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This paper argues that for the purposes of any sort of serious discussion about immoral conduct in sport very little is illuminated by claiming that the conduct in question is cheating. In fact, describing some behavior as cheating is typically little more than expressing strong, but thoroughly vague and imprecise, moral disapproval or condemnation of another person or institution about a wide and ill-defined range of improper advantage-seeking behavior. Such expressions of disapproval fail to distinguish cheating from many other types of immoral conduct. The discussion shows that we should set the concept aside and assess the moral disapproval implied by claims of cheating by reference to the moral and other principles that underlie the practice of sport. This allows us to consider carefully the complexity of the issues that are raised when allegations of cheating are made and not be distracted by the emotionally loaded, conversation-stopping tendency of the concept. This means that some types of disputes in sport will be messy and demand more effort to resolve, but the payoff will be better informed and more thoughtful discussions and greater awareness of the moral complexity of sport and of its principled underpinnings.  相似文献   

Lex Sportiva:全球体育法的兴起及其理论意义   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
Lex Sportiva,即全球体育法,是建立在合同基础上的一种跨国民间法律秩序,但它并不能构成“没有国家的法”,仍然需要国家法的支持并受 国内法的司法监督。Lex Sportiva 的法律渊源包括比赛规则、体育伦理规范、一般法律原则和全球体育法规范等。在这一法律体系的形成中,国际 体育仲裁院(CAS)发挥了重要作用,它的产生再次彰显了跨国民间法在构建跨国法律秩序中的作用。  相似文献   

Sport-for-development (SFD) provides a platform for sport to be used as a tool or “hook” to contribute to positive outcomes in areas including economic development, social inclusion, cultural cohesion, healthy lifestyles, education, gender equity, as well as reconciliation and peacebuilding. The area of sport for social change (SFSC) represents a sub-field of SFD that uses sport as a catalyst to build social capacity and develop socially and physically healthy communities. The Managing Sport for Social Change special issue of Sport Management Review brings together a collection of conceptual advances, empirical research papers and teaching case studies from a range of social and cultural perspectives, with a focus on managing sport for social change; aimed at engaging critically with sport management theory and praxis, and discussing associated practical and policy implications. Theoretical gaps and recommendations for future research, including: local engagement, innovative research methodology, and a broadening of the scope of research are also discussed.  相似文献   

转会纠纷是国际足球纠纷中最具特色的纠纷类型,也是国际体育仲裁院每年受理的主要争议类型之一。文章挑选了国际体育仲裁院最近的关于足球转会纠纷的3起典型案件并进行分析,指出国际体育仲裁院对有关足球转会争议的裁决原则和法理发展方向。  相似文献   

国民体质研究的过去、现在与未来   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
沈勋章 《体育科研》2003,24(2):51-54
从体质研究的视角,简要地综述了民族体质的过去、青少年体质研究的历程、国民体质研究的现状与发展,并站在新时期的高度对体质研究的未来进行展望。随着经济发展和社会进步,人民群众对体质与健康产生了更新、更高的认知,这对进一步开展国民体质研究提出新的工作目标。因此,体质研究也要顺应历史变革,不断地拓展学科研究的新领域。  相似文献   

掖要:从历史、宗旨、组织结构、程序等方面对奥运会临时仲裁庭进行了全面的介绍,并对临时仲裁庭的管辖权、临时仲裁庭的地址和法律适用、国际体育仲裁庭与国内法庭管辖权问题、仲裁过程及期限等进行了全面的解读,展现了临时仲裁庭的高效运作方式及对宗旨的践行。此外,还通过案例分析的形式说明了体育仲裁庭审查球场纠纷的权力是有限的。  相似文献   

试论高校大众健美操的体育价值   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
朱瑛 《福建体育科技》2004,23(4):37-38,46
本文通过文献研究、问卷调查和专家访谈等研究方法,对健身价值、娱乐价值和教育价值三个方面进行研究,指出高校大众健身操的体育价值所在,以便推动它更好地在高校中开展。  相似文献   

对体育市场发展的动力条件和动力依据进行了阐述,提出体育能力系统的内外因是体育产业及市场发展的动力条件;人的“需要递进规律”是体育产业及市场发展的动力依据;体育产业及市场的发展需要社会的进一步发展;体育产业及体育市场的良性发展必须依靠国家的宏观调控。  相似文献   

皖南民俗体育调查研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章采用文献资料研究法、实地考察、结合分析与归纳等研究方法,从文化学角度研究皖南民俗体育的内容、特征与功能,进而提出对其进行保护与可持续发展的对策。  相似文献   

《国际体育社会学评论》和《体育社会学杂志》分别是国际体育社会学学会和北美体育社会学学会的会刊,其发表文章涵盖了国际体育社会学研究的前沿成果。对这两本杂志所刊载论文进行研究可以把握西方体育社会学研究的热点。利用内容分析法和传统文献分析法对两本刊物近10年来发表的374篇文章内容特征的分析,得出结论:近10年来已有越来越多不同领域的研究者开始关注体育社会学研究,他们从不同的角度对体育现象及体育问题进行分析,从而使我们对体育运动的认识更全面、更深刻。更加关注从微观层面上对社会系统中的特定群体的体育运动进行研究。注重对体育领域中权力关系的不平等因素进行分析,关注社会弱势群体的体育运动研究。各种社会问题如性别歧视、种族与民族歧视、兴奋剂、体育暴力、竞技运动带来的伤痛与冒险都是西方体育社会学研究的热点主题。研究方法以定性研究为主,强调学理分析。研究设计类型多采用第二手分析及调查研究的方式。数据分析以描述型分析为主,关联型分析多进行相关分析及回归分析。  相似文献   

My goal in this article is to give a portrait of how modern sport philosophy, which started in 1972, developed from relatively narrow paradigmatic borders to become a diverse and multi-paradigmatic international discipline. This development has included several changes but also some continuity. I identify three main tenets that may be viable in the future. One is to focus on the traditional sport philosophical paradigm, which had an ambition to identify the essence of sport. A second option is to develop more specific approaches, focusing on single sports or types of sport, like football or climbing. A third alternative is to develop a philosophy, not only of sport but of ‘homo movens’, studying the moving human being in different environmental and socio-cultural contexts. All three options are viable and should be welcomed.  相似文献   

学校体育与我国体育社会化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过学校体育在体育社会化中地位及作用的分析,阐明了学校体育社会化进程中任务的长期性、艰巨性。学校体育如何在当前形势下更好地适应与促进体育社会化的发展,笔者认为只有将学校体育与社会体育相结合,打破传统的学术体育教学模式,借鉴国外先进经验,开创一条适合我国国情,对贯彻实施全民健身计划具有推动力的道路。  相似文献   

文章主要采用文献资料法,对有关武术与民族传统体育专业培养模式的构建与发展进行综述。研究发现:武术与民族传统体育专业人才培养的目标、内容以及模式的构建只停留在理论层面,没有和实践紧密结合;有关武术与民族传统体育专业人才培养制度与评价方面的研究较缺乏。  相似文献   

论述了瑞士联邦法院对国际体育仲裁院(CAS)裁决进行司法审查的一般规定,从撤销或维持CAS裁决的案例等方面,论述了从瑞士联邦法院的司法审查对CAS的影响。以中国、美国、德国等的案例为例,论述了《纽约公约》缔约国对CAS之裁决的司法审查概况。许多CAS仲裁员有丰富的学术背景并接受了较多的仲裁任命。但是,我国乃至亚洲的仲裁员在CAS仲裁员中的比例极低,这是我国体育界和法律界都需要重视的问题,也是CAS要考虑的平衡仲裁员的地域分布问题。"公共政策"没有明确的定义,使得对相关案例裁决的结果难以准确预判。《纽约公约》缔约国众多,难以统一法律规定。作为对CAS仲裁裁决进行司法审查最频繁的国家,瑞士有必要对"公共政策"进行更明确的定义。基于反兴奋剂的严格责任原则,一些无辜的运动员受到了处罚。对于运动员特别是职业运动员来说,这无疑将影响到他们的生计。国际反兴奋剂机构、CAS和包括瑞士在内的国家立法机关都应该考虑改进严格责任规则,严惩兴奋剂事件中的肇事者,豁免对无辜受害者的处罚。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、访谈法、录像分析法和比较法对摩登舞者的音乐表现技法进行了深入研究,对摩登舞者的音乐表现特征和技术要素,以及快慢强弱的处理、情感的引导等进行了较为深入地分析,希望能为国际标准舞的教学、训练和比赛提供一定的理论参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

竞技体育中的攻击与暴力:运动心理学界的一次争论   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
近年来,国际运动心理学界围绕竞技体育中攻击与暴力的问题展开了一次争论。起因是国际运动心理学会发表《体育中攻击与暴力:国际运动心理学会的立场》文章后受到质疑,于是双方在体育中攻击与暴力的本质、运动员和观众攻击与暴力的区分、媒体的影响、裁判员的角色以及国际运动心理学会的忠告等问题上进行了激烈的辩论。在介绍、审视这次争论基础上,对国际运动心理学会的作法提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

论述了瑞士联邦法院对国际体育仲裁院(CAS)裁决进行司法审查的一般规定,从撤销或维持CAS裁决的案例等方面,论述了从瑞士联邦法院的司法审查对CAS的影响。以中国、美国、德国等的案例为例,论述了《纽约公约》缔约国对CAS之裁决的司法审查概况。许多CAS仲裁员有丰富的学术背景并接受了较多的仲裁任命。但是,我国乃至亚洲的仲裁员在CAS仲裁员中的比例极低,这是我国体育界和法律界都需要重视的问题,也是CAS要考虑的平衡仲裁员的地域分布问题。"公共政策"没有明确的定义,使得对相关案例裁决的结果难以准确预判。《纽约公约》缔约国众多,难以统一法律规定。作为对CAS仲裁裁决进行司法审查最频繁的国家,瑞士有必要对"公共政策"进行更明确的定义。基于反兴奋剂的严格责任原则,一些无辜的运动员受到了处罚。对于运动员特别是职业运动员来说,这无疑将影响到他们的生计。国际反兴奋剂机构、CAS和包括瑞士在内的国家立法机关都应该考虑改进严格责任规则,严惩兴奋剂事件中的肇事者,豁免对无辜受害者的处罚。  相似文献   

During the Cold War, women from Eastern Europe excelled in international sport. Rather than applauding the successes of these female athletes, many in the Cold-War-West responded with suspicion, contempt and derision. Armed with rumours and anecdotes, the International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) implemented sex testing in 1966, and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) followed suit two years later. Despite the introduction of a compulsory sex/gender control, many continued to lament the muscular physiques of the Cold-War-Eastern victors. The known and suspected sex test ‘failures’ from North Korea, the Philippines, Poland, the Soviet Union and Spain served to exacerbate the fears of gender fraudulence. As global dynamics shifted, however, so, too, did the anxieties in sport. When women from the People's Republic of China dominated the international sports scene in the 1990s, many in the geographic-West again doubted the authenticity of the achievements and called for a return to gender verification. A decade later, the international plights of Indian athlete Santhi Soundarajan and South African runner Caster Semenya convinced the IAAF and the IOC that such a reestablishment was necessary. Using the ‘colonial/modern gender system’ framework, this article explores the political and racialised sex/gender concerns medical professionals and sport authorities possessed, which led to the establishment, abandonment and reintroduction of sex testing/gender verification in elite sport. Through these three phases of sex testing/gender verification, the IAAF and the IOC reaffirmed a binary notion of sex and privileged white, Western gender norms.  相似文献   

国际体育仲裁院仲裁裁决在法律上属于瑞士裁决,当事人只能向瑞士联邦最高法院申请撤销。根据瑞士联邦《国际私法法》的规定,申请撤销国际体育仲裁院仲裁裁决的理由仅限于仲裁庭组成不当、仲裁庭不当行使管辖权、超裁或漏裁、仲裁违反正当程序和仲裁裁决违反公共政策等程序性错误。在实践中,瑞士联邦最高法院奉行支持国际体育仲裁院仲裁之立场,严格解释和适用这些法定的撤销仲裁裁决的理由。  相似文献   

In this study, the authors use participant interviews to examine how participating in an international event enabled the accumulation of subcultural capital. The authors conducted interviews with players (N = 9) in the Australian Football League (AFL) International Cup from Canada, USA, New Zealand, and Ireland. The AFL International Cup created a liminal state offering individuals with opportunities for: (a) national representation; (b) international competition and comparison; (c) cross-cultural learning and interaction; (d) sport subcultural engagement; and, (d) authentic game experiences. The resulting experience enabled participants a deeper connection with the sport subculture, which created the potential for sport advocacy in their home countries. Results will assist international sport event hosts in creating meaningful participant experiences that facilitate deeper personal attachments to the sporting subculture.  相似文献   

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