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文化人类学视野中的游戏、体育与民族传统体育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从人类学的研究视角出发,以文献综述和逻辑推理为主要研究方法,把游戏、体育和民族传统体育之间的关系作为研究对象.主要研究结果有:游戏的本质是自由,它标准化之后的形态--体育的本质也是如此;游戏是体育和民族传统体育的根源,而体育和民族传统体育之间没有必然的因果关系;脱离体育的源头和它所依存的文化内涵而解读体育,从而想当然地阐述民族传统体育,是不科学的;必须从人类学的视野来重新思考体育和民族传统体育.  相似文献   

终身体育是新时期体育发展的指导思想和人类体育需求的体现。分析了学校体育、家庭体育、社会体育对终身体育的影响,讨论了目前这三个方面存在的问题,最后通过学校体育、家庭体育和社会体育这三者之间的关联性,利用各自的优势和资源,提出三者之间相互促进的建议,以便更好的实现协同效应,促进终身体育的发展和落实。  相似文献   

体育游戏教学在培养青少年社会能力,促进个体社会化方面起着极其重要的作用.通过对体育游戏教学独特性的展示,着重结合社会能力的影响因素对体育游戏教学与青少年社会能力的关系做一具体阐述.  相似文献   

In this essay, I attempt to use Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology for purposes of describing central features of competition. While not accepting all theoretical aspects of this methodology, I employ its central strategies to see how well (if at all) it works. In carrying out the phenomenological analysis, I examine noetic and noematic correlates of competitive projects including the factors of plurality, normativity, disputation, temporality, and comparability. I finish by reviewing three forms of pseudo or defective competition. I conclude that eidetic analyses like the one produced in this essay have utility in spite of their significant limitations.  相似文献   

试论学校体育与社区体育的关联互动   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
社区体育尚有很大的展开余地,学校体育改革存在很多问题。社区体育在体育认知、体育方法、体育场所、体育人口测试等方面需要来自学校体育的助力。学校体育需要在社区体育的镜面中对自身功能、技术学练、场所利用、赛事管理等方面有所反思。  相似文献   

通过对体育技术化模式的哲学审视发现,现代技术已经成为影响训练过程和比赛结果的决定性因素,这就使技术占有的公平性成为公平竞争的前提条件。但是,不同运动员对技术的占有是不公平的,这就导致了不公平竞争,从而客观上破坏了公平竞争精神。  相似文献   

体育赞助赛事是体育经济活动的重要内容之一,也是企业自我宣传的一种方法。随着市场经济利益的驱动,体育赞助赛事得到了迅猛的发展。本文采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法以及系统理论等方法,根据体系的原理,将体育赞助赛事视为一个完整的体系对我国体育赞助赛事进行分析研究,并基于此论述体育赞助赛事体系的各个子系统及其间的相互关系,最后提出了建立共赢的体育赞助赛事的体系。  相似文献   

从体育理论的哲学基础、体育学者的哲学质素和体育实践的哲学牵助三大方面阐释了体育系统可从哲学得到的启示。  相似文献   

通过分析高校校园体育竞赛模式改革的必要性,来讨论新时期的高校校园体育竞赛新模式  相似文献   

运用文献资料、逻辑分析等研究方法,明确了体育赛事中体育礼仪的相关概念、内容及功能,分析了造成体育赛事中体育礼仪缺失的原因:对体育赛事礼仪的认知不足;运动员个人素质的有待提高;体育商业化所带来的负面影响等,最后再阐述了体育赛事中体育礼仪的规范途径:以人为本、注重人文精神教育;以学校教育为基础,注重赛事体育礼仪的普及;以媒体教育为提升,做好赛事体育礼仪的宣传;以赛场为媒介,提高观众赛事体育礼仪的认知;以规章制度为保证,促使赛事体育礼仪的科学化发展。  相似文献   

在足球运动的过程中无论是训练还是比赛,处处都存在着哲学思想。本文采用文献资料法对足球运动中的一些现象用哲学的观点去解释。在足球运动中,进攻与防守,整体与局部,整体与个人,边路与中路,时间与空间,比赛与训练等,都会影响整个比赛的结果。如果谁掌握了这里的奥秘那么他就会取得比赛的优势和胜利。  相似文献   

高强 《体育科研》2016,(1):52-56
本文首先概述了茅鹏所提出的体育智慧学说,分析了其对体育运动中“技艺”的智慧禀赋,探讨了“技艺”与“明智”的关联,趋向于“科学化”的过程,以及对“简单论”、“二元论”的批判;再者本文引入了亚里士多德的“技艺”学说,在“技艺”概念在体育运动中的适用性和“技艺”、“明智”的辩证关系维度上考量体育智慧说的哲学内涵,发扬体育智慧说对传统认识论的反思和知行观的把握。最后本文引入了“技艺的实践习惯”和“科学的技艺内涵”两个概念,尝试在当代认识论研究的基础上对体育智慧说形成补益。  相似文献   

我国大城市大众体育赛事市场营销的社会背景分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
通过文献资料法和逻辑分析法,对我国大中城市大众体育赛事的成因进行了研究。随着我国市场经济体制的建立和完善,体育产业的不断发展与壮大,我国大众体育得到了快速发展,职业体育赛事、商业赛事令人瞩目,大众体育赛事同样具有广阔的发展空间。认为我国大中城市大众体育赛事市场化运作与政府职能的转变、体育社会团体的崛起、社区体育的兴起、居民体育兴趣增强以及体育消费的增加、大中城市经济的持续增长等诸多方面有着密不可分的关系,大众体育赛事的市场化运作是发展大众体育运动的重要发展模式之一。  相似文献   


This paper examines the use of elite disability sport by the Chinese Government to promote disability sport and to establish a disability culture and social environment in the Republic of China from 1983 to 2012. Bearing in mind that earlier Chinese society did not perceive the international disability movement as an educational process, the paper begins with an interpretation of why elite disability sport received the government’s strong support when it was introduced to China, and considers its policies in the context of the government’s possible political motivations. It then examines the elite disability sport system in order to understand operational practices that were used to achieve success. It is concluded that the support of the government is the key to elite disability sport success. This was especially the case when the China Disabled Persons’ Federation underwent intensive development, maximizing the use of resources.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法系统地分析了体育赛事投资的致险因素和管理对策。研究发现:加强体育赛事的风险管理是确保体育赛事成功运作的重要条件,也是繁荣和发展我国体育资本市场不可或缺的因素之一。  相似文献   

高强  程一帆  陈昱彤 《体育科学》2021,(2):88-96,F0003
由于体育哲学诞生以来分析主义哲学的研究范式占据了主导性地位,概念化思维方式影响了当前中西体育哲学研究基本走向与研究内容,从而导致了体育哲学的生发一直处于与二元论的对峙之中。基于科学研究范式理论的视角转换,在现象学范式下二元论转变为积极推进体育哲学研究范式变革的反常现象。借助现象学的理论襄助,体育哲学在经过"普通现象学转化"与"普通现象学-知觉现象学""普通现象学-历史现象学"两条前后相继的思想通路后,形成了新式体育哲学研究范式的框架与研究范例,使体育与二元论紧张关系逐渐疏解,并在知觉与记忆两个层面进行重建,形成了体育哲学的现象学范式的理论核心、解释性原则与应用性方法,进而实现体育哲学在研究视角、研究路径上的变革,形成中西交融的体育哲学研究学脉基础。  相似文献   

对体育舞蹈的美的诠释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过文献资料法简要阐述体育舞蹈的风格,美及其作用,说明体育舞蹈是集多种艺术美于一身的体育项目,是体育和艺术完美结合的产物。  相似文献   

During the past several decades, South Korea has gained tremendous international recognition by achieving an excellent performance in a variety of international sport competitions and hosting numerous mega-sporting events. Although success in elite sport (i.e. Development of Sport approach) has contributed to making South Korea one of the sport powerhouses in the world, South Korea has paid very little attention to the role that sport can play as a tool for social and personal development (i.e. Development through Sport approach). Similarly, scholars also paid little attention to the ‘development through sport’ approach in South Korea while predominantly focusing their attention in taking the ‘development of sport’ approach. In recent years, however, the South Korean government has begun to show interest in the ‘development through sport’ approach to become a truly advanced sporting nation. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to explore how South Korea's paradigm in sport has historically shifted from ‘development of sport’ to ‘development through sport’ in its socio-political context.  相似文献   

Zero-sum aspects of sport have generated a number of ethical concerns and a similar number of defenses or apologetics. The trick has been to find a middle position that neither overly gentrifies sport nor inappropriately emphasizes the significance of winning and losing. One such position would have us focus on the process of trying to win over the fact of having one. It would also ameliorate any harms associated with defeat by pointing out that benefits like achievement, excellence, and moral development are available to winner and loser alike. Relying on the notion of ‘frame’ introduced by Polanyi, I argue that this approach underplays the poignant drama of sport (including the sting of defeat) and thus, seeks redemption at too high a cost. I argue for a version of red-blooded competition that is justified more by transcendence than mitigation, more by a willingness to play again tomorrow than civility during any single contest. I analyze sport in terms of its receptivity to such repetition and find that epistemological uncertainty, enhanced by the presence of chance in sport, renders repeat engagements both sensible and attractive. I conclude that sport verdicts, unlike outcomes in war, business, and love, do not settle things. Rather they invite both winner and loser alike to ‘play again tomorrow’.  相似文献   

电子竞技正式成为体育竞技项目已有四个年头,对现今电子竞技运动与游戏区别的主流认识的观点提出质疑。从本质、目的、方式的角度上分析了电子竞技与游戏的差别,并站在电子竞技发展的历史高度上对两者之间的内在联系进行了阐述。  相似文献   

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