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光和我们的生活息息相关。没有光,我们看不到东西;万物也得不到生长。今天我们就告诉同学们一些和光有关的基础知识。  相似文献   

In compulsory education … among the main problems is the persistent phenomenon of failure and underachievement as reflected in high repeater and dropout rates, poor results in tests and end-of-school examinations, maladjustment to subsequent studies or inadequate basic knowledge on entering working life. The development of the sector during the next few years will be profoundly marked by the search for means of improving quality. (1)  相似文献   

The supplementary school has been the mainstay of the American Jewish educational system for almost a full century. It continues to this day as the primary schooling instrument for the majority of Jewish children in America. The relative success of the supplementary school system through the decades can be discussed and debated. Today, however, it is generally conceded that in the last quarter of a century the effectiveness of the supplementary school and its ability to fulfill its goal of preparing children for adult Jewish life has been severely limited. The reality and the perception of inadequacy is manifest in drop-outs before high school, transfers to day schools, and the disenchantment that comes from the realization that most students are left without the critical mass of Jewish knowledge necessary to sustain them through adulthood.  相似文献   

近年来中国对外文化交流频繁,特色鲜明的云南民族文化是中华民族文化的重要组成部分,近年来云南民族文化走向世界的力度也进一步加大。论文详细阐述了近年来云南民族文化对外文化交流活动,并对云南民族文化如何走向世界提供了建议和思路。  相似文献   

随着社会不断发展计算机在人们生活中发挥的作用也越来越明显,计算机作为人们沟通交流等的一项重要工具在我国的经济建设中发挥着不可替代的作用。我国很多职业院校为适应社会发展的人才需要,开设了专门的计算机应用基础教育课程,不但注重对学生计算机应用基础知识的教育,更加注重对学生的上机实践能力的培养。  相似文献   

图书馆数字化作为一项文化信息产业和知识经济的重要组成部分 ,不仅对促进国民经济的发展具有不可替代的重要作用 ,而且对提高国民文化素质和国家科技水平、加强中外文化信息交流具有重要意义。它将成为新世纪图书馆领域技术变革以及与此相适应的管理模式更新的主题。而要实现这一目标 ,不仅需要馆藏文献的数字化 ,而且需要在馆员素质、软件开发、硬件建设、馆际信息资源共建共享体系、关键技术等方面具备基本条件  相似文献   


Educational writing commonly announces new approaches that lay claim to conforming with children's natural learning and development. Almost invariably such approaches repeat principles that were given a modern form in the 1850s in the writings of Herbert Spencer. His great but unacknowledged influence has discouraged recognition that humans are odd creatures whose natural forms of learning and development are buried under layers of cultural acquisitions. Understanding education requires a richer understanding of our cultural tools. Technical expertise in the tasks of education is wasted unless one understands the cultural tools that shape the proper purposes of educational activity.  相似文献   

Comparisons of cognitive processing in monolinguals and bilinguals have revealed a bilingual advantage in inhibitory control. Recent studies have demonstrated advantages associated with exposure to two languages in infancy. However, the domain specificity and scope of the infant bilingual advantage in infancy remains unclear. In the present study, 114 monolingual and bilingual infants were compared in a very basic task of information processing—visual habituation—at 6 months of age. Bilingual infants demonstrated greater efficiency in stimulus encoding as well as in improved recognition memory for familiar stimuli as compared to monolinguals. Findings reveal a generalized cognitive advantage in bilingual infants that is broad in scope, early to emerge, and not specific to language.  相似文献   

会计确认是会计核算的基础环节,选择恰当的会计确认基础,才能保证会计信息质量.本文就会计确认基础的方式、会计确认基础的选择原则及不同的会计确认基础结合运用的趋势谈了谈个人的认识.  相似文献   

如何沟通学生的科学世界与生活世界,提高学生的科学素养,是目前物理教学改革的重要理论命题和实践难题。而以往被人们忽视的学生"物理感觉",恰恰是连接这两个世界的重要桥梁。鉴于此,我们有必要厘定物理感觉的内涵、分析物理感觉的类型,并藉此提出优化物理教学的策略。  相似文献   

在分析目前计算机网络基础教学存在问题的基础上,从教学目标、教学内容、授课对象和学时安排等方面指出在计算机网络基础教学中实施案例教学的必要性,并就案例的选取及实际应用进行了探讨.  相似文献   

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