special needs. The following aspects are considered: (a) holistic perspectives on education for students with disabilities; (b) spirituality as an integral element of special education and interventions; and (c) implications for educational programmes for students with disabilities. This article concludes that work in addressing issues related to spirituality and the implications for working with students with disabilities need to be given serious consideration.  相似文献   

According to the Simple View of Reading, reading ability can be divided into decoding and language comprehension. In the present study, decoding and comprehension's contribution to reading ability was studied both in children with reading difficulties and in children with typical reading ability. Decoding and comprehension was further divided into sub-components, and the contribution from non-verbal ability and general processing speed was also studied. The results demonstrated that decoding made the largest contribution to reading ability for children with reading difficulties, while language comprehension contributed the most for children with typical reading ability. The contribution of non-verbal ability was not significant, and general processing speed only made a significant contribution to decoding for typical children. The two factors in the Simple View of Reading, decoding and comprehension, together explained less of the variance in reading ability for children with reading difficulties than for children with typical reading ability.  相似文献   

伴随着汽车服务企业飞速发展,企业对人才的需求也在不断发生变化,由原来的初级向中级、高级发展。高职院校汽车技术服务于营销专业原有的人才培养模式、课程体系,已不能适应汽车行业对人才的需求。通过对汽车4S店的调研,根据不断变化的岗位进行分析,对旧的课程体系进行改革,建立适应企业需要新的人才培养模式、课程体系,为高职院校培养汽车营销人才提供参考。  相似文献   

Relationships between pretend play and word production were investigated in 10 hearing (H) and 10 toddlers with hearing loss (D) who attended an auditory/oral early intervention program. All children were videotaped interacting in free play with their hearing primary caregiver at 28, 29, and 30 months of age. Group comparisons were made for the scores for highest and mean levels of pretend play and for the underlying structures of decontextualization, decentration, sequencing, and planning. Relationships with word production were then explored for the two groups separately. Results showed significantly higher levels of pretend play for all dimensions for the hearing children and an association between level of pretend play and word production for the children with hearing loss. Associations between word production and sequencing and planning were found for both groups of children. Word production was associated with decontextualization for the hearing children and with decentration for the children with hearing loss. We discuss theoretical implications of the findings together with implications for intervention with toddlers who have hearing loss.  相似文献   

This article describes a method for identifying test items as disability neutral for children with vision and motor disabilities. Graduate students rated 130 items of the Preschool Language Scale and obtained inter‐rater correlation coefficients of 0.58 for ratings of items as disability neutral for children with vision disability, and 0.77 for ratings of items as disability neutral for children with motor disability. These ratings were used to create three item sets considered disability neutral for children with vision disability, motor disability, or both disabilities. Two methods for scoring the item sets were identified: scoring each set as a partially administered developmental test, or computing standard scores based upon pro‐rated raw score totals. The pro‐rated raw score method generated standard scores that were significantly inflated and therefore less useful for the assessment purposes than the ratio quotient method. This research provides a test accommodation technique for assessing children with multiple disabilities.  相似文献   

The impact of three variables on the self-efficacy of 992 general and special education preservice teachers was examined. These variables were years of preservice education, experience with children with special educational needs, and training in inclusion or exceptional education. All participants responded to a teacher self-efficacy scale that measured four factors. Findings revealed a main effect for years of preservice education and for major of the academic degree. The main effect for years of preservice education was found only for efficacy for social relations. The main effect for degree major revealed that special education majors had significantly higher scores than regular education majors, on all four factors. A significant main effect for experience and major was also found. Students with much and some experience had significantly higher scores than students with no experience on two factors. Intensity of training was associated with self-efficacy. Students with much and some training had significantly higher scores than students with no training on all four factors. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

蔡其矫和惠特曼:中美杰出的民主诗人   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过对中国当代诗人蔡其矫和美国近代诗人惠特曼诗歌的比较分析,侧重探讨诗人蔡其矫的定位问题。两位诗人在世时都曾经是属有争议的人物,但他们的爱憎分明,性格顽强,人生道路十分坎坷。民族的解放,人民的民主,国家的振兴,个人的自由是他们一生追求的目标。“人文主义”是他们诗歌创作的基本精神。他们的诗歌,对中美人民争取民主自由的权利作出巨大的贡献。  相似文献   

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