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师范教育与大学:比较分析及其对香港的启示   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
教育大学可视为一种新型大学 ,能够以崭新的方式同时适应师范教育发展和知识社会的需求。本文首先对大学和师范院校在西方和亚洲社会的发展作一历史回顾。然后 ,探究这两类院校形成的对照的价值取向 ,讨论本文的核心问题 ,即师范教育如何达到与大学比肩的学术水准 ,同时保有师范院校与知识社会有关的价值观。对三个西方社会和三个亚洲社会的比较的历史分析 ,展示了摆脱这一困境的不同方式。本文最后勾勒了师范教育截然不同的四种模式 ,提出教育大学这一模式最为适应香港的现状 ,可能也最为适应亚洲的文化环境  相似文献   

‘Quality’ in mathematics teaching does not relate solely to pupil achievement, to teaching approaches or to deeply held beliefs about the nature of mathematics and its teaching and learning, but to all of these. A model of a teacher's mathematics‐related belief‐system is presented, and the issue of the contrast between espoused and enacted beliefs is discussed. ‘Quality’ in mathematics teacher education raises all of these issues, as well as the aims, goals and means of the teacher preparation process itself. The paper concludes by arguing against the ‘apprenticeship’ model of mathematics teacher education, for depriving student teachers of theory and of practical research experience. A well known dictum paraphrased states that theory without practice is empty, but that practice without theory is blind. ‘Quality’ in mathematics teaching and teacher education depends on both theory and practice in systematic cooperation.  相似文献   


This article explains several reasons why multicultural preservice teacher education is important and suggests some ways it can be better accomplished. The authors make a strong case for teacher education programs to be more deliberate about preparing European Americans to teach ethnically diverse students of color. They argue that this explicit professional preparation is needed because of the increasing racial, cultural, and linguistic divide between teachers (predominately European American) and K–12 students (increasingly from ethnic groups of color). Two other factors underscore the need for more multicultural teacher education: the fear of diversity and the resistance to dealing with race and racism frequently expressed by students enrolled in teacher education programs. To overcome these problems and better prepare preservice teachers to work effectively with ethnically diverse students the authors suggest a two‐part program of professional development.  相似文献   

培养培训相分离的弊端阻碍了我国教师教育的发展。遵照国务院的要求,通过教育科研、教育实习等活动。建立起高师与中小学英语教学的紧密联系,使其相互促进。这既能充分发挥师范院校在教师教育中的主体作用。解决中小学英语教师的继续教育问题。又能促进高师院校英语教育专业自身的改革与发展,并在此基础上完善国务院提出的“培养培训相衔接的开放的教师教育体系”。  相似文献   

This personal narrative describes the efforts of a teacher education institution to understand and introduce teacher leadership into the preparation of teachers. The author provides the history and context of the institution as well as the structures and processes the institution used to achieve these goals. The article concludes with lessons learned from the case.  相似文献   

Professors and teachers were compared relative to their perspectives on preservice educational measurement courses. Twenty-four professors from different colleges in seven states and 360 teachers from elementary and secondary schools in one midwestern state responded via mailed questionnaire. Professors reported the emphasis given to each of eight topics in preservice educational measurement courses, and teachers reported the emphasis they believed should be given to each topic. In five of the eight content areas, the relative emphases given by professors differed from that recommended by teachers. Major differences emerged in nontest evaluation, statistical analysis, and formative and summative evaluation. Implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Learning and effective teaching are both complicated acts. However, many administrators, teachers, parents, and policymakers appear not to recognize those complexities and their significance for practice. Fueling this perception, recommendations from isolated research findings often neglect the complexities in learning and teaching, and when implemented in classrooms often fall well short of the advertised effect. Consequently, education research is generally ignored, and the resulting research-practice gap raises concerns regarding the utility of university-based teacher education, and education research more generally. However, the strength of education research resides in the synergy resulting from its integration into a unifying system that guides, but does not determine, decision-making. Dewey (1929) argued for teacher decision-making guided by education research, but recently several writers have justly criticized education researchers for not providing comprehensible assistance to educators and policymakers (Good, 2007; Shymansky, 2006; Windschitl, 2005). This paper proposes a decision-making framework for teaching to help beginning and experienced teachers make sense of education research, come to understand crucial teacher decisions, and how those decisions interact to affect student learning. The proposed decision-making framework for teaching has significant utility in the design of science methods courses, science teacher education programs, effective student teacher supervision experiences, and professional development workshops.  相似文献   

<正>一、为进一步提高学术水平和编辑质量,本刊对来稿特提出如下要求:1.论文要求观点明确、新颖,论述充分,论证严密,材料翔实,语言精炼。2.来稿以800012000字为宜。文末注明与作者联系的方式(电话和电子信箱)。3.本刊执行《中国高等学校社会科学学报编排规范》(修订版),作者应对稿件作规范处理,来稿应包括题名、作者署名及通讯地址、作者简介、中文摘要、关键词、中图分类号、正文、注释、参考文献以及英文篇名、英文摘要和英文关键词。基金资助产出的论文亦应对有关项目  相似文献   

<正>《当代教师教育》是中华人民共和国教育部主管,陕西师范大学主办的教师教育理论刊物,以马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、三个代表重要思想、科学发展观、四个全面和五大理念为指导,坚持四项基本原则,坚持社会主义办刊方向,努力为教师教育与基础教育的改革与发展服务,为中  相似文献   

<正>一、为进一步提高学术水平和编辑质量,本刊对来稿特提出如下要求:1.论文要求观点明确、新颖,论述充分,论证严密,材料翔实,语言精炼。2.来稿以8000~12000字为宜。文末注明与作者联系的方式(电话和电子信箱)。3.本刊执行《中国高等学校社会科学学报编排规范》(修订版),作者应对稿件作规范处理,来稿应包括题名、作者署名及通讯地址、作者简介、中文摘要、关键词、中图分类号、正文、注释、参考文献以及英文篇名、英文摘要和英文关键词。基金资助产出的论文亦应对有关项目名称及批号加以注明。  相似文献   

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