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During the coming years the need for professionals to work with the nation's elders will increase several fold. This will place a great responsibility on university educational programs to prepare enough qualified future professionals to work in the greatly expanding field of gerontology. Prior research has identified several nonacademic and academic experiences that influence a student's decision to become gerontological professionals. One area that has been omitted from this work concerns focus groups. This article reports on the impact that observing a relatively simple and inexpensive focus group of professional geriatric practitioners can have on field practicum preferences among advanced undergraduate social work students at a large Texas state university. Findings indicate that observing a focus group significantly influences students' practicum preferences for working with elders, thereby setting them on a trajectory for a career in geriatrics.  相似文献   


In the current UK policy context increased attention is being given to the use of continuing professional development (CPD) as a mechanism for reforming and redefining the professionalism of teachers in the schools' sector. This, in turn, has focused attention on measuring the impact of professional development on practice and, in particular, pupil outcomes. This is a difficult task even where a CPD initiative is focused on changing classroom practice. It becomes even more difficult where programmes focus on the development of school leaders and managers. Nor does measuring impact, in itself a thorny issue, necessarily help us to understand why and how experienced practitioners change their practice. Without some further understanding of what 'impact' entails and the processes involved in achieving it we are unlikely to move further forward in designing and providing effective learning opportunities for serving teachers.  相似文献   


This paper examines the use of curriculum negotiation in programmes designed to prepare academics for their teaching role, arguing that this is an effective way to meet growing demands for professionalism in higher education teaching. A postgraduate certificate course which has been developed and evaluated by the authors for three years constitutes a case study through which the issues are examined. The course is based on nine basic principles derived from the literature on teaching and learning in academic contexts. These principles provide a framework for discussing the course and the responses of its participants. Implications of this case study for the wider use of negotiation as a way of developing the teaching professionalism of academics from a wide range of disciplinary contexts are then discussed.  相似文献   


This study provides a critical exploration of the way teachers’ attachment to notions of professionalism may facilitate a process whereby teachers find themselves obliged to enact centralised and local education policies that they do not believe in but are required to implement. The study argues that professionalism involves an entanglement of (past) occupational and (present) organisational discourses and that the remainders of the former facilitate the enactment of the latter. The study draws on Berlant’s notion of cruel optimism to help understand this process, whereby teachers’ attachment to professionalism may assist them in undermining the very values they believe it embodies.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(3):397-415

In the last two to three decades teachers’ work has been plagued by problems internationally. These problems include a growing dissatisfaction of teachers about their working conditions (characterized by heavy workloads and low salaries), the growing attempts by governments to control teachers’ work and the increasing negative public image of the teaching profession. This negative public image of teaching is manifested in the failure of the profession to attract enough students and the fact that those who are already in the profession want to leave. These factors had, inter alia, lead to a collapse of professionalism amongst teachers in general.

There are, however, also other factors that have an influence on the professionalism of school teachers. It is argued in this article that the management role of the school principal is a crucial factor that influences teacher professionalism. This influence can be either positive or negative, depending to a large extent on how effectively the principal is managing the school. This article, derived from an empirical case study undertaken among a number of secondary schools in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, is an attempt to conceptualise the important and pivotal managerial role of the principal in promoting professionalism amongst teachers in this province.  相似文献   


This article explores the meaning of professionalism as it relates to early childhood teacher education. The poignant need for such professionalism is timely within the context of contemporary policies that have the potential to de‐skill educational professionalism as well as minimize the breadth and depth of early childhood education. After exploring problems/issues associated with a number of specific policies with such potential, an action plan and strategies for implementing such a plan are proposed. Now that early childhood teacher certification has been receiving increased attention in several states, the author concludes with what she feels is a problem worthy of immediate attention—greater school administrator preparation in early childhood curriculum.  相似文献   


In the past, the law has not been considered as an important part of gerontological science. Historically, different sciences such as medicine, biology, psychology, and sociology have played far more important roles in the creation and crystallization of gerontological knowledge. This state of affairs is reflected in academic education and field research, which ascribes little weight to legal aspects of aging. This article maintains that the time is ripe for gerontological education to recognize the importance of exposing students of gerontology in academic institutions to the study and research of law and ageing. Though this claim could be defended on the simple ground that the law is no different, in principle, from a wide range of other scientific disciplines—each of which makes a particular contribution to gerontology—in this article we shall go one step further. This article attempts to demonstrate special elements which make it particularly important to add the study of legal matters to the curriculum of gerontological education. They are the result of 5 aspects of the encounter between the law and old age: (a) the law as a tool for sociological research; (b) the law as a tool for social change; (c) the law as a tool for planning and undertaking care of the old; (d) the weaknesses of the legal discipline in the field of law and aging; and (e) the potential value of legal education for the practice of gerontology, and collaboration between gerontologists and lawyers.  相似文献   

A unique development program was designed to assist faculty in integrating gerontological concepts in selected undergraduate courses. The disciplines of social services, human performance, psychology, nutrition, audiology, and nursing were targeted for the program. The faculty development program took place in four phases over a 17‐month period. In Phase 1, faculty members studied theoretical concepts in gerontology relevant to their academic discipline. During Phase 2, faculty members obtained practical experience in gerontological settings to complement the knowledge gained in the first phase. In Phase 3, the faculty developed instructional units for their courses based on their Phase 1 and 2 experiences. During Phase 4 the faculty pilot tested, implemented, and revised the curricular materials. In addition, Phase 4 included opportunities for each faculty member to develop a research agenda for the continued study of gerontology. As a result of knowledge gained in the project, 10 faculty members developed SO instructional units, which were integrated into existing undergraduate courses. Approximately 300 students demonstrated significant gains in knowledge in gerontological concepts during the first semester of implementation. It is estimated that continued use of the modules will result in more than 800 students per year being exposed to gerontological concepts.  相似文献   


Historically, community colleges have played a vital role in career and vocational preparation for students. In today’s complex and ever-changing work environment, professionalism issues are at the forefront of employers’ concerns related to millennials and other young students and recent graduates. This issue is aggravated by the rise of social media and other trends that pose challenges related to, for example, professionalism in communication. The community college community is an excellent site for a movement towards structured professionalism training and research that is process-centered and that emphasizes lifelong learning. Drawn upon the literature review and our own experiences in career counseling, we expand on the perspectives of professionalism at the individual and group levels. And we present on how community colleges’ offices, instructors, and administrators can use the Model of Wisdom Development to understand whether and how are students developing professionalism.  相似文献   


This paper focuses on teacher education policy in Portugal and Brazil over the last decade, and it discusses its implications for teacher professionalisation and professionalism. It identifies the emergence of competing discourses arising from policy texts and other formal documents related to teacher education, both initial and in-service, issued in both countries. It is argued that the intertwined concepts of professionalisation and professionalism, which play a central role in most recent policy documents, entail different meanings in different contexts. Although similar orientations can be identified, particularly in regard to a new rhetoric emerging in the educational field, it is also evident that different ways of operationalising the concepts of professionalisation and professionalism have been put into place.  相似文献   


This study tested relationships between selected predictors and success in the Master's degree program in education at The Ohio State University for 171 students who received the degree during the 1962-63 academic year. The basic statistical tool used was multiple regression analysis in which the dependent variables were the graduate grade-point average (GPA) and adviser ratings.

The three best single predictors (all significant at the one per cent level) were found to be undergraduate GPA, the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal Test, and The Ohio State University Psychological Test. A multiple predictor involving these three variables yielded a correlation coefficient of .389 with the graduate GPA. The difference in predictor correlation between undergraduate GPA for all four years and that for only the last two years was very slight.  相似文献   

Jordan insists that teachers should be free to exercise their professionalism and that respect for difference is integral to that professionalism. For Connor, this implies teachers who can critically consider the discourses available to them as practitioners. The authors draw upon the philosophising of Gilles Deleuze to develop an account of teaching and learning as an autonomous creative process in which teachers contribute to rather than strictly control outcomes. This account of teaching as processual following resonates with Jordan's vision of equity for autistic or neuro‐atypical pupils and compassionate professionalism. It rests less easily with intensive behaviourist‐training programmes and educational cultures premised on the assumption that outcomes can, and should, be pre‐determined and precisely engineered. From a Deleuzian perspective, ethical practice is the interplay of conceptual, perceptual and affective knowledge, and it is suggested that intuitive practice involves a similar interplay along with numerous contextual considerations. A Deleuzian theory of simulation is initially outlined and accords with the emphasis placed by Jordan on reimagining an educational system in which all pupils are valued and supported to develop their varied talents and teachers are free to assess the suitability of particular methods for individual pupils.  相似文献   

In the Through their Eyes Project health sciences students are partnered with older adults to explore and assess the age-friendliness of their neighborhood. Using an innovative data collection tool – ‘moving interviews’ – these intergenerational research teams learn about the community and each other by traveling, observing, and discussing these landscapes together. The research project culminates in a community forum where findings are presented to government officials, the housing association and aging organizations. In addition to completing the research project, students are required to keep a journal to reflect on their experience.

The purpose of this study was to explore students experience participating in a critical intergenerational service learning project. Two research questions guided this inquiry: What was the experience for students and, what elements of the project are important to that experience?

Student journals collected over 5 years from 191 students comprised the data for this study. Data were analyzed using a 6-phase thematic analysis process.

Two key findings related to student experience emerged from the study: increased awareness and prompted to action. Elements of the course found significant to this experience included an aging simulation activity and the specific design of the project.

The paper concludes with suggestions for developing and integrating critical service-learning pedagogy into gerontological education.  相似文献   

The problems of older persons living in rural United States have inadvertently been forgotten in the rat race of generic gerontological training and public program implementation. They have become, however, one of the newly discovered minority groups in the 1970s. Their remoteness to “power groups,” underrepresentation, culturally valued independence and stamina, and less vocal attitude in a reactive U.S. system that seemingly rewards more aggressive behavior have all been factors contributing to political, bureaucratic, academic, and professional biases that view older persons living in rural United States as second class citizens. Thus a massive, concentrated effort that focuses on the problems facing the rural elderly is long overdue.

This paper is designed to review some of the unresolved and under‐attended issues of the 1970s in the field of aging, while proposing an educational model for the 1980s that constructively addresses the problems facing the rural aged, the backbone of the country.

This paper is written based on the author's experience in implementing the Mental Health and Rural Gerontology Training Project funded by the National Institute of Mental Health—Manpower Research and Development Programs.

The author would like to express gratitude to Dr. Dan Egli, Research Associate of the University of Kentucky, College of Social Work, for his generous time for editing and for his insightful comments.  相似文献   

This study determined full‐time faculty members’ perceptions of and involvement in community services at community colleges in Ohio. A total of 249 full‐time faculty responded to the survey instrument representing 83.0% of the total sample. Data were analyzed by either the t test or the one‐way analysis of variance and Scheffe's post hoc analysis.

Results showed that involvement in planning and teaching within community services seem to be a key factor relative to how full‐time faculty perceive community services activities. Moreover, certain personal and professional characteristics of full‐time faculty members seem to influence their attitudes toward and their involvement in community services.  相似文献   

The impact of an inservice program on practitioners’ gerontological knowledge and attitudes was examined. A nonequivalent control group design was used to conduct the study. The experimental group was made up of geriatric recreational service providers attending the first of two annual one‐week inservice educational programs. An outdoor resource management undergraduate level class served as the control group. The experimental group relative to the control group underwent a significant increase in their gerontological knowledge. Neither group experienced a significant change in their attitudes regarding the social value of the elderly or personal anxiety toward aging. The amount of change experienced in gerontological knowledge by program participants was significantly influenced by the degree of contact the individual had had with elders but not by their educational background. Educational background and degree of contact were not significantly associated with change in gerontological‐related attitudes. Implications for persons involved in designing and developing educational programs are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper argues that early childhood education and care (ECEC) has a legitimate aspiration to be a ‘caring profession’ like others such as nursing or social work, defined by a moral purpose. For example, practitioners often draw on an ethic of care as evidence of their professionalism. However, the discourse of professionalism in England completely excludes the ethical vocabulary of care. Nevertheless, it necessarily depends on gendered dispositions towards emotional labour, often promoted by training programmes as ‘professional’ demeanours. Taking control of the professionalisation agenda therefore requires practitioners to demonstrate a critical understanding of their practice as ‘emotion work’. At the same time, reconceptualising practice within a political ethic of care may allow the workforce, and new trainees in particular, to champion ‘caring’ as a sustainable element of professional work, expressed not only in maternal, dyadic key‐working but in advocacy for care as a social principle.  相似文献   


Background: This paper approaches evidence-informed practice from the perspective of evidence-informed policy-making. Using the findings of a recent study of evidence-use by educational policy-makers to raise questions about evidence-use by educational practitioners, it seeks to explore what such a study might tell us about how to understand and improve evidence-use by educational practitioners.

Purpose: The paper aims, therefore, to identify potential connections, shared insights and common issues between evidence-use in policy and evidence-use in practice. It does this by focusing on two specific areas: the nature of the evidence (i.e. what evidence is used) and the nature of the use (i.e. how evidence is used). The paper outlines what was found about each of these aspects of evidence-use in policy, and then considers what questions and issues these findings might raise for evidence-use in educational practice.

Sample: The empirical study on which this paper is based was an in-depth study of the use of evidence within educational policy development in Australia. It focused on the development of three specific education policies within one Australian state education department and involved interviews with 25 policy-makers who were actively involved in the development of these policies.

Design and methods: The policy-based study involved the following data collection processes: (i) in-depth semi-structured interviews with 25 policy-makers who were involved in the development of the selected policies; (ii) documentary analysis of policy documents, background research reports and other relevant papers relating to the selected policies; (iii) unstructured observation (where possible) of meetings and events connected with the development of the selected policies; and (iv) feedback from 40 wider policy staff who took part in a verification workshop to discuss the project’s emerging findings.

Findings: Drawing on the findings from the original policy study, two areas of potential connection to evidence-use in practice are explored. First, in relation to ‘varieties of evidence and uses’, the negotiation of diverse evidence types and the potential for using evidence in multiple and varied ways appear to be features of evidence-use that are common to educational policy-makers as well as educational practitioners. Secondly, in relation to ‘narrowness of evidence sources’, there is potential for both policy-makers and practitioners to use a narrow (rather than broad) selection of evidence, due to a tendency to work with certain evidence types as a starting point (e.g. performance data) and a tendency to draw on certain evidence sources more frequently (e.g. well-known, familiar research sources).

Conclusions: This paper emphasises: (i) the need for more integrated (or joined-up) understandings of evidence-use across contexts of practice and contexts of policy; (ii) the importance of continued efforts to understand and represent evidence-use more effectively within educational practices; and (iii) the value of paying careful attention to the quality and qualities of evidence-use within and across the different settings of educational practice and policy.  相似文献   


Due to teacher shortages and the need for increased diversity within the teaching profession, there is a renewed interest in the utilization of community colleges for the preparation of P–12 teachers. Various articulation models have been proposed in several states. This case study explores the collaboration between a large, urban community college and a research I university for the preparation of business-education teachers in the state of Ohio. Reasons for the partnership are described, along with the challenges faced and the strategies used to develop a seamless pathway for a true “2 + 2” program for teacher education.  相似文献   

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