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加强防范措施,杜绝护患纠纷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着医学模式的改变和病人法律意识的增强,当前护患关系出现了新的特点,护理人员也应不断转变观念,认识到这些特点,并采取相应的应对措施,即:树立正确的护理伦理道德,忠于职守;加强法律知识及安全知识的学习,提高自我保护意识;增强敬业精神,努力掌握现代护理知识和护理技术,提高护士水平;维护患者就医权利,杜绝护患纠纷.从而维护良好的护患关系,努力营造良好的护患氛围,尽量避免护患纠纷的发生.  相似文献   

护患沟通是护士与病人之间的信息交流和相互作用的过程。本文通过对中职护理学生护患沟通障碍的相关调查,为制订有效护患沟通教学提供理论依据。本文以"确定护患沟通的目标—分析沟通相关理论—模拟情景沟通实践—点评相关沟通问题"为模式来展开教学活动,阐述了良好护患关系的对策以及沟通技巧等,以提高中职护生对护患沟通的认识和重视,从而促进护患间的心理沟通,增加患者对护生的信任度。  相似文献   

随着社会医学模式的改变和深入,护理模式和护理工作内容也发生了重大的变化。确定了整体护理思想,整体护理要求以病人为中心,随着我国计划生育的国策产生,更增加了儿科病区护患关系的特殊性。我们分析了如何在儿科病区建立良好的护患关系,有效提高患儿及家长对医护人员的信任度。  相似文献   

随着医疗卫生体制改革的不断深化以及人们自我保健意识的逐步提高,患者在就医过程中,对医护人员的职业道德、技术水平及服务质量提出了更高的要求。因此,如何正确防范纠纷是每位护理人员十分关心的问题。1护患纠纷发生原因1.1服务方面引发护患纠纷随着整体护理的开展和行业医德医风的加强,因服务态度不好引发的护患纠纷已明显减少。  相似文献   

杨秀梅 《考试周刊》2012,(57):194-195
作者通过对儿科护理中护患纠纷原因的分析,提出有建设性的防范对策,极大地减少了护患纠纷的发生,提高了护理质量。提出护士要具有高度的责任心和爱心及精湛的技术,注重沟通交流。  相似文献   

随着医疗技术的不断发展,医学模式也在发生着变化,对科室的护理也有了严格的要求,对护患关系有了新的定义,本文将对护患关系进行探讨。  相似文献   

目的:探讨护患纠纷的原因,加强自我保护的对策.方法:对护患纠纷产生的原因及对策进行分析和探讨,找出护患沟通的有效方法,规范护士的行为,提高护理质量,预防护患纠纷的有效措施.结果:引发因素有服务态度、自身综合素质、责任心、护理质量、安全法制观念等.结论:护理人员必须提高法律意识,增强法律观念、提高综合素质,严格执行护理操作规程和各项规章制度,依法规范护理行为,防范护理纠纷.  相似文献   

现实中许多护患纠纷的发生与护患沟通不够、护患沟通障碍等存在直接或间接的关系,而真正属于护理差错或护理事故的纠纷是微乎其微的.因此,良好的护患关系对提高护理工作质量,预防护理纠纷的发生起着极其重要的作用.  相似文献   

目的:探讨优质护理过程中的护理健康教育与护患沟通.方法:加强护患沟通,对患者开展全程.连续的护理健康教育,进行分析.结果:健康教育满足了人们对疾病与健康的了解与需求,收到患者及家属的一致认可及好评.结论:有效的护患沟通是护患关系和谐的必要条件,是健康宣教不可缺少的一部分.  相似文献   

随着社会的不断发展和进步,生活水平、知识水平的逐步提高,人们对疾病的预防、治疗、护理要求也就越来越高,住院患者的自我保护意识和法律意识也不断的增强,护患纠纷的发生现正呈上升趋势。在临床护理工作中,我们发现许多纠纷的发生均与护患沟通障碍和沟通方式有着直接或间接的关系,而真正属于护理差错或护理事故的纠纷却是微乎其微。因此,良好的护患沟通技巧,可化解紧张的护患关系,预防护患纠纷的发生起到积极的作用  相似文献   

A young nurse     
<正>“Amy! Milk!”Mama called.Milk. It was Amy’s turn to get it. Amy sighed(1)and shut her first-aid(2)book.Amy tied the cow close to a tree. Somewhere down the mountain, some volunteer doctors were teaching medical skills to village nurses. Amy heard Betty drive off hours ago.“She should have taken me with her. She thinks I’m too young,”Amy thought.“But she’s wrong. I am already 15!”  相似文献   

The problems which arise between a disabled or chronically ill nurse and her nursing colleagues are explored. Ways of recognising and resolving some of the difficulties are suggested. Recommendations are made that the findings should be incorporated into the future training of nurses, and that sufficient staff Counsellors should be appointed to Hospitals to enable the nurses, both disabled and nondisabled to deal creatively with the stress which affects their professional and personal relationships.  相似文献   

随着新世纪护理新信息和新技术的日益增多,护士长和护士面临的挑战和压力源也日益增多,容易产生焦虑、抑郁、人际关系紧张、睡眠障碍等,易造成护士长与护士关系紧张,从而影响工作效率。总结分析实际工作中,护士长与护士交流时易出现的问题,提出了克服问题的对策和有效的方法。  相似文献   

提高社区护士整体素质的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析社区护士素质状况,提出建立长效的管理机制,合理引进护理人才,科学规划社区护士的培训,有效实施准入制等措施,可建立一支素质高、稳定性好的社区护理队伍。  相似文献   

Diversity and inclusivity in higher education and health care have gained prominence in recent years and this means that institutions’ educational programmes need to incorporate teaching and learning that is responsive to diversity. This paper reports findings from a diversity teaching and learning mapping project. The aim of the mapping project was to map out when and how the various themes on diversity in all course curricula are addressed in a university’s School of Nursing. The project adopted the following methodologies: documentary reviews of curriculum documents, handbooks and timetables, followed by qualitative interviews with module leaders and teachers. The documentary reviews provided a map of where diversity teaching and learning tended to occur and the interviews yielded six major themes central to diversity: definition, importance, confidence, challenges, resources and future implications.

The results suggest that mapping does provide an important way of comparing courses and highlighting aspects which need attention. The results provide directions for curriculum development teams to ensure that diversity issues are transparently addressed in all courses in the School of Nursing. Furthermore, the insights derived from the findings steered the project team to develop Web CT resources on some of the diversity themes such as an introduction to diversity and inclusivity, spirituality, ethnicity and diversity. Plans are in place to develop further diversity teaching and learning resources in the light of findings which will be used in staff development programmes.  相似文献   

This paper is about the nature of contemporary professional identity. It looks at the ways in which ‘discursive dynamics’ come to re-write the professional teacher and nurse as split, plural and conflictual selves, as they seek to come to terms with a political impetus written through what the authors term an ‘economy of performance’ in uncertain conflict with various ‘ecologies of practice’. The teacher and nurse are thus located in a complicated nexus between policy, ideology and practice. Epistemologically, the paper offers a deconstruction of professional identities, and criticizes the reductive typologies and characterizations of current professionalism. Politically, it reaches towards a more nuanced account of professional identities, stressing the local, situated and indeterminable nature of professional practice, and the inescapable dimensions of trust, diversity and creativity.  相似文献   

加强护理道德教育 提高素质教育效果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
护理道德教育是中等卫校实施素质教育的一项重要内容,本文就加强护理道德教育的意义和途径进行了探讨,认为寓护理道德教育于教学实践之中,是每个教师的共同职责,是培养高素质护理人才的一种有效途径。  相似文献   

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