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Recent theory and research suggest that perfectionism is a personal factor contributing to athletes’ vulnerability to doping (using banned substances/drugs to enhance sporting performance). So far, however, no study has examined what aspects of perfectionism suggest a vulnerability in junior athletes. Employing a cross-sectional design, this study examined perfectionism and attitudes towards doping in 129 male junior athletes (mean age 17.3 years) differentiating four aspects of perfectionism: perfectionistic strivings, perfectionistic concerns, parental pressure to be perfect, and coach pressure to be perfect. In the bivariate correlations, only parental pressure showed a positive relationship with positive doping attitudes. In a multiple regression analysis controlling for the overlap between the four aspects, perfectionistic strivings additionally showed a negative relationship. Moreover, a structural equation model examining the relationships between all variables suggested that coach pressure had a negative indirect effect on attitudes towards doping via perfectionistic strivings. The findings indicate that perceived parental pressure to be perfect may be a factor contributing to junior athletes’ vulnerability to doping, whereas perfectionistic strivings may be a protective factor.  相似文献   

A strong moral reason for prohibiting doping in sport is to be found in the bad choices that would be faced by clean athletes in a sporting world that tolerated doping. The case against doping is not, however, to be grounded in the concept of coercion. Instead, it is grounded in a general duty of sport to afford fair opportunity to the goods that are distinctively within sport's sphere of control. The moral reason to prohibit doping need not be balanced against any autonomy claim of athletes who would prefer to dope because, upon closer examination, such claims have no force. The moral reason to prohibit doping does, however, need to be balanced against the enforcement costs imposed on all athletes by effective prohibition.  相似文献   

合成类固醇制剂的使用及其对人体机能能力的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
合成类固醇是一类拟雄性激素的人工合成药物。由于其对人体机能能力具有特殊的影响作用,一直是体育界最普遍使用的兴奋剂之一。本文对近年来运动员使用合成类固醇以及其对人体器官系统机能能力影响的有关研究进展加以综述讨论,指出合成类固醇对人体具有正反两方面的影响作用,应予以正确对待  相似文献   

超声波理疗可治疗疾患和促进机体康复。针对复方中药超声波导入液的配制进行研究,按照中药复方的"君"、"臣"、"佐"、"使"的组方原则进行药方选定,据各单味药的醇类、油脂类、水溶性的药性进行提纯融合,并跟最适合比例的芦荟、基质进行配制,其应用前景广阔。  相似文献   

质疑"体育人口"   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
我国学者对体育人口及其指标的研究,已历20年,到目前,所提之指标判定标准在科学性、可行性或可操作性等方面,还存在着致命的内伤,很难实施。领导方面应缓提倡,至于去留存废,还待看情势发展。  相似文献   

通过对新康泰营养包抗运动性疲劳的研究,认为新康泰营养包对运动员具有较好的抗疲劳作用。结果研究表明:新康泰营养包主要是通过改善运动员的肝肾代谢功能、维持高水平的血睾酮、改善血清酶代谢、增强骨髓造血功能、清除氧自由基等作用而改善运动员的力量、速度、耐力和灵巧性,为运动员的科学训练、合理安排运动负荷与进行必要的调整提供科学依据,其作用在运动界具有广阔的前景。  相似文献   

李智 《湖北体育科技》2009,28(5):508-510
运用国际法及案例研究的方法,分析 一事不再理原则如何在国际体育仲裁中得到适用。在国际体育仲裁中,仲裁规则并没有对裁决效力如何及于利害关系第三方做出规定,使得利害关系第三方另行提起仲裁的问题十分突出。由于体育争端的类型特征及仲裁管辖权取得与行使的特殊性,运用传统的"一事不再理"原则的适用标准对后续仲裁是否构成"一事"进行判别,有失偏颇。仲裁庭可以在告知第三方程序、仲裁原因及事实理由审查、衡量裁决结果的影响度等方面进行规则的制定与完善,以期"一事不再理"原则在国际体育仲裁中得到调适。  相似文献   

ARP欺骗是现在校园和企事业单位网络中普遍碰到的问题,本文针对ARP欺骗的原理及预防ARP攻击的产生做了简单的探讨,为大家提供一些解决ARP欺骗的措施。  相似文献   

The creative writing thematising soccer in Australia, Australian soccer literature, is a marginal literary genre, though it is not as marginal as many critics and discussions would have it. Drawing on materials spanning from the late nineteenth century until the present, this paper examines the diversity of themes and sources found in Australian soccer literature. It attempts to establish a historical narrative based upon the extant texts, and in this context the paper unearths long-forgotten passages, often hidden within larger texts dealing with other issues. In short, this paper adds to the threadbare coverage of Australian soccer literature in the fields of Australian literature dealing with sport, as well to bibliographical listings found in critical works dealing with Australian soccer. While noting the apparent isolation between the various works of Australian soccer literature, this paper also notes the broader trends that the majority of the works contribute to.  相似文献   

为了给后奥运时代我国运动竞赛信息化建设提供发展思路,采用文献资料法、历史归纳法、逻辑分析法,解析了“科技奥运”理念的提出对我国运动竞赛信息化建设的意义,回顾了信息技术在现代奥运会中的应用史,指出了我国运动竞赛信息化建设存在的主要问题,阐述了“数字奥运”目标的确立为我国运动竞赛信息化的发展带来的机遇与挑战,最后对后奥运时代我国运动竞赛信息化的发展方向进行了思考。  相似文献   

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) played a major role in the development of contemporary anti-doping policy. Throughout its existence, and especially since the 1970s, UNESCO has viewed sport as an educational tool. Though it acknowledged the unique problems that drug use in sport presented, UNESCO was reticent to take a leading role in creating and enacting global policy regarding the issue. However, UNESCO eventually came to endorse the World Anti-Doping Agency in 2005 when its member nations adopted the International Convention against Doping in Sport. UNESCO's shift in attitude is explained through the application of institutional isomorphism, an organisational theory that explains the tendency of organisations in a given area or industry to become more similar over time.  相似文献   

Delayed-onset muscle soreness refers to the skeletal muscle pain that is experienced following eccentric exercise. The aim of the present study was to examine the physiological effects of physical activity with or without ibuprofen on delayed onset muscle soreness. Forty-four non-athletic male volunteers (age 24.3?±?2.4 years) were randomly assigned to one of four groups: physical activity (n = 11), ibuprofen (n = 11), physical activity and ibuprofen (combination, n = 11), or control (n = 11). The physical activity programme comprised 5?min of walking and jogging, 10?min of static stretching of the hands and shoulder girdle, and 5?min of concentric movements with sub-maximal contractions. The total amount of ibuprofen consumed by a single individual was 2800?mg; this was taken from 1?h before the eccentric actions up to 48?h after it. Delayed onset muscle soreness was induced by performing 70 eccentric contractions of the biceps muscle of the non-dominant side on a modified arm curl machine. Perceived muscle soreness, maximal eccentric contraction, creatine kinase enzyme activity and elbow range of motion were assessed 1?h before and 1, 24 and 48?h after the eccentric actions. The results indicated that, after the eccentric actions, soreness increased (P?<?0.001) across time in all groups, with the highest values being recorded at 24?h. At 24 and 48?h, greater soreness (P <?0.001) was observed in the control group than in the physical activity and combination groups. After the eccentric actions, creatine kinase increased and was elevated (P?<?0.001) compared with baseline in all groups, with values returning to baseline in the physical activity and combination groups by 48?h. However, creatine kinase in the control and ibuprofen groups was still significantly higher than at baseline after 48?h. Creatine kinase was higher (P?<?0.001) in the control group than in physical activity and combination groups at 24 and 48?h. There was also a reduction (P?<?0.001) in elbow range of motion across time. This reduction in elbow range of motion was greater (P?<?0.001) in the control and ibuprofen groups than in the physical activity and combination groups at 1, 24 and 48?h. The reduction in maximum eccentric contraction was greater (P?<?0.001) in the control and ibuprofen groups than in the physical activity group at 24 and 48?h and the combination group at 48?h. In conclusion, the results add to our understanding of the effects of physical activity and the combination of physical activity and ibuprofen in reducing the severity of muscle soreness induced by eccentric exercise. Physical activity conducted before eccentric exercise alleviates muscle soreness. Our results indicate that physical activity with or without ibuprofen helps to prevent delayed-onset muscle soreness.  相似文献   

This article compares East Germany's Cold War-era approach to doping to that of the USA's in terms of their respective impacts on medical risk. Although deserving of criticism on many levels, the GDR doping programme featured a number of safeguards designed to minimise medical dangers. Unlike their East German counterparts, American governmental units were not directly involved in the administration of performance-enhancing substances. The US approach to doping was not ideal in terms of medical risk, however. As a result of the country's regulatory approach to doping, the country's athletes frequently turned to black market sources for doping agents. It was also relatively common for American athletes to use performance-enhancing drugs without the benefit of medical supervision. The US approach to doping was in these ways inferior to that of East Germany's on the subject of medical risk.  相似文献   

This essay investigates the American-led boycott against the 1980 Olympic Games from a human rights perspective. While it does not deny that the boycott was a response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, it argues that discussions over a possible Olympic boycott were popular since the mid-seventies. To human rights activists and Non-Government Organizations, this was a natural consequence of Soviet violations of human rights. In analyzing the differences between the political debates which developed in Western Europe and in the United States, it argues that the 1980 Olympic boycott represented the first time in which a proposal for an Olympic boycott was framed in the human rights language.  相似文献   

We provide a new wrinkle to the Argument from Unfair Advantage, a rather popular one in the ethics of doping in sports discussions. But we add a new argument that we believe places the moral burden on those who favor doping in sports. We also defend our position against some important concerns that might be raised against it. In the end, we argue that for the time being, doping in sports ought to be banned until it can be demonstrated that our concerns can be satisfied.  相似文献   

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