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临沂市人民政府纠风办公室和临沂人民广播电台联合开办的“行风热线”节目,以“替百姓说话,为政府分忧”为宗旨,组织与群众生活密切相关的30个部门的主要领导,轮流到电台直播室,现场接听电话,回答群众咨询,受理群众投诉,在政府与人民群众之间架起一座沟通的桥梁。”行风热线“的开办,把职能部门的行政监督、新闻部门的舆论监督和人民群众的民主监督有机地结合起来,密切了干群关系,化解了社会矛盾,促进了全市的改革、发展和稳定,获得了群众的一致好评,成为临沂人民广播电台收听率最高的节目。2004年7月国家监察部副部长屈万祥同志在全国“行…  相似文献   

广播新闻编排的好坏,决定着收听率的高低.编排是一门艺术,编排一组节目不但要风格统一,内容相近,而且针对不同的时间段要根据不同受众的需求而定,一组内容丰富,协调统一的编排节目,听来能让人赏心悦目.  相似文献   

如果说一九八三年主持人节目还只是逐步推广,几花争艳,那么,到一九九二年已经是全面铺开,百花满园,颇有占全电台整个播出时间之势(实际上,已经有一些电台这么做了)。主持人节目为什么能在不长的时间里风行全国,它究竟靠什么胜过传统的节目形式呢?我认为,主持人节目口语化是影响观众的关键,以人际传播的手段进行大众传播的方式对主持人节目胜过传统节目形式起着决定性的因素。  相似文献   

向晓(化名)曾是杭州某电台的主持人,一次帮主持医药节目的同事代了一段时间班,竟使她放弃了自己喜爱的主持工作。向晓至今依然愤愤不平:“我早就知道电台的医药类节目口碑不好,但没想到有那么多黑幕!”  相似文献   

阐述了电台安全播出要提高对安全播出重要性和当前形势的认识外,要加强系统设备的可靠性配置、确保节目质量、坚持例行检修制度、加强提高人员素质、重要时期的应急预案及技术演练,还要依据明确的责任、健全的制度、科学的管理,才能保证广播电台的安全播出.  相似文献   

嘿!告诉你,我做了一桩非常开心的事,那就是我第一次到市电台当了一次节目主持人。市电台的叔叔让我星期六下午去和他们进行一次接触,看看我有没有这份能耐做节目主持人。接到这个消息,我有点兴奋,又有点忐忑不安,不知等  相似文献   

汽车,特别是私家车的迅猛发展,带动了以城市私家车为主要受众的汽车电台的繁荣。打造汽车电台要强调伴随性,通过节目细分受众,提供针对性的专业服务,同时,还要通过因地制宜的栏目策划和个性鲜明的品牌拓展,睿智而敏锐的探索传统广播发展的新模式。  相似文献   

从目前各电台开展节目评估的情况来看,全国各家电台做过多种尝试但是作为普通的地市级广播电台,花大价钱请央视索福瑞、赛立信等知名公司,对节目进行科学、精准的评估不太现实,如何利用现有资源,建立一套符合当地实际的节目评估体系,以达到提升节目质量,提高自身的市场竞争力的目的.从多年的工作实践出发,从节目评估体系框架的建立、考评内容的界定、基本数据管理及评估结果的运用等方面,对地市级广播电台建立一套切合实际的节目评估体系进行了初步的探讨.  相似文献   

时下什么都兴“排行榜”,五花八门,目不暇接。什么“金曲排行榜”“歌星排行榜”“电视收视率排行榜”“畅销图书排行榜”……林林总总,一不而足。最为离谱和无聊的当属某报炮制的“明星离异排行榜”。回想起来,我们国内的排行榜,最早是流行歌曲排行榜发端的。1980年,大陆歌坛将欧美歌坛的bill-board引进,称为“排行榜”。那时候,只有广州、北京、上海的少数几家电台创设了“流行歌曲排行榜”,可如今已推广到全国各省市约100多家电台。它的显著作用在于促使听众积极参与,有效地提升收听率,所以许多电台都热衷于开展这项活动。为…  相似文献   

面对纸质媒体、电台甚至互联网的重重冲击,更要应对有线网络的挤压和中央各套电视节目、全国各省卫星电视节目以及港台卫星电视节目竞争。地方电视台必须根据自身特色找准立足点,创新思路,以本土化开创全新的节目风格,在竞争中求得生存与发展。节目的本土化必须注意:本土化首先是地方化,本土化必须多样性,本土化还要分众化。  相似文献   

Effects of a comprehensive early intervention program for low birth weight, premature infants—the Infant Health and Development Program—on mother-child interaction were examined at 30 months ( N = 683). Small significant positive effects were found: Intervention mothers had higher ratings on quality of assistance; intervention children had higher ratings on persistence and enthusiasm and on an overall child rating of competence and involvement and lower ratings on percentage of time off-task; intervention dyads were rated as more synchronous. Of a set of initial status variables indexing biological and environmental risk, only 2 treatment interactions were found. Intervention group black children had higher ratings on enthusiasm and lower percentage of time off-task. Independent of treatment, maternal ethnicity and education were significant predictors of maternal and dyadic ratings, while ethnicity and birth weight predicted child ratings. Implications for early intervention and center-based care are discussed.  相似文献   

在激烈的媒体竞争中,电视受到来自网络等新兴媒体挑战的同时,各种电视节目之间的明争暗斗也不可忽视。科教电视应以文化为本位,塑造节目的人文内涵与文化气质,全面提升电视文化的软实力,以收视率造成强大的传播效果,这样才能在激烈的市场环境中扩展生存空间。  相似文献   

A latent-variable causal model of faculty reputational ratings   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Saunier (1985), in an attempt to explain sources of variation in the NRC reputational ratings of university faculty, conducted a stepwise regression analysis using twelve predictor variables. Due to problems with multicollinearity and because of the atheoretical nature of stepwise regression, Saunier's conclusions were only speculative. By using LISREL the present reanalysis demonstrates the value of regressing reputational ratings on three latent variables: size, faculty research productivity, and the quality of program graduates. The model was tested using NRC data for each of six disciplines: English, French, philosophy, geography, political science, and sociology. The relative magnitude of the contributions made by the three latent variables depended upon the discipline of interest, but generally size and research productivity were found to be more important than the quality of the program graduates.A previous version of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C., 1987.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of elementary school interns trained in a summer program by the Stanford microteaching approach as compared with interns who received conventional classroom observation and student teaching experience. Contrary to expectation based on previous research findings, microteaching was not found to result in significantly higher ratings of teacher effectiveness either immediately after or a year after training. However, it was concluded that microteaching is an effective training strategy since it achieves similar results when compared with conventional training methods but in only one-fifth the time and with fewer administrative problems. An incidental finding was that pretraining ratings of teaching performance based on a brief videotaped lesson were generally good predictors of later ratings of teaching effectiveness.  相似文献   

The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) reputational ratings of faculty often are used as indices of program quality. The underlying assumption is that these ratings are functions ofprogram-related characteristics, particularly faculty accomplishments. Consistent with this viewpoint, King and Wolfle (1987) and Saunier (1985) found that faculty reputations are best explained by program size and faculty scholarly activity. To determine whether program characteristics alone are sufficient to explain reputational ratings, this paper examines the additional contribution ofinstitutional characteristics to explain the NAS faculty reputational ratings. Three technical fields are examined: electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and computer science. Institutional- and program-related composite variables are identified by principal components analyses. For each discipline, a multiple regression analysis shows that program characteristics strongly influence reputational ratings, but an institutional halo effect also exists. These findings indicate that faculty reputations and program quality are more complex phenomena than implied by models limited to program-specific factors.  相似文献   

The Third Edition of the ACEI Global Guidelines Assessment (GGA) was evaluated for its effectiveness as an international assessment tool for use by early childhood educators to develop, assess, and improve program quality worldwide. This expanded study was conducted in nine countries [People’s Republic of China (2 sites), Guatemala, India, Italy, Mexico (2 sites), Peru (2 sites), Taiwan, Thailand, United States] to continue the investigation of the psychometric properties of the GGA. A total of 346 programs and 678 early care and education professionals participated in this study. Results primarily confirmed the findings of the previous study, (Hardin et al. in Early Child Educ J 41(2): 91–101, 2013), indicating that the GGA showed strong to moderate internal consistency and interrater reliability for subscale ratings across this larger number of countries and programs. The congruence of item ratings and written evidence to support ratings was acceptable, although some programs had lower participation in providing evidence. To test concurrent validity of ratings, external raters also evaluated a subset of programs (n = 44 from Peru and United States) on both the GGA and the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised that showed moderate positive correlations. Patterns of program practices were also identified within and across the participating sites and countries. Results suggest that the GGA can be used as an onsite evaluation method that can help stakeholder participants (teachers and administrators) increase their awareness of program quality standards and serve as an assessment method for their own programs. In particular, the results suggest the GGA is a reliable and useful instrument that can be used effectively by early childhood stakeholders for assessing and improving program quality worldwide (Bergen and Hardin in Child Educ 91(4): 259–264, 2015).  相似文献   

This article describes a model career education program for urban youth. The program exemplified promising practices in career education by providing all career education experiences in the context of real life experiences. Work site supervisors' ratings of youths' initiative and responsibility significantly increased over the course of the seven week program.  相似文献   

The ACEI Global Guidelines Assessment (GGA) was developed to provide an international assessment tool that can be used by early childhood educators to develop, assess, and improve program quality worldwide. This pilot study was conducted in four countries to investigate the psychometric properties of the GGA within and across different countries. A total of 168 programs and 336 early care and education professionals participated in this study from communities in the People’s Republic of China, Guatemala, Taiwan, and the United States. The results show strong internal consistency for each subscale and the total GGA as well as moderate interrater consistency for the five subscales. A comparison of item ratings and the qualitative evidence suggests moderately acceptable congruence between the ratings and evidence to support the ratings. Patterns of program practices were identified within and across the participating sties and countries that reflected both unique and common practices. These results suggest that the GGA has potential as a useful and effective tool both for understanding early childhood program quality within and across countries and as a means of helping practitioners to establish and/or improve the quality of their services.  相似文献   

This study investigates the efficacy of a social skills training program with seven mildly handicapped students across three school settings: regular classroom, special education resource room, and recess. It was found that social skills training generated improvement on both pre-post measures and behavior ratings. Improvements were maintained 2 weeks after treatment was discontinued for seven students. All students' performance generalized from resource room to regular classroom settings; only four students' performance generalized to the recess setting.  相似文献   

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