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技术创新微观机制的网络分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邢怀滨  苏竣 《科学学研究》2004,22(3):322-326
技术创新可以看作是各种要素渐次组合的网络建构过程。本文运用网络分析的基本概念与方法,采用"创新产生———创新扩散"的认识框架,建立了融合创新产生网络与创新扩散网络的技术创新微观机制模型,认为这种基于网络分析的技术创新微观机制模型具有重要的政策含义。  相似文献   

张振刚 《科学学研究》2002,20(6):649-653
本文提出了关于知识创新动力源的分析框架 ,即大学及知识型组织的知识创新战略分析和选择的概念框架。具体提出了关于社会的知识间隙 ,组织内部知识间隙和组织核心战略间隙的基本含义、分析方法以及相应的战略目标和战略选择的研究模型。这个分析框架为我们在对组织的知识创新战略进行分析和选择时 ,提供一种原则性的方法论  相似文献   

在国家层面和企业层面对自主创新的概念进行了解读。提出了由企业不同创新战略支撑的国家自主创新战略布局的分析框架,并在这一框架内,分别从企业技术能力和我国市场需求多样性两个角度分析了企业创新战略选择以及对国家自主创新战略的影响,从而实现企业自主创新与国家自主创新问题的内在统一。  相似文献   

This paper develops a framework for analyzing the competitive implications of innovation. The framework is based on the concept of transilience — the capacity of an innovation to influence the established systems of production and marketing. Application of the concept results in a categorization of innovation into four types. Examples from the technical history of the US auto industry are used to illustrate the concepts and their applicability. The analysis shows that the categories of innovation are closely linked to different patterns of evolution and to different managerial environments. Special emphasis is placed on the role of incremental technical change in shaping competition and on the possibilities for a technology based reversal in the process of industrial maturity.  相似文献   

企业持续创新过程的经营者人因风险预警研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
向刚  巫英  杨一杰 《科研管理》2010,31(3):10-16
企业创新是一个充满风险的过程,其中经营者人因风险对企业能否实现持续创新起着十分关键的作用。文章在对企业持续创新过程的经营者人因风险相关概念进行界定之后,对经营者人因风险因素进行了识别,并在此基础上运用故障树分析方法初步构建了企业持续创新过程的三级经营者人因风险预警框架体系,为下一步的风险监控和风险应对提供一个基本可操作的工具。  相似文献   

This paper presents a general framework for studying the digital innovation ecosystem. The notion of complex networks offers a conceptual lens to analyze the emergence and evolution of a digital innovation ecosystem. The framework uses digital data and evolutionary community detection analysis for the empirical inquiry of the digital innovation landscape. The proposed framework is applied to the big data ecosystem. Data from Twitter, for a three year period, is processed and analyzed. This study reveals a large number of elements that are diverse in form and capacity, including organizations, concepts (e.g., #analytics, #iot), technologies (e.g., #hadoop), applications (e.g., #healthcare), infrastructures (e.g., #cloud), regulations, professional meetings and associations, tools, and knowledge. These elements and their communities have evolved in the big data ecosystem. The findings highlight the evolution of digital innovation by two mechanisms, variation and selective retention, which are nonlinear and often unpredictable. Implications are presented and potential ways to improve the proposed framework are discussed. The study aims to make both conceptual and methodological contributions to digital innovation research.  相似文献   

创新活动向人类命运总体意义的回归,是习近平“构建人类命运共同体”理念在经济社会领域引领重大理论与实践转向的具体体现。批判性回顾了关注社会需求的经典创新范式,提出有意义的创新(Meaningful innovation, MI)范式,强调企业应当主动关注创新意义,以之作为创新过程的先决变量,建立创新意义管理与创新要素组合并行的理论框架。回溯了理论源流,划定了理论边界,构建了理论基础,辨析了相关概念,阐述了内涵结构。回顾了改革开放以来,我国管理创新领域主流的创新理论范式的产生、发展与迭代,为有意义的创新之建立与未来发展提供启示。  相似文献   

This paper redefines “frugal innovations”, particularly for physical products with relatively complex designs, by using a multidimensional framework that covers design, technological, and economic aspects of innovations, refining and broadening its initial definition as “low-cost innovations” for the unserved lower end of the mass market (ULM). By applying our framework, this paper clarifies and broadens the concept of frugal innovation. The applicability of this broadened concept is demonstrated by using this framework to illustrate two cases of radical frugal innovations in the automobile industry, Tata Motors Nano and Citroën 2CV, from an emerging country and an advanced country respectively.The study shows that frugal innovation may improve (rather than decrease) performance of the products deliverable to the ULM under extreme budget constraints by extensive architectural changes and creation of technological knowledge, that integral architectures may be adopted more frequently in frugal radical innovation of relatively complex products such as automobiles, and that such products may not be destructive for producers in the higher price segments.The study shows that the existing concepts of frugal innovation that emphasize “low cost/good enough” innovation of “simple products” need to be re-examined, because frugal innovation can also be treated as technological product innovation in the sense that it may improve the performance of relatively complex products deliverable through their architectural changes and creation of technological knowledge. This study shows that there is a domain of innovation policies and strategies activating frugal innovations that calls for integrative and strategic approaches, not only to R&D, but also to other value-adding functions of firms and industries.  相似文献   

康瑾  陈凯华 《科研管理》2021,42(4):1-10
数字化时代,数据作为新的要素进入到创新发展经济体系中,改变了原有的要素构成和主体关系,急需健全数字化背景下创新发展经济体系研究的理论基础。本文提出数字创新发展经济体系的概念及其分析框架,并从“围绕数字自身创新发展形成的经济体系(Ⅰ型)”和“创新发展经济体系的数字化(Ⅱ型)”两个相互融合增值的体系出发,来界定和理解数字创新发展经济体系的内涵。本文认为,在数字化时代,数字技术不断升级突破、知识生产方式不断优化、创新要素关系不断增强、创新主体边界不断扩大、制度和条件不断完善为数字创新发展经济体系的演化提供了动力支撑。最后,本文在数字化背景下拓展了熊彼特的创新发展经济理论,指出数字创新发展经济体系通过投入创新数字化、产品创新数字化、工艺创新数字化、市场创新数字化、组织创新数字化等五类渠道实现价值增值。  相似文献   

This paper presents an analytical framework for assessing the emergence of a new policy paradigm labelled “transformative innovation policy”, which can be seen as layered upon, but not fully replacing, earlier policy paradigms of science and technology policy and innovation systems policy. The paper establishes conceptual diversity in this emerging policy paradigm. Despite a common agenda for transformative change, there are notable differences concerning the understanding of the innovation process. Two global initiatives to promote such new innovation policies, Mission Innovation and the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, are used to illustrate how different articulations of transformative innovation policy are expressed in practice. These may be seen as a positive expression of the breadth of the emerging policy paradigm. While there are grounds for such a positive reading, this paper ends with a caution by stressing the political nature of paradigm change and the strong legacy of an economic, firm-centred and technology-oriented tradition in innovation policy. It makes a plea for more emphasis on a broader conceptualization of transformative innovation, and suggests that a socio-technical understanding of innovation provides several appropriate analytical concepts that can help to shape our thinking and understanding of transformative innovation policy.  相似文献   

李娜  陈君 《科技管理研究》2020,40(6):258-264
负责任创新(RRI)旨在科学和技术创新过程中社会行动者和创新者彼此负责,同时会考虑创新过程中的伦理问题及创新产品的可接受性、可持续性和社会需求。其内涵分为行政定义和学术定义。在预期、反思、协商、反应、可持续性、关怀这6种负责任创新框架的基础上引入无私利性,基于负责任创新这7种框架理念解析人工智能技术发展带来的安全、隐私、结果等三方面主要伦理问题,探讨嵌入RRI框架来解决人工智能(AI)在产生、应用和发展等过程中滋生的伦理问题的路径,使AI技术更好地造福人类社会。  相似文献   

不同于以往首先在发达国家创新后再向发展中国家传递的传统模式,反向创新特指专门为新兴市场开发的创新产品和服务在引入发达市场后也能获得采纳的创新形式与扩散路径,反映出新兴市场地位变迁、全球研发资源分布与创新成果跨国界流动的新趋势。本文在梳理创新全球化进程基础上,对反向创新与其他新兴市场创新的专有概念进行了辨析,描述了反向创新的主要实现路径,初步构建出该领域的研究框架,最后指出未来研究方向。  相似文献   

This paper develops a conceptual framework for analyzing the sequence of technological changes that underlie the development of industries. The framework examines the interaction between design decisions and the coices of customers. Using examples from autos and semiconductors the paper argues that the logic of problem solving in design and the formation of concepts that underlie choice in the marketplace impose a hierarchical structure on the evolution of technology. The nature of the evolutionary process has implications for the dynamics of competition and the management of innovation.  相似文献   

基于国家创新体系下的创新政策框架,对1997—2008年中国中小企业创新政策的研究表明:中国国家创新体系中并没有给予中小企业创新活动合适的位置,这在组织结构、立法、金融资源、商业创新支持体系和人力资源政策方面都有所体现。中国创新政策的研究和制定更受到注重创新和知识创造的国家创新体系狭义概念的影响,以及中国"追赶使命导向"的技术政策目标导向,共同解释了国家的创新政策供给更偏向支持大型企业,倾向让中小企业面对市场规则,即中小企业创新活动游离在国家创新体系之外的这种局面。国家创新体系本身概念的发展和中国技术政策目标的不断调整将使这种局面得以改善。  相似文献   

This paper advances a friendly critique of the national systems of innovation approach and offers some suggestions for its future development. I argue that the approach has difficulty accounting for bounded change in national systems. I review three recent changes in the U.S. innovation system - the Internet boom and bust of the late 1990s and early 2000s, the response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and the acceleration of productivity growth since the mid-1990s - in order to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the framework in this respect. Future research might be enriched, at least in the case of large national innovation systems, by absorbing concepts developed in other strands of institutionalist literature, such as “intercurrence” and “embeddedness”.  相似文献   

万劲波  张琳 《科学学研究》2010,28(6):801-808
随着技术预见兴起,产业预见及长远决策等与创新发展相关的各类分散式及组合式预见活动逐渐受到各国重视,相关预见活动的系统性整合趋势日益明显。论文首先分析了开展创新发展综合性预见活动的必要性和可能性,提出"将创新发展相关预见活动整合为战略预见",进而探讨了战略预见的基本内涵和理念,然后从社会发展"三类结构关系"角度构建了战略预见的基本框架,从"价值链"和"价值创造"角度探讨了战略预见的基本方法,最后是对综合性预见活动新近发展的概览及展望。  相似文献   

当前科技政策学尚未形成广为认可的理论体系和研究框架。通过梳理既往国内外科技政策研究与政策实践的主体内容,总结分析科技政策相关概念与内涵的演变,从科学学、创新经济学和公共政策学3个学科视角对科技政策学的主体理论进行分类梳理,在我国科技治理体系与治理能力现代化的总体需求与框架下探索提出科技政策研究的三层级框架,包括宏观层的科技战略研究、中观层的创新系统和政策工具研究以及微观层的政策过程研究,以期为科技政策研究的学科化发展提供支撑。  相似文献   

This paper aims to synthesize previous user innovation policy proposals into an adapted system of innovation framework, on which a future holistic user innovation policy for the household sector can be based. We do this in three steps. First, we introduce the systems of innovation framework as a comprehensive basis for a holistic approach to innovation policy. Second, we identify and review policy proposals made by user innovation researchers and categorize them according to ten key activities in the systems of innovation framework. Third, from a system of innovation perspective, we synthesize the policy proposals identified into an adapted framework, including determinants specific to user innovation in the household sector. The synthesized proposals are intended to strengthen the systemic and multi-causal effects of policy on household sector user innovation in a country, region, or sector. Future policies for user innovation may, on this basis, be instrumental in avoiding mono-causality, or the concentration on only a few policy instruments in a proposed policy.  相似文献   

Knowledge conversion is a prominent theme within the knowledge management field and the question arises how knowledge creation processes can grow innovation capability maturity. This notion provides the platform for aligning knowledge creation processes to the requirements for innovation capability growth from one maturity level to the next. In order to achieve this alignment, the authors identified a knowledge creation path as a key enabler for maturity growth in each innovation capability area. Knowledge management tools and organisational facilitating conditions that support the specific knowledge processes highlighted in the identified path were identified through a literature study and subsequently synthesised to form a framework. This framework provides guidelines for the use of knowledge creation processes as a vehicle to improve innovation. The amount of time needed to practically test the framework does not allow for the practical implementation of the framework and the impact of the framework was demonstrated by discussing a practical organisational scenario.  相似文献   

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