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The annual Community College Futures Assembly is usually a trend-setting experience and this year was no exception. This special issue highlights lessons learned from the institutions who competitively presented and broke new ground at the 2002 Assembly. The theme, Trends in the New Economy , was evident in each presentation and the vehicle of web-casting demonstrated how the community college could be reshaped by technology. Attendees were introduced to the ideas reshaping the new economy by the keynote speaker Britt Beemer and the Bellwether Finalists presented viable examples of college adaptation to these reshaping trends. Important pre-assembly workshops introduced innovative concepts relating to the future of community colleges, including access to baccalaureate degrees. The stimulating presentations, enthusiastic camaraderie, and great meals set the stage for all attendees to take home trend-setting information to their institutions and communities. This introduction focuses on the experience of attending the 2002 Community College Futures Assembly. Approximately 200 community college trustees, presidents, vice-presidents, deans, faculty members, and other decision makers representing 25 states attended the Assembly which was held in Orlando, Florida. The Assembly is sponsored annually by the Institute of Higher Education (IHE), University of Florida (UF) and cosponsored this year by Dell Computers, Saville & Holdsworth, and the numerous organizations identified in this introduction. The assembly has provided quality learning experiences since 1995 and is proud to be an independent national policy forum recognized by the Association of Community College Trustees for its Trustee Education Recognition Program.  相似文献   

In this and the next issue of the Bulletin, we are publishing résumés of the papers presented by the participants at the Consultation for the Preparation of a study on Access to Higher Education in Europe, which was organized by CEPES in Bucharest from 18 to 20 October 1977.

A monograph containing all the documents of this meeting is currently being prepared and will be published later in 1978.

(For information on this meeting see N°6 November‐December 1977 issue of this Bulletin).  相似文献   

In the framework of a joint CEPES/Institute of Education of the European Cultural Foundation project on the relations between non‐traditional forms of higher education and regional development, a Symposium was held in Bucharest from 23 to 25 May 1978

The purpose of the meeting was to analyse the main findings of nine national case studies which had been prepared in the framework of the project (Denmark, France, Federal Republic of Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Romania, United Kingdom) and to make suggestions regarding a synthesis study to be elaborated on that basis.

A preliminary draft of this study was presented as a working document to the Symposium. The main objectives of the meeting were, therefore, to facilitate an exchange of views and experience on the proposed topic and to identify the most significant data contained in the case studies which might be reflected in the synthesis study.

For information on the discussions of this meeting see page 36 in this issue.

The three following articles are based on the case studies on Hungary, Romania and Poland.  相似文献   

以经济新常态和新型城镇化为背景,首先从房地产投资总体状况、房地产市场需求状况与房地产市场价格变化状况三个方面分析了2007—2016年安徽房地产投资情况;其次,指出安徽房地产投资存在的主要问题,如库存结构性矛盾突出,房地产企业融资不容乐观,房地产市场区域分化加剧等;最后,分析了安徽房地产市场发展的有利与不利因素,并对安徽未来房地产市场的发展趋势做出预测.  相似文献   

EDUCATION WITHOUT THEORY   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
ABSTRACT:  This paper proceeds through four stages. First, it provides an account of the origins and evolution of the concept of educational theory. Second, it uses this historical narrative to show how what we now call 'educational theory' is deeply rooted in the foundationalist discourse of late nineteenth and early twentieth century modernity. Third, it outlines and defends a postfoundationalist critique of the foundationalist epistemological assumptions on which our understanding of educational theory has been erected. Finally, it argues that the only conclusion to draw from this postfoundationalist critique is that educational theory has run its course and should now be brought to a dignified end.  相似文献   

A Committee of Experts met at UNESCO in Paris from 12 to 16 December 1977 to examine ways of integrating lifelong education into university life. Opinions and suggestions concerning the UNESCO programme in the field were collected.

The general conclusions of this Committee are given below.  相似文献   

The vole which higher education institutions play or should play in the process of national development is an essential issue in the discussion on the future of higher education. The article presented below analyses this problem in the context of the concept of development and the functions fulfilled by higher education institutions (“universities’) in the highly industrialized as well as developing countries. It is based on the paper prepared by Professor R.P. Dore, Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, for a Conference on the Future Relations Between Universities in Britain and Developing Countries, held from 17 to 20 March 1978 at the University of Sussex.  相似文献   

Have you ever given your heart to someone you believe you love,only to have your overtures rejected-time and again? What about the predicament of a child wrestling with a competitive sibling who has no sense of fair play, a frustrated parent struggling to love a moody adolescent,or an adult son or daughter caring for parents who need more help than in the past?  相似文献   

In this essay, Robert Floden reviews three recent volumes in the Philosophy, Theory, and Educational Research series that address the philosophical implications of three “isms”— postpositivism, pragmatism, and poststructuralism — for empirical educational research. These volumes, written by D.C. Phillips, Gert J.J. Biesta, and Michael A. Peters, each in partnership with Nicholas C. Burbules, draw on several lines of currently active philosophical work to address a challenge to educational researchers: What can empirical research hope to accomplish, given the evident difficulties in discovering any tight connection between, on the one hand, instructional methods and policy directives and, on the other hand, student outcomes, especially student learning? The traditions discussed are rough groupings of scholars, with views that are loosely overlapping, rather than clearly defined. Floden observes that the general ideas represented in postpositivism and pragmatism offer researchers frameworks that support optimism about the contributions of empirical work. In contrast, the book on poststructuralism illustrates scholarship in that tradition, but suggests that most research reports will be colored by power relations and be open to multiple interpretations. Floden concludes that empirical researchers may find material in these books enlightening, but will probably need assistance from philosopher colleagues to see how they can inform the practical work of empirical research.  相似文献   

Educational trends with implications for special education are discussed. An emphasis is placed not only on some of the practices now being questioned, but also on the alternatives that are being proposed as replacements. The team approach, classification systems, normative testing, and learning theory are discussed in relation to recent trends. Mention is also made of the “precision teaching” movement.  相似文献   

要真正妥善做好今年高校毕业生就业工作,拓展就业渠道最关键,要有岗位、有渠道,这是基础,也是关键环节。教育系统将会同有关部门拓宽就业渠道,扩大重点领域的招聘。鼓励各地加大重点领域招聘,比如中小学教师,特别是急需教师的高中和幼儿园。高考改革后,高中教师结构性缺乏,需要开辟更多这样的岗位。同时,我们还要落实应届公费师范生全部入编入岗,今年将会重点督查。  相似文献   

《教育部办公厅关于做好2021届教育部直属师范大学公费师范毕业生就业工作的通知》要求,2021年5月底前,确保90%的公费师范生通过双向选择落实任教学校;要落实乡村教师生活补助、艰苦边远地区津贴等优惠政策,为公费师范生到农村任教提供办公场所、周转宿舍等必要的工作生活条件,吸引公费师范生毕业后到农村中小学任教。  相似文献   

The coincidence that much of Eastern Europe is democratizing at the same time that much of Western Europe is moving towards greater integration gives the universities in both regions the chance to profit from both phenomena and to train their graduates in ways that will enable them to contribute to their further development. One of the best forms of preparation is student mobility. A listing of the perceived priorities and aims of student mobility is followed by a brief statement of the engagement of the Technical University of Budapest (TUB) in mobility and exchange activities.  相似文献   

解放学者和学术生产力,首要任务就是能够帮助学者从不断关注较低层次的问题中摆脱出来,将精力集中在教书育人和学术创新上。在中国正从中等收入国家迈入高收入国家的今天,这一任务的实现不仅在于普遍地提高大学教师的工资收入,保证大学教师拥有一个处于社会中上水平的体面的生活,更在于能够建立起一个符合学术发展规律的学术评价制度。  相似文献   

The process of reform in higher education in post‐1990 Bulgaria is briefly presented. The first step was a law in 1990 mandating academic freedom and university autonomy. Other legislation led to the creation of private higher education institutions and the charging of tuition fees for certain course programmes offered by the state institutions. A serious problem has been the decline in the quality of higher education and research, this due to the economic difficulties resulting from the period of transition and to too much laissez‐faire in higher education in general. In reaction, the state has taken steps to lay down basic requirements for admission to higher education; nationally mandated standards for state certification in certain subjects including medicine, economics, and engineering; and the development of a national quality assessment system for higher education. There has also been the influence of certain international programmes, most notably, TEMPUS. Everyone understands that higher education has a major role to play in order to guarantee the success of the transition process.  相似文献   

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