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传统身体文化在现代社会遭遇双重处境:文化殖民及文化革命导致传统断裂;非物质文化遗产保护引发传统重回。在此双重处境下,传统身体文化面临双重问题:一、舞龙、龙舟、抢花炮等传统身体文化源于祭祀,即有民间信仰根源,这与宗教祛魅之现代性与马克思主义无神论均有冲突;二、民俗本真性的要求与时代发展相冲突。本文认为:承认传统身体文化的民间信仰根源,既有利于社会和谐,又可使祭祀身体文化摆脱灵肉二元之尴尬;要保证本真性,一要尊重遗产地意愿,既不可强制其移风易俗,又不可强制其保持传统;二要放弃对原生态的猎奇心态;三要把握舞龙"人丁兴旺"等具体吁求背后的核心价值,即对幸福生活的追求,从而以现代价值代之。  相似文献   

提问:杨敬东老师您好,有几个问题请教您:1.地区级的比赛一般用“象棋竞赛规则”附录一,执行“象棋竞赛规则”可以吗?2.比赛轮次多少人安排多少轮次较为合适?才能比出真正的高手?3.地区比赛用时多少较为合适?4.竞赛规则中规定:“省级以下两次违犯行棋规定和三次犯规判负.”有的地方比赛一次犯规则判本轮为负,此做法妥否?5.有的比赛单位在棋手须知中告知:“长打对长杀,判为杀方负.”我认为此告知不准确,按附录一“两杀对两打不变作和”,按照2011年象棋竞赛规则:两杀对两捉无根子不变做和,两杀对一捉无根子一联合捉子,前者变着,不变作负.对吗?  相似文献   

提问:杨敬东老师您好,如图1是我与棋友对弈时走出的重复局面,我执红方,我进退仕长打车是二打,但我认为黑方进退车后都存在卒7进1,再以炮换马多得一炮的手段,也应该是二打,应该双方不变作和,不知对否,请您给予解答。谢谢!  相似文献   

提问:杨敬东老师您好,《2011象棋竞赛规则(试行)》发行后,我市象棋协会组织了裁判对新规则进行学习和讨论,并在宜宾市象棋联赛中使用,在学习时大家对规则棋例部分中个别的图例有不同看法和见解,引发一些争议。其中图1为规则参考图7,宜宾市裁判认为,第3着红方车九退二应该判闲,因为下一着车九平六将军黑方  相似文献   

提问:杨敬东先生您好,有一问题我想请教您解惑.象棋竞赛规则2011(试行)棋例参考图11(本文图1),我怎么看本例红方也是长捉,而不是长兑.因为"捉的片段论"是完整的互吃交换过程.捉的片段从吃子或将军起,交替地由将军、应将及吃子三种形式出现,有一方停止了这三种形式,该片段即从它的前一着结束.当黑方接受邀兑,车8进1,炮一平七,这时交换并没有结束,黑方接着车8平5,仕六进五,这才是由吃子、将军和应将交替地组成的完整的交换过程.  相似文献   

提问:杨敬东老师您好!最近我市举行了一个省级赛事,比赛执行的是《象棋竞赛规则2011(试行)》。比赛过程中出现了几个规则方面的问题,由于大家的意见不统一,所以特向您请教,希望得到您的帮助和指导,以便于我们更好地理解新规则精神,进一步做好今后执裁工作。1.如图1是两个女子棋手对局中出现的问题,此局面轮到黑方行  相似文献   

廖文伟 《收藏》2007,(4):84-85
东海逸民先生发表在《收藏》2006年第5期(《对〈多娇江山入画来〉一文的质疑》一文(以下简称《质疑》),读过之后却让人产生许多疑惑。在享誉海内外的《收藏》上撰文作学术,应该是件严肃的事情。逸民先生的《质疑》似乎过于随意,不少所质之疑被“质”之后,反倒让人丈二和尚摸不着头脑。不知先生是刻意对读者来个抛砖引玉呢,还是在考验笔者的历史文化知识和考证能力?尽管如此,除了谢谢逸民先生为笔者求真伪之举作出响应之外,依旧担心先生这种善意的质疑会造成以讹传讹的混乱,于是不得不作一回答。  相似文献   

BackgroundPhysical activity (PA) may have an impact on digestive-system cancer (DSC) by improving insulin sensitivity and anticancer immune function and by reducing the exposure of the digestive tract to carcinogens by stimulating gastrointestinal motility, thus reducing transit time. The current study aimed to determine the effect of PA on different types of DSC via a systematic review and meta-analysis.MethodsIn accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, we searched for relevant studies in PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, and China National Knowledge Infrastructure. Using a random effects model, the relationship between PA and different types of DSC was analyzed.ResultsThe data used for meta-analysis were derived from 161 risk estimates in 47 studies involving 5,797,768 participants and 55,162 cases. We assessed the pooled associations between high vs. low PA levels and the risk of DSC (risk ratio (RR)  = 0.82, 95% confidence interval (95%CI): 0.79–0.85), colon cancer (RR = 0.81, 95%CI: 0.76–0.87), rectal cancer (RR = 0.88, 95%CI: 0.80–0.98), colorectal cancer (RR = 0.77, 95%CI: 0.69–0.85), gallbladder cancer (RR = 0.79, 95%CI: 0.64–0.98), gastric cancer (RR = 0.83, 95%CI: 0.76–0.91), liver cancer (RR = 0.73, 0.60–0.89), oropharyngeal cancer (RR = 0.79, 95%CI: 0.72–0.87), and pancreatic cancer (RR = 0.85, 95%CI: 0.78–0.93). The findings were comparable between case-control studies (RR = 0.73, 95%CI: 0.68–0.78) and prospective cohort studies (RR = 0.88, 95%CI: 0.80–0.91). The meta-analysis of 9 studies reporting low, moderate, and high PA levels, with 17 risk estimates, showed that compared to low PA, moderate PA may also reduce the risk of DSC (RR = 0.89, 95%CI: 0.80–1.00), while compared to moderate PA, high PA seemed to slightly increase the risk of DSC, although the results were not statistically significant (RR = 1.11, 95%CI: 0.94–1.32). In addition, limited evidence from 5 studies suggested that meeting the international PA guidelines might not significantly reduce the risk of DSC (RR = 0.96, 95%CI: 0.91–1.02).ConclusionCompared to previous research, this systematic review has provided more comprehensive information about the inverse relationship between PA and DSC risk. The updated evidence from the current meta-analysis indicates that a moderate-to-high PA level is a common protective factor that can significantly lower the overall risk of DSC. However, the reduction rate for specific cancers may vary. In addition, limited evidence suggests that meeting the international PA guidelines might not significantly reduce the risk of DSC. Thus, future studies must be conducted to determine the optimal dosage, frequency, intensity, and duration of PA required to reduce DSC risk effectively.  相似文献   

This special issue was designed to advance a research agenda focussed on the management of abuse in sport. Despite progress in the field, greater attention to the structures, policies, processes, practices, and sites in which abuse occurs is required. As such, there is a need for evidence-based solutions to improve the management of abuse and integrity in sport. The authors identified five overarching themes across the 12 papers included within the special issue: the harms and legacies of abuse; abuse in mediated environments; abuse of referees; frameworks that sustain abuse; and safeguarding. The articles included in this issue highlight the complexity of abuse in sporting spaces, the impact it can have on victims and the challenges faced in appropriately managing sporting spaces toward the reduction of harm. This special issue is driven by the authors’ desire to promote integrity and enrich the sporting experience for all, with the hope of driving further research into the management of abuse and integrity in sport.  相似文献   

Sport is often viewed as vehicle to achieve positive health outcomes. While sport's potential to contribute to health is rarely disputed, sport is not always managed in ways that specifically prioritise health objectives, and evidence regarding sport's contribution to health has been inconsistent to date. This special issue was designed to advance a research agenda in relation to the management of sport for health. Articles published in the special issue examine sport management practices that impact health, both positively and negatively. The authors identified three overarching themes, with respect to how sport can be managed towards the achievement of health outcomes: sport should be aligned with community needs and should be empowering; sport should be adaptable and evolving to ensure sport culture values health; and, sport organisations should leverage partnership for health to promote organisational sustainability. In future research, scholars are encouraged to further examine the three identified themes and expand on other findings presented in the special issue, towards a stronger evidence base in relation to the management of sport for health. Opportunities exist to continue to advance knowledge regarding the potential for management strategies, models, and practices to lead to positive-and importantly, negatives-health outcomes through sport. If sport management scholars and practitioners are to meaningfully contribute to health agendas, health objectives must play a central role in reshaping sport systems and strategies toward the achievement of such outcomes.  相似文献   

也论体育产品   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育是一个生产部门,属第三产业,也会生产出体育产品。目前,理论界对体育产品概念的认识,分歧显著,见诸书报杂志上的观点很多。为了明确什么是体育产品,划清体育产品与非体育产品的界限,需对体育产品的内涵和外延作出科学的明确的界定。  相似文献   

从实物看,江南首饰现在并不常见,一部分因为熔掉后打制为新的首饰,而长期动荡与时代认识等原因,也使得它们流于今世已所剩无几。  相似文献   

Although coach burnout has been studied for 30 years, what measure to use in this context has not yet been problematized. This study focuses on evaluating convergent and discriminant validity of three coach burnout measures by using multi-trait/multi-method analysis (CT-C[M-1]) model. We choose Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), the two dimensional Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI), and a coach version of Athlete Burnout Questionnaire (CBQ). Our analysis shows that MBI and OLBI cover similar definitions of exhaustion and depersonalization/disengagement and that CBQ measures somewhat different dimensions. A problem for OLBI is a lack of discriminant validity due to high correlations between exhaustion and disengagement. For lack of personal accomplishment/reduced sense of accomplishment CBQ measures a somewhat different construct than MBI. Although all three measures have advantages and disadvantages, we promote CBQ since it discriminates between dimensions and covers important aspects of burnout in a sports context that the other two do not cover.  相似文献   

体育人类学概论   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:28  
胡小明 《体育与科学》2000,21(2):4-9,13
本文从体育人类学的历史、体育人类学与人类未来发展、体育人类学在体育学中的位置三个方面阐述了体育人类学作为一门学科的重要性。并论述体育人类学的研究对象、研究方法.以期建立体育人类学的完整框架。  相似文献   

运用文献资料等方法,以乡村振兴战略为背景,以20字总要求为切入点,在解析乡村振兴与体育发展内在关联后,提出新时代我国农村体育发展基本方向与路径。研究认为:实施乡村振兴战略能加快乡村体育的现代化、生活化与产业化节奏,提升乡村体育参与人口增量式发展步伐,实现城乡体育设施一体化布局;发展农村体育事业可优化农村产业结构,提高居民消费水平,刺激乡村经济增长,影响居民生活方式,提升生活质量指数,促进社会群体交流,推动乡风文明建设,提升居民综合素养。建议:乡村振兴战略下农村体育走产业发展方向与产业化路径;生态环保方向走绿色低碳发展路径;乡土民俗方向走文体融合发展路径;社会治理方向走公共服务治理路径;体娱生活方向走健身康体发展路径。  相似文献   

The Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE)-British Olympic Association (BOA) Initiative, a partnership scheme initiated in 2007 between a number of FTSE 100 companies and Olympic National Governing Bodies (NGBs) in the UK, seeks to improve the effectiveness of the Olympic NGBs delivery and subsequent performance through the provision of support in-kind from the corporate partner. The paper uses resource dependency theory to analyse the partnerships within the Initiative, focusing primarily on the operation and benefits of those partnerships from the perspective of the Olympic NGBs. Despite being the less powerful party in the partnership, the NGBs are able to use the partnerships to acquire critical resources. While the benefits received by the companies are softer and more social in nature, nevertheless they demonstrate mutual dependency between the partners. This knowledge provides an incentive for NGBs to engage in co-optation and constraint activities as a way to strengthen the dependency relationships and protect their position.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between indicators of risk of disordered eating, body image and varied menstrual cycle lengths. Altogether, 151 female athletes were invited from 16 sports and 70 female non-athletic controls were recruited from a university lecture class. The participants completed several surveys, including demographics, menstrual cycle history, physical activity, Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI) and the Three Factor Eating Questionnaire (TFEQ). Selected EDI subscales were summed to reflect eating disorder risk and body image. Menstrual cyclicity was based on self-reported cycle length for the last 6 months (normal cycles = 26–32 days, irregular cycles = <26 or >32 days). Athletes overall had more irregular cycles (29.1%) than the non-athletes (15.7%) (P < 0.05). There were significant differences in scores for eating disorder risk, body dissatisfaction, drive for thinness, cognitive restraint (TFEQ) and disinhibition (TFEQ), only when athletes were divided based on menstrual cyclicity (i.e. irregularly cycling athletes had higher scores than athletes with normal menstrual cycle lengths). No differences in these scores were found between non-athletes with normal or irregular menstrual cycle lengths. In conclusion, irregularly short or long menstrual cycle length is associated with subtle indications of higher risk of disordered eating in female athletes.  相似文献   

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