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在小学语文课堂教学中,教师应当积极帮助学生进行学习,提升学生的课堂学习体验,发挥学生的教学主体作用,在这个过程中课堂评价是十分重要的一环。小学语文课堂教学评价有着知识性与人文性的一方面,教师应当采用多样化的语言,借助课堂评价提升学生的学习体验,帮助学生更好地发展心智。  相似文献   

在我国小学全面实施素质教育改革的大环境下,劳动教育是主要的教学内容之一。通过劳动教育,学生的生理层面和心理层面都能够得到全面的增强和提高,比如,开阔学生的眼界、开拓学生的思维、提高学生的实践能力、增强学生的创造力和想象力,从而与其他教育活动一同推动学生的德智体美劳的五个维度的又好又快发展,因此,在小学阶段,科学实施劳动教育,不仅具有可行性和科学性,还具有多元的现实意义。不过,值得注意的是,当前,小学劳动教育活动中仍然存在一些亟待解决的问题,比如,劳动教育理念薄弱、专业师资力量匮乏、课程体系建设落后、教育实践基地欠缺等。因此,文章主要从四个层面来提出解决路径,分别是更新劳动教育理念、强化师资队伍力量、创新劳动教育体系、加快实践基地建设等,以期能够给其他劳动教育工作者一点参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

在新课程背景下,教师在语文教学中,应改变教学观念,改革与发展教学方式,以促进小学语文课程改革目标的实现,提升课堂教学效率。但就目前的发展趋势来看,我国的小学语文教学还面临很大的困境,需要相关教育工作者采取科学合理的策略进行解决,以便更好地提升我国小学语文教学效果。  相似文献   

由于受到了普高热的影响,致使中职学校的生源数量严重不足,也使得学生的综合素质有所下降,此现象已经逐渐成为中职学校在发展过程中普遍存在的趋势,而作为中职学校基本课程的语文,在该环境影响之下的发展道路则显得更加的艰辛。本文主要对现阶段中职语文教学中存在的困境进行了分析,并对教学路径的选择提出了有效的解决措施。  相似文献   

小学语文作为小学课程体系的重要组成部分,也是语言基础性课程,在培养学生语言能力与学科核心素养方面,发挥着积极作用。本文从新课程背景角度深入分析了小学语文教学的困境,立足提高小学语文课堂教育教学实效,提出了现阶段小学语文教学困境的破局措施。  相似文献   

本文根据《语文课程标准》的基本理念和精神,初步探索出评价小学语文课堂的基本要点,从对教师的评价、学生的评价、教学实施的评价三方面阐述了新课程理念下的小学语文课堂评价。  相似文献   

随着新课程改革的进一步深入,小学语文的课堂评价也日益多元化并在教学中发挥着重要作用。然而,目前在课堂评价方面还存在诸多失范行为,深入分析小学语文课堂评价的失范行为并提出相应对策。  相似文献   

在小学语文课堂教学活动当中,教师的教学评价内容与方式直接作用于学生的学习情绪,最终影响到学生学习质量。基于此,主要就积极评价在小学语文课堂教学中的实施策略这一主题,进行了探究。  相似文献   

从2001年《基础教育课程改革纲要》的颁布至今已过去12年,在小学语文课堂中受到何种影响,小学语文课堂教学方式有何种改变,教师是否正确认识了新课程的主旨,正确实施有教育价值的改革行为,都是教育研究者所为关注的。  相似文献   

后现代主义课程观要打破现代主义的一体化和体系化,建立起公正的,多元化,开放的、互动的课程思想。课程评价作为课程的一个重要部分也深受后现代主义课程观的影响。小学英语课堂评价用语是教师在小学英语课堂上以口头形式对学生的表现做出的反馈性评价,它也应彰显后现代主义课程观的特征。  相似文献   

新课程倡导“动手实践,自主探索与合作交流”的探究式教学.我们要实施主动探求知识、动手实践、合作交流、发现问题、解决问题的学习方式,以发展学生独立研究的能力.  相似文献   

新课程倡导"动手实践,自主探索与合作交流"的探究式教学。我们要实施主动探求知识、动手实践、合作交流、发现问题、解决问题的学习方式,以发展学生独立研究的能力。  相似文献   

群文阅读是目前初中语文教学过程中的一种新的尝试,它的出现打破了传统教学模式中对固定课文讲解的模式,冲破了那种针对某篇课文展开独立式讲授的束缚。在这种新的教学模式中,如果教师能够很好地将其运用到实践教学中,不仅能让课文学习变得更加精彩,还能有效的提升学生对多篇课文的整理理解能力,提升学生对某一作者、某一主题、某一题材文章的整体认识,对更好地提升学生综合实践能力有很大的促进作用。  相似文献   

Some research within developmental psychology shows a slow period of development in children's expressive drawings during the primary school years. Developmental researchers suggest that ‘educational factors’ could contribute to this dip in development but have not explored these factors. This study explores links between educational policy – in terms of the English National Curriculum – and the development of expression in child art. A Foucauldian style analysis of interviews is presented which investigates how ten primary school teachers working in two Staffordshire schools approach art. A specific concern is to explore how different understandings of art and teaching practices are shaped and managed by the curriculum. This allows links between the demands of the curriculum and the observed dip in expressive drawing development to be investigated.  相似文献   

本文从课题定位、宗旨、实施的可行性策略、成绩等方面分析,提出了新课程实施下小学语文师生教学行为转变的思考。  相似文献   

Justice-related situations are a part of students? everyday life. In order to test the antecedents, correlates, and consequences of (in)justice in school, valid measures of justice are needed. To our knowledge, this is the first study to develop an observer low inference rating instrument that can be applied to measure justice in the primary classroom. In two pre-studies, justice-relevant situations in the classroom were extracted and observable indicators for these situations were developed. In the main study, this instrument was used to observe 208 primary school students with regard to their experiences of justice or injustice. In addition to this, other measures of justice were developed to examine the convergence between observer low inference ratings of classroom justice and high inference rating instruments for teachers, students, and external observers.Factor analyses and correlations between the different indices of the observer low inference rating and the high inference rating items suggested that incidents of justice and injustice in the classroom do not tend to co-occur frequently. Teachers do not appear to have a general tendency to treat a child more or less justly across a large number of situations.The findings suggest that a comprehensive assessment of classroom justice requires a multi-method approach where the justice ratings of students, teachers and external observers are all taken into consideration.  相似文献   

This paper describes a project, including the design, development, and use of a mobile application (referred to as application hereafter) for learning Chinese as a second language in a bilingual primary school. The application was designed for iPod Touch Apple technology with the purpose to facilitate learning of a fundamental set of 200 Chinese characters. The project was a coordinated effort of experts, including an instructional designer, a software engineer, a Chinese language expert, and classroom teachers to develop an experimental Chinese character learning application for the primary school classroom. This paper reports how the project team explored experiences of teachers and learners in a particular context, developed understanding of teaching and learning needs for Chinese language learning, and how these inform design of the educational application. The final outcomes of the project include a Chinese character learning application and recommendations for design and use of educational applications in Chinese language teaching and other similar contexts.  相似文献   

湖南省小学语文课堂教学的改革,历经了教学从单一化走向多样化;从“做课”走向设计具有创新意义的教学过程;从提问、支离破碎地分析课文走向“整体感知”、重感悟、重积累;从“一课一得”走向“一课多得”;教案编写从千篇一律走向具有创意这一探索过程,它对提高全省小学语文课堂教学的质量,实施全面的素质教育,对21世纪湖南省小学语文课堂教学改革的继续探索具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

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