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本文论述了我国卫生事业医疗道德与医疗消费的关系,反映医疗技术水平与医疗消费中不合理的现象,指出选优劣汰是提高临床医生医技的必要措施.  相似文献   

介绍了首都医科大学医教协同培养医药卫生人才的经验:在对首都医药卫生人才需求调研分析的基础上,明确学校定位,调整专业设置和培养规模,培养合格适用人才;实践医教协同,个性化地培养各级各类医药卫生人才。  相似文献   

对印度的医学教育的历史、现状、特点以及医学教育与医疗职业准入制度、毕业后教育、住院医师培养、专科医师准入制度的衔接等作了介绍与分析。  相似文献   

物理学对医学的发展起着重要的推动作用,它的每一新发现或技术发展到一个新的阶段,都为医学研究和医疗实践提供更先进、更方便和更精密的仪器和方法,现代的医学影像就是其中的成果之一.介绍了医学物理学的发展情况,阐述了医学物理学在四大医学影像中的应用.  相似文献   

自2004年9月开始,土耳其哈西德佩大学(Hacettepe University)医学院在本科生医学教育中增设了医学人文学科课程。这是土耳其医学院校开设的第一门医学人文学科课程,其目的是帮助医学生获得作为一名优秀医生必须具备的技能和态度。本文作者介绍了该课程的计划、实施和评价,并对进一步完善课程计划提出了建议。  相似文献   

医乃仁术。为医者,不仅要有精湛的医术,且要有高尚的医德。这正是我们今人应该继承与弘扬的。黄冈历代名医辈出,他们行医济世,视患者如亲人;立志为民,救死扶伤;技艺精湛,德艺双行;他们的高尚医德有着深刻的渊源,传统文化的熏陶,历代名人的影响,家庭教育的影响,医家自身的修养,共同造就了这些医家们良好的品德。他们身上闪耀出的高尚医德,对当代医疗卫生行业及人才培养尤其是医学生的培养有着十分重要的现实意义和借鉴作用。  相似文献   

医学是维护和增进人类健康的事业,救死扶伤、促进健康是其内在的道德责任,它天然具有人文性,是医学与人学的统一。医学人性的提升需要人文教育,这就要求高等医学院校要加强文化素质教育,增进医学生的人文关怀,只有让人文精神回到医学中去,才能让医术展现为"仁术"。  相似文献   

医德医风建设是医院日常管理工作的重要方面,也是社会普遍关注的热点问题。医德档案是医务人员进行医德实践活动的结晶,能够促进医德医风建设。医德档案可以弥补人事档案的不足、增强医务人员的自律意识,对医德医风建设具有重要的导向作用。  相似文献   

《医疗事故处理条例》实施,对医护人员提出了新的要求,医学教育必须进一步加强医学规范教育,重视医疗行为的规范,预防医疗事故的发生。  相似文献   

孙岩 《教育教学论坛》2019,(23):229-230
本文旨在指出,医学生职业教育中英语语言教学的必要性和重要性。医学英语教学目的是为医学生一毕业就能积极地使用英语做准备。同时,医学生和教师作为相互促进的学习共同体,应该认识到医学英语教育是一个灵活双向的过程。  相似文献   

医学英语词汇体系因来源丰富、构词复杂、词汇量大成为医学英语学习中的难点,制约了医学生在专业领域的交流能力和获取本专业信息的能力。本文阐述了医学英语词汇体系的构成及其特点,提出医学英语教师和医学专业课教师从各自的角度帮助医学生建立医学英语词汇体系的构想。  相似文献   

Today's doctor is as much a humanist as a scientist. Medical schools have responded to this change by introducing a variety of courses, most notably those concerning the humanities and ethics. Thus far, no one has examined the extent of use of these subjects in Chinese medical schools. The goal of this study is to determine how many and in what way Chinese medical schools use the humanities and ethics in training future physicians. We surveyed thirty-two Chinese medical schools covering each geographic region of China at the Twelfth Medical Education Conference for China Mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwan on a variety of topics related to the humanities and ethics. Thirty-one (96.9 percent) Chinese medical schools offer courses in the humanities, and all thirty-two (100.0 percent) Chinese medical schools surveyed offer courses on ethics. Of the thirty-one universities offering humanities courses, twenty-six (83.9 percent) have five or more humanities courses, and of the thirty-two universities offering ethics courses, twenty-six (81.3 percent) have five or more ethics courses. At ten (32.3 percent) universities, all humanities courses are compulsory, at one (3.2 percent) university, all humanities courses are elective, and eighteen (58.1 percent) universities have both compulsory and elective humanities courses. At eighteen (56.3 percent) universities, all medical ethics courses are compulsory, at one (3.1 percent) university all medical ethics courses are elective, and thirteen (40.6 percent) universities have both compulsory and elective medical ethics courses. Educators at Chinese medical schools have embraced the humanities and medical ethics as fundamental components of their curricula as well as for elective study.  相似文献   

人文是当今社会发展的主题,医学要具有人文精神。医务人员应该将自己培养成"人性丰满"的人,要从关心"病"到关心"病人",要重视人、尊重人。"人文关怀,关爱生命,以人为本"的医疗卫生服务理念,才是现代医学的精髓。  相似文献   

文章通过分析我国目前医疗责任保险现有模式下存在的问题,对比美德两国医疗责任保险制度,从法益、社会效益、医疗发展以及用法律的手段加以保障等方面剖析目前我国医惠纠纷僵局下实施医疗责任强制保险制度的必要性。  相似文献   

Discussed in sequence in this article are: the information which must pass from doctors to patients in the United States before a medical procedure is legally authorized, the necessity for comparable information to be provided to a judge who is being asked to order medical treatment for a child over objections by parents, the factors likely to influence a judge to order treatment over parental objections, and a process for deciding when the threshold for court intervention has been reached. While the general right of parents to be informed sufficiently and then to give consent for medical procedures, or to refuse to give consent, on behalf of their children is not in question, judges do override parental refusals to agree to care which is lifesaving or prevents severe impairment. An analysis of American law reveals that the factors likely to support court orders for treatment are: sufficient data has been provided for full, informed consent; a very severe prognosis exists if treatment is not provided, for example, death, retardation, paralysis, or blindness; delay is not a reasonable alternative: the medical procedure is not experimental and is likely to succeed; there are few contraindications; the quality of the child's life, given a successful intervention, will be at least of average “quality”; a child who is older consents to the procedure; and there is no strongly conflicting medical opinion. After a thorough discussion of medical factors with parents, court intervention should be considered if it is thought by those involved that no minimally reasonable parent would refuse to consent to treatment under the circumstances.  相似文献   

泸州医学院是四川省普通高等院校,坐落在川滇黔渝结合地区的国家历史文化名城、国家卫生城市、国家森林城市——泸州市。学校始建于1951年,其前身是西南区川南医士学校,1959年升格为泸州医学专科学校,1978  相似文献   

从人力资源学的胜任特征理论入手,在梳理相关文献的基础上,通过行为事件访谈法和问卷调查法,构建了医学生胜任特征模型,并结合辽宁省医学院校医学生职业素质培养现状,提出了如何提高医学高等教育的有效性,探索医学生职业素质教育的新路径。  相似文献   

对于临床医学八年制专业的学生来说,良好的英语能力至关重要。本文聚焦于目前八年制医学英语教学现状及提出分班教学、PBL教学、搭建课外英语学习平台、加强考核的教学模式,提供给广大教育工作者一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

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