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The centenary of the death of Albert Craig is an appropriate moment for a retrospect of his contribution to the popular sporting poetry of the time. Occasional brief personal reminiscences or short appreciations of Craig have surfaced after his death. This article attempts to remedy the previous lack of a full-length study of a remarkable figure who entertained huge numbers of sporting spectators with his compositions and his conversation. Craig's progress through an unrivalled career is followed chronologically and thematically. It is supported by contemporary reports and by collecting together some 500 surviving examples of his work culled from sources previously unconsidered.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2019,22(4):502-512
The physical environment of sport facilities, referred to as the sportscape, has a substantial influence on the extent to which sport fans attend sporting events and revisit the facilities. Accordingly, professional franchises make efforts to construct new stadiums with different sportscape elements, which serve as important factors that determine spectators’ levels of attendance satisfaction. With a sample of South Korean baseball fans, the authors examine which sportscape components of professional ballparks are considered most important by spectators, as well as how baseball attendees indicate their willingness to pay for particular sportscape attributes. Based on a discrete choice experimental approach, results indicate that spectators place the greatest importance on fast access to ballparks largely dependent upon the location. Results also suggest that respondents are willing to pay KR₩4102 for one more subway line. Different strategies for developing successful sportscape components are discussed.  相似文献   


During the first half of the nineteenth century, Cornish wrestling, which was distinctive to Cornwall, was the county’s most popular sport, with a large number of wrestlers competing for lucrative prizes at numerous tournaments and watched by thousands of spectators. Its popularity also extended to London, where sporting entrepreneurs, mainly publicans, organized and promoted wrestling in the Cornish style, when the best wrestlers were lured to the capital to compete for large prizes, witnessed by substantial crowds, which often included members of the nobility. During the second half of the nineteenth century, Cornish wrestling suffered a serious decline in popularity with fewer wrestlers, tournaments, and spectators. By 1900 the sport had almost died out and only survived due to the efforts of a small group of talented wrestlers who inspired a minor revival in the years leading up to 1914. One factor that contributed to the decline was the practice of ‘faggoting’, which was a form of match-fixing that involved wrestlers agreeing with opponents to share any prize money. Consequently, the sport developed a bad reputation and became very unpopular with spectators. In order to eradicate the practice, wrestling organizers issued regular warnings to wrestlers or excluded them from tournaments.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2020,23(2):183-199
Elite sport provides an exciting and dynamic emotional experience for spectators. Social marketers using sport sponsorship to promote health messages are yet to consider the impact of the temporal emotional sporting context in which health messages are promoted. The authors provide a critical review of the evidence for the influence of emotion on behavior and seek to elucidate the implications for health sponsorship in sport. Articles were identified via electronic database searches and returned-article references, with thirty-three suitable articles included. Drawing on evidence from sport sponsorship, social marketing, advertising, and cause-related marketing, the review highlights few studies have investigated emotion, health communication, and behavior in a sport sponsorship context. The findings indicate that positive (e.g. happiness, compassion) and negative (e.g. fear, guilt) emotions influence intentions and behaviors with the interaction of message framing important when delivering social marketing messages. A conceptual model presents how emotions may influence behavioral health sponsorship outcomes and provides areas of future research to develop best policy and practice when delivering health sponsorship in a sporting context.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、调查法和数理统计法等研究方法,对CBA球场观众攻击性行为的社会文化背景进行分析。结果表明:⑴CBA赛事中对安保、物品和观众行为导向上缺乏有效的管理;⑵不同地域的观众在看球过程中其攻击性行为与其文化背景差异明显;⑶媒体误导是观众攻击性行为的重要诱因。本文提出共建良好的看台文化、创建第三方监管机制等对策。  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(3):382-404
This article outlines a rich localized sporting culture based upon pedestrianism, the public house and gambling in nineteenth-century Bolton and its near neighbour, the shock city of the age, Manchester. As surrounding fields and moors of the city and town were gradually industrialized and urbanized, alternative spaces, premises and places were needed to accommodate sport. They were increasingly provided by entrepreneurial local publicans in a shrewd commercial move that understood the profit-making potential of sport. By arranging events either near or on their premises they were guaranteed healthy takings, as spectators and competitors consumed alcohol and gambled their wages over the bar. Publicans also profited by charging admission fees to their newly enclosed grounds. Cultural historians, though, have overlooked many of these grounds that were underpinned by the commercial interests of the petty bourgeoisie, the drinks trade and gambling. By 1860 pedestrianism seemed to have become the most extensive male working-class sporting interest in the area, only to fade throughout the 1860s. Despite this, many sporting and commercial cultural practices that were established across the mid-century subsequently remained part of the local cultural base upon which the game of professional association football in Lancashire was built.  相似文献   

Organisations are using social networking sites to promote themselves and communicate with their stakeholders. This new medium has also found its way in the promotion of sporting events. In this article, the social network site of the 27th SEA Games in Myanmar 2013 was examined to understand its role in communicating with spectators and fans of the sporting event. The activity on the official Facebook page of the event was analysed by examining the posts by the organisers and comments by members of the social network site. In addition, the analysis also examined the issues that were surfaced on the social network site. The findings show that organisers of sports events did not leverage on the medium to encourage participation from members. Activity on the social media peaked during the event but tapered off after the event.  相似文献   

《Sport in Society》2012,15(1):78-87
Media interactivity in the field of sport functions as both a lure and a way of transforming a viewer's relation to a game. Sport websites, along with the more traditional medium of television, have taken on the pedagogical task of acquainting a mass audience with a variety of sports and their rules, skills, histories and cultures, and by extension turning them into sport fans and consumers. Fantasy sport accentuates and intensifies, while also constituting a reaction against, this development: it can be seen as a form of escape from what many connoisseurs of sport doubtlessly consider sport has become: a commercialized, trivialized and hyperbolized media spectacle. At the same time, fantasy sport produces entirely new sets of relations between spectators as fans and sporting contests, and to a large extent transforms the visual regime of sport spectatorship.  相似文献   

Due to the decision of the Soviet Union and nearly all of its East European satellites to withdraw from the 1984 Los Angeles Summer Games, the communist media provided audiences in the Soviet bloc with few reports on the sporting events in the Olympic city. When Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, broadcasters funded by the US government, attempted to fill this ‘information gap’ by beaming coverage of the Los Angeles Games behind the Iron Curtain, the Soviet Union protested to the International Olympic Committee. They claimed, with a mixture of fact and fiction, that the Radios were tools of the American intelligence establishment and accused them of broadcasting ‘subversive’ propaganda to Eastern Europe and the USSR. Stirred into action by this Soviet manoeuvre, leading spokesmen for the Radios were joined by government officials, private citizens, US Olympic Committee members and the American media in a concerted attempt not only to defend the work of the broadcasters, but also to secure their press accreditation for Los Angeles.  相似文献   

This discussion focuses on how the rise of America's national sporting pastimes, during the period 1880–1920, was inextricably tied to the ambitions and outpourings of American print capitalism and a concomitant congealing of a sense of modern American nationhood. In examining this thematic, we explicate the manner in which American national sporting audiences during the period 1880–1920 were variously constituted through discourses of national and ethnic sporting difference or Otherness. Hence, we examine the popular representation of turn of the century rodeo practices (as narrated through the spectacle of the western showman William Frederick ‘Buffalo Bill’ Cody's Wild West show productions), the position of early-twentieth-century American baseball in relation to other sporting cultures (graphically depicted by Albert Goodwill, or A.G., Spalding's promotional publications, specifically the 1911 America's National Game) and the national and ethnic differences discerned within the global sporting landscape more generally (explicated within the 1919 National Geographic article ‘The Geography of Games’). These performances and representations of ethnic and national sporting Otherness played an important role in re-inscribing and legitimating the (White European American) normative core of American sport culture (as manifest within and through the dominant practices of playing and/or spectating of football, baseball and basketball).  相似文献   


An Australian analysis of global sporting megatrends has noted the rise in prominence of action sports. Over the past few decades, action sports have continued to evolve and fragment. Changes in the high-performance sector have been particularly evident through the highly visible inclusion of action sports such as BMX, snowboarding, surfing, skateboarding and sports climbing in the Olympic Games. However, while there has been a swift rise in the prominence and position of action sports globally, relatively little is known about the impact of the shifting formalization and professionalization of these sports and their participants. Focussing on the Australian context, this article seeks to capture and critique the professional development of coaches and athletes, while drawing on examples from BMX, surfing and skateboarding. Further, implications of funding, research and new media technologies on the knowledge, expertise and credentials of elite action sports participants are discussed. Findings of the systematic analysis suggest that there are differing opportunities for professionalization of action sports both nationally and internationally, with the subsequent recommendation being that sporting organizations join forces to support the advancement of athletes and coaches.  相似文献   

探讨了基于大型体育赛事的公共科技发展的战略管理流程。从公共科技的内涵以及大型体育赛事促进公共科技发展的事实出发,提出政府部门在举办大型体育赛事时能通过制定和实施公共科技发展战略有效地为公众提供公共科技服务,并提供了战略管理的规范性路径。  相似文献   

运用文献研究法、专家调查法、理论分析法对体能主导类项群中的田径、游泳、举重项目运动技术发展过程中某些共性问题进行了研究。竞赛实践使人们对运动技术重要性的认识程度逐渐加深并影响训练理念的改变;极端重视运动技术的个体差异;运动技术训练首先要考虑实效性,同时兼顾合理性、经济性;目前运动技术的发展以技术质量提高为主要途径但仍十分注重创新;运动技术中的现代科技含量有不断增高的趋势。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、逻辑推理、案例解析等研究方法,对区块链技术在我国体育用品制造企业融资模式中的应用进行探析。结果表明:经济新常态下我国体育用品制造业的可持续健康发展是国家实施"供给侧改革"战略的重要环节,体育用品制造企业是我国体育产业发展的核心元素,但限于国内体育用品制造业的整体市场竞争力,我国体育用品制造企业融资难、融资成本高、融资结构单一、专业担保机构不足等问题仍非常突出。近年来,伴随区块链技术的迅猛发展,供应链金融已经成为破解中小企业融资困境的重要手段,也为我国体育用品制造企业融资提供了业务创新基础。通过对区块链技术的含义和主要特征进行介绍,阐释了区块链融资模型的基本构架及操作流程。区块链技术的分布式记账、共识机制、时间戳记等特征在我国体育用品制造企业融资模式中的应用具备较多优势,如确保数据信息真实可靠,实现信息互联互通等。最后,针对区块链技术在我国体育用品制造(销售)企业融资案例中的应用过程展开理论分析,并提出未来展望。  相似文献   

体育赛事组织者是指组织、策划体育赛事,享有相关权利并承担相应义务的个人或组织。传播技术的发展使体育赛事的观众规模迅速扩大,在带来巨大收益的同时,也让体育赛事组织者面临权利保护的难题。鉴于我国当前无明确保护体育赛事组织者传播权的法律,以往的相关判决中常用体育赛事组织的章程证明体育赛事组织者对其体育赛事享有传播权。体育赛事组织的章程具备一定的法律效力,但由于赛事传播权属于绝对性权利,而体育赛事组织不具备立法主体资格,其章程规定不能作为体育赛事组织者享有赛事传播权利的法律依据。对比他国采取的保护模式,认为我国可在《体育法》《著作权法》上明确对体育赛事组织者传播权的保护,同时权利人还可借助《合同法》《物权法》的相关规定,主张其对体育赛事节目享有的控制权。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2014,17(2):121-132
The sports industry is viewed as being of growing economic significance, reflected in its promotion in public policy. One specific aspect of this policy is to argue that investment in international sporting success creates pride from sporting success, which contributes to subjective well-being (SWB). However, though it has been argued that indicators of sporting success, such as the number of medals won at major sports events like the Olympics, act as a proxy for pride from sporting success, there have not been any direct tests of this hypothesis. Controlling for the impact of physical activity, attendance at sports events and other standard covariates, this paper addresses this hypothesis by focusing on a variable which directly measures pride felt from sporting success (Pride) by individuals. Because of the possibility that a latent characteristic such as nationalism, or overall national pride, might be linked to both Pride and SWB, i.e. an endogeneity problem is present, an instrumental variable technique is employed. The findings do not support the hypothesis that pride following from sporting success can contribute distinctly to SWB. Moreover, the hosting of events may be more important than success at them, a point suggested by the positive association between attendance at sporting events and SWB. As such the goals of public sector investment in both hosting major sports events as well as investment in sports development to achieve international sporting success are shown to be more distinct than implied in much of the policy announcements and require more careful scrutiny.  相似文献   


Research on creativity in sport is gaining momentum, due to a growing interest from coaches and academics in developing strategies to increase unpredictability in individual and collective behaviour which may allow teams to gain an important advantage over their opponents. The purpose of this paper was to conduct the first systematic narrative review of the literature on sporting creativity, critically synthesising 51 years of published research (1967–2018) and proposing avenues for future research. Six databases were used, and 48 documents met search criteria. The findings are organised in four categories: (a) defining creativity, (b) correlates of creativity, (c) assessing creativity and (d) developing creativity. Creativity definitions and assessments have privileged thought processes over the ability to act. A distinction is warranted between creativity about sport and creativity in sport (in action) and aligned assessment methods. The literature does not support a single strategy for the development of sporting creativity but does support its trainability. Evidence of the effectiveness of programmes for the enhancement of sporting creativity is growing but is still limited. Furthermore, while it is recognised that coaches have a pivotal role in the development of sporting creativity, research involving them is still scarce.  相似文献   

网球大师杯·上海赛现场观众基本特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用问卷调查、数理统计等研究方法,分析网球大师杯·上海赛现场观众的基本特征.结果显示:无论是中国籍观众还是外国籍观众,均具有年龄轻、高学历、高收入的基本特征.具体表现为:男女性观众比例较为均衡,女性观众比例逐年上升;中青年及学生、企业员工是主要观赛人群;70%以上的观众拥有大专及以上学历;50%以上的中国观众来自中产家庭,外国观众中家庭人均年收入超过4万美元的占大多数.建议挖掘女性产品和服务的赞助商,制定营销手段吸引非上海观众观赛.  相似文献   

The FIFA World Cup provides opportunities to attract visitors to host cities and for local residents to enjoy event-related celebrations. This paper directs attention to Fortaleza, in the north-east of Brazil, where a survey was conducted of 285 spectators to identify the relative importance of enjoyment and competitive outcomes as motives to attend games at the 2014 World Cup. The study also examined the relationship between motivation, event setting and event satisfaction and whether any differences in these relationships existed between local and visiting spectators. In the case of visitors to Fortaleza, factors that influence intentions to revisit the city were also examined. Although satisfaction did not have an impact on visitation intentions, visitors were strongly influenced by competitive motives associated with the team they support. In comparison, local residents were more motivated by event excitement. The need to recognize the propensities of different types of spectators and the complexity of the relationship between spectators and the event setting are discussed.  相似文献   

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