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School counselors, when serving as consultants and assuming consultee roles, can contribute significantly to the well-being of gifted students at all school levels. This article summarizes pertinent current training of school counselors, social and emotional concerns of gifted children and adolescents, and the practice of consultation as it relates to school counseling. In addition, brief narratives describe consultations related to peer relations, underachievement, college and career decisions, assistance to classroom teachers and parents, small-group work, potential misdiagnosis, alternative and affective curriculum, and diversity.  相似文献   

Research on teachers' practical knowledge is considered to be an alternative to several other research approaches to teaching which study teaching from a limited point of view and from an outsider's perspective, often with the aim of exerting control over teachers. It is argued that research on teachers' practical knowledge takes into account in a better way what really matters in teaching because it emphasizes the knowledge and beliefs of teachers themselves about teaching. In this study, the issue of 'good' teaching is highlighted from a perspective on teaching based on teachers' practical knowledge. The conceptions of education of eight experienced teachers were investigated with a multi-methodical approach. Teachers' conceptions of education consist of their views on the objectives of education, the contents of the curriculum, and the role of the teacher and the students in the teaching and learning process. Several contextual factors and teachers' interpretations of these factors seem to exert influence on teachers' conceptions of education, such as the schools in which they work, the characteristics of the students and subjects they teach, and general developments in society. It is concluded that it is difficult to give a precise definition of good teaching from a practical knowledge perspective because of the personal and context-embeddedness of teachers' practical knowledge. However, the results indicate that research on teachers' practical knowledge adds new information to the discussion of good teaching when compared with the results of more traditional research approaches to teaching.  相似文献   

当前我国教育心理学发展中的问题透视   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
当前我国教育心理学发展中的主要问题有:内容体系缺乏系统性和整体性;研究方法和手段缺乏创新;理论与实际相结合的程度不高;研究缺乏足够的中国化。解决教育心理学现存问题的途径主要是:用整体的观点研究教育心理现象;建立内容体系的基本“范式”;创建适用于学科研究的新方法;建立理论和应用两个层面的教育心理学;加强研究的应用性;逐步建立具有中国特色的理论体系。  相似文献   

刘秀英  丁邦平 《中学教育》2020,17(1):90-100
我国关于学生科学观的已有研究多是自上而下的"应然"研究,缺少对学生科学观"实然"状况的质性研究。本文应用现象图析学的方法得到高中学生的九种科学观,结果表明学生的科学观是多样化的,不只包括科学知识观、科学探究观和科学事业观;部分学生对科学的理解是"以学校为中心"的,将"科学"等同于"学科"或"实验";一些学生将科学看得太宽泛,将"生活"等同于"科学",带有"科学主义"的思想倾向;许多学生过多地关注科学的实用性,将"科学"与"技术"或"产品"混为一谈;还有些学生不能区分"自然"与"科学",对科学本质的思考比较欠缺。提出科学教育须关注科学本质的教学,学生的科学观不同于科学家和科学哲学家,科学观教育须以学生的认知为起点。  相似文献   

二战以来,世界民族运动进入一个全面的发展时期,呈现出与国际社会发展的同步性与统一性,形成了一股独特的社会运动和国际定位,具有巨大的弹性与张力,在多元性与一体化的矛盾运动中,以不同的方式和其固有的意义对国内、国际政治经济的重构与发展产生了巨大的影响,并揭示出平等、进步、共同发展的时代趋向。  相似文献   

批判性话语分析作为一种人文社会科学研究方法,对于当代教育研究具有重要的指导和借鉴意义,它为人们研究教育问题提供了一个新的视角。本文以批判性话语分析为理论基础,从批判性话语分析的视角来审视教育研究问题,提出批判性话语分析的方法将会促进当代教育研究在研究性质、研究主题与研究条件等方面发生一系列转变。  相似文献   

当代中国公益伦理的建构必须对传统公益伦理进行现代诠释和价值提升,贯彻集体主义原则和为人民服务的精神,体现公益活动的特殊本质和基本要求,反映当代公益存在的伦理问题.  相似文献   

现代汉语与现代文学的关系问题作为一个学术问题,有其自身的特殊性与复杂性,这使得对这一问题的探讨,不仅极具诱惑力,而且极具挑战意味。仅从本土文化身份入手难以揭示问题的全部内涵。一些学者从“现代性”切入的研究,虽富有成果,但仍然留下许多空间。现代文学产生自一场裂变性的文学变革运动,这场文学变革运动基本上是在贯彻其发起者与参与者新的文学理想的过程中展开的,因此文学观念在现代文学与现代汉语形成过程中起到相当重要的作用,是把握现代文学与现代汉语的现代性及其关系的关键因素。  相似文献   

厘清“聋人大学生的社会身份”一词的内涵及研究脉络,对准确定位聋教育实践中的研究问题具有重要意义.本文通过对“聋”和“社会身份”二词的概念背景进行梳理,及回顾社会建构视角意义上涉及“聋人身份”的国内、外相关研究,得出“聋人大学生社会身份”的定义,同时简要讨论前人文献对于高等聋教育中社会身份研究的启发.  相似文献   

安徽文学家地理分布存在着强烈的不平衡性,以江淮地区最为发达,皖南为次发达地区,皖北地区为最不发达区域。安徽现当代文学发展的不平衡性以及文学风格的多样性,主要是自然环境和人文环境共同作用的结果。自然地理环境优越,经济发达、教育发达的地区,相应的文学发展水平较高,文学家的地理分布密度也较高。自然地理环境的差异,导致经济生产类型和生活方式呈现多样性,使审美特点和表达方式不同,形成了不同的文学风格。  相似文献   

Giftedness in science today is largely measured by various kinds of standardized tests—IQ tests, SATs, ACTs, GREs, and so forth. For example, many STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) gifted programs rely at least in part on IQ tests or the SAT for identifying students as gifted. It might be useful to supplement such standard measures with measures that directly measure the skills involved in actual scientific work, such as (a) generating hypotheses, (b) generating experiments, (c) drawing conclusions, (d) reviewing (i.e., analyzing scientific work), (e) editing (i.e., evaluating reviews of scientific work), and (f) evaluating teaching. This article discusses the status of the measurement of scientific giftedness and also describes assessments designed to measure scientific giftedness as well as giftedness in evaluating teaching (an important component of scientific success).  相似文献   

The aims of this research were to investigate the possibilities of developing the cognitive and creative abilities of recognised gifted children, and also of raising the development of “ordinary” children up to a level of giftedness. This experimental work, based on Vygot‐sky's Dynamic Theory of Giftedness, involved special procedures and an experimental curriculum designed to overcome children's psychological barriers to learning. Five school classes were involved: three experimental classes, two of these gifted and one of average‐ability children. Two further control classes were taught by conventional methods. Comparative assessments were made for 6 years between all the children, regarding cognitive development, creativity and social giftedness, revealing considerable undeveloped potential of “ordinary” children. Major factor influencing IQ changes included the differences in psychological mechanisms to overcome barriers to learning. Due to the experimental psychological curriculum, not only did all the children's cognitive abilities increase, but also their creativity. Hence, these new diagnostic and developmental procedures were found to be effective, demonstrating the high practical value of the Dynamic Theory of Giftedness.  相似文献   

运用内容分析的方法,以2003年至2007年间<人民教育>杂志"名师人生"专栏中所报道的68位典型人物为样本,从生理形象、知识形象、学科形象、业绩形象、事迹形象等5个方面,对我国当代优秀教师的总体形象进行多维透视,结果显示当代优秀教师典型形象的总体特征是:中年教师在当代教师群体中地位日益突出;优秀教师的文化程度普遍提高,学历是评定优秀教师的必要条件之一;语数外主干学科的教师是优秀教师的主体;教师群体的"专业化"、"专家化"已经成为教师形象发展的主要趋势;当代优秀教师正试图向反思课改、勤奋科研方向发展.  相似文献   

关于“乡村旅游”概念的探讨   总被引:130,自引:0,他引:130  
通过对现有一些乡村旅游概念的比较和分析,乡村性应该是界定乡村旅游的最重要标志,因此,狭义的乡村旅游,是指在乡村地区,以具有乡村性的自然和人文客体为旅游吸引物的旅游活动。如果对这个乡村旅游概念中“乡村性”这个特性缺乏足够的认识,就可能导致乡村旅游概念的模糊,这既不利于构建乡村旅游研究的理论体系,也可能会降低乡村旅游的丰富性。  相似文献   

由凯文·林奇的都市意象概念引发,思考当代电影中呈现的都市景观的意义,都市意象的五个要素以及都市景观意象与电影中的都市意象的关联等问题。  相似文献   

新时期以来,中国社会发生了巨大的变化,这种变化也反映到文学上,自然带来了文学面貌的明显更新和变化。散文的创作更是枯木逢春,呈现出勃勃生机,对散文的研究也成为新时期以来评论界的一个热点。近些年来不断有研究和批评散文的专著问世,就透露出这方面的信息。这些著作,有的注重于对作家作品的解读,作家心性的捕捉和感悟,如张振金的《中国当代散文史》;  相似文献   

当前经济环境下,大学生就业问题日益严峻。基于TPB,在中国经济结构视角下构建大学生就业行为模型和度量表,对社会经济环境、大学生就业行为进行分析,探析各因素与大学生就业之间的关系,并从政府、企业、高校和大学生等方面提出基本思路,以期为大学生就业提供参考。  相似文献   

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