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The study we carried out deals with how teachers express their practical knowledge. The main objective was to classify how it is expressed, so that we can see its components, its limits, and how close it is to theoretical knowledge, understanding as such that which is based on research and aimed at explaining phenomena by looking for regular features.  相似文献   

A word problem that requires addition of fractions with different denominators was presented to 11 classes of 4th- or 5th-graders, 10 years of age. It had three answer alternatives: adding the denominators and numerators separately, transforming fractions into decimals before adding them, and the standard, most appropriate solution. Students in each class were required to choose an alternative themselves, state their reason for the choice, and discuss which alternative would be right. After whole-class discussion, they were asked to choose an alternative again and nominate the student who had offered the most plausible idea. Then students in six classes were informed which alternative was the most appropriate, whereas those in five classes were not. Finally, the students, irrespective of the presence/absence of feedback, were required to solve the initial problem without the alternatives as the post-test, and two new problems as the transfer test.The results showed that (a) the students could offer more or less plausible arguments for or against each alternative, which in most classes included the correct explanation; (b) both vocal and silent students could write a mathematical expression for the post-test problem and manipulated it correctly, incorporating other students' ideas presented during the discussion, with or without the teacher's feedback, though their generalization was rather limited; and (c) the students could recognize and memorize reasonable explanations offered by other students in the discussion.  相似文献   

In the spring of 2002 the Ontario College of Teachers began a research project in order to foster awareness of the Standards of Practice for the 187 000 teachers in the province. Case work, in which 18 teachers representative of the College's membership wrote narratives describing their professional dilemmas, was the methodology chosen. Through reflection and collaborative group work these practitioners co‐created a set of cases, mapping them back to the standards in order to ascertain how the standards had been embedded or absent from their daily practice. To validate the effectiveness of this method, we used the cases in pre‐service, in‐service, principal and supervisory personnel venues. We also recorded the impact of the ‘case institute’ in a focus group session with the original writers. Augmented by commentaries from internationally known teacher educators, this text will be sent to all provincial school boards as part of a resource kit to educate teachers about the standards of practice.

Au printemps 2002, l'Ordre des enseignantes et des enseignants de l'Ontario amorçait un projet de recherche ayant pour but de sensibiliser les 187 000 enseignants de la province aux normes d'exercice de leur profession. L'étude de cas rédigés par 18 enseignants membres de l'Ordre est la méthode qui allait servir à présenter divers dilemmes professionnels. Ainsi, ces praticiens ont réfléchi et travaillé ensemble pour présenter des cas et les rattacher aux normes afin de déterminer la présence ou l'absence des normes dans leurs pratiques quotidiennes. Pour valider l'efficacité de cette méthode, nous avons mis les cas à l'épreuve lors d'activités organisées pour les étudiants des facultés d'éducation, des enseignants en perfectionnement professionnel, des directeurs d'école et des agents de supervision. Nous avons également réuni les 18 rédacteurs pour discuter de l'impact des ateliers de rédaction de cas. Le texte, auquel s'ajoutent les commentaires d'éducateurs de renommée internationale, fera partie de la trousse de ressources qui sera envoyée à tous les conseils scolaires de la province pour initier les enseignants aux normes d'exercice de la profession.

Im Frühjahr 2002, unternahm das Ontario College of Teachers einen Forschungsprojekt mit dem Ziel, das Bewußtsein der Normen der Praxis unter den 187,000 Lehrer des Bundeslandes Ontario zu fördern. Die gewählte Methodologie war die Untersuchung von spezifischen Fallberichten, in denen 18 Lehrer, die repräsentativ für die Mitglieder der Organisation dastehen, ihre Entscheidungen im beruflichen Alltag begründeten. In einem von Überlegung, Zusammenarbeit und Gruppenarbeit geprägten Verfahren schufen diese Lehrer und Lehrerinnen einen Korpus der Fälle, die sie anschließend zu den Berufsnormen zurückverfolgten, um festzustellen, wie die Normen sich in der täglichen Praxis eingebettet hatten oder das Gegenteil. Um die Wirksamkeit der Methode zu bestätigen, wurden Einzelfälle in vorberuflichen, beruflichen, Direktor‐ und Aufsichtsstellen‐bezogenen Umgebungen ausgesucht. Die Wirkung der Falluntersuchungen wurde auch in einer Diskussionsrunde mit den Autoren aufgenommen. Dieser Text, bereichert durch Kommentare von Lehrerausbildern von internationalem Ruf, wird an alle Schulverwaltungen im Bundesland Ontario als Bestandteil eines Ressourcen‐Compendiums versandt, mit dem Ziel, Lehrer über die Normen der Berufspraxis weiterzubilden.

En la primavera del 2002, el Colegio de Profesores de Ontario inició un proyecto de investigación para crear conciencia entre los 187,000 maestros en la provincia sobre los estándares de práctica profesional. La metodología elegida fue el ‘Estudio de antecedentes’ en la que un grupo representativo de la membresía del Colegio, conformado por 18 maestros, redactó historias contando sus dilemas profesionales. Tras mucha reflexión y trabajo mancomunado de equipo, estos profesores crearon colectivamente un conjunto de casos, trazando un mapa vinculándolos a los estándares y así poder determinar de qué manera estos estándares habían estado arraigados en su práctica profesional cotidiana o si los habían dejado de lado. Para validar la eficacia de este método, aplicamos los casos en varios contextos docentes: estudiantes de la facultad de educación, capacitación profesional para docentes, directores de plantel y superintendentes de las juntas directivas escolares. También tomamos nota del impacto del ‘Taller para la redacción de casos’ en una sesión de enfoque grupal con los propios autores. Este texto, que ha sido complementado con comentarios de capacitadores de maestros conocidos internacionalmente, será enviado a todas las Juntas Directivas de las escuelas provinciales como parte del kit de recursos para educar a los profesores sobre los estándares de práctica profesional.  相似文献   

A number of studies have shown that second or foreign language learners can acquire vocabulary through reading. The aim of the study was to investigate (a) the effects of reading an authentic novel on the acquisition of 3 aspects of word knowledge: spelling, meaning, and collocation; (b) the influence of reading on the acquisition of partial and deeper knowledge of the words; and (c) the relationship between word frequency and learning gains. The results show that there was significant improvement in all three aspects of word knowledge. The measuring instrument detected greater partial than deeper knowledge gains in word meanings and collocations. The greatest learning gains in all three aspects of word knowledge were demonstrated for the words that occurred between 11 and 20 times in the text. The findings suggest that incorporation of extensive reading into language learning programs can contribute to significant improvement of learners' vocabulary knowledge.  相似文献   

This investigation examined the effectiveness of reflection methods derived from Sternberg's theory of practical intelligence [Sternberg, R.J., and Hedlund, J. (2002). Practical intelligence, g, and work psychology. Human Performance 15(1/2), 143–160.; Sternberg, R.J., Forsythe, G.B., Hedlund, J., Horvath, H.A., Wagner, R.K., Williams, W.M., et al. (2000). Practical intelligence in everyday life. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2000] on the acquisition of experience-based, tacit knowledge. Two related experimental studies were conducted to test the effect of brief tacit-knowledge reflection training on practical problem solving. Reflection methods were developed based on Sternberg's conceptualized condition–action structure of tacit knowledge. In the first study, 101 U.S. Army officers participated in a reflection intervention or practice control. Results showed an effect of reflection condition on post-test tacit-knowledge scores (F [3, 91] = 3.74, p = .01, 2 = .03). In the second study, 235 college students participated in a reflection intervention or an academic-type reflection control. Results showed that the reflection condition approached significance on post-test scores (F [1, 233] = 3.47, p = .06, p = .06, 2 = .01). The investigation suggests this line of inquiry warrants continued study.  相似文献   

This article examines STEM learning as a cultural process with a focus on non-dominant communities. Building on my work in funds of knowledge and mathematics education, I present three vignettes to raise some questions around connections between in-school and out-of-school mathematics. How do we define competence? How do task and environment affect engagement? What is the role of affect, language, and cognition in different settings? These vignettes serve to highlight the complexity of moving across different domains of STEM practice—everyday life, school, and STEM disciplines. Based on findings from occupational interviews I discuss characteristics of learning and engaging in everyday practices and propose several areas for further research, including the nature of everyday STEM practices, valorization of knowledge, language choice, and different forms of engagement.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the university has been defined as a center for the production and communication of knowledge, much of it practice-relevant. As one looks-farther along the chain leading from knowledge production to its ultimate utilization, however, the results have been disappointing, notably in the “soft” sciences. One means of heightening knowledge use is that of strengthening the formal links between centres of higher education and centres of application. In the study reported here, formalized arrangements were made between colleges or faculties of education and surrounding school systems, and the knowledge flows between the two sets of institutions were studied from the perspective of knowledge transfer theory and interorganizational theory. The study yielded a set of “core” variables, that could then be clustered into a general model indicating how successful transfers of knowledge can be made.  相似文献   

蒋敏 《生物学教学》2006,31(1):11-13
在教学过程中,教师边画示意图一,边分析讲解,边与学生一起讨论学习减数分裂过程,同时思考回答例1有关问题。  相似文献   

李东宝 《生物学教学》2006,31(12):27-28
人的一生是“终身教育”的一生,更是“终身营养”的一生。营养缺乏、过剩或失衡,不仅影响人的发育、健康与智力,也影响着人的综合能力的发展。学生的饮食习惯良好与否,营养知识丰富与否,将对他们的一辈子产生深远的影响。基于这些认识,我在营养知识的教学中,让学生在“参与式”学习中养成健康的饮食习惯。  相似文献   

The problem addressed in this paper is the need for analytical resources to theorise the nature of knowledge work and, in the light of a practice turn in social sciences, to consider how knowledge is generated and circulated. The aim of the paper is to contribute to a practice-based rethinking of how to investigate professional knowledge, relating its considerations to a case of digital workers. It suggests that Knorr Cetina's ideas of macro-epistemics and information knowledge offer analytical resources for theorising knowledge as practised. The paper's considerations are drawn from an empirical study of 10 localisers who were digital workers from continental Europe, Ireland, the UK and South America and whose work entailed the linguistic, cultural and software adaptation of digital products to support global communication. The paper first presents localisers and explains their knowledge work, second, it positions its considerations in the field of practice theory, exploring Knorr Cetina's concepts of macro-epistemics and information knowledge. Lastly, it draws on localiser data to consider how these concepts offer analytical resources for researching adults' knowledge. The paper will be relevant to educationalists interested in the implications of new theoretical developments for understanding the generation and circulation of professional knowledge.  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - Summary writing is an important skill that students use throughout their academic careers, writing supports reading and vocabulary skills as well...  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION In this paper, we present our work in the Strand Map Service (SMS), which provides concept map based browsing interfaces for resource discovery in a library independent manner within American Na- tional Science Digital Library (NSDL). As critical components of digital libraries, dis- covery systems provide interfaces that support user to search and browse for resources in digital libraries (Hall et al., 1999). The effectiveness of discovery systems has big impact on the…  相似文献   

In our paper we argue that (1) autobiography ought to be considered both the telling of one's story and the using of that story with others to understand and use difference productively, and (2) autobiography (as telling and interacting) dismantles the universalistic tug of science and replaces it with a push for science as local knowledge. To accomplish this dual task, we share selective autobiographical accounts of lives (autobiography as telling), and then use these accounts to have a conversation about urban science education (autobiography as interacting). Following these autobiographical accounts we then discuss how our different stories apart and together provide a greater objective insight into what it means to come-to-know science. When talking about their lives, people lie sometimes, forget a lot, exaggerate, become confused, and get things wrong. Yet, they are revealing truths. These truths don't reveal the past “as it actually was,” aspiring to a standard of objectivity. They give us instead the truths of our experiences. (Personal Narratives Group (PNG), 1989, p. 261)  相似文献   


The central focus of this multilayered educational action research project was three-fold: (1) to provide opportunities for public school student leadership activities grounded in participatory and youth participatory action research; (2) to support a group of teacher-researchers in practicing and innovating in participatory action research frameworks; (3) to practice linking an educational action research project in a local region to the larger movement for democratizing education knowledge production and dissemination. Project participants included 11 teacher-researchers, a staff-developer, a consultant, a university-based faculty member, and students in K-8 schools in the Lehigh Valley region of Eastern Pennsylvania USA. To move from a traditional top-down administrative and curricular decision- making model to a distributed and more democratic model of leadership, the team argues that (1) children must be permitted to play a leading role in their own learning, leading, and researching; (2) teacher offers significant advantages over traditional in-service based professional development models; and (3) in an era of increased deskilling and deprofessionalization, teachers must have the opportunity to reclaim their profession as they conduct research, create new knowledge, and share their findings publicly.  相似文献   

This qualitative case study examines the perspectives and experiences of seven Chinese primary teachers on the integration of shared knowledge artefacts into teaching in professional learning communities. The analysis of the semi-structured interviews and observation data revealed that using knowledge artefacts, such as preview sheets, flowing charts and grouping rules, had dual effects in teacher development in professional learning communities in mainland China. Although the participating teachers acquired instrumental skills to meet the requirement of education reform, the ready-made paradigmatic model constrained critical thinking and resulted in conservatism in teachers′ mindsets. The findings highlight the lack of trial-and-error opportunities and teacher motivation in conducting professional dialogues in situated collective learning settings. The study suggests that stimulating teacher agency must be employed in the development of teaching practice under the scaffolds of knowledge artefacts.  相似文献   

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