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现代竞技的自然属性在弱化,社会属性在强化,呈现出人体与精神的发展相背离状态。韩国仅仅把学校体育当作竞技体育的附属物,几乎疏于对整个体育教育的关照,越发凸显出学校体育研究失之偏颇的缺陷,所以应该把学校业余体育作为教育的一个环节,从体育教育学的视角来探究竞技体育。现代竞技是以教育作为其出发点和归宿的,而教育则是现代竞技的基本职能,并在伴随人类社会发展的过程中被赋予了深刻而全面的教育内涵。  相似文献   

分析了体育教育学这一新兴学科产生的必然性,阐述了体育教育学的研究对象、学科性质,提出了体育教育学的内容结构体系,指出了该学科在建立和发展过程中应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

韩国体育教育学初创期的研究重点是学校体育实践和教师培养,及至美国的"体育学术化运动"之后,又将社会体育、竞技体育囊括于其中,使其研究领域扩大至教育课程、教学及训练和教师再教育等。这一态势亦重现于韩国体育教育学发生、发展的全过程。十余年来,韩国的体育教育学研究的确取得了不少成果,不过其绝大多数成果仅仅与学校体育有关,而涉及社会体育、竞技体育的研究却显得少之又少。应该说,韩国的体育教育学研究尚处于学术性探索阶段。  相似文献   

教育学视野中的竞技体育人才培养   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
从教育学意义上审视“体教结合”后发现:“体教结合”由于观念、体制等局限,难以实现学生运动员的全面发展,有必要促使其向学校竞技体育过渡。学校竞技体育,重心在竞技体育,实体在学校,指的是以学校学生为主体,在各级各类学校中开展的以竞技体育人才培养为现实目标的训练、比赛活动。认为:相比“体教结合”,学校竞技体育的目标更明确,管理更到位,措施更合理,是竞技体育人才培养的发展模式。  相似文献   

体育专业教育学硕士学位论文评价指标体系探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋杰  孙庆祝 《体育学刊》2006,13(5):139-141
在正确认识教育学硕士学位的本质和特点的基础上,运用特尔斐法、层次分析法、模糊综合评价法等制定了体育专业教育硕士学位论文评价指标体系及标准,并进行个案分析检验。  相似文献   

<正>一、问题的提出改革开放以来,我国的学校体育学科得到了前所未有的快速发展,诸多学者从不同的价值取向,对学校体育中的众多相关问题进行了颇多的研究,并取得了较为显著的成果。但—直存在一个较为混沌的问题亟待解决,即学校体育学科中不同子学科的相互区别与联系问题。从目前能够检索到的我国这一领域研究的成果和相关资料来看,对体育教育学、学校体育学、体育课程论及体育教学论的概念、学科性质、研究对象和研究任务等核心问题的认识还比较模糊,因而导致了学校体育诸学科的范畴不清,概念不明,研究零散。这一现状不仅不利于学校体育学科自身的发展,而且也不适  相似文献   

刘文春  黄卓 《体育科研》2000,21(1):35-37
本文针对我国现行体育教改发展中存在的问题,论述了学科教育学理论在体育教育中研究的对象与范围,并提出了在教学中必须进一步加强重视跨学科理论的研究,使体育教改能够朝着深层次的方向发展。笔者以此对体育教学素质教育的发展前景,提出了初步设想。  相似文献   

对"体育教育学"的词源--德语"Sportp(a)dagogik"在德语、英语及中文中的概念演变进行了探讨,认为体育教育学是一门从教育角度考察人类各种体育活动的学科,它涉及教育学的基础知识,主要关注人类各种体育活动与教育意义上的活动(如教学、教养、抚育、训诫)之间的关系,注重通过体育活动使人获得教育意义上的发展.针对我国体育教育学的学科研究,建议在概念表述上回归德语"Sportp(a)dagogik"概念的内涵,在研究对象上进一步丰富,在研究内容上进一步充实,在研究方法上明确两个要点,在未来的发展上注重使人们获得"教育意义上的发展",并通过"教育意义上的发展"这个纽带将体育科学体系内的不同分支学科联系起来.  相似文献   

采用文献资料、比较分析和历史研究等方法,在现象学教育学研究的基础上,从"理念"这一概念出发,对理念、课程理念、体育课程理念等相关概念的内涵进行了分析,并从教学内容、教学过程、教学方法、师生关系这四个层面探讨了现象学教育学视域中的体育课程理念,提出现象学教育学对体育课程改革的启示.  相似文献   

雅斯贝尔斯是当代名的哲学家,也是存在主义的奠基人之一。在威廉巴雷特《非理性的人》和考夫曼《存在主义》这两本介绍存在主义的经典作中,都一致地特辟专门章节介绍雅斯贝尔斯的哲学思想。有趣的是,这位学在其作《时代的精神状况》一书中,曾专门从存在主义角度来分析体育运动。我们可以获取有益的借鉴,正所谓“他山之石,可以攻玉”。  相似文献   

Conversation regarding the challenges and pressures that Early Career Academics (ECAs) face in the current context of the neoliberal university sector has begun to grow generally, and in the field of Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy (PESP) in particular. However, the additional challenges faced by non-white PESP academics in their early careers have, as yet, been absent from the ECA conversation. In this paper, I draw upon my own experiences as a non-white, female ECA with English as an additional language (EAL), working in the field of PESP in a developed English-speaking country, to explore racialised discourses and practices in the academia. To do so, I make use of a critical whiteness lens and an autoethnographic approach. In the analysis of the narratives, I invite others to reflect on how race is socially constructed, on the ‘extra effort’ that non-white academics with EAL must expend in order to survive colour-blind academia, and on the limited options for agency among non-white ECAs. The paper concludes with reflections on how academics need to open the dialogue ‘just a bit more’ to include non-white academics in the conversation about ECAs working in neoliberal university contexts to create spaces for equitable work.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been growing interest over the role of major sport events and the sports industry. The aftermath of 2008 global crisis exposed the myth of ‘end of history’ and raised several questions over the role of management and organisational practices and theories in all aspects of human activity, including sport. This article reviews the emergence of critical management studies (CMS) as a field within management and organisational studies. We focus on critical performativity theory (CPT) as a key concept of re-configuring managerial practices. We add our voices to those asking for more critical output in sport management and point out the potential contribution of CMS in sport and especially of CPT. Finally, we propose ‘student as producer’ as a pedagogical framework to act as a possible basis for incorporating critical theories into higher education teaching. We argue that this framework can contribute significantly towards providing future graduates with the skills and knowledge to enable them to deal with the contemporary challenges of modern sport’s industry and wider society.  相似文献   


This article adds to the growing body of knowledge in sport pedagogy and focuses specifically upon the intersection of gender and disability. Its purpose is twofold, to create a typology for examining good practice in sport pedagogy that is reflective and inclusive and raises awareness of the diverse needs of all participants in physical activity ‘regardless’ of gender and ability for all children. We acknowledge that access to physical activity, education and sport are complex and multifaceted, however, the main purpose of this paper is to raise awareness of ‘diversity’ by focusing specifically upon the role of gender and ability. Through an examination of gender and disability policies in official European Union (EU) policy documents and commercial examples of policy-in-practice we propose a typology for diversity and diversity management. A close look at EU level is instructive because national policies of the member countries vary a lot with respect to diversity issues but should be in accordance in the main areas. Such a reading enables the building of a typology of recommendations for how such policy can be rendered in sport pedagogy practice. We suggest six significant, but related principles that include (1) mainstreaming; (2) teaching and coaching sensitive to difference; (3) empowerment; (4) inclusion; (5) adaptation; and (6) inner differentiation. This holistic typology seeks to ‘mainstream’ issues of gender and disability policy by providing a set of principles that can be applied to a range of teaching and coaching settings.  相似文献   

对我国运动楼盘的分析与研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了运动搂盘的概念、特点及在我国的发展前景。当前运动搂盘的发展建设中存在着宣传力度不够、建设不够科学、缺乏专门的体育指导员、管理服务不够合理、缺乏具有真正意义上的运动搂盘房地产企业等问题,并提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

Of issue in this paper are the ways in which different forms of narrative may be of value in undertaking research in potentially thorny situations. The project that inspired this paper saw 30 Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy (PESP) Early Career Academics (ECAs) from more than 20 universities across Australasia, North America and Europe, provide narrative accounts of their ongoing academic experiences. From these stories, three letters seeking advice and guidance from leaders in the field were constructed. Following further feedback from the ECAs, the 3 letters were sent to 11 professors in the PESP field with a request to respond, also in letter form. The composite letters and the professorial responses were then the subject of a symposium at an international PESP conference. While the larger project engages with questions of being and becoming an academic in the neoliberal university, this paper is primarily concerned with methodological issues, including our steps and missteps with narrative, inquiry and the field. More specifically, the focus is on narrative as both the method and phenomena of study. As such, we consider issues associated with using dialogue as data, the provocation of participants, as well as both the presentation and representation of data and the relative power of the participants. In doing so, we critically engage with issues of anonymity (or lack thereof), the practice of ‘researching up’ and finally reach the conclusion that the careful approach to data generation, treatment and presentation necessitated by this project, should be a more regular feature of all qualitative inquiry.  相似文献   

对体育法律与道德关系研究现状进行了分析,体育道德与法律的关系看似简单、熟悉,实则缺乏对它们的深入研究.在研读大量道德与法律关系文献的基础上,运用一般理论对体育道德与法律的关系进行了梳理.确认了交叉律是研究体育道德与法律的进路,在此前提下,沿着两者的联系、两者的相离以及冲突这条主线进行了探索.从研究看,鉴于体育道德与法律的特殊性,它们之间的共性要更多一些,为此,为了更好地保障体育事业发展,应该"德法并举",共同治理,实现体育道德与法治建设的动态平衡.  相似文献   

体育旅游在中国的发展   总被引:115,自引:4,他引:115  
谭白英  邹蓉 《体育学刊》2002,9(3):22-25
阐述了体育旅游的概念和类别,研究了世界体育旅游发展现状和原因以及我国体育旅游发展现状及其特点,分析了我国体育旅游发展中的不足,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

竞技体育领域的纠纷不断涌现,能否公正、高效地解决这些纠纷已经关系到我国竞技体育产业是否能健康发展。体育仲裁是解决竞技体育纠纷的最通常的方式,因此对体育仲裁进行研究对我国竞技体育纠纷的解决具有重大的意义。  相似文献   

Background: Participation in youth sport is often associated with a variety of positive development outcomes. In order to effectively utilize sport as a context of learning and development, the sport must be intentionally designed and programed. One often-used approach is known as sport-based positive youth development (PYD). Recently, to further enhance the intentionality of a sport-based PYD approach, several researchers have posited the potential benefits of applying experiential learning theory to youth sport programing. Through utilizing experiential learning within a sport-based PYD approach, it is believed youth sport can be designed to intentionally promote desired PYD outcomes.Purpose: Experiential learning theory offers a deep understanding and history of effective youth programing. However, within the field of experiential learning, many different pedagogical approaches exist. To date, sport-based PYD has yet to identify a specific pedagogical approach within experiential learning. In order to be accessible and applicable for youth sport leaders, a more definitive pedagogical approach is needed. One specific application of experiential learning which offers specific programing techniques that are compatible with a sport-based PYD approach is adventure pedagogy.Conclusions: Adventure pedagogy draws from adventure-based learning and adventure-based groupwork. Thus, adventure pedagogy is defined as a participant-centered approach consisting of intentionally designed and sequenced challenging group activities, which, when processed and debriefed, can lead to a shared opportunity for growth and development related to the intrapersonal development and interpersonal skills. Specifically, to enhance the programing and practices of the youth sport leader, this paper identifies key tenets of adventure pedagogy and highlights their applicability within a sport-based PYD approach. These tenets include the promotion of PYD outcomes, physical and emotional safety, intentionally designed activities, sequencing of prescribed activities, a novel learning experiences, intentional facilitation, challenging group activities, real and immediate consequences, and debriefing to transfer learning. Through the integration of adventure and sport-based PYD, youth sport leaders can effectively program and facilitate youth sport to promote desired PYD outcomes.  相似文献   

休闲运动与体育教学   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24  
彭文革 《体育学刊》2001,8(5):121-122,125
对休闲与休闲运动的定义作了阐述;从大学生的心理生理特点、休闲运动的功能两方面,分析了休闲运动与体育教学结合的必要性,并进一步探讨了如何深入体育教学改革,构建高校休闲运动教学模式.  相似文献   

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