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Mark Haddon’s The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time was the cross-over publishing sensation of 2003. It has been the subject of widespread critical and commercial acclaim and has won prestigious UK prizes including the Whitbread Book of the Year and the Guardian’s Children’s Fiction Prize. It is still enjoying considerable commercial success in the best-seller lists. This essay reads Haddon’s novel alongside Kevin Brooks’ Martyn Pig (2002), winner of the Branford Boase Award and short-listed for the Clip Carnegie Medal. Brooks’ hero, Martyn has a troubled teenage life, and like Haddon’s Christopher, he turns to detective fiction in order to shape his own experience. The essay develops the idea that “every life is in search of a narrative” (Richard Kearney, On Stories, p. 4) and argues that detective fiction, in particular, provides structures that allow Brooks’ and Haddon’s first person narrators to make sense of their confusing worlds.Ruth Gilbert is senior lecturer in English at University College, Winchester, England. She has published on gender and sexuality in early modern literature. Recent research has focused on memory and identity in contemporary British Jewish fiction. This article stems from an ongoing interest in teenage and “cross-over” fiction and creative writing. She is currently writing a novel for teenagers.  相似文献   

本文考察了宋元话本———公案小说中一种特别的叙事结构 :制谜 (隐藏作恶者 )与揭谜 (揭露作恶者 ) ,以及凝结在这种叙事结构中的人性善恶。力图在简洁的分析中阐明这种叙事结构与人性善恶所具有的文学和文学史意义 :早期中国通俗白话小说在总体不免粗糙的情况下 ,实已在局部发展出了某种具有一定水准的小说观念及小说形式。同时 ,将他们在把握现实生活和人性世界时所体验观察到的复杂内容与其小说形式结合为某种整体 ,从而在文学和人性的历史发展中写下不能忽略的一页  相似文献   

本文考察了宋元话本———公案小说中一种特别的叙事结构 :制谜 (隐藏作恶者 )与揭谜 (揭露作恶者 ) ,以及凝结在这种叙事结构中的人性善恶。力图在简洁的分析中阐明这种叙事结构与人性善恶所具有的文学和文学史意义 :早期中国通俗白话小说在总体不免粗糙的情况下 ,实已在局部发展出了某种具有一定水准的小说观念及小说形式。同时 ,将他们在把握现实生活和人性世界时所体验观察到的复杂内容与其小说形式结合为某种整体 ,从而在文学和人性的历史发展中写下不能忽略的一页  相似文献   

《小太阳》是林良以成人视角构思的散文集。首先,作者通过话语权的转交,让儿童发出了自己的"声音";其次,引号的运用更好地践行了作者的"浅语"主张,真正以儿童能够接受的语言来写作,而独立的时空叙事使得读者不会因为时代而产生隔阂;最后,林良还最大程度地实现了作品的"柔软性",使其带上了更多的童话色彩。《小太阳》因此也获得了长久性的文学价值。  相似文献   

《绿野仙踪》是清代著名的长篇白话小说,代表了清代中叶语言的整体状貌。文章选取小说中"更""很(狠)""十分""竟"四个副词与现代汉语副词进行对比,从使用频率、所表意义、组合能力、句法功能等方面分析其在现代汉语中的发展及原因。  相似文献   

This article documents my interpretation of The Secret Garden. Re-visioning The Secret Garden as a Sleeping Beauty tale was the key that made it possible for me to recognize the story as Mary's quest tale and as a feminine, subversive text with covert, symbolic messages. To arrive at my interpretation, I explored a series of questions dealing with issues such as sight, speech, power, gender construction, and symbolism. My interpretation reveals the positive and potent ways women subvert the hegemony of patriarchal society and the celebration of the divine feminine within The Garden.  相似文献   

Although song and music are often elements in children's books, little critical attention has gone into examining their literary uses. Alan Garner's The Stone Book Quartetis an example of four texts for children in which music plays a vital role. The several snatches of traditional songs found throughout the quartet bring to life the culture of the characters but also are tied to the conflicts that occur within the stories. An exploration of Garner's use of song uncovers the underlying theme of the book—the necessity of balance in our lives.  相似文献   

This article seeks to extend current children's literature criticism into children's plays and children's theatre. The article uses Norman Lindsay's The Magic Pudding as a prose introduction to an idea of a theatrical carnivalesque. Building on the practical experience of being involved in a large program of original drama for children, written and produced within the university context, it develops a theory of plays-as-the-performance-of-texts, relating this to the current debate on performance and performativity. It adopts the idea of performativity as performative belonging and identifies some distinguishing characteristics of children's plays. Applying some of these ideas to David Almond's Wild Girl, Wild Boy, it notes the idea of moral psychic reorganisation as part of the essence of carnival.  相似文献   

名诗《手枪》是著名诗人欧阳江河在现代语境下所写的一首语言诗学实验之作,它充分利用手枪的物质性,并通过作为物的手枪与作为词的手枪的并置、交织,产生一种立体画般迷人的艺术效果,同时此诗包含了丰富的意蕴与深刻的哲理。解读诗人这首早年之作,可以窥见欧阳江河诗歌艺术面貌之一斑。  相似文献   

The Outsiders if often credited with marking the emergence of YA literature. It was written by a teenager and was intended to represent honestly the difficult lives of other young adults. Despite the novel’s audience and purpose and its potentially provocative acknowledgment of the problems of social class, The Outsiders was readily institutionalized as part of school reading lists and educational curricula throughout the United States. Its institutionalization can be accounted for in part by the way it offers a palliative to the problems it depicts. The protagonist, Ponyboy, represents the novel itself as an intervention into those problems, but it works to reaffirm a notion of rugged individualism and a faith in American education. Such lessons ultimately disarm the novel’s class critique and render it safe for educational institutions.
Eric L. TribunellaEmail:

李希梦 《唐山学院学报》2024,37(2):79-84,93
乔治·伯纳德·萧是继莎士比亚之后最负盛名的英国剧作家,他继承和发扬了亨利克·易卜生开创的真实反映社会现实、揭露社会痼疾的优良传统,创作了大量批判现实的社会问题剧,《卖花女》便是其中的优秀作品之一。在法国哲学家米歇尔·福柯的权力理论视角下,资本主义社会中的底层女性被边缘化、他者化、异化。《卖花女》中的女主人公伊莉莎经历了权力压迫下的身体和话语的双重规训,被消解了行动和话语的自主支配权。然而,反抗与规训是共生的,伊莉莎最终顿悟觉醒,勇敢地反抗资产阶级的权力控制和压迫,实现了身体和精神的双重解放。  相似文献   

中岛端的《支那分割之运命》,体现了"日本侵华思潮中的乡野鸣叫"。对其虽然不能完全否定,但其基本倾向是鼓动日本参与分割乃至独占中国,这是不能否认的。李大钊等北洋法政学子,满怀爱国激情,将该书译为中文并加"驳议"。这些"驳议"的基本内容可以概括为:(1)殖民野心,理当痛斥;揭其实质,应属犀利。(2)愚忠本性,自应讽刺;拥袁甚力,亦属忠君。(3)共和政体,热切维护;民主人权,亦有述及。(4)良药苦口,多有借鉴;爱国情激,间出恶言。(5)全力拥袁,局限显见;仓促编就,差误难免。(6)"驳议"前多后少,缘由值得探讨。对中岛端的《支那分割之运命》和李大钊等人的"驳议"进行深入研究和客观评价,是深化李大钊研究的重要路径,也是深化中日关系史特别是日本侵华史、民国初年历史研究的切入点。  相似文献   

党的十九大报告提出并论证"新时代中国特色社会主义"的命题,形成了马克思主义中国化的最新理论成果——习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想。习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想有着科学的依据,是在"系统回答新时代坚持和发展什么样的中国特色社会主义、怎样坚持和发展中国特色社会主义"这样的理论命题基础上而创立起来的科学的理论体系。这个理论体系立足于新时代中国特色社会主义的实际,以新时代中国特色社会主义为研究对象,重点探索新时代中国特色社会主义的规律,具有八个方面的主要内容和十四条需要贯彻落实的基本方略。习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想是马克思主义中国化最新理论成果,具有重大的理论创新价值和实践指导价值。  相似文献   

Although the biochemical dissection of parasitoid-host interactions is becoming well characterized, the molecular knowledge concerning them is minimal. In order to understand the molecular bases of the host immune response to parasitoid attack, we explored the response of Papilio xuthus parasitized by the endoparasitic wasp Pteromalus puparum using proteomic approach. By examining the differential expression of plasma proteins in the parasitized and unparasitized host pupae by two-dimensional (2D) electrophoresis, 16 proteins were found to vary in relation to parasitization compared with unparasitized control samples. All of them were submitted to identification by mass spectrometry coupled with a database search. The modulated proteins were found to fall into the following functional groups: humoral or cellular immunity, detoxification, energy metabolism, and others. This study contributes insights into the molecular mechanism of the relationships between parasitoids and their host insects. Project supported by the National Basic Research Program (973) of China (No. 2006CB102005), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 30571251 and 30170626), the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of the Ministry of Education of China (No. NCET-05-0513), and the Innovation Research Team Program of the Ministry of Education of China (No. IRT0535)  相似文献   

Lisa Farley 《Interchange》2004,35(3):325-336
This paper draws on the philosophical works of Emmanuel Levinas — namely, his notion of “useless suffering” — in order to open up questions of learning and community beyond typical configurations that structure (and sometimes limit) social attachments according to a requisite degree of commonality. It is argued that while discourses of knowledge and emotion enable a sense of understanding and feeling with others, they nonetheless cast differences in a universalized discourse of enlightenment, wherein the other is reduced to a version of the same. Turning to the Levinasian notion of “useless suffering,” I consider instead the conditions of possibility opened up paradoxically because the other cannot be rendered in pre-given terms. In so doing, I hope to contribute to on-going discussions in the context of feminism and education interested in theorizing the conditions of possibility for coming together across differences, neither consuming the other as an object of information, nor reducing her or his experience to a version of the self. My argument is structured around Lourdes Portillo’s (2001) most recent film,Missing Young Women, which documents the disappearance, rape, and murder of over 200 women working in Juarez, Mexico. One scene in particular is referenced as a way to underscore how the Levinasian notion of “uselessness” might orient a mode of attentiveness that renders one responsible before understanding, concerned before feeling. Constituted asa prior responsibility for the other, it is suggested that “useless suffering” shifts the dominant terms of education and feminism away from the formation of common bonds (in knowledge and emotion) to underscore the conditions of possibility that might lie beyond meaning and being itself.  相似文献   

托尼·莫里森在小说《秀拉》中创造了一个主流社会主宰下的黑人社区——“底部”,书写了“底部”的黑人勇士秀拉、伊娃、夏德拉克等挣脱白人压迫、建构主体身份的艰辛努力。在巴赫金狂欢化理论视域下,小说《秀拉》的三个狂欢化特征——狂欢化的"边沿"时空、狂欢化的怪诞人体和狂欢化的死亡形象,深化了作品的批判性主题,彰显了作家的创作意图。  相似文献   

Cells and cell-free solutions of the culture filtrate of the bacterial symbiont, Xenorhabdus nematophila taken from the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae in aqueous broth suspensions were lethal to larvae of the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella. Their application on leaves of Chinese cabbage indicated that the cells can penetrate into the insects in the absence of the nematode vector. Cell-free solutions containing metabolites were also proved as effective as bacterial cells suspension. The application of aqueous suspensions of cells of X. nematophila or solutions containing its toxic metabolites to the leaves represents a possible new strategy for controlling insect pests on foliage.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代女性诗歌中的身体写作已不同于80年代中后期那种单一意识形态性质的身体写作,而是产生了一种深刻的断裂、转型与分化,呈现为一种多元化的写作态势。主要表现为三种类型的话语形式,即作为非意识形态性质话语的后现代个人化追求快感游戏的青春写作、作为真正女性话语的原生态意义上的诗性身体写作、作为躯体话语的对抗技术主义异化意义上的先锋写作。  相似文献   

文章从婚姻与家庭伦理的角度来解读《十三夜》中的女主人公阿关,探讨在与丈夫期待的理想婚姻发生冲突时,在家庭、婚姻束缚下以及在社会伦理制约下觉醒与放弃中沉浮的女性形象。表明在明治时期,处在社会变革中的女性,女性意识开始萌芽,但在父权、夫权的压抑下,最终放弃挣扎,其自觉意识和自身知识的局限导致了女性的悲哀。  相似文献   

A short celebratory article about the life and career of the English children's book author/illustrator, John Ryan, most famous for creating the eponymous pirate Captain Pugwash. This article documents Ryan's early career at school and in the army, and his rise as a freelance cartoonist, working first for Eagle and Girl comics (and in the process creating Captain Pugwash, Harris Tweed, Sir Boldasbrass, and Lettice Leefe) and then developing his characters for books and television. There is also a brief discussion of Ryan's biblical retellings for children and the recent controversy surrounding the names of Pugwash's crew.  相似文献   

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