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对陕西省不同运动水平网球运动员常见运动损伤的特征、部位、种类以及损伤原因进行了调查,结果发现,高水平网球运动员损伤常发生在腰部、核心区和下肢区域,易出现严重性创伤,低水平网球运动员损伤则更易发生在上肢部位。造成这种结果的原因主要是高水平运动员过度训练、重视程度不够、自我保护意识差,而低水平运动员损伤则和训练负荷过大、恢复时间不合理导致旧伤未愈等因素有关。  相似文献   

运动损伤一直困扰着运动员和教练员,如何防止运动损伤,一直是教练员和医务工作者所关心的问题,文章对山西省自由跤队的56名运动员进行运动损伤的调查中发现,发生过运动损伤的患病率为100%,从损伤部位来看以膝关节和腰部损伤为主,其次为肩关节、肘关节、手腕关节、踝关节等。运动损伤以急性损伤为主,慢性损伤为辅,急性转慢性的比重也很大。文章从摔跤运动员损伤的易发部位,常见损伤及损伤原因等方面探讨了运动员损伤对训练水平的影响,并提出预防和减少摔跤运动员运动损的建议。  相似文献   

本文使用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、现场调查法、数理统计法等方法,调查了阿克苏地区青少年排球运动员的运动损伤情况,通过分析回收问卷,研究发现不同等级运动员的损伤发生率具有显著性差异;排球运动员的运动损伤在病程上多属于急性损伤,损伤的轻重程度上多属于轻度损伤和中度损伤;运动员损伤主要发生在比赛和技术训练时期,身体训练时期运动损伤的发生率相对较少;运动损伤以软组织挫裂伤、关节韧带损伤、肌肉损伤为主等特点。分析了排球运动员的致伤因素为潜在因素和直接因素两大部分。探讨了运动员的预防对策。  相似文献   

冬残奥项目发展迅速,但由于冬季项目设置的特殊性,加上残疾人体育项目分级的复杂性,使得冬残奥运动损伤的发生率远高于健全人冬奥会和夏残奥会。2002年以来冬残奥项目伤病特征:整体损伤率较高,近年来呈上升趋势;高山滑雪、残奥冰球、单板滑雪三个项目损伤率较高,肩膀是损伤的多发部位。我国备战冬残奥的队伍中主要损伤部位:高山和单板:肩膀、脚踝和膝盖;残奥冰球:腕部和肩膀;北欧滑雪:腕部和膝盖;轮椅冰壶:肩膀。主要风险因素:残疾本身引起二次损伤、过度使用等内在因素;比赛中天气、温度、赛道以及设备等外在因素。预防措施:启用全过程式伤病监控系统,加强伤病预防综合策略实证研究,注重相关人员伤病预防教育,发挥运动设备的伤病预防作用,提升伤病预防医疗保障条件。我国在备战过程中应特别注意运动员的运动损伤与负荷的记录和分析、运动员的体态问题、运动员的损伤预防教育问题、运动器材辅具的自主设计和研发问题以及运动队医疗人员的配备问题。以减少备战和举办2022年北京冬残奥会过程中运动损伤的发生,体现《奥林匹克2020议程》所提出的"以运动员为中心"的人文关怀理念,为科学备战冬残奥会和促进残疾人冰雪运动发展提供帮助。  相似文献   

文章采用访谈调查、综合分析等研究方法,对苏州大学35名三级跳远运动员的运动损伤进行研究,探讨普通高校三级跳远运动员损伤发生的规律,以预防运动损伤。结果显示:运动员损伤多发部位为足部、踝关节、膝关节、腰部等;损伤类型以韧带和肌肉拉伤、肌肉劳损居多;损伤性质主要是急性损伤;在技术、速度训练中运动损伤比例最高;准备活动不充分、训练安排不合理、身体疲劳、技术动作不规范等是损伤发生的主要原因。  相似文献   

高校高水平篮球运动员创伤流行病学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王克海 《湖北体育科技》2010,29(2):188-189,225
通过对山东省10所高等院校的521名篮球专项运动员进行了运动创伤的流行病学调查,结果发现:篮球专项运动员发生运动创伤的比率非常大;运动损伤的多发部位为膝关节和踝关节,急性损伤多于慢性损伤,损伤多为关节扭伤和肌肉拉伤;篮球比赛中的损伤率最高,其次为专项训练课;准备活动不够,局部负荷过大,机体疲劳和比赛中违反规则是致伤的4大因素。  相似文献   

山东省部分优秀跳跃运动员运动损伤的现状调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对山东省体工队16名现役优秀跳跃运动员进行了运动损伤调查。结果表明,优秀跳跃运动员的受伤多发部位依次为膝、踝、腰和腹。多发伤种与项目有关:跳高易致股后肌群拉伤、膝关节、踝关节扭伤、背部损伤;跳远易致腘肌损伤、半月板损伤;三级跳远易致足跟底部扭伤、踝关节扭伤;撑竿跳高易致腹外斜肌拉伤。局部运动负荷过大、技术动作不正确和身体疲劳是造成运动损伤的主要原因。科学安排训练和竞赛,注重对运动员的技术训练和技术诊断,加强对膝踝等受伤多发部位的保护,提高对急性损伤的诊治水平,建立、健全运动员医疗制度和康复制度,对于预防跳跃运动损伤和提高治疗效果具有积极作用。  相似文献   

通过系统梳理有关高山滑雪运动损伤的英文文献,对高山滑雪项目的运动损伤特征、影响因素及主要预防策略进行综合分析论证。发现:(1)高山滑雪的损伤发生率高;膝关节是最常见的损伤部位,手指、下背部、头面部等部位次之;损伤类型主要包括韧带损伤、应力性骨折、神经系统损伤/脑震荡等,在前交叉韧带(Anterior Cruciate Ligament,ACL)损伤方面无性别差异;损伤程度一般为中、重度,最严重者可致使运动员停训或中断参赛超过28天;运动员在训练与比赛中所面临的损伤风险相近。(2)影响高山滑雪运动损伤的基本因素包括两个方面,一是运动员本身的竞技水平、技术动作、性别年龄、先天遗传等相关的内部因素,它是减少和预防高山滑雪运动损伤最根本和最重要的因素;二是与竞训场地、器材、装备、气候等客观条件相关的外部因素,它们也对高山滑雪运动损伤特征产生一定影响。(3)对高山滑雪运动损伤的预防策略,可主要侧重于提高力量素质、优化技术动作、创新器材设备,并逐步加强多措并举、相互配合以产生综合效应的方向发展。本研究为加强与高山滑雪项目特征相匹配的运动损伤评价体系的构建,加大高山滑雪运动损伤的机制探究,探索新的预防手段和策略等后续研究奠定了科学基础。  相似文献   

目的通过问卷调查和专家访谈等方法对参加十运会沙滩排球比赛的全部96名运动员进行沙滩排球运动损伤的流行病学调查,探讨我国优秀沙滩排球运动员的运动损伤发生规律。结果我国优秀沙滩排球运动员的运动损伤总体发生率为47.7%;急性运动损伤发生率的解剖学分布由肢体近端向远端逐渐增高,慢性损伤则呈相反趋势;我国优秀沙滩排球运动员的足踝部急、慢性损伤以及拦网时的运动损伤发生率显著高于国外优秀运动员。结论根据运动员的身体状态及时调整运动负荷,创新训练方法,提高准备活动质量,完善技术动作可在一定程度上预防运动员的运动损伤。  相似文献   

应用医学研究中流行病学分析的研究方法,对我国单板U型场地滑雪运动员在训练或比赛中出现的运动损伤进行调查研究.结果表明:运动员在训练和比赛中出现运动损伤的概率较高;运动损伤主要分布于膝关节、腰部、踝关节、臀部和头、颈等部位;运动损伤的发生率与运动员的训龄无关,但损伤的程度与运动员的等级呈正比关系;运动损伤流行病学特征显示伤病特征与运动特点相关性较高,虽然专项训练是第一位的致伤因素,但伤病是多种因素共同作用的结果;伤病对日常训练的影响十分明显,虽然治疗方法较多,但总体治疗效果并不令人满意.建议在今后的训练中应完善训练条件、提高训练科学化水平;加强防护措施、提高自我保护意识,为不断完善单板U型场地滑雪运动员伤病的治疗方法与手段提供参考.  相似文献   

Self-reported ability assessment in rock climbing   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Level of ability within rock climbing is generally expressed in terms of a "best ascent", rated using various grading systems within the sport. The most common method of obtaining this information is via self-report. The aim of this study was to examine the validity of self-reported climbing grades. Twenty-nine competitive rock climbers (17 males, 12 females) were first asked to report their current (defined as within the last 12 months) best on-sight lead ascent grade (Aus/NZ). The participants then climbed a specifically designed indoor route, under on-sight conditions (one attempt, no route practice or preview), to obtain an assessed grade. The route increased in difficulty, and was such that the distance achieved by the climber corresponded to a particular grade. The mean (±standard deviation) self-reported and assessed grade was 22.6?±?3.4 and 22.0?±?3.0 (Aus/NZ) respectively. Despite slight over- and underestimations in males and females respectively, there was no statistically significant difference between self-reported and assessed on-sight climbing grades. The results of this study suggest that self-reported climbing grades provide a valid and accurate reflection of climbing ability.  相似文献   


The aim was to examine the injuries sustained by Spanish football players in the First Division and to compare injury-related variables in the context of both competition and training. The injury data were prospectively collected from 16 teams (427 players) using a specific web-based survey during the 2008/2009 season. A total of 1293 injuries were identified (145 were recurring injuries). The overall injury incidence was 5.65 injuries per 1000 h of exposure. Injuries were much more common during competition than during training (43.53 vs. 3.55 injuries per 1000 h of exposure, P < 0.05). Most of the injuries (89.6%) involved the lower extremities, and overuse (65.7%) was the main cause. Muscle and tendon injuries were the most common types of injury (53.8%) among the players. The incidence of training injuries was greater during the pre-season and tended to decrease throughout the season, while the incidence of competition injuries increased throughout the season (all P < 0.05). In conclusion, the results of this study suggest the need for injury prevention protocols in the First Division of the Spanish Football League to reduce the number of overuse injuries in the muscles and tendons in the lower extremities. In addition, special attention should be paid during the pre-season and the competitive phase II (the last four months of the season) in order to prevent training and competition injuries, respectively.  相似文献   

Climbers often train on indoor climbing walls, which are modifiable to simulate features of outdoor climbing environments at different levels of difficulty. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of regularity of climbing holds on emergent perceptual-motor behaviours. Skilled climbers performed six repetitions of two topographically similar routes on an indoor climbing wall. One route was composed of 18 different types of hand holds (irregular route), whereas the other route had only two types of hand holds (regular route). Preview and climbing durations, as well as visual search behaviours, were recorded. Participants rated the regular route as more difficult to climb, requiring greater perceived effort to complete. The time spent previewing, and then climbing the routes, was reduced on average by 12% and 16%, respectively in the irregular route compared to the regular route. There were more fixations made when climbing the regular route (281 vs. 222 fixations per trial). It seems the climbers were more careful and thorough in their gaze behaviours with the regular route because of the additional technical demands it presented, whereas the irregular route afforded a more superficial visual exploration with use of more frequent saccades between holds. The findings suggest how irregularity in the environment is exploited by skilled climbers, apparently making the practice context easier to perceive and act in.  相似文献   

基于深度休闲理论,采用质性方法探索攀岩者的深度休闲特征,从而揭示攀岩的意义和价值。对11名参与1年以上的攀岩者进行开放式访谈,运用质性分析软件NVivo 11.0对数据进行主题分析。研究发现,攀岩者具有4项深度休闲特征,即自我超越、认同感、个人利益和独特个性。深度攀岩者渴望不断超越自我,突破个人能力局限。他们认同攀岩项目和攀岩社会,将攀岩内化为自我的一部分。他们获得了生理和心理上的个人利益,尤其可以满足在工作中未能满足的成就需求。他们的独特个性包括独立、坚韧和沉静,可以被攀岩塑造。建议未来加大普及攀岩的力度,鼓励更多人参与攀岩,培养深度休闲生活方式。  相似文献   

We investigated the risk-taking behaviors of 302 men involved in high-risk sports (downhill skiing mountaineering rock climbing, paragliding, or skydiving). The sportsmen were classified using a typological approach to personality based on eight personality types, which were constructed from combinations of neuroticism, extraversion, and conscientiousness. Results showed that personality types with a configuration of low conscientiousness combined with high extraversion and/or high neuroticism (impulsive, hedonistic, insecure) were greater risk-takers. Conversely, personality types with a configuration of high conscientiousness combined with low extraversion and/or high extraversion (skeptic, brooder, entrepreneur) were lower risk-takers. Results are discussed in the context of typology and other approaches to understanding who takes risks in high-risk domains.  相似文献   

The growth of the climbing industry enables more people to use this sport to promote a healthy lifestyle. Given this trend, it is important to understand the heterogeneity of rock climbers and differences in their attributes, motivations and behaviors. In this study, the characteristics of serious leisure (SL) were used to classify rock climbers. Four hundred and eighty-six rock climbers recruited in this study were classified into three groups: low commitment (LC; N?=?82), high commitment (HC; N?=?355) and dedicated groups (N?=?49). A high mean on the financial return item distinguished the dedicated group (M?=?7.52) from the other two. Subsequently, the results of multinomial logistic regression, with the dedicated group as the baseline category, showed that with increases in experiences (i.e. days of climbing in the past year and years of climbing) and internalized motivations (i.e. intrinsic, identified and introjected motivations), a climber is less relatively likely of being in the LC group. Further, comparing the HC group with the dedicated group, with increases in experiences and introjected motivation, a climber is less likely of being in the HC group. The results of the classification complemented the results of previous qualitative SL studies regarding diverse participation in leisure commitment. The results with respect to motivation supported that internalization is associated with increases in commitment. Service providers should keep current regarding dynamic climbing culture and help clients fulfill diverse needs of commitment to rock climbing. The findings of this study enhance existing knowledge of recreationists’ development in the pursuit of adventure recreation.  相似文献   

We investigated the risk-taking behaviors of 302 men involved in high-risk sports (downhill skiing, mountaineering, rock climbing, paragliding, or skydiving). The sportsmen were classified using a typological approach to personality based on eight personality types, which were constructed from combinations of neuroticism, extraversion, and conscientiousness. Results showed that personality types with a configuration of low conscientiousness combined with high extraversion and/or high neuroticism (impulsive, hedonistic, insecure) were greater risk-takers. Conversely, personality types with a configuration of high conscientiousness combined with low extraversion and/or high extraversion (skeptic, brooder, entrepreneur) were lower risk-takers. Results are discussed in the context of typology and other approaches to understanding who takes risks in high-risk domains.  相似文献   

通过系统梳理有关高山滑雪运动损伤的英文文献,对高山滑雪项目的运动损伤特征、影响因素及主要预防策略进行综合分析论证。发现:(1)高山滑雪的损伤发生率高;膝关节是最常见的损伤部位,手指、下背部、头面部等部位次之;损伤类型主要包括韧带损伤、应力性骨折、神经系统损伤/脑震荡等,在前交叉韧带(Anterior Cruciate Ligament,ACL)损伤方面无性别差异;损伤程度一般为中、重度,最严重者可致使运动员停训或中断参赛超过28天;运动员在训练与比赛中所面临的损伤风险相近。(2)影响高山滑雪运动损伤的基本因素包括两个方面,一是运动员本身的竞技水平、技术动作、性别年龄、先天遗传等相关的内部因素,它是减少和预防高山滑雪运动损伤最根本和最重要的因素;二是与竞训场地、器材、装备、气候等客观条件相关的外部因素,它们也对高山滑雪运动损伤特征产生一定影响。(3)对高山滑雪运动损伤的预防策略,可主要侧重于提高力量素质、优化技术动作、创新器材设备,并逐步加强多措并举、相互配合以产生综合效应的方向发展。本研究为加强与高山滑雪项目特征相匹配的运动损伤评价体系的构建,加大高山滑雪运动损伤的机制探究,探索新的预防手段和策略等后续研究奠定了科学基础。  相似文献   

运用比较法和问卷法对华南理工大学2003、2004级部分学生体育课开设钓鱼、攀岩合并课进行探讨发现,高校体育课中开设钓鱼、攀岩合并课能很好地培养学生耐性和提高学生体质,且学生对该课程的兴趣度极高;同时还分析了高校开设垂钓、攀岩合并课在场地设施、师资力量等方面具有较好条件,并提出高校体育课应开展垂钓、攀岩课,以丰富和满足学生对多种体育项目的追求。  相似文献   

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