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The rise of mass education systems in 19th‐century Europe and North America was often followed by establishment of programmes of compulsory moral/civic instruction. Few of the “new” social history's techniques have been applied to the latter phenomenon, although those techniques have produced broad reassessments of public education.

Using the example of France at the turn of the twentieth century, this paper offers such an application. It shows how a social history of moral/civic education would lend itself to comparative historical research, help our understanding of the roots of public social policy, throw new light on the question of social class, and invite reformulation of traditional administrative and intellectual history of education. The closing section outlines possible avenues of research, and offers bibliographical guidance on the development of moral/civic education in France, the United Kingdom, Germany and the United States.  相似文献   

The question was on the mind of every NBA fan last January: Whocould possibly be the next Michael Jordan? Turns out the answer wasn't thenew MJ after all. It was the old Tim Duncan. That's old as in... "old school." Duncan's game is built on solidfundamentals, hard work and team play. Just as Doctor Naismith intended. Of course, so was Jordan's game. MJ just preferred to play above therim for the first half-dozen years of his career. before he figured out the way  相似文献   

Once there was an old lady. She had a cat. The cat was very old. One day, a mouse ran through the kitchen, and the cat saw it. He ran up and caught the mouse But the mouse escaped at once, because the cat had only one  相似文献   

Previous research has indicated that when tasks are made more meaningful, the performance of the elderly generally improves. A closer look, however, reveals that improvement occurs mostly for educationally disadvantaged elderly, highly educated older adults not benefiting differentially from meaningful material. Consequently, the present study compared performance of high‐ and low‐education adults on traditional and meaningful space and reasoning measures. A total of 246 male and female volunteers were divided into subgroups by age (53‐65 and 70‐78 years) and by education (high and low). Separate analyses of variance for reasoning and space revealed main effects for education and age on both abilities. In addition, main effects for test and sex, and a significant age by test interaction were found for space, with the performance differential between the familiar and traditional tests being much greater for the young‐old group. A trend for an education X age X test X sex interaction was found for reasoning, as expected, with low education, young‐old men doing more poorly on the traditional form. Suggestions for future related research are discussed.  相似文献   

A new day dawns, a new year begins, A fresh new start as the old year ends. With each new day comes my chance to be, More about others and less about me. Facing new challenges with passion and zest, j Wanting to give out only my best. Making new friends t…  相似文献   

The present study explores students’ abilities in conversions between geometric and algebraic representations, in problem- solving situations involving the concept of “limit” and the interrelation of these abilities with students’ constructed understanding of this concept. An attempt is also made to examine the impact of the “didactic contract” on students’ performance through the processes they employ in tackling specific tasks on the concept of limit. Data were collected from 222 12th-grade high school students in Greece. The results indicated that students who had constructed a conceptual understanding of limit were the ones most probable to accomplish the conversions of limits from the algebraic to the geometric representations and the reverse. The findings revealed the compartmentalized way of students’ thinking in non-routine problems by means of their performance in simpler conversion tasks. Students who did not perform under the conditions of the didactic contract were found to be more consistent in their responses for various conversion tasks and complex problems on limits, compared to students who, as a consequence of the didactic contract, used only algorithmic processes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this column is to keep religious educators abreast of relevant significant research in the general field of psychology. Its implications for methods and materials in religious education are clear. Religious educators may well take advantage of every finding in scientific research.

Each abstract or group is preceded by an evaluation and interpretive comment, which aims to guide the reader in understanding the research reported.

All of these abstracts are from PSYCHOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS, and used by permission of that periodical. The abstract numbers are from Volume 24, 1950.  相似文献   

Since the development of the microcomputer in the early 70's, computer technology has expanded into the eductional lives of increasing numbers of persons. Computers, once seen only in wealthy industries, are now nearly as common as pencils and paper in our nations' schools. In addition to the rapid development of computer training programs at the post secondary level, the proliferation of such programs is now manifest at the secondary, elementary, and even preschool levels. While computers appear to offer a great deal of educational potential for our youth, their benefits have not as yet been explored among older adults.  相似文献   

1.Awolfhadn蒺teatenanythingforseveraldays,sohefeltveryhungry.Herovedaboutinsearchoffoodtoeat.一条狼有几天没吃东西,它饿极了,便四处走来走去,想找点东西吃。2.Whenhepassedbyadoor,heheardachildwascryinganditsnursechidingit.当它从一家门口路过时,从这家传出小孩的哭声和保姆的呵斥声。3.“Stop,stopcrying,orI蒺llthrowyoutothewolf熏”saidthenurse.Hearingwhatshesaid,thewolffeltverygladinhisheart.Hethoughttheoldwomanwouldbeasgoodasherword?“你再哭,就把你扔出去喂狼!”那家的保姆说。狼听了暗暗高兴,它想这老太太…  相似文献   

Studies on moral development done by some men, such as Kohlberg, have done a disservice to women. When considering the approaches to ethical decisions, such studies have not always considered the experience of women. There are differences between men and women re‐, garding their ideas of good and evil, sin, rights and relationships, and the establishment of priorities. These differences influence the route that men and women take to reach ethical decisions. Even if men and women reach the same conclusions, gender differences affect the approaches used to reach them. Nevertheless, both genders are capable of making sound moral decisions.  相似文献   

ArichfarmerinEnglandoncehadafriendwhogrewverygoodapples.Onedaythisfriendgivethefarmerafineyoungtreeandtoldhimtotakeithomeandplantit.ThefarmerwaspleasedwiththepresentbutwhenhecamehomehedidnotknowWheretoplantthetree.Hethought:"IfIplantitneartheroad,strangerswillstealtheapples.IfIplantitinmyfield,myneighbourswillcomeatnightandrobme.IfIplantitnearmyhouse,mychildrenwilltaketheapples."  相似文献   

2010年似乎是KAT-TUN的一个新纪元,单曲专辑大卖对他们来说已经不足为奇,继巡回演唱会之后,世界的舞台也在等着他们。台湾地区、韩国、甚至还有美国的演唱会计划,KAT-TUN正在跨越他们的鸿沟,创造一次又一次新的历史……  相似文献   

This article aims to explore the connections between a religious education curriculum's methodology in the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne, Australia and some contemporary theories about children's spirituality. “The Good Shepherd Experience” curriculum is intended for use with 5- and 6-year-old children in the first years of formal schooling. It forms a part of the To Know, Worship and Love religious education text based curriculum, directed for use by schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne as a key text in the religious education curricula. In exploring connections with children's spirituality, this article analyzes “The Good Shepherd Experience” in terms of wonder (mystery-sensing, contingency, and dependability), play and imagination, and the ability to use religious language and concepts.  相似文献   

Characters:MotherGoat,SevenKids,andBigBadWolf.Scenes:goat'shutandgarden.Narrator:MotherGoathassevenlittlekids.Shelovesthemverymuch.Onedaymorning,MotherGoatisgoingtothewoodstogetfood.Beforesheleaves,shecallsthemalltoher.MotherGoat:Dearchildren,Iamgoingtothewoods.DonotopenthedoorwhileIamaway.IftheBigBadWolfcomesin,hewilleatyouallup.KidNo.1:Howcanweknowhim,mum?MotherGoat:Youcaneasilyknowhimbyhisroughvoice andhisblackfeet.KidNo.1:Weknow,mum.KidNo.2:Werememberyourwords,mum.MotherGoat…  相似文献   

春节就要到了,这是一年中最值得期待,也是最快乐的日子。我们的春节是农历的新年。任时间上,我们和国外的新年不同,但是在感情上都是一样的。我们都怀着美好的祝福等待着新年的来临,都以各种方式迎接新年的到来。  相似文献   

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