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This article reports findings from two qualitatively based studies, one conducted at an urban preschool in Northern California and the other at a rural Head Start Center in the Midwest. By presenting detailed data from the two preschool sites, the article describes several ways to strengthen existing literacy practices for children, families, and teachers in both urban and rural early childhood settings. The studies focus on such critical aspects of child and family literacy development as ownership and inclusion, raising important issues for practice and policy in early childhood literacy and language education.  相似文献   

教育机会从其提供者的情形来看,可以分为两类:社会提供的教育机会与非社会提供的教育机会。非社会提供的教育机会比较复杂,主要包括:天赋提供的教育机会、家庭提供的教育机会、运气提供的教育机会、个人努力提供的教育机会,等等,它们皆属私人权利,是教育机会享有者的个人权利。社会,主要通过政府提供的教育机会,则与天赋、家庭、运气、个人努力等提供的教育机会根本不同,它属于公共权利,是全社会人人均应享有的“人权和幸福”。  相似文献   

构建社会主义和谐社会,是我们党从全面建设小康社会、开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面的全局出发提出的一项重大任务,适应了我国改革发展进入关键时期的客观要求,体现了广大人民群众的根本利益和共同愿望。构建社会主义和谐社会,必须营造全体人民平等友爱、融洽相处的社会环境,使社会各方面的利益关系得到妥善协调,切实维护和实现社会平等、公平。  相似文献   


The paper provides a systematic theoretical analysis of the main visions of the concept of scientific literacy developed in the last 20 years. It is described as a transition from a transmissive educational vision of scientific literacy (Vision-I) to a transformative vision (Vision-III), with a stronger engagement with social participation and emancipation. Using conceptual tools from sociology and the philosophy of education, the notions of science participation and emancipation associated with transformative Vision-III are critically analyzed in order to draw attention to the growing need to define them with greater accuracy as key conceptual components of scientific literacy. Without such an approach, it will be difficult for science education to materialize and consolidate educational actions that are pedagogically sound, culturally and socially sensitive, and coherent with the social transformation of the diverse conditions of oppression. It is concluded that Vision-III should include both a broad conception of participation, which makes visible the invisible and informal acts performed by diverse groups to build society, and an alternative notion of emancipation committed to liberation.


社会公平与教育机会均等   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文立足于构建和谐社会的时代背景,从理论上分析了社会公平与教育机会均等二者的应然关系,从现实中考察了社会公平的目标追求与教育机会在区域、阶层和性别上严重不均的矛盾,提出了公平与效率兼顾、层次推进的发展思路,以及采取差异策略,促进地区之间的教育机会均等;扶持弱势群体,促进阶层之间的教育机会均等;制定鼓励性政策,促进不同性别之间的教育机会均等的操作策略.  相似文献   

在分配领域及社会生活的其他领域中逐步建立与我国社会主义市场经济相适应的公平机制,是当前我国社会主义政治文明建设的重要任务。要从社会主义政治文明建设的根本目标和我国现阶段社会发展的实际出发,通过加强政治意识、政治制度和政治行为方式等方面的教育、改革与创新,积极、全面地推进我国社会公平机制的建设。  相似文献   

Considering the benefits that accrue in countries having low levels of social inequality and the harm that accompanies wide disparities in income, it is important to examine any practices or traditions that contribute to inequality. Under some circumstances, gifted education does confer advantages that are not available to all students, particularly when its identification procedures fail to recognize potential in students not in the dominant group or when services improve the educational opportunities only for those who are identified even though all students could benefit. The elimination of age grading, a practice that inhibits the development of potential for many children, including gifted children, is recommended as a solution to the inequality engendered by current practice.  相似文献   

Promoting social cohesion through education has re-emerged as an important policy objective in many countries during the past decade. But there is little clarity in policy discussions about what social cohesion means and how education may affect it. In this article we distinguish between social capital and societal cohesion and argue that education acts in differential ways on each. Using comparative, cross-country analysis, we develop a 'distributional model' which shows the relationship between equality of educational outcomes and various measures of social cohesion. In the final part of the article we discuss theories explaining the cross-country trends and variations in educational inequality and social inheritance in education, and argue that education system characteristics, such as degrees of 'comprehensiveness' in secondary schooling, may be an important factor in both. We conclude by arguing that policies to increase social cohesion through education must pay more attention to the reduction of educational equality than they currently do.  相似文献   

The autonomous fully‐fledged distance teaching universities (DTU's) that have been established since the early 1970 ‘s in Europe and in other parts of the world, and have been shaped to a great extent on the leading model of the Open University of the United Kingdom, were by their very nature designed to promote social equality and to enhance social accountability in higher education. The major goals on their agendas were to widen access to higher education, to reach out to potential students wherever and whenever they wished to study, to provide high quality learning experiences, to reduce the costs of university education, and to be responsive both to societal demands and to market trends. This article briefly describes the main policies, mechanisms, and measures that the DTU's adopted in order to achieve their goals and concludes with the implications and lessons that might be derived from the experience of the DTU's as to the planning and policy formation of higher education systems in the future.  相似文献   

科举制度与社会平等   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会不平等是重要的社会现象之一。中国古代社会分层明显,社会差异很大。但是,科举制度打破了旧有的社会分层,在促进合理的社会流动,在构建社会平等体系方面具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

略论教育与社会公平的实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育的终极目标是每个个体充分、自由而和谐的发展,是社会平等、正义、公正的实现。因此,教育机会均等成为社会公平的一个基本要求,教育公平成为社会公平的一个重要方面。了解教育影响社会公平的机制对于促进社会公平的实现具有重要意义。在现阶段,教育与社会的关系日益密切起来,如何尽可能地通过教育来创建社会公平的环境已经成为一个重要课题。  相似文献   

人们对幼儿幼儿早期读写的认识经历了以阅读准备为主导的传统认识和以读写萌发为主导新认识两个阶段,目前读写萌发理论在世界范围内是早期读写教育的主导型研究范式。本文介绍了读写萌发的相关概念。把读写萌发理论介绍到我国可以增强我们对于幼儿读写发展的理解,也可以改进我国幼儿读写教育方面的实践,同时汉语背景下读写萌发的研究也有利于丰富读写萌发理论自身。  相似文献   

This article compares the evidence from the 2009 PISA survey on the distribution of skills amongst 15-year-olds in different regions and country groups and explores how education systems in these regions contribute to different levels of inequality. In the second part, it presents evidence from surveys on adult skills and attitudes on how skills inequality affects social attitudes and social cohesion.  相似文献   

王艮是泰州学派创始人。他的平等、身本、改革创新等和谐发展思想,很有特色,对今天的和谐社会建设有着重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

We developed a course, as part of our institution's core program, which provides students with a foundation in academic literacy in the social sciences: how to find, read, critically assess, and communicate about social science research. It is not a research methods course; rather, it is intended to introduce students to the social sciences and be better consumers of social science research. In this article, we describe the key learning objectives of this course, the basic content areas, and some of the innovative teaching and learning strategies used in the course. We also provide empirical evidence of the effectiveness of the course in meeting its learning objectives and of student responses to the course. Finally, we discuss some of the challenges in developing interdisciplinary core courses and offer suggestions for best practices for teaching social science literacy as part of the core curriculum.  相似文献   

Viv Bird 《Literacy》2005,39(2):59-63
This article describes the Literacy and Social Inclusion Project, a partnership between the National Literacy Trust and the Basic Skills Agency, which looked specifically at home and community approaches to literacy teaching. It presents a model for building parental skills and considers the policy implications of this initiative.  相似文献   

当代新儒家基于人具有天命之仁而天下为公、自由平等之核心价值,在政治上坚决主张民主自由,认为只有民主自由才能实践儒家政治理想,含具儒家价值的民主政治才能生根发展,发挥其最高的价值;主张民主政治除了吸纳西方体制,亦须以道德自觉、淑世利他和中庸均平的价值精神相互充实。迩近西方学界反思民主共和的危机,恰正呼应儒家民主在西方经验之外亦讲求道德自觉的主张。徐复观的儒家民主论谈及儒家义理为民主自由之依据、中道之政治观、人格人权相依不离之民主观,并藉此反思中国传统与西方民主政治,及儒家思想转进民主政治之关键,对儒家普世价值的阐发作出了重要贡献,值得今人审思与继承。  相似文献   

和谐社会的构建内在地要求各种经济、政治和文化利益在全体社会成员之间合理而平等地分配。而教育公平则为每一位社会成员在社会博弈中提供了实现利益均等的机会。目前,由于经济水平、区域差距等原因,我国教育还存在某些不公平现象,这势必影响和谐社会的构建。因此,积极推动教育公平,才能达到社会和谐的战略目标。  相似文献   

基于教学平等的网络课程设计要素与原则   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
现代课程论和教学理论把师生间的交往活动——教学活动置于课程中的重要位置,开放教育中的网络课程尤为注重教学平等的教学效果。本文依据现代课程论和教学论的核心观点。对网络课程设计应该关注的主要因素包括课程内容、内容的结构和呈现方式、学习者的经验。以及课程教学环境的营建进行了初步分析,并据此提出了网络课程设计的一般性原则:整合性。互动性,生成性,发展性,可选择性,亲和性。  相似文献   

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