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本文对物理专业高等数学课程中定积分的应用做了一点有益的补充,即采用定积分来处理一些物理上的体积分问题。  相似文献   

本文利用二元连续函数的局部保号性及正(负)定矩阵理论,给出了二元函数极值充分条件定理的一种新证法.  相似文献   

二维力学问题中,当有如ai(y)xi或bi(x)yi型的复杂荷载时,给出了如何将体积分近似转换为边界积分的方法.  相似文献   

With special reference to the Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse, the authors trace the development of the French universities from the élitist Napoleonic institutions that they still were in the early 1960's to the mass, diversified institutions of today. They stress the importance of the events of 1968 as a major turning point which had a particularly strong impact because they occurred during a period of prosperity. Thus the wide‐scale expansion, democratization, diversification, and massification which occurred led to a positive reaction to the call for increased vocationalization and co‐operation with industry which characterized the lean years that followed. Other stimuli for change and adaptation have been modifications in the legal structure of higher education, the need to increase offerings in continuing education, policies favouring decentralization and regionalization, and the influence of European Union higher education policies. The need to provide high quality higher education in a number of areas to a very large proportion of the age cohort is understood to be a social and economic necessity. The evolution of French higher education since 1968 could offer lessons and examples to the higher education systems of eastern and central Europe in their efforts to cope with transition. The role of universities in the modern world has been greatly enhanced. Important changes have occurred in French higher education over the past twenty‐five years, the resultpartly of the adoption of new laws, of social evolution, of economic needs and challenges, and of individual initiatives undertaken and voluntary policies adopted by universities.  相似文献   

本文给出了直接求职与的新公式。)式代入上式,整理即得(C为任意常数,m∈N)于是公式(3)得证。同样的方法可证公式(4),这里从略。定理3当m∈N时,有证明:注意到由定理1,作变量替换,立即可证得公式(6)、(7)。下面,略举数例说明上述定理的一些应用。例1证明证明:由公式(4),有。由公式(3),有于是问题得证。倒2求解:由公式(4),视m=3,直接可得:例3求解:由公式(6),视m=4,直接可得:例4求解:由公式(4),视m=100,直接可得例5证明函数(1)当n为奇数时为以2π为周期的函数;(2)当n为偶数时,是线性函数与周期函数的和。证明:(1)当n=1时,F(x)=-Cosx+1,G(x)=Sinx,显然都是以2π为周期的周期函数。一般地,当n=2 ̄m+1,m∈N时,分别由公式(3)、(7)可知,有因此,F(x+2πt)=F(x)G(x+2π)=G(x)所以,当n为奇数时,F(x),G(x)都是以2π为周期的周期函数,(2)当n为偶数时,令n=2 ̄m,m∈N,分别由公式(4)、(6),可知:因此,它们都是线性函数与周期函数的和,问题得证。通过以上例子可见,本文中的定理1、定理2所述公式,它作为常用?  相似文献   

研究函数在某区间上的定积分时,总是假定区间为有限区间,并且函数为该区间上的有界函数。如果去掉这两个限制,则得到无穷区间上有界函数的广义积分与有限区间上无界函数的广义积分。一般对这两类广义积分概念的引入缺乏直观性。  相似文献   

本章针对目前我国农业发展中的农业劳动力过剩.农产品流通不畅和农业资金短缺等三大主要问题.进行了现状与成因.模式与对策的讨论.在这个问题上.作者根据我国剩余农业劳动力结构分析.提出了节制生育与农业自身消化.农村就地除化.流入城市消化并重的多渠阻共同消化的模式和相应的对策.在第二个问题上.作者认为流通环节多和网络功能差是其主要障碍.提出了宏观控制下的农产品自由贸易模式和相应对策.在第三个问题上,作者认为农业外部投资少,内部自我积累能力差是其根源所在.提出了国内自筹资金和农业自我积累为主.适当引进外资的模式和相应的对策.  相似文献   

当今学术界,“意象”一语极为流行,但表意却极不一致,给后学带来许多理解上的困惑。根据意象范畴的使用情况和理论价值,从诗学、艺心理学与美学、化学与艺学三大学科领域的角度,对“意象”的表义和理论范畴定位进行分析可知,“意象”具有多元化的内涵系统和外延领域,在不同学科语域下有不同的意义指向,在同一学科中的表义也是多样化的,不可混为一谈。  相似文献   

在中国书法艺术的发展进程中,科学技术领域里的两次重大革命对其产生了积极而深远的影响,一是印刷术的发明使用,再就是微型计算机的普及与运用。新的楷书艺术研究成果促进了印刷术的发明,印刷术的发明使用又极大地刺激了楷书艺术与草书艺术的向前发展、推动了书学理论研究的走向深入;微型计算机的普及运用,使书法艺术从实用的羁绊中彻底解脱出来,使书法学科完全独立于民族艺术之林,成为更纯粹的民族艺术形式之一。  相似文献   

The difference between left and right hemisphere activity is proposed as defining two opposite modes for the organization of contextual connections between elements of information. According to the results of psychophysiological investigations, it is suggested that the “freedom” displayed by the isolated left hemisphere in manipulating information is due to the loss of multidimensional connections between objects. The ability to grasp such connections by the right hemisphere determines the richness of its mental activity and permits creativity. The peculiarity of the creative activity of schizophrenics is discussed and is considered to be a consequence of functional insufficiency of right hemisphere activity.  相似文献   

本文给出了二元函数在整个平面一致连续的一个充分条件,纠正了文[1]和文[2]中的一个错误,指出了二元函数在无穷远处极限概念的不一致性问题.  相似文献   

Following a short discussion of conceptual and theoretical problems of giftedness, the methodological foundations and selected results of a (presently) four year longitudinal study are presented. This study is based on a multidimensional concept of giftedness: intelligence, creativity, social competence, musical ability, psychomotor ability (or practical intelligence). Both academic achievements and leisure activities, as well as cognitive and motivational personality factors and school and family socialisation conditions relevant to giftedness, were studied. During the second project phase developmental aspects and achievement analyses of gifted and normal students aged 6 to 18 years were the central aspects of the study. Finally, methodological problems in the identification of gifted children and adolescents as well as consequences for the nurturing of giftedness are discussed.  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, Andrew Stables and Stephen Gough explore some of the implications for educational policy and practice of a view of living (and, therefore, of learning) as semiotic engagement. Such a view, Stables and Gough argue, has the potential to displace or circumvent essentially Cartesian models currently dominant within learning theory (cognitivism and responses to it) and within neoclassical economics (rational choice and responses to it). It thus enables synergies between theories of learning and of economic behavior, allowing for greater consistency in thinking about (but not necessarily prescribing for) both educational policy and provision, on the one hand, and curriculum and pedagogy, on the other. In addition, the authors claim that giving semiotics a foundational role in educational thinking provides a basis for the broader development of liberal political thought within a postmodern cultural context.  相似文献   

采用文献研究、逻辑分析、比较分析等研究方法.从社区体育健身俱乐部资源及其开发的相关理论出发,分析社区体育健身俱乐部资源开发与利用的动力。研究认为:对社区体育健身俱乐部社会资源开发与利用而言,经济动力是根本动力,需求动力是源动力,政策动力、人才激励、权利驱动是直接动力,组织内部动力是实施动力。  相似文献   

Both IQ and age related differences in the zones of proximal development of 89 four to eight year olds were investigated. Each child was asked to learn, transfer and generalize a strategy for solving the Tower of Hanoi puzzle. The speed, efficiency, accuracy and extent of support needed were analysed. Multivariate analyses of variance were performed on the data from each task. The benefits of high IQ were not as consistent as those of chronological age. They were most apparent in the learning and generalization tasks. Some high IQ children created challenges of their own in the unchallenging transfer task, or became bored. Two practical implications became apparent: the range of learning potentials in classes of children grouped by chronological age poses a formidable challenge for educators, and the learning of highly able children may detoriorate when they are offered the same curriculum as their peers.


笔者挖掘和利用清代喀喇沁左、右、中三旗扎萨克衙门蒙古文档案,详细考证了清代不同时期喀喇沁三旗苏木数目,认为清代蒙旗苏木以旗内定额丁数为基准,苏木数目随着旗内蒙古族人口和定额丁数的变化而增减。清中叶以来旗内定额丁数的减少对当时的苏木制度带来冲击和破坏作用。这对了解清代蒙旗基本社会制度的发展变化会有很大的帮助。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONSince 1 978,China’sfisheryindustryhaswitnessedarapiddevelopmentandannualgrowthof 1 2 %rise .Theoutputofaquaticproductshasbeentoprankingintheworldfor 1 2runningyearssince 1 988whenChinasurpassedJapanin1 998.Lastyear’soutputamountedto 4 1milliontons(National…  相似文献   

本文以生态学观点通过对邵阳人口生态经济存在问题的剖析与研究,进而提出了邵阳人口生态经济协调发展的意见及其对策。  相似文献   

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